منصة التعليم عن بعد - جامعة حسيبة بن بوعلي بالشلف (2024)

نتائج البحث: 22

عرض الكل 22


Essay About Sport

Sport is a physical activity, one of the important behaviors, and health, and is divided into several types depending on several classifications, such as what is individual or collective, and beyond the concept of sports from a hobby, or healthy behavior, to the functions of many, such as football players, Swimmers and others, bringing thousands of people to watch these games in which players compete to prove their strength, and physical ability.

The benefits of sport

Sports has a great importance to humans, including:

1- Prevention of diseases: Sports contributes to protect the body from many dangerous diseases, including high blood pressure, which causes the occurrence of heart attacks, brain strokes, in addition to prevention of diabetes, cancer, and diseases related to aging such as weakness Muscle, osteoporosis, and other diseases, because they contribute to help the body to get rid of toxins, by activating the work of body organs such as increasing the ability of the lungs to absorb air.

2- Exploitation of leisure time and the formation of social relations: There are many collective sports that contribute to the formation of good social relations, such as football and basketball, and thus exploits his time with useful activity, and spend time with others, away from the wrong behaviors.

3- Helping to get a better sleep:

Because the sport needs physical exertion, the body needs rest, so it can sleep deeply, and it also reduces stress that causes insomnia.

4- Improvement the health of the skin:

With exercise, the heart pumps more blood, and thus the skin gets more food and oxygen, which helps him to treat problems such as infections caused by acne. Exercises contribute to the regeneration of skin cells, and thus eliminate stains, and resistance Signs of aging.

5- Improve the appearance of the body:

Sports reduces the layer of fat that covers the muscles, which show the body the appearance of flabby, and obese, and make divided and sculpted, and protect from weight gain.

6- sport is Strengthening bones, especially weight-bearing exercises such as jogging, walking, dancing, and stair climbing. It also helps to increase bone mass, reducing the chances of osteoporosis.

7- Weight loss

sport helps to get rid of excess weight by burning a lot of calories, where nutritionists advise dieters to exercise at the rate of half an hour four times a week.

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


Football Vocabulary

Football is one of the world's most popular games. It is played in nearly every country, by everyone from kids in vacant lots and back streets to professional players in giant stadiums. Professional football is watched by billions of people all over the world, and is probably the world's most popular spectator sport.


The earliest known form of the game was developed in China around 500 B.C. It was known as cuju ('kick-ball') and was played with a leather ball. The object was to kick the ball into a net stretched between two goal-posts. By 800 A.D. there was a well-organized professional league in China, and similar games were also being played in Korea and Japan.

The earliest form of the game that we know of in Europe was played in England around 1100 A.D. It was played between big teams, sometimes whole villages, on a large field, and the ball could be thrown, kicked, or carried towards the opponent's goal. There were very few rules and games were often wild and rough. The game was repeatedly banned by the authorities because of the violence and injuries it caused.

The modern game first developed in England in the 19th century. The Football Association was set up in 1863 and the 'Laws of the Game' were drawn up in the same year. In 1882 the International Football Association Board (IFAB) was formed, and this organization still oversees the rules of the game. Then FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) was founded in 1904 to run international competitions. FIFA still runs the World Cup, as well as regional competitions such as the European and Asian Cups.

How the Game Works

The modern game is played by two teams of eleven players on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. Players pass the ball to each other by kicking or heading it, with the aim being to score goals by getting the ball into the opponent's goal. The game lasts for two 45-minute halves, and the team scoring the most goals wins. Draws are common, but if a winner has to be found, a game can go into extra time. If the score is still tied after thirty minutes of extra time, a 'penalty shootout' can decide the winner.

In general play, the goalkeeper is the only player who can touch the ball with the hands or arms. All the other players can kick or head the ball only. Players can tackle an opponent in order to get the ball from them, but must do so without pushing or tripping the player. Pushing and tripping, along with other illegal actions such as 'handball' and 'offside', are fouls that can be penalized with a free kick. If a foul is committed in the penalty area near either goal, the referee can award a penalty kick, meaning a player can have a free shot at goal, with only the goalkeeper being allowed to try to block it. If a player commits a more serious offence, such as dangerous play, the referee can issue a yellow card as a warning, or issue a red card, in which case the player is sent off and cannot be replaced by a substitute. Teams are normally allowed three substitutes, which can be used to replace players because of injury, or for tactical reasons.

Famous Players


Edison Arantes do Nascimento, or Pele, is rated by many as the greatest footballer of all time. The Brazilian champion was given the title of Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Committee and jointly named FIFA Player of the Century with Diego Maradona. He was part of three World Cup winning teams, and was known for his brilliant passing, his speed, his strong heading of the ball, as well as for his brilliance at shooting for and scoring goals.

Diego Maradona

Diego Maradona is one of the most well-known footballers of all time. He played in four World Cups for his country Argentina, and led them to their victory over West Germany in 1986. He also won many trophies with Boca Juniors in Argentina, FC Barcelona in Spain and SSC Napoli in Italy. Together with Pele, he was named FIFA Player of the Century in 2000. Maradona had a stocky build and his strength and speed made him a difficult opponent for defenders. He had great ball-control and passing abilities, and was often able to create goal scoring opportunities for his teammates. He also scored many goals himself, including 34 goals for Argentina in international competitions.

Football Vocabulary List :


example sentence


assistant referee

Assistant referees used to be called 'linesmen', but the term was changed in 1996.

official who runs one of two touchlines and advises the referee, esp. on offside decisions

corner kick

The referee awarded a corner kick after the goalkeeper tipped the ball over the bar.

a free kick taken from one of the corners of the pitch

defender .

Defenders include left backs, right backs and central defenders

a player whose main role is to prevent the opposition from scoring


Many people see diving as a form of cheating and think players who dive should be sent off.

to deliberately fall over when tackled in order to deceive the referee into awarding a free kick


The game ended in a draw, with each team having scored two goals.

finish a game with an even score; tie

extra time

We won the game by scoring the only goal in extra time.

two periods of 15 minutes each played when a game ends in a draw after normal time


The referee blew his whistle and gave a penalty kick for a foul in the penalty area.

an illegal action punishable by a free kick


Manchester United beat Chelsea by three goals to one.

an instance of kicking or heading the ball into the goal


The goalkeeper tried to stop the penalty kick by diving to his left, but the penalty taker kicked the ball past him and scored.

player whose role is to stop the ball from entering the goal, and the only player who can handle the ball in general play

goal line

The referee thought a defender was the last player to touch the ball before it went over the goal line, and awarded a corner kick.

the two shorter boundaries, one at each end of the pitch, on which the goals are placed


The ball hit Mark on the arm and the referee awarded a free kick to his opponents for handball.

a foul committed by touching the ball with a hand or an arm


The Spanish Football League, known as 'La Liga', includes famous clubs like Real Madrid and Barcelona.

a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship e.g. English Premiership League


The assistant referee raised his flag to indicate to the referee that one of the forward players was in an offside position.

law requiring at least two defenders to be between an attacker and the goal line when the ball is passed to the attacker

pass .

David saw a teammate and passed the ball to him

to kick or head the ball to another player on one's own team.


Our defender tackled their striker in the penalty box, but the referee thought it was a foul and gave them a penalty.

a free kick from the penalty spot; see also penalty kick

penalty area

The tackle was just outside the penalty area, but the referee thought it was inside the area and gave them a penalty.

area near each goal in which the goalkeeper may handle the ball, and a foul is punished by a penalty kick (also; penalty box)

penalty kick

Their best striker took the penalty kick, but our goalkeeper blocked his shot and they didn't score the goal.

a direct free kick taken from the penalty spot, awarded for a foul committed in the penalty area

penalty shootout

Our team won the penalty shootout by four goals to three, and we were the new champions.

a best-of-five penalty kick contest held to find a winner when a game is still tied after extra time

penalty spot

I felt very nervous as I put the ball on the penalty spot and stepped back to take the kick.

a white mark in the penalty area from which penalty kicks are taken


It had rained all morning, so the pitch was soft and muddy and difficult to run on.

the playing field


David Beckham became a professional player at 17 when he signed a contract with Manchester United.

doing something, like playing sport or music, as a career or occupation

red card

The referee had already given Lee a yellow card, so when he committed another foul he was given a red card and sent off.

the most severe punishment given by a referee, in which the player is sent off the pitch


Ronaldo took the free kick and scored a great goal by shooting over the wall.

to try to score a goal

striker .

We're not scoring enough goals, so our manager wants to get a new striker

a player whose role is to score goals


They were losing by a goal with ten minutes to go, so the manager decided to substitute one of his defenders with a forward.

to replace one player with another player; also a player used to replace another


One of the defenders tackled David and kicked the ball out of play.

to challenge a player for the ball


They were losing, so the manager made tactical substitutions and replaced two defenders with more attacking players.

relating to a carefully planned strategy to win

throw in

After Joe kicked the ball out, one of the other team's players threw it in with a long throw into the penalty box.

to put the ball back into play after it has crossed the touchline by throwing it, usually to a teammate


The manager stood on the touchline shouting instructions to his players.

the two long boundaries along each side of the pitch; also sideline


The defenders formed a wall to block the free kick, and the referee pushed them back ten metres.

a line of players forming a barrier to block a free kick taken near the penalty area

yellow card

If Jose gets another yellow card, he'll miss the next match.

a warning issued to a player for a serious foul, two of which result in a red card and sending off

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


How to speak fluently in English about sports

There are four ways that you can speak about sports in English.

The first way is to talk about your favorite sport.

The second way is to talk about your favorite team.

The third way is to talk about your favorite athlete.

And the fourth way is to talk about your favorite event.

Step #1

# 1 : Tell me about your favorite sport.

In order to talk about your favorite sport fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Name

Give the name of the sport that you like. For example, basketball, soccer, or baseball.

Step two : Reasons

Give three reasons why this is your favorite sport. You can be specific with your answer.

Step three : Since when

Give information about when you started liking this specific sport.

And Step four : Amazing event

Give an example of an amazing event that happened related to this sport.

Now you can TALK about your favorite sport like this:

“My favorite sport is basketball. I like it because it is a team sport, it is exciting to play and watch, and it also requires a lot of skill. Basketball has been my favorite sport ever since my father bought me my first basketball when I was 10 years old. One of my most memorable basketball games happened when I was in high school. I won the game for my team by shooting a 3-pointer at the last second. It was great.”

Step #2

# 2 : Tell me about your favorite team.

In order to talk about your favorite sports team fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Name/Country

Give the name of the sports team and also the country the team plays for.

Step two : Reasons

Give three reasons why this is your favorite team. You can be specific with your answer.

Step three : Best players

Give the names of the best players and something special about them.

And Step four : Record/Ability

Give some details about the record of the team and their special abilities/qualities.

Now you can TALK about your favorite team like this:

“My favorite soccer team is Manchester United. It is a professional soccer team that is based in England. I like them because their athletes play hard and smart. Their coach is also really good. In the past, two of their best players were Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo. Last year they won about 18 games.”

Step #3

# 3 : Tell me about your favorite athlete.

In order to talk about your favorite athlete fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Name

Give the name of your favorite athlete.

Step two : Team

Give the name of the team your favorite athlete plays for.

Step three : Position

Give information about the specific position the athlete plays on the field/court.

And Step four : Reasons

Give three reasons for why you like the athlete.

Now you can TALK about your favorite athlete like this:

“My favorite athlete is Stephen Curry. He is a professional basketball player for the Golden State Warriors of the NBA. He is the point guard for their team. I like him because he is a passionate player and many people consider him to the be the best basketball player in the world.”

Step #4

# 4 : Tell me about your favorite game or event.

In order to talk about your favorite game or event fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Date and location

Give the date and the location where the event or game took place.

Step two : Teams

Give the name of the two teams who participated in the event.

Step three : Score

Give information about the score at the end of the event.

And Step four : Situation

Give some details about what happened during the event.

Now you can TALK about your favorite game or event like this:

“My favorite sporting event happened on August 15, 2014 in Pennsylvania at the Little League World Series. The two teams that played in the game were the Taney Dragons and Nashville. The Taney Dragons beat Nashville in a 4 – 0 victory. The amazing thing was that the pitcher was the first female to pitch 6 innings, strike out 8 batters, and to pitch a shutout in Little League postseason history. It was amazing.”

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


Basketball Vocabulary

This page covers the vocabulary and language of basketball by looking at its background, equipment and people.

basketballBasketball is played by millions of people, both men and women, in all parts of the world. Professional basketball is watched by millions more on TV. The game is played between two teams, with five players per team allowed on the court at any one time. Points are scored by getting the ball through a hoop called 'the goal' or 'the basket', and the team scoring the most points wins.


In 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian physical education instructor at YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, decided to create a new indoor game to keep his students fit during the cold winter months. He experimented with a team game in which players threw a soccer ball to each other and scored by throwing it into a peach basket nailed high on a wall. Later that year he wrote the first version of the rules of what he now called 'Basket Ball'. In 1906, the baskets were replaced by metal hoops in front of backboards. The ball still had to pass through the hoop from above to score a goal, however, as it did when baskets were used.

The game soon spread to other U.S. schools and universities. In the early twentieth century, basketball competitions and leagues were set up all over North America, but most didn't last long. Then, in 1946, the Basketball Association of America (BAA) was formed to organize the top professional teams in the U.S.A. and Canada into one professional league. The BAA became the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1949, and today the NBA is the world's top professional basketball league. Most of the world's best players are with NBA teams, attracted by the competition's popularity, its high standard of play, and the high salaries.

How the Game Works

basketball courtBasketball is played on a rectangular court 28 metres long and 15 metres wide (approx. 92 ft by 49 ft) with a basket at a height of 3.05 metres (10 ft) at each end. Most indoor courts have a floor made of wood. Points are scored by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket. A goal scored from inside the three-point line earns two points (see diagram at right), and a goal scored from outside the three-point line earns three points, and goals from free throws earn one point.

NBA games are played over four quarters of twelve minutes. Teams include twelve players, but only five can be on court at one time. Players can be substituted as often as the coach likes. Each coach has a limited number of time-outs they can call during a game, and the game clock is stopped whenever play stops. Several officials oversee each game, including three on-court referees who call fouls, and table officials who keep score, run the game and shot clocks, and keep track of fouls and substitutions.

Violations and Fouls

The ball can be moved by throwing it to another player (called passing) or by bouncing it with one hand while running or walking (called dribbling). If a player moves both feet without bouncing the ball, he commits a violation called travelling. If he uses two hands while dribbling, he commits a violation called double-dribbling. If a player's hand moves under the ball while dribbling, he commits a violation called carrying the ball. Violations are also committed when time-limits are exceeded, and usually result in a free inbound pass for the opposition team.

A personal foul is committed when a player challenges another player unfairly, such as by blocking their run or hitting their arms. A player or coach who argues with a referee commits a technical foul. Fouls can be punished with a free inbound pass, free throws at goal, or with sending off. A player who commits five fouls, or six in the NBA, can no longer take part in the game and is said to have been 'fouled out'.

Shots and Passing

Players shoot for goal with a set shot if both feet are on the ground, or with a jump shot if the player is in mid-air. Other shots are the lay up (shooting, often off the backboard, while moving towards the basket) and the slam dunk (shooting straight down from above the basket). Passing can be done with a chest pass, a bounce pass or an overhead pass. More difficult passes are the no-look pass and the behind-the-back pass, though some coaches don't like these techniques because they can easily go wrong.

Famous Players

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is a former US player named "the greatest player of all time" by the NBA. He joined the NBA's Chicago Bulls in 1984 after an outstanding career at the University of North Carolina. He won the NBA championship with the Bulls in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997 and 1998. He also won two Olympic gold medals with U.S. basketball teams in 1984 and 1992.

Yao Ming

Yao Ming is a Chinese player who went to the U.S.A. and joined the NBA's Houston Rockets. Standing 7'6" tall (2.29 m), he is one of the tallest players in the history of the NBA. After joining the NBA draft in 2002, he was picked by the Houston Rockets and became the first player without any American basketball experience to be selected first overall in the draft. Yao Ming has a huge following in China, and he has increased interest in basketball in China and throughout Asia.

Basketball Vocabulary List

word example sentence meaning

assist James won the MVP award with 28 points, nine assists and eight rebounds. a pass to a teammate that leads directly to a goal

backboard My shot came off the backboard and down through the hoop for a 3-point goal. a board behind the basket, off which the ball may rebound

basket In the early days, peach baskets were nailed to the walls and used as goals. 1. a container used to hold or carry things

2. a net fixed on a hoop used as the goal

block He stepped in front of our player to block his run, and the referee ruled it a foul. to stop the movement of an opponent, or stop an opponent's pass or shot

bounce Players must bounce the ball on the floor as they run. to rebound after hitting a surface

bounce pass The crowd cheered when Mario threw a perfect no-look bounce pass. a pass that bounces off the floor before it reaches the receiver

chest pass Michael threw a quick chest pass, ran forward, and received a bounce pass back. a two-handed pass thrown from chest height

double-dribbling Young players still learning the game often get fouled for double-dribbling. violation of dribbling the ball with two hands, or stopping and restarting the dribble

draft Every team studies the players in the draft and decides which ones they'll try to recruit. the annual process by which NBA teams select local or foreign players for their teams

dribble He dribbled past two defenders and then shot for goal. To bounce the ball repeatedly with one hand while running or walking

drive Yao Ming is very difficult to stop when he drives to the basket. A fast, strong dribble directly to the basket in an effort to score

exceed A team that exceeds the time-limit on the shot clock loses possession of the ball. to go beyond what is allowed

foul Larry's already had four fouls, so if he commits another one he'll be out of the game. a violation resulting from illegal contact with an opposing player

free throw Rodney practises his free throws for an hour every day. a free shot taken from the free throw line as the result of a foul

game clock The coach called a time-out, and the game clock stopped while he talked to his players. a scoreboard clock that shows the time remaining in each period of a game

guarding Guarding is a man-on-man defensive tactic used to counter dangerous players. following an opponent to stop him from driving, shooting or passing easily

hoop The ball has to go through the hoop from above to score a goal. the round metal rim from which a basketball net is suspended

jump shot A jump shot is much harder to block than a set shot. a shot taken while a player is jumping through the air

lay upThe best players spend a lot of time working on skills to improve their lay ups. a shot taken close to the basket that is usually banked off the backboard and into the basket

MVP Michael was awarded MVP many times during his career. 'most valuable player' award, given to the best player in a game

no-look pass Crowds love the no-look pass, but coaches warn players not to use it just to show off. a pass thrown without looking towards the receiver

overhead pass An overhead pass can get the ball to a teammate who's behind some opponents. a pass thrown from over the head, to clear a defender or for added power

overtime We won the game by outscoring our opponents in overtime. a five-minute extra period that is played when the game is tied after four quarters

personal foul Younger players often get over-excited and too aggressive and commit many personal fouls. a foul that involves illegal physical contact such as blocking, charging, elbowing or holding

possession The team whose player commits a violation loses possession of the ball. to be holding, or be in control of, the ball

rebound A lot of goals are scored from rebounds after an opponent's shot misses. get control of a ball that has come off the rim or backboard after a failed shot attempt

referees How many referees are usually on court during a game of basketball? officials who call violations and fouls, give penalties, signal field goals, and stop and start play

set shot Practising set shots is important because they are used to score from free throws. a shot taken with both feet on the floor in a set position

shoot Players earn more points if they shoot from outside the three-point line. to throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal

shot clock Players have to keep an eye on the shot clock while they are playing. a clock that shows the amount of time a team has left to take a shot

slam dunk Matt drove towards the basket, jumped high into the air and scored with a huge slam dunk. a high jump shot in which the ball is thrust down through the hoop

substitute The substitutes sat on the bench and watched as their teammates on the court kept playing. a player who comes into the game to replace a player on the court

technical foul Their coach got a technical foul for arguing with a referee. a foul called against a player or coach for unsportsmanlike conduct such as arguing with a referee

three-point line In the NBA, the three-point line is 23 feet 9 inches from the basket. a semi-circle painted on the court, from outside of which a successful shot earns three points

time-out Their coach indicated that he wanted a time-out, and the referee stopped the game. clock stoppage requested by a coach for a short meeting with the players

travelling Even professional players sometimes get penalized for travelling. the violation of moving with the ball without dribbling correctly

turnover Good players protect the ball to stop opposition players from making a turnover. a player loses the ball to a member of the other team without taking a shot

violation Two of the most common violations in junior basketball are double-dribbling and travelling. an infraction of the rules

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


General Sports Vocabulary

This page lists vocabulary used in talking about sport and sports in general, with example sentences and meanings.


The arena was full of excited spectators cheering on their team.

a level area for holding sports events, surrounded by seats for spectators


The Olympic Games were originally for amateur athletes only.

engaged in something, like playing sports, without payment; non-professional


Most professional athletes spend hours every day in training.

a person who trains for and competes in a sport


There are some very good runners on our athletics team.

'track and field' events of running, jumping, throwing, etc.


All the members of the winning team were awarded a gold medal.

to give someone something as a reward for high achievement


Italy beat France to win the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

to defeat someone in a game or a competition


The captain usually leads his or her team onto the field.

the leader of a team


A wicketkeeper in cricket must be very good at catching the ball.

to grab and hold something that has been thrown


The boxer Muhammad Ali was World Heavyweight Champion three times.

a top-rated, highly successful player

cheer on

The fans made a lot of noise cheering on their team.

to shout encouragement to a team or a player


Players should carry out their coach's instructions during a game.

a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team


Over 10,000 athletes will compete in the Olympic Games.

to take part in a contest or a competition


The English Premiership League is one of the world's top football competitions.

an organized event in which people compete to win


Each competitor in a golf tournament must record his or her own score.

a person who takes part in a competition or a sporting contest


Do you know who won this year's figure skating contest?

a game or event in which people compete to win


The tennis courts at Wimbledon in London have a grass surface.

a quadrangular area on which ball games are played, such as tennis or basketball


A golf course usually has eighteen holes.

an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or other sports


After they won the final game, the winners were awarded the Championship Cup.

a cup-shaped trophy, awarded as a prize in a contest


Our players were very happy after they defeated their opponents in the final game.

to win a victory over opponents in a game or contest; to beat


The team attacked and scored two goals, then spent the rest of the game defending the lead.

to protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's opponents


The score was 1-0, but the losing team got a late goal and the game ended in a 1-1 draw.

to finish a contest or game with an even score; tie


The 100 metres run is one of the most exciting events in athletics.

a particular contest in a sporting programme


Sometimes the umpire of a tennis match has to tell noisy fans to be quiet.

a person who supports a particular sport, team or player


How many players are allowed on the field during a baseball game?

a piece of land marked out for a sports contest e.g. hockey field

final score

Today's basketball game was very close. The final score was 84 to 82.

the score at the end of a game


I exercise at the gym every day for fitness and good health.

the condition of being physically fit and healthy


Jimmy got the ball, ran down the pitch, and then scored the best goal of the game.

an instance of scoring in a ball game by getting the ball into a target such as between goal-posts, through a hoop, or into a net.

gym / gymnasium

Our gym has a lot of new exercise equipment, including running machines and cycling machines.

a room or building equipped for physical exercise


The players went into the rooms at half-time and listened to their coach.

the interval between the first and second halves of a game


In sports like diving and gymnastics, judges score each performance in a contest.

a person who rates the quality of a sporting performance, usually by awarding points


Nearly every town in the U.S. has teams in a local baseball league.

a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship


It's good for kids to spend some of their leisure time playing sports.

free time, or the use of free time for enjoyment


Liverpool sacked their manager after they lost eight of their previous ten games.

the person in charge of a sports team


Every athlete's dream is to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.

a piece of engraved metal given to signify an achievement or an honor


The object of the game of football is to score more goals than the opponents.

the thing you want to get or achieve; what you aim to do


Forwards have to learn how to avoid being caught in an offside position.

In an illegal position ahead of the ball (in football, rugby, hockey, etc.)


Roger Federer's opponent in the Wimbledon final was Rafael Nadal.

the person one competes against in a contest or a game; rival


A defender tries to pass the ball to a forward in a good position to score.

to throw or kick the ball to another player on one's own team


The penalty for abusing a referee is usually a one-match suspension.

a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the rules of a sport


All the athletes will do their best to perform well in the Olympic Games.

to carry out a practised activity, such a play a sport


Venus Williams put in one the best performances of her life to win the tournament.

an instance of competing in a sports event in public


Rugby players work hard in the gym to build up their physiques.

the form or shape of a person's body

pitch (1)

The fans cheered as the players ran onto the pitch.

a playing field (British)

pitch (2)

Our pitcher threw one of the best pitches of his life to win the game.

a throw of the ball, esp. in baseball and softball


How many players are on the court during a doubles match in tennis?

a person who plays a sport


(U.S. spelling: practice)

Professional golfers spend hours every day practising their shots.

to repeatedly do something in order to develop one's skill


Tiger Woods has been a professional golfer since he was 20 years old.

a person whose paid occupation is playing a sport


Do you know who holds the world record for the men's 100 metres?

the best performance that has been officially measured and noted


The referee saw a foul, blew his whistle and awarded a free kick.

a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest


In several sports there is an offside rule, and it's often difficult to explain.

the laws or regulations that govern how a game or sport is played


Do you know how to keep score in badminton?

the number of points a competitor or team earns during a game


Serving the ball is one of the most important skills in sports like tennis.

to hit the ball to begin play (in tennis, table tennis, squash, volleyball, etc.)


In basketball, players try shoot from outside the 3-point line to score the extra points.

to kick, hit, or throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal (in soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.)


Ken has gone to a boxing camp to improve his boxing skills.

the ability to do something well


Spectators can add a lot to sporting events by creating an exciting atmosphere.

a person who watches an event


Good managers know how to teach their players sportsmanship.

an attitude of fairness, respect for opponents, and graciousness in winning or losing


plural: stadiums or stadia

The stadium was built for sports, but it's sometimes used for concerts as well.

a sports arena with tiered seating for spectators


One of the jobs of the manager or coach is to develop a strategy for winning each game.

a plan to achieve an objective


Rugby players have to learn how to tackle an opponent strongly but fairly.

to challenge an opponent who has the ball


Players use tactics such as attacking their opponent's weaknesses in order to win.

an action or strategy planned to achieve an objective


Our daughter's basketball coach says she has a lot of natural talent for the game.

a natural aptitude or skill


The team wins because the players are always looking for their teammates.

a fellow member of a sports team


The best teams spend a lot of time on the training ground working on teamwork.

the combined action of a group of people


The score was very close throughout the game, and it ended in a tie with 89 points each.

a result in a game in which teams have the same final score; a draw


The four major tennis tournaments form what is known as the 'Grand Slam'.

a series of contests between a number of competitors, who compete for an overall prize


Some players are a bit lazy and need a strict trainer to make them work hard.

a person who helps athletes develop their skills and fitness


The hockey team trains every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

to teach a skill over time through instruction; to practise a skill


The players carried the trophy over their heads as they ran around the stadium.

a decorative object awarded as a prize in a contest or a tournament


The players had worked very hard, and they deserved their victory.

the act of winning a game or contest


The referee blew his whistle twice to signal the end of the match.

a small instrument that makes a high-pitched noise when blown

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


How to speak fluently in English about sports

There are four ways that you can speak about sports in English.

The first way is to talk about your favorite sport.

The second way is to talk about your favorite team.

The third way is to talk about your favorite athlete.

And the fourth way is to talk about your favorite event.

Step #1

# 1 : Tell me about your favorite sport.

In order to talk about your favorite sport fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Name

Give the name of the sport that you like. For example, basketball, soccer, or baseball.

Step two : Reasons

Give three reasons why this is your favorite sport. You can be specific with your answer.

Step three : Since when

Give information about when you started liking this specific sport.

And Step four : Amazing event

Give an example of an amazing event that happened related to this sport.

Now you can TALK about your favorite sport like this:

“My favorite sport is basketball. I like it because it is a team sport, it is exciting to play and watch, and it also requires a lot of skill. Basketball has been my favorite sport ever since my father bought me my first basketball when I was 10 years old. One of my most memorable basketball games happened when I was in high school. I won the game for my team by shooting a 3-pointer at the last second. It was great.”

Step #2

# 2 : Tell me about your favorite team.

In order to talk about your favorite sports team fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Name/Country

Give the name of the sports team and also the country the team plays for.

Step two : Reasons

Give three reasons why this is your favorite team. You can be specific with your answer.

Step three : Best players

Give the names of the best players and something special about them.

And Step four : Record/Ability

Give some details about the record of the team and their special abilities/qualities.

Now you can TALK about your favorite team like this:

“My favorite soccer team is Manchester United. It is a professional soccer team that is based in England. I like them because their athletes play hard and smart. Their coach is also really good. In the past, two of their best players were Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo. Last year they won about 18 games.”

Step #3

# 3 : Tell me about your favorite athlete.

In order to talk about your favorite athlete fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Name

Give the name of your favorite athlete.

Step two : Team

Give the name of the team your favorite athlete plays for.

Step three : Position

Give information about the specific position the athlete plays on the field/court.

And Step four : Reasons

Give three reasons for why you like the athlete.

Now you can TALK about your favorite athlete like this:

“My favorite athlete is Stephen Curry. He is a professional basketball player for the Golden State Warriors of the NBA. He is the point guard for their team. I like him because he is a passionate player and many people consider him to the be the best basketball player in the world.”

Step #4

# 4 : Tell me about your favorite game or event.

In order to talk about your favorite game or event fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Date and location

Give the date and the location where the event or game took place.

Step two : Teams

Give the name of the two teams who participated in the event.

Step three : Score

Give information about the score at the end of the event.

And Step four : Situation

Give some details about what happened during the event.

Now you can TALK about your favorite game or event like this:

“My favorite sporting event happened on August 15, 2014 in Pennsylvania at the Little League World Series. The two teams that played in the game were the Taney Dragons and Nashville. The Taney Dragons beat Nashville in a 4 – 0 victory. The amazing thing was that the pitcher was the first female to pitch 6 innings, strike out 8 batters, and to pitch a shutout in Little League postseason history. It was amazing.”

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


Basketball Vocabulary

This page covers the vocabulary and language of basketball by looking at its background, equipment and people.

basketballBasketball is played by millions of people, both men and women, in all parts of the world. Professional basketball is watched by millions more on TV. The game is played between two teams, with five players per team allowed on the court at any one time. Points are scored by getting the ball through a hoop called 'the goal' or 'the basket', and the team scoring the most points wins.


In 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian physical education instructor at YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, decided to create a new indoor game to keep his students fit during the cold winter months. He experimented with a team game in which players threw a soccer ball to each other and scored by throwing it into a peach basket nailed high on a wall. Later that year he wrote the first version of the rules of what he now called 'Basket Ball'. In 1906, the baskets were replaced by metal hoops in front of backboards. The ball still had to pass through the hoop from above to score a goal, however, as it did when baskets were used.

The game soon spread to other U.S. schools and universities. In the early twentieth century, basketball competitions and leagues were set up all over North America, but most didn't last long. Then, in 1946, the Basketball Association of America (BAA) was formed to organize the top professional teams in the U.S.A. and Canada into one professional league. The BAA became the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1949, and today the NBA is the world's top professional basketball league. Most of the world's best players are with NBA teams, attracted by the competition's popularity, its high standard of play, and the high salaries.

How the Game Works

basketball courtBasketball is played on a rectangular court 28 metres long and 15 metres wide (approx. 92 ft by 49 ft) with a basket at a height of 3.05 metres (10 ft) at each end. Most indoor courts have a floor made of wood. Points are scored by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket. A goal scored from inside the three-point line earns two points (see diagram at right), and a goal scored from outside the three-point line earns three points, and goals from free throws earn one point.

NBA games are played over four quarters of twelve minutes. Teams include twelve players, but only five can be on court at one time. Players can be substituted as often as the coach likes. Each coach has a limited number of time-outs they can call during a game, and the game clock is stopped whenever play stops. Several officials oversee each game, including three on-court referees who call fouls, and table officials who keep score, run the game and shot clocks, and keep track of fouls and substitutions.

Violations and Fouls

The ball can be moved by throwing it to another player (called passing) or by bouncing it with one hand while running or walking (called dribbling). If a player moves both feet without bouncing the ball, he commits a violation called travelling. If he uses two hands while dribbling, he commits a violation called double-dribbling. If a player's hand moves under the ball while dribbling, he commits a violation called carrying the ball. Violations are also committed when time-limits are exceeded, and usually result in a free inbound pass for the opposition team.

A personal foul is committed when a player challenges another player unfairly, such as by blocking their run or hitting their arms. A player or coach who argues with a referee commits a technical foul. Fouls can be punished with a free inbound pass, free throws at goal, or with sending off. A player who commits five fouls, or six in the NBA, can no longer take part in the game and is said to have been 'fouled out'.

Shots and Passing

Players shoot for goal with a set shot if both feet are on the ground, or with a jump shot if the player is in mid-air. Other shots are the lay up (shooting, often off the backboard, while moving towards the basket) and the slam dunk (shooting straight down from above the basket). Passing can be done with a chest pass, a bounce pass or an overhead pass. More difficult passes are the no-look pass and the behind-the-back pass, though some coaches don't like these techniques because they can easily go wrong.

Famous Players

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is a former US player named "the greatest player of all time" by the NBA. He joined the NBA's Chicago Bulls in 1984 after an outstanding career at the University of North Carolina. He won the NBA championship with the Bulls in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997 and 1998. He also won two Olympic gold medals with U.S. basketball teams in 1984 and 1992.

Yao Ming

Yao Ming is a Chinese player who went to the U.S.A. and joined the NBA's Houston Rockets. Standing 7'6" tall (2.29 m), he is one of the tallest players in the history of the NBA. After joining the NBA draft in 2002, he was picked by the Houston Rockets and became the first player without any American basketball experience to be selected first overall in the draft. Yao Ming has a huge following in China, and he has increased interest in basketball in China and throughout Asia.

Basketball Vocabulary List

word example sentence meaning

assist James won the MVP award with 28 points, nine assists and eight rebounds. a pass to a teammate that leads directly to a goal

backboard My shot came off the backboard and down through the hoop for a 3-point goal. a board behind the basket, off which the ball may rebound

basket In the early days, peach baskets were nailed to the walls and used as goals. 1. a container used to hold or carry things

2. a net fixed on a hoop used as the goal

block He stepped in front of our player to block his run, and the referee ruled it a foul. to stop the movement of an opponent, or stop an opponent's pass or shot

bounce Players must bounce the ball on the floor as they run. to rebound after hitting a surface

bounce pass The crowd cheered when Mario threw a perfect no-look bounce pass. a pass that bounces off the floor before it reaches the receiver

chest pass Michael threw a quick chest pass, ran forward, and received a bounce pass back. a two-handed pass thrown from chest height

double-dribbling Young players still learning the game often get fouled for double-dribbling. violation of dribbling the ball with two hands, or stopping and restarting the dribble

draft Every team studies the players in the draft and decides which ones they'll try to recruit. the annual process by which NBA teams select local or foreign players for their teams

dribble He dribbled past two defenders and then shot for goal. To bounce the ball repeatedly with one hand while running or walking

drive Yao Ming is very difficult to stop when he drives to the basket. A fast, strong dribble directly to the basket in an effort to score

exceed A team that exceeds the time-limit on the shot clock loses possession of the ball. to go beyond what is allowed

foul Larry's already had four fouls, so if he commits another one he'll be out of the game. a violation resulting from illegal contact with an opposing player

free throw Rodney practises his free throws for an hour every day. a free shot taken from the free throw line as the result of a foul

game clock The coach called a time-out, and the game clock stopped while he talked to his players. a scoreboard clock that shows the time remaining in each period of a game

guarding Guarding is a man-on-man defensive tactic used to counter dangerous players. following an opponent to stop him from driving, shooting or passing easily

hoop The ball has to go through the hoop from above to score a goal. the round metal rim from which a basketball net is suspended

jump shot A jump shot is much harder to block than a set shot. a shot taken while a player is jumping through the air

lay upThe best players spend a lot of time working on skills to improve their lay ups. a shot taken close to the basket that is usually banked off the backboard and into the basket

MVP Michael was awarded MVP many times during his career. 'most valuable player' award, given to the best player in a game

no-look pass Crowds love the no-look pass, but coaches warn players not to use it just to show off. a pass thrown without looking towards the receiver

overhead pass An overhead pass can get the ball to a teammate who's behind some opponents. a pass thrown from over the head, to clear a defender or for added power

overtime We won the game by outscoring our opponents in overtime. a five-minute extra period that is played when the game is tied after four quarters

personal foul Younger players often get over-excited and too aggressive and commit many personal fouls. a foul that involves illegal physical contact such as blocking, charging, elbowing or holding

possession The team whose player commits a violation loses possession of the ball. to be holding, or be in control of, the ball

rebound A lot of goals are scored from rebounds after an opponent's shot misses. get control of a ball that has come off the rim or backboard after a failed shot attempt

referees How many referees are usually on court during a game of basketball? officials who call violations and fouls, give penalties, signal field goals, and stop and start play

set shot Practising set shots is important because they are used to score from free throws. a shot taken with both feet on the floor in a set position

shoot Players earn more points if they shoot from outside the three-point line. to throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal

shot clock Players have to keep an eye on the shot clock while they are playing. a clock that shows the amount of time a team has left to take a shot

slam dunk Matt drove towards the basket, jumped high into the air and scored with a huge slam dunk. a high jump shot in which the ball is thrust down through the hoop

substitute The substitutes sat on the bench and watched as their teammates on the court kept playing. a player who comes into the game to replace a player on the court

technical foul Their coach got a technical foul for arguing with a referee. a foul called against a player or coach for unsportsmanlike conduct such as arguing with a referee

three-point line In the NBA, the three-point line is 23 feet 9 inches from the basket. a semi-circle painted on the court, from outside of which a successful shot earns three points

time-out Their coach indicated that he wanted a time-out, and the referee stopped the game. clock stoppage requested by a coach for a short meeting with the players

travelling Even professional players sometimes get penalized for travelling. the violation of moving with the ball without dribbling correctly

turnover Good players protect the ball to stop opposition players from making a turnover. a player loses the ball to a member of the other team without taking a shot

violation Two of the most common violations in junior basketball are double-dribbling and travelling. an infraction of the rules

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


Essay About Sport

Sport is a physical activity, one of the important behaviors, and health, and is divided into several types depending on several classifications, such as what is individual or collective, and beyond the concept of sports from a hobby, or healthy behavior, to the functions of many, such as football players, Swimmers and others, bringing thousands of people to watch these games in which players compete to prove their strength, and physical ability.

The benefits of sport

Sports has a great importance to humans, including:

1- Prevention of diseases: Sports contributes to protect the body from many dangerous diseases, including high blood pressure, which causes the occurrence of heart attacks, brain strokes, in addition to prevention of diabetes, cancer, and diseases related to aging such as weakness Muscle, osteoporosis, and other diseases, because they contribute to help the body to get rid of toxins, by activating the work of body organs such as increasing the ability of the lungs to absorb air.

2- Exploitation of leisure time and the formation of social relations: There are many collective sports that contribute to the formation of good social relations, such as football and basketball, and thus exploits his time with useful activity, and spend time with others, away from the wrong behaviors.

3- Helping to get a better sleep:

Because the sport needs physical exertion, the body needs rest, so it can sleep deeply, and it also reduces stress that causes insomnia.

4- Improvement the health of the skin:

With exercise, the heart pumps more blood, and thus the skin gets more food and oxygen, which helps him to treat problems such as infections caused by acne. Exercises contribute to the regeneration of skin cells, and thus eliminate stains, and resistance Signs of aging.

5- Improve the appearance of the body:

Sports reduces the layer of fat that covers the muscles, which show the body the appearance of flabby, and obese, and make divided and sculpted, and protect from weight gain.

6- sport is Strengthening bones, especially weight-bearing exercises such as jogging, walking, dancing, and stair climbing. It also helps to increase bone mass, reducing the chances of osteoporosis.

7- Weight loss

sport helps to get rid of excess weight by burning a lot of calories, where nutritionists advise dieters to exercise at the rate of half an hour four times a week.

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


Football Vocabulary

Football is one of the world's most popular games. It is played in nearly every country, by everyone from kids in vacant lots and back streets to professional players in giant stadiums. Professional football is watched by billions of people all over the world, and is probably the world's most popular spectator sport.


The earliest known form of the game was developed in China around 500 B.C. It was known as cuju ('kick-ball') and was played with a leather ball. The object was to kick the ball into a net stretched between two goal-posts. By 800 A.D. there was a well-organized professional league in China, and similar games were also being played in Korea and Japan.

The earliest form of the game that we know of in Europe was played in England around 1100 A.D. It was played between big teams, sometimes whole villages, on a large field, and the ball could be thrown, kicked, or carried towards the opponent's goal. There were very few rules and games were often wild and rough. The game was repeatedly banned by the authorities because of the violence and injuries it caused.

The modern game first developed in England in the 19th century. The Football Association was set up in 1863 and the 'Laws of the Game' were drawn up in the same year. In 1882 the International Football Association Board (IFAB) was formed, and this organization still oversees the rules of the game. Then FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) was founded in 1904 to run international competitions. FIFA still runs the World Cup, as well as regional competitions such as the European and Asian Cups.

How the Game Works

The modern game is played by two teams of eleven players on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. Players pass the ball to each other by kicking or heading it, with the aim being to score goals by getting the ball into the opponent's goal. The game lasts for two 45-minute halves, and the team scoring the most goals wins. Draws are common, but if a winner has to be found, a game can go into extra time. If the score is still tied after thirty minutes of extra time, a 'penalty shootout' can decide the winner.

In general play, the goalkeeper is the only player who can touch the ball with the hands or arms. All the other players can kick or head the ball only. Players can tackle an opponent in order to get the ball from them, but must do so without pushing or tripping the player. Pushing and tripping, along with other illegal actions such as 'handball' and 'offside', are fouls that can be penalized with a free kick. If a foul is committed in the penalty area near either goal, the referee can award a penalty kick, meaning a player can have a free shot at goal, with only the goalkeeper being allowed to try to block it. If a player commits a more serious offence, such as dangerous play, the referee can issue a yellow card as a warning, or issue a red card, in which case the player is sent off and cannot be replaced by a substitute. Teams are normally allowed three substitutes, which can be used to replace players because of injury, or for tactical reasons.

Famous Players


Edison Arantes do Nascimento, or Pele, is rated by many as the greatest footballer of all time. The Brazilian champion was given the title of Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Committee and jointly named FIFA Player of the Century with Diego Maradona. He was part of three World Cup winning teams, and was known for his brilliant passing, his speed, his strong heading of the ball, as well as for his brilliance at shooting for and scoring goals.

Diego Maradona

Diego Maradona is one of the most well-known footballers of all time. He played in four World Cups for his country Argentina, and led them to their victory over West Germany in 1986. He also won many trophies with Boca Juniors in Argentina, FC Barcelona in Spain and SSC Napoli in Italy. Together with Pele, he was named FIFA Player of the Century in 2000. Maradona had a stocky build and his strength and speed made him a difficult opponent for defenders. He had great ball-control and passing abilities, and was often able to create goal scoring opportunities for his teammates. He also scored many goals himself, including 34 goals for Argentina in international competitions.

Football Vocabulary List :


example sentence


assistant referee

Assistant referees used to be called 'linesmen', but the term was changed in 1996.

official who runs one of two touchlines and advises the referee, esp. on offside decisions

corner kick

The referee awarded a corner kick after the goalkeeper tipped the ball over the bar.

a free kick taken from one of the corners of the pitch

defender .

Defenders include left backs, right backs and central defenders

a player whose main role is to prevent the opposition from scoring


Many people see diving as a form of cheating and think players who dive should be sent off.

to deliberately fall over when tackled in order to deceive the referee into awarding a free kick


The game ended in a draw, with each team having scored two goals.

finish a game with an even score; tie

extra time

We won the game by scoring the only goal in extra time.

two periods of 15 minutes each played when a game ends in a draw after normal time


The referee blew his whistle and gave a penalty kick for a foul in the penalty area.

an illegal action punishable by a free kick


Manchester United beat Chelsea by three goals to one.

an instance of kicking or heading the ball into the goal


The goalkeeper tried to stop the penalty kick by diving to his left, but the penalty taker kicked the ball past him and scored.

player whose role is to stop the ball from entering the goal, and the only player who can handle the ball in general play

goal line

The referee thought a defender was the last player to touch the ball before it went over the goal line, and awarded a corner kick.

the two shorter boundaries, one at each end of the pitch, on which the goals are placed


The ball hit Mark on the arm and the referee awarded a free kick to his opponents for handball.

a foul committed by touching the ball with a hand or an arm


The Spanish Football League, known as 'La Liga', includes famous clubs like Real Madrid and Barcelona.

a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship e.g. English Premiership League


The assistant referee raised his flag to indicate to the referee that one of the forward players was in an offside position.

law requiring at least two defenders to be between an attacker and the goal line when the ball is passed to the attacker

pass .

David saw a teammate and passed the ball to him

to kick or head the ball to another player on one's own team.


Our defender tackled their striker in the penalty box, but the referee thought it was a foul and gave them a penalty.

a free kick from the penalty spot; see also penalty kick

penalty area

The tackle was just outside the penalty area, but the referee thought it was inside the area and gave them a penalty.

area near each goal in which the goalkeeper may handle the ball, and a foul is punished by a penalty kick (also; penalty box)

penalty kick

Their best striker took the penalty kick, but our goalkeeper blocked his shot and they didn't score the goal.

a direct free kick taken from the penalty spot, awarded for a foul committed in the penalty area

penalty shootout

Our team won the penalty shootout by four goals to three, and we were the new champions.

a best-of-five penalty kick contest held to find a winner when a game is still tied after extra time

penalty spot

I felt very nervous as I put the ball on the penalty spot and stepped back to take the kick.

a white mark in the penalty area from which penalty kicks are taken


It had rained all morning, so the pitch was soft and muddy and difficult to run on.

the playing field


David Beckham became a professional player at 17 when he signed a contract with Manchester United.

doing something, like playing sport or music, as a career or occupation

red card

The referee had already given Lee a yellow card, so when he committed another foul he was given a red card and sent off.

the most severe punishment given by a referee, in which the player is sent off the pitch


Ronaldo took the free kick and scored a great goal by shooting over the wall.

to try to score a goal

striker .

We're not scoring enough goals, so our manager wants to get a new striker

a player whose role is to score goals


They were losing by a goal with ten minutes to go, so the manager decided to substitute one of his defenders with a forward.

to replace one player with another player; also a player used to replace another


One of the defenders tackled David and kicked the ball out of play.

to challenge a player for the ball


They were losing, so the manager made tactical substitutions and replaced two defenders with more attacking players.

relating to a carefully planned strategy to win

throw in

After Joe kicked the ball out, one of the other team's players threw it in with a long throw into the penalty box.

to put the ball back into play after it has crossed the touchline by throwing it, usually to a teammate


The manager stood on the touchline shouting instructions to his players.

the two long boundaries along each side of the pitch; also sideline


The defenders formed a wall to block the free kick, and the referee pushed them back ten metres.

a line of players forming a barrier to block a free kick taken near the penalty area

yellow card

If Jose gets another yellow card, he'll miss the next match.

a warning issued to a player for a serious foul, two of which result in a red card and sending off

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


General Sports Vocabulary

This page lists vocabulary used in talking about sport and sports in general, with example sentences and meanings.


The arena was full of excited spectators cheering on their team.

a level area for holding sports events, surrounded by seats for spectators


The Olympic Games were originally for amateur athletes only.

engaged in something, like playing sports, without payment; non-professional


Most professional athletes spend hours every day in training.

a person who trains for and competes in a sport


There are some very good runners on our athletics team.

'track and field' events of running, jumping, throwing, etc.


All the members of the winning team were awarded a gold medal.

to give someone something as a reward for high achievement


Italy beat France to win the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

to defeat someone in a game or a competition


The captain usually leads his or her team onto the field.

the leader of a team


A wicketkeeper in cricket must be very good at catching the ball.

to grab and hold something that has been thrown


The boxer Muhammad Ali was World Heavyweight Champion three times.

a top-rated, highly successful player

cheer on

The fans made a lot of noise cheering on their team.

to shout encouragement to a team or a player


Players should carry out their coach's instructions during a game.

a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team


Over 10,000 athletes will compete in the Olympic Games.

to take part in a contest or a competition


The English Premiership League is one of the world's top football competitions.

an organized event in which people compete to win


Each competitor in a golf tournament must record his or her own score.

a person who takes part in a competition or a sporting contest


Do you know who won this year's figure skating contest?

a game or event in which people compete to win


The tennis courts at Wimbledon in London have a grass surface.

a quadrangular area on which ball games are played, such as tennis or basketball


A golf course usually has eighteen holes.

an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or other sports


After they won the final game, the winners were awarded the Championship Cup.

a cup-shaped trophy, awarded as a prize in a contest


Our players were very happy after they defeated their opponents in the final game.

to win a victory over opponents in a game or contest; to beat


The team attacked and scored two goals, then spent the rest of the game defending the lead.

to protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's opponents


The score was 1-0, but the losing team got a late goal and the game ended in a 1-1 draw.

to finish a contest or game with an even score; tie


The 100 metres run is one of the most exciting events in athletics.

a particular contest in a sporting programme


Sometimes the umpire of a tennis match has to tell noisy fans to be quiet.

a person who supports a particular sport, team or player


How many players are allowed on the field during a baseball game?

a piece of land marked out for a sports contest e.g. hockey field

final score

Today's basketball game was very close. The final score was 84 to 82.

the score at the end of a game


I exercise at the gym every day for fitness and good health.

the condition of being physically fit and healthy


Jimmy got the ball, ran down the pitch, and then scored the best goal of the game.

an instance of scoring in a ball game by getting the ball into a target such as between goal-posts, through a hoop, or into a net.

gym / gymnasium

Our gym has a lot of new exercise equipment, including running machines and cycling machines.

a room or building equipped for physical exercise


The players went into the rooms at half-time and listened to their coach.

the interval between the first and second halves of a game


In sports like diving and gymnastics, judges score each performance in a contest.

a person who rates the quality of a sporting performance, usually by awarding points


Nearly every town in the U.S. has teams in a local baseball league.

a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship


It's good for kids to spend some of their leisure time playing sports.

free time, or the use of free time for enjoyment


Liverpool sacked their manager after they lost eight of their previous ten games.

the person in charge of a sports team


Every athlete's dream is to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.

a piece of engraved metal given to signify an achievement or an honor


The object of the game of football is to score more goals than the opponents.

the thing you want to get or achieve; what you aim to do


Forwards have to learn how to avoid being caught in an offside position.

In an illegal position ahead of the ball (in football, rugby, hockey, etc.)


Roger Federer's opponent in the Wimbledon final was Rafael Nadal.

the person one competes against in a contest or a game; rival


A defender tries to pass the ball to a forward in a good position to score.

to throw or kick the ball to another player on one's own team


The penalty for abusing a referee is usually a one-match suspension.

a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the rules of a sport


All the athletes will do their best to perform well in the Olympic Games.

to carry out a practised activity, such a play a sport


Venus Williams put in one the best performances of her life to win the tournament.

an instance of competing in a sports event in public


Rugby players work hard in the gym to build up their physiques.

the form or shape of a person's body

pitch (1)

The fans cheered as the players ran onto the pitch.

a playing field (British)

pitch (2)

Our pitcher threw one of the best pitches of his life to win the game.

a throw of the ball, esp. in baseball and softball


How many players are on the court during a doubles match in tennis?

a person who plays a sport


(U.S. spelling: practice)

Professional golfers spend hours every day practising their shots.

to repeatedly do something in order to develop one's skill


Tiger Woods has been a professional golfer since he was 20 years old.

a person whose paid occupation is playing a sport


Do you know who holds the world record for the men's 100 metres?

the best performance that has been officially measured and noted


The referee saw a foul, blew his whistle and awarded a free kick.

a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest


In several sports there is an offside rule, and it's often difficult to explain.

the laws or regulations that govern how a game or sport is played


Do you know how to keep score in badminton?

the number of points a competitor or team earns during a game


Serving the ball is one of the most important skills in sports like tennis.

to hit the ball to begin play (in tennis, table tennis, squash, volleyball, etc.)


In basketball, players try shoot from outside the 3-point line to score the extra points.

to kick, hit, or throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal (in soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.)


Ken has gone to a boxing camp to improve his boxing skills.

the ability to do something well


Spectators can add a lot to sporting events by creating an exciting atmosphere.

a person who watches an event


Good managers know how to teach their players sportsmanship.

an attitude of fairness, respect for opponents, and graciousness in winning or losing


plural: stadiums or stadia

The stadium was built for sports, but it's sometimes used for concerts as well.

a sports arena with tiered seating for spectators


One of the jobs of the manager or coach is to develop a strategy for winning each game.

a plan to achieve an objective


Rugby players have to learn how to tackle an opponent strongly but fairly.

to challenge an opponent who has the ball


Players use tactics such as attacking their opponent's weaknesses in order to win.

an action or strategy planned to achieve an objective


Our daughter's basketball coach says she has a lot of natural talent for the game.

a natural aptitude or skill


The team wins because the players are always looking for their teammates.

a fellow member of a sports team


The best teams spend a lot of time on the training ground working on teamwork.

the combined action of a group of people


The score was very close throughout the game, and it ended in a tie with 89 points each.

a result in a game in which teams have the same final score; a draw


The four major tennis tournaments form what is known as the 'Grand Slam'.

a series of contests between a number of competitors, who compete for an overall prize


Some players are a bit lazy and need a strict trainer to make them work hard.

a person who helps athletes develop their skills and fitness


The hockey team trains every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

to teach a skill over time through instruction; to practise a skill


The players carried the trophy over their heads as they ran around the stadium.

a decorative object awarded as a prize in a contest or a tournament


The players had worked very hard, and they deserved their victory.

the act of winning a game or contest


The referee blew his whistle twice to signal the end of the match.

a small instrument that makes a high-pitched noise when blown

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


How to speak fluently in English about sports

There are four ways that you can speak about sports in English.

The first way is to talk about your favorite sport.

The second way is to talk about your favorite team.

The third way is to talk about your favorite athlete.

And the fourth way is to talk about your favorite event.

Step #1

# 1 : Tell me about your favorite sport.

In order to talk about your favorite sport fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Name

Give the name of the sport that you like. For example, basketball, soccer, or baseball.

Step two : Reasons

Give three reasons why this is your favorite sport. You can be specific with your answer.

Step three : Since when

Give information about when you started liking this specific sport.

And Step four : Amazing event

Give an example of an amazing event that happened related to this sport.

Now you can TALK about your favorite sport like this:

“My favorite sport is basketball. I like it because it is a team sport, it is exciting to play and watch, and it also requires a lot of skill. Basketball has been my favorite sport ever since my father bought me my first basketball when I was 10 years old. One of my most memorable basketball games happened when I was in high school. I won the game for my team by shooting a 3-pointer at the last second. It was great.”

Step #2

# 2 : Tell me about your favorite team.

In order to talk about your favorite sports team fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Name/Country

Give the name of the sports team and also the country the team plays for.

Step two : Reasons

Give three reasons why this is your favorite team. You can be specific with your answer.

Step three : Best players

Give the names of the best players and something special about them.

And Step four : Record/Ability

Give some details about the record of the team and their special abilities/qualities.

Now you can TALK about your favorite team like this:

“My favorite soccer team is Manchester United. It is a professional soccer team that is based in England. I like them because their athletes play hard and smart. Their coach is also really good. In the past, two of their best players were Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo. Last year they won about 18 games.”

Step #3

# 3 : Tell me about your favorite athlete.

In order to talk about your favorite athlete fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Name

Give the name of your favorite athlete.

Step two : Team

Give the name of the team your favorite athlete plays for.

Step three : Position

Give information about the specific position the athlete plays on the field/court.

And Step four : Reasons

Give three reasons for why you like the athlete.

Now you can TALK about your favorite athlete like this:

“My favorite athlete is Stephen Curry. He is a professional basketball player for the Golden State Warriors of the NBA. He is the point guard for their team. I like him because he is a passionate player and many people consider him to the be the best basketball player in the world.”

Step #4

# 4 : Tell me about your favorite game or event.

In order to talk about your favorite game or event fluently in English, you need to use the following 4 step formula.

Step one : Date and location

Give the date and the location where the event or game took place.

Step two : Teams

Give the name of the two teams who participated in the event.

Step three : Score

Give information about the score at the end of the event.

And Step four : Situation

Give some details about what happened during the event.

Now you can TALK about your favorite game or event like this:

“My favorite sporting event happened on August 15, 2014 in Pennsylvania at the Little League World Series. The two teams that played in the game were the Taney Dragons and Nashville. The Taney Dragons beat Nashville in a 4 – 0 victory. The amazing thing was that the pitcher was the first female to pitch 6 innings, strike out 8 batters, and to pitch a shutout in Little League postseason history. It was amazing.”

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


Basketball Vocabulary

This page covers the vocabulary and language of basketball by looking at its background, equipment and people.

basketballBasketball is played by millions of people, both men and women, in all parts of the world. Professional basketball is watched by millions more on TV. The game is played between two teams, with five players per team allowed on the court at any one time. Points are scored by getting the ball through a hoop called 'the goal' or 'the basket', and the team scoring the most points wins.


In 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian physical education instructor at YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, decided to create a new indoor game to keep his students fit during the cold winter months. He experimented with a team game in which players threw a soccer ball to each other and scored by throwing it into a peach basket nailed high on a wall. Later that year he wrote the first version of the rules of what he now called 'Basket Ball'. In 1906, the baskets were replaced by metal hoops in front of backboards. The ball still had to pass through the hoop from above to score a goal, however, as it did when baskets were used.

The game soon spread to other U.S. schools and universities. In the early twentieth century, basketball competitions and leagues were set up all over North America, but most didn't last long. Then, in 1946, the Basketball Association of America (BAA) was formed to organize the top professional teams in the U.S.A. and Canada into one professional league. The BAA became the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1949, and today the NBA is the world's top professional basketball league. Most of the world's best players are with NBA teams, attracted by the competition's popularity, its high standard of play, and the high salaries.

How the Game Works

basketball courtBasketball is played on a rectangular court 28 metres long and 15 metres wide (approx. 92 ft by 49 ft) with a basket at a height of 3.05 metres (10 ft) at each end. Most indoor courts have a floor made of wood. Points are scored by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket. A goal scored from inside the three-point line earns two points (see diagram at right), and a goal scored from outside the three-point line earns three points, and goals from free throws earn one point.

NBA games are played over four quarters of twelve minutes. Teams include twelve players, but only five can be on court at one time. Players can be substituted as often as the coach likes. Each coach has a limited number of time-outs they can call during a game, and the game clock is stopped whenever play stops. Several officials oversee each game, including three on-court referees who call fouls, and table officials who keep score, run the game and shot clocks, and keep track of fouls and substitutions.

Violations and Fouls

The ball can be moved by throwing it to another player (called passing) or by bouncing it with one hand while running or walking (called dribbling). If a player moves both feet without bouncing the ball, he commits a violation called travelling. If he uses two hands while dribbling, he commits a violation called double-dribbling. If a player's hand moves under the ball while dribbling, he commits a violation called carrying the ball. Violations are also committed when time-limits are exceeded, and usually result in a free inbound pass for the opposition team.

A personal foul is committed when a player challenges another player unfairly, such as by blocking their run or hitting their arms. A player or coach who argues with a referee commits a technical foul. Fouls can be punished with a free inbound pass, free throws at goal, or with sending off. A player who commits five fouls, or six in the NBA, can no longer take part in the game and is said to have been 'fouled out'.

Shots and Passing

Players shoot for goal with a set shot if both feet are on the ground, or with a jump shot if the player is in mid-air. Other shots are the lay up (shooting, often off the backboard, while moving towards the basket) and the slam dunk (shooting straight down from above the basket). Passing can be done with a chest pass, a bounce pass or an overhead pass. More difficult passes are the no-look pass and the behind-the-back pass, though some coaches don't like these techniques because they can easily go wrong.

Famous Players

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is a former US player named "the greatest player of all time" by the NBA. He joined the NBA's Chicago Bulls in 1984 after an outstanding career at the University of North Carolina. He won the NBA championship with the Bulls in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997 and 1998. He also won two Olympic gold medals with U.S. basketball teams in 1984 and 1992.

Yao Ming

Yao Ming is a Chinese player who went to the U.S.A. and joined the NBA's Houston Rockets. Standing 7'6" tall (2.29 m), he is one of the tallest players in the history of the NBA. After joining the NBA draft in 2002, he was picked by the Houston Rockets and became the first player without any American basketball experience to be selected first overall in the draft. Yao Ming has a huge following in China, and he has increased interest in basketball in China and throughout Asia.

Basketball Vocabulary List

word example sentence meaning

assist James won the MVP award with 28 points, nine assists and eight rebounds. a pass to a teammate that leads directly to a goal

backboard My shot came off the backboard and down through the hoop for a 3-point goal. a board behind the basket, off which the ball may rebound

basket In the early days, peach baskets were nailed to the walls and used as goals. 1. a container used to hold or carry things

2. a net fixed on a hoop used as the goal

block He stepped in front of our player to block his run, and the referee ruled it a foul. to stop the movement of an opponent, or stop an opponent's pass or shot

bounce Players must bounce the ball on the floor as they run. to rebound after hitting a surface

bounce pass The crowd cheered when Mario threw a perfect no-look bounce pass. a pass that bounces off the floor before it reaches the receiver

chest pass Michael threw a quick chest pass, ran forward, and received a bounce pass back. a two-handed pass thrown from chest height

double-dribbling Young players still learning the game often get fouled for double-dribbling. violation of dribbling the ball with two hands, or stopping and restarting the dribble

draft Every team studies the players in the draft and decides which ones they'll try to recruit. the annual process by which NBA teams select local or foreign players for their teams

dribble He dribbled past two defenders and then shot for goal. To bounce the ball repeatedly with one hand while running or walking

drive Yao Ming is very difficult to stop when he drives to the basket. A fast, strong dribble directly to the basket in an effort to score

exceed A team that exceeds the time-limit on the shot clock loses possession of the ball. to go beyond what is allowed

foul Larry's already had four fouls, so if he commits another one he'll be out of the game. a violation resulting from illegal contact with an opposing player

free throw Rodney practises his free throws for an hour every day. a free shot taken from the free throw line as the result of a foul

game clock The coach called a time-out, and the game clock stopped while he talked to his players. a scoreboard clock that shows the time remaining in each period of a game

guarding Guarding is a man-on-man defensive tactic used to counter dangerous players. following an opponent to stop him from driving, shooting or passing easily

hoop The ball has to go through the hoop from above to score a goal. the round metal rim from which a basketball net is suspended

jump shot A jump shot is much harder to block than a set shot. a shot taken while a player is jumping through the air

lay upThe best players spend a lot of time working on skills to improve their lay ups. a shot taken close to the basket that is usually banked off the backboard and into the basket

MVP Michael was awarded MVP many times during his career. 'most valuable player' award, given to the best player in a game

no-look pass Crowds love the no-look pass, but coaches warn players not to use it just to show off. a pass thrown without looking towards the receiver

overhead pass An overhead pass can get the ball to a teammate who's behind some opponents. a pass thrown from over the head, to clear a defender or for added power

overtime We won the game by outscoring our opponents in overtime. a five-minute extra period that is played when the game is tied after four quarters

personal foul Younger players often get over-excited and too aggressive and commit many personal fouls. a foul that involves illegal physical contact such as blocking, charging, elbowing or holding

possession The team whose player commits a violation loses possession of the ball. to be holding, or be in control of, the ball

rebound A lot of goals are scored from rebounds after an opponent's shot misses. get control of a ball that has come off the rim or backboard after a failed shot attempt

referees How many referees are usually on court during a game of basketball? officials who call violations and fouls, give penalties, signal field goals, and stop and start play

set shot Practising set shots is important because they are used to score from free throws. a shot taken with both feet on the floor in a set position

shoot Players earn more points if they shoot from outside the three-point line. to throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal

shot clock Players have to keep an eye on the shot clock while they are playing. a clock that shows the amount of time a team has left to take a shot

slam dunk Matt drove towards the basket, jumped high into the air and scored with a huge slam dunk. a high jump shot in which the ball is thrust down through the hoop

substitute The substitutes sat on the bench and watched as their teammates on the court kept playing. a player who comes into the game to replace a player on the court

technical foul Their coach got a technical foul for arguing with a referee. a foul called against a player or coach for unsportsmanlike conduct such as arguing with a referee

three-point line In the NBA, the three-point line is 23 feet 9 inches from the basket. a semi-circle painted on the court, from outside of which a successful shot earns three points

time-out Their coach indicated that he wanted a time-out, and the referee stopped the game. clock stoppage requested by a coach for a short meeting with the players

travelling Even professional players sometimes get penalized for travelling. the violation of moving with the ball without dribbling correctly

turnover Good players protect the ball to stop opposition players from making a turnover. a player loses the ball to a member of the other team without taking a shot

violation Two of the most common violations in junior basketball are double-dribbling and travelling. an infraction of the rules

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


Basketball Vocabulary

This page covers the vocabulary and language of basketball by looking at its background, equipment and people.

basketballBasketball is played by millions of people, both men and women, in all parts of the world. Professional basketball is watched by millions more on TV. The game is played between two teams, with five players per team allowed on the court at any one time. Points are scored by getting the ball through a hoop called 'the goal' or 'the basket', and the team scoring the most points wins.


In 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian physical education instructor at YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, decided to create a new indoor game to keep his students fit during the cold winter months. He experimented with a team game in which players threw a soccer ball to each other and scored by throwing it into a peach basket nailed high on a wall. Later that year he wrote the first version of the rules of what he now called 'Basket Ball'. In 1906, the baskets were replaced by metal hoops in front of backboards. The ball still had to pass through the hoop from above to score a goal, however, as it did when baskets were used.

The game soon spread to other U.S. schools and universities. In the early twentieth century, basketball competitions and leagues were set up all over North America, but most didn't last long. Then, in 1946, the Basketball Association of America (BAA) was formed to organize the top professional teams in the U.S.A. and Canada into one professional league. The BAA became the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1949, and today the NBA is the world's top professional basketball league. Most of the world's best players are with NBA teams, attracted by the competition's popularity, its high standard of play, and the high salaries.

How the Game Works

basketball courtBasketball is played on a rectangular court 28 metres long and 15 metres wide (approx. 92 ft by 49 ft) with a basket at a height of 3.05 metres (10 ft) at each end. Most indoor courts have a floor made of wood. Points are scored by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket. A goal scored from inside the three-point line earns two points (see diagram at right), and a goal scored from outside the three-point line earns three points, and goals from free throws earn one point.

NBA games are played over four quarters of twelve minutes. Teams include twelve players, but only five can be on court at one time. Players can be substituted as often as the coach likes. Each coach has a limited number of time-outs they can call during a game, and the game clock is stopped whenever play stops. Several officials oversee each game, including three on-court referees who call fouls, and table officials who keep score, run the game and shot clocks, and keep track of fouls and substitutions.

Violations and Fouls

The ball can be moved by throwing it to another player (called passing) or by bouncing it with one hand while running or walking (called dribbling). If a player moves both feet without bouncing the ball, he commits a violation called travelling. If he uses two hands while dribbling, he commits a violation called double-dribbling. If a player's hand moves under the ball while dribbling, he commits a violation called carrying the ball. Violations are also committed when time-limits are exceeded, and usually result in a free inbound pass for the opposition team.

A personal foul is committed when a player challenges another player unfairly, such as by blocking their run or hitting their arms. A player or coach who argues with a referee commits a technical foul. Fouls can be punished with a free inbound pass, free throws at goal, or with sending off. A player who commits five fouls, or six in the NBA, can no longer take part in the game and is said to have been 'fouled out'.

Shots and Passing

Players shoot for goal with a set shot if both feet are on the ground, or with a jump shot if the player is in mid-air. Other shots are the lay up (shooting, often off the backboard, while moving towards the basket) and the slam dunk (shooting straight down from above the basket). Passing can be done with a chest pass, a bounce pass or an overhead pass. More difficult passes are the no-look pass and the behind-the-back pass, though some coaches don't like these techniques because they can easily go wrong.

Famous Players

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is a former US player named "the greatest player of all time" by the NBA. He joined the NBA's Chicago Bulls in 1984 after an outstanding career at the University of North Carolina. He won the NBA championship with the Bulls in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997 and 1998. He also won two Olympic gold medals with U.S. basketball teams in 1984 and 1992.

Yao Ming

Yao Ming is a Chinese player who went to the U.S.A. and joined the NBA's Houston Rockets. Standing 7'6" tall (2.29 m), he is one of the tallest players in the history of the NBA. After joining the NBA draft in 2002, he was picked by the Houston Rockets and became the first player without any American basketball experience to be selected first overall in the draft. Yao Ming has a huge following in China, and he has increased interest in basketball in China and throughout Asia.

Basketball Vocabulary List

word example sentence meaning

assist James won the MVP award with 28 points, nine assists and eight rebounds. a pass to a teammate that leads directly to a goal

backboard My shot came off the backboard and down through the hoop for a 3-point goal. a board behind the basket, off which the ball may rebound

basket In the early days, peach baskets were nailed to the walls and used as goals. 1. a container used to hold or carry things

2. a net fixed on a hoop used as the goal

block He stepped in front of our player to block his run, and the referee ruled it a foul. to stop the movement of an opponent, or stop an opponent's pass or shot

bounce Players must bounce the ball on the floor as they run. to rebound after hitting a surface

bounce pass The crowd cheered when Mario threw a perfect no-look bounce pass. a pass that bounces off the floor before it reaches the receiver

chest pass Michael threw a quick chest pass, ran forward, and received a bounce pass back. a two-handed pass thrown from chest height

double-dribbling Young players still learning the game often get fouled for double-dribbling. violation of dribbling the ball with two hands, or stopping and restarting the dribble

draft Every team studies the players in the draft and decides which ones they'll try to recruit. the annual process by which NBA teams select local or foreign players for their teams

dribble He dribbled past two defenders and then shot for goal. To bounce the ball repeatedly with one hand while running or walking

drive Yao Ming is very difficult to stop when he drives to the basket. A fast, strong dribble directly to the basket in an effort to score

exceed A team that exceeds the time-limit on the shot clock loses possession of the ball. to go beyond what is allowed

foul Larry's already had four fouls, so if he commits another one he'll be out of the game. a violation resulting from illegal contact with an opposing player

free throw Rodney practises his free throws for an hour every day. a free shot taken from the free throw line as the result of a foul

game clock The coach called a time-out, and the game clock stopped while he talked to his players. a scoreboard clock that shows the time remaining in each period of a game

guarding Guarding is a man-on-man defensive tactic used to counter dangerous players. following an opponent to stop him from driving, shooting or passing easily

hoop The ball has to go through the hoop from above to score a goal. the round metal rim from which a basketball net is suspended

jump shot A jump shot is much harder to block than a set shot. a shot taken while a player is jumping through the air

lay upThe best players spend a lot of time working on skills to improve their lay ups. a shot taken close to the basket that is usually banked off the backboard and into the basket

MVP Michael was awarded MVP many times during his career. 'most valuable player' award, given to the best player in a game

no-look pass Crowds love the no-look pass, but coaches warn players not to use it just to show off. a pass thrown without looking towards the receiver

overhead pass An overhead pass can get the ball to a teammate who's behind some opponents. a pass thrown from over the head, to clear a defender or for added power

overtime We won the game by outscoring our opponents in overtime. a five-minute extra period that is played when the game is tied after four quarters

personal foul Younger players often get over-excited and too aggressive and commit many personal fouls. a foul that involves illegal physical contact such as blocking, charging, elbowing or holding

possession The team whose player commits a violation loses possession of the ball. to be holding, or be in control of, the ball

rebound A lot of goals are scored from rebounds after an opponent's shot misses. get control of a ball that has come off the rim or backboard after a failed shot attempt

referees How many referees are usually on court during a game of basketball? officials who call violations and fouls, give penalties, signal field goals, and stop and start play

set shot Practising set shots is important because they are used to score from free throws. a shot taken with both feet on the floor in a set position

shoot Players earn more points if they shoot from outside the three-point line. to throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal

shot clock Players have to keep an eye on the shot clock while they are playing. a clock that shows the amount of time a team has left to take a shot

slam dunk Matt drove towards the basket, jumped high into the air and scored with a huge slam dunk. a high jump shot in which the ball is thrust down through the hoop

substitute The substitutes sat on the bench and watched as their teammates on the court kept playing. a player who comes into the game to replace a player on the court

technical foul Their coach got a technical foul for arguing with a referee. a foul called against a player or coach for unsportsmanlike conduct such as arguing with a referee

three-point line In the NBA, the three-point line is 23 feet 9 inches from the basket. a semi-circle painted on the court, from outside of which a successful shot earns three points

time-out Their coach indicated that he wanted a time-out, and the referee stopped the game. clock stoppage requested by a coach for a short meeting with the players

travelling Even professional players sometimes get penalized for travelling. the violation of moving with the ball without dribbling correctly

turnover Good players protect the ball to stop opposition players from making a turnover. a player loses the ball to a member of the other team without taking a shot

violation Two of the most common violations in junior basketball are double-dribbling and travelling. an infraction of the rules

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


Essay About Sport

Sport is a physical activity, one of the important behaviors, and health, and is divided into several types depending on several classifications, such as what is individual or collective, and beyond the concept of sports from a hobby, or healthy behavior, to the functions of many, such as football players, Swimmers and others, bringing thousands of people to watch these games in which players compete to prove their strength, and physical ability.

The benefits of sport

Sports has a great importance to humans, including:

1- Prevention of diseases: Sports contributes to protect the body from many dangerous diseases, including high blood pressure, which causes the occurrence of heart attacks, brain strokes, in addition to prevention of diabetes, cancer, and diseases related to aging such as weakness Muscle, osteoporosis, and other diseases, because they contribute to help the body to get rid of toxins, by activating the work of body organs such as increasing the ability of the lungs to absorb air.

2- Exploitation of leisure time and the formation of social relations: There are many collective sports that contribute to the formation of good social relations, such as football and basketball, and thus exploits his time with useful activity, and spend time with others, away from the wrong behaviors.

3- Helping to get a better sleep:

Because the sport needs physical exertion, the body needs rest, so it can sleep deeply, and it also reduces stress that causes insomnia.

4- Improvement the health of the skin:

With exercise, the heart pumps more blood, and thus the skin gets more food and oxygen, which helps him to treat problems such as infections caused by acne. Exercises contribute to the regeneration of skin cells, and thus eliminate stains, and resistance Signs of aging.

5- Improve the appearance of the body:

Sports reduces the layer of fat that covers the muscles, which show the body the appearance of flabby, and obese, and make divided and sculpted, and protect from weight gain.

6- sport is Strengthening bones, especially weight-bearing exercises such as jogging, walking, dancing, and stair climbing. It also helps to increase bone mass, reducing the chances of osteoporosis.

7- Weight loss

sport helps to get rid of excess weight by burning a lot of calories, where nutritionists advise dieters to exercise at the rate of half an hour four times a week.

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


General Sports Vocabulary

This page lists vocabulary used in talking about sport and sports in general, with example sentences and meanings.


The arena was full of excited spectators cheering on their team.

a level area for holding sports events, surrounded by seats for spectators


The Olympic Games were originally for amateur athletes only.

engaged in something, like playing sports, without payment; non-professional


Most professional athletes spend hours every day in training.

a person who trains for and competes in a sport


There are some very good runners on our athletics team.

'track and field' events of running, jumping, throwing, etc.


All the members of the winning team were awarded a gold medal.

to give someone something as a reward for high achievement


Italy beat France to win the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

to defeat someone in a game or a competition


The captain usually leads his or her team onto the field.

the leader of a team


A wicketkeeper in cricket must be very good at catching the ball.

to grab and hold something that has been thrown


The boxer Muhammad Ali was World Heavyweight Champion three times.

a top-rated, highly successful player

cheer on

The fans made a lot of noise cheering on their team.

to shout encouragement to a team or a player


Players should carry out their coach's instructions during a game.

a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team


Over 10,000 athletes will compete in the Olympic Games.

to take part in a contest or a competition


The English Premiership League is one of the world's top football competitions.

an organized event in which people compete to win


Each competitor in a golf tournament must record his or her own score.

a person who takes part in a competition or a sporting contest


Do you know who won this year's figure skating contest?

a game or event in which people compete to win


The tennis courts at Wimbledon in London have a grass surface.

a quadrangular area on which ball games are played, such as tennis or basketball


A golf course usually has eighteen holes.

an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or other sports


After they won the final game, the winners were awarded the Championship Cup.

a cup-shaped trophy, awarded as a prize in a contest


Our players were very happy after they defeated their opponents in the final game.

to win a victory over opponents in a game or contest; to beat


The team attacked and scored two goals, then spent the rest of the game defending the lead.

to protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's opponents


The score was 1-0, but the losing team got a late goal and the game ended in a 1-1 draw.

to finish a contest or game with an even score; tie


The 100 metres run is one of the most exciting events in athletics.

a particular contest in a sporting programme


Sometimes the umpire of a tennis match has to tell noisy fans to be quiet.

a person who supports a particular sport, team or player


How many players are allowed on the field during a baseball game?

a piece of land marked out for a sports contest e.g. hockey field

final score

Today's basketball game was very close. The final score was 84 to 82.

the score at the end of a game


I exercise at the gym every day for fitness and good health.

the condition of being physically fit and healthy


Jimmy got the ball, ran down the pitch, and then scored the best goal of the game.

an instance of scoring in a ball game by getting the ball into a target such as between goal-posts, through a hoop, or into a net.

gym / gymnasium

Our gym has a lot of new exercise equipment, including running machines and cycling machines.

a room or building equipped for physical exercise


The players went into the rooms at half-time and listened to their coach.

the interval between the first and second halves of a game


In sports like diving and gymnastics, judges score each performance in a contest.

a person who rates the quality of a sporting performance, usually by awarding points


Nearly every town in the U.S. has teams in a local baseball league.

a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship


It's good for kids to spend some of their leisure time playing sports.

free time, or the use of free time for enjoyment


Liverpool sacked their manager after they lost eight of their previous ten games.

the person in charge of a sports team


Every athlete's dream is to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.

a piece of engraved metal given to signify an achievement or an honor


The object of the game of football is to score more goals than the opponents.

the thing you want to get or achieve; what you aim to do


Forwards have to learn how to avoid being caught in an offside position.

In an illegal position ahead of the ball (in football, rugby, hockey, etc.)


Roger Federer's opponent in the Wimbledon final was Rafael Nadal.

the person one competes against in a contest or a game; rival


A defender tries to pass the ball to a forward in a good position to score.

to throw or kick the ball to another player on one's own team


The penalty for abusing a referee is usually a one-match suspension.

a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the rules of a sport


All the athletes will do their best to perform well in the Olympic Games.

to carry out a practised activity, such a play a sport


Venus Williams put in one the best performances of her life to win the tournament.

an instance of competing in a sports event in public


Rugby players work hard in the gym to build up their physiques.

the form or shape of a person's body

pitch (1)

The fans cheered as the players ran onto the pitch.

a playing field (British)

pitch (2)

Our pitcher threw one of the best pitches of his life to win the game.

a throw of the ball, esp. in baseball and softball


How many players are on the court during a doubles match in tennis?

a person who plays a sport


(U.S. spelling: practice)

Professional golfers spend hours every day practising their shots.

to repeatedly do something in order to develop one's skill


Tiger Woods has been a professional golfer since he was 20 years old.

a person whose paid occupation is playing a sport


Do you know who holds the world record for the men's 100 metres?

the best performance that has been officially measured and noted


The referee saw a foul, blew his whistle and awarded a free kick.

a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest


In several sports there is an offside rule, and it's often difficult to explain.

the laws or regulations that govern how a game or sport is played


Do you know how to keep score in badminton?

the number of points a competitor or team earns during a game


Serving the ball is one of the most important skills in sports like tennis.

to hit the ball to begin play (in tennis, table tennis, squash, volleyball, etc.)


In basketball, players try shoot from outside the 3-point line to score the extra points.

to kick, hit, or throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal (in soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.)


Ken has gone to a boxing camp to improve his boxing skills.

the ability to do something well


Spectators can add a lot to sporting events by creating an exciting atmosphere.

a person who watches an event


Good managers know how to teach their players sportsmanship.

an attitude of fairness, respect for opponents, and graciousness in winning or losing


plural: stadiums or stadia

The stadium was built for sports, but it's sometimes used for concerts as well.

a sports arena with tiered seating for spectators


One of the jobs of the manager or coach is to develop a strategy for winning each game.

a plan to achieve an objective


Rugby players have to learn how to tackle an opponent strongly but fairly.

to challenge an opponent who has the ball


Players use tactics such as attacking their opponent's weaknesses in order to win.

an action or strategy planned to achieve an objective


Our daughter's basketball coach says she has a lot of natural talent for the game.

a natural aptitude or skill


The team wins because the players are always looking for their teammates.

a fellow member of a sports team


The best teams spend a lot of time on the training ground working on teamwork.

the combined action of a group of people


The score was very close throughout the game, and it ended in a tie with 89 points each.

a result in a game in which teams have the same final score; a draw


The four major tennis tournaments form what is known as the 'Grand Slam'.

a series of contests between a number of competitors, who compete for an overall prize


Some players are a bit lazy and need a strict trainer to make them work hard.

a person who helps athletes develop their skills and fitness


The hockey team trains every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

to teach a skill over time through instruction; to practise a skill


The players carried the trophy over their heads as they ran around the stadium.

a decorative object awarded as a prize in a contest or a tournament


The players had worked very hard, and they deserved their victory.

the act of winning a game or contest


The referee blew his whistle twice to signal the end of the match.

a small instrument that makes a high-pitched noise when blown

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)

تعلمية الالعاب

اللعب بالاشك هو الوسيلة التي يكشف بها الانسان الخبرات المتنوعة في مختلف الاوضاع لمختلف الاغراض، فبواسطته يتعامل الطفل مع الاشياء كأنها كائنات تمتلك معاني محددة ، ولهذا فان الطفل من خلال اللعب يكتشف إتحاهاته ويختبرها كما يساعده اللعب في الاقتراب من الرشد ويزيد من جرئته الحسية والحركية واللغوية ويمتص طاقته الزائدة ويعده للنشاط الجديد ويخفف من حدته لذا وجدت الالعاب التي تساهم في تحسين مختلف الجوانب البدنية والنفسية والتربوية والاجتماعية والانفعالية للطفل.

ومن خلال الطرح السابق نطلب منكم أعزاءنا الطلبة بالقيام بتحضير وحدات تعلمية (مذكرات) تظم العاب تعلمية - على شكل العاب شبه رياضية- في الانشطة التالية:

-الانشطة الفردية:

سباقات الجري بأنواعه( السرعة ،المداومة .....).

منافسات الرمي بأنواعه(دفع الجلة، رمي القرص...).

القفز بأنواعه( القفز الطويل ،القفز العالي...).

-الانشطة الجماعية:

كرة اليد ، كرة القدم، كرة السلة ، الكرة الطائرة .

-الالعاب التقليدية.

-بعض الالعاب القتالية ( الكراتي ، الملاكمة، الجدو ،الجمباز)

البريد الالكتروني:a.lameche@univ-chlef.dz

ملاحظة:التزام المراحل الاساسية في إعداد المذكرةوإتباع النموذج المرفق، وأرسال الاعمال من خلال البريد الالكتروني الذكور اعلاه.

منصة التعليم عن بعد - جامعة حسيبة بن بوعلي بالشلف (1)

  • معلم: dr.Abdellah LAMECHE

التصنيف: السنة الثانية ليسانس (ل 2)

مقياس اكتساب المهارات الحركية

منصة التعليم عن بعد - جامعة حسيبة بن بوعلي بالشلف (2)منصة التعليم عن بعد - جامعة حسيبة بن بوعلي بالشلف (3)


يعتبر مقياس '' اكتساب المهارات الحركية '' منالمقاييس التي تندرج ضمن البرنامجالبيداغوجي للتعليم في السنة الثانية ماستر تخصص النشاط البدني الرياضي المدرسيلميدان علوم وتقنيات الناشطات البدنية والرياضية وهو مقرر خلال السداسي الثالث من تكوين الماستر، كمحاضرة بحجم ساعيمقدر بــــ (42 ساعة) أسبوعيا بحجم 01 سا و30 د للمحاضرة وبحجم 1.5 سا للأعمالالتطبيقية في كل أسبوع، بمعامل قدره (02) ورصيد (04).

يعداكتساب المهارات الحركية عاملاً مهماً ورئيسياً في الأنشطة الرياضية وخاصة فيالألعاب الجماعية حيث تحتاج إلى تنفيذ المهارات الأساسية بشكل دقيق ومنتظم، كماتشكل الحركة جانبا مهما في حياتنا اليومية، بعضها حركات موروثة وبعضها حركاتمتعلمة (مكتسبة)، كتلك التي نستعملها في الأنشطة والألعاب الرياضية على شكلمهارات، والتي تتطلب الكثير من التدريب والخبرة لأجل إتقانها.

The measure of “acquiring motor skills” is one of the measures that fallwithin the pedagogical program for education in the second year of the master’sspecialization in school physical activity and sports in the field of scienceand techniques of physical and sports activities. Weekly, with a volume of 01hours and 30 minutes for the lecture, and a volume of 1.5 hours for practicalwork each week, with a coefficient of (02) and a balance of (04).

The acquisition of motor skills is an important and major factor insports activities, especially in group games, where basic skills need to beimplemented accurately and regularly, and movement is an important aspect ofour daily lives, some of which are inherited movements and some are learnedmovements (acquired), such as those that we use in sports activities and gamesIn the form of skills, which require a lot of training and experience to master.

الأهداف العامة للمقرر:

- مفهوم التعلم والتعلم الحركي والعواملالمؤثرة فيه

- مراحل التعلم الحركي ومميزاته.

- تصنيف المهارات الحركية.

- طرائق قياس تطورها.

- منحنيات التعلم الحركي وأشكالهاوانواعها.

-نماذج ونظريات التعلم الحركي.

- اكتساب المناهج النظرية للتعلم الحركي.

- التعرف على مراحل اكتساب المهارات الحركية.

- تحسين المعرفة النظرية والعملية في تعلمالمهارات الحركية.

المعارف المسبقة المطلوبة:

- المعرفةالأساسية للتعلم الحركي.

- معرفة بعض نظرياتالتعلم الحركي.

محتوى المادة:

- تحديدالمفاهيم الأساسية لاكتساب المهارات الحركية.

- الاقتراب منالنظريات المختلفة لتعلم المهارات الحركية.

- انشاء رابط بينالنظري والتطبيق في تعلم المهارات الحركية.

- التفكير في تصنيفالمهارات الحركية.

طريقة التقييم:

عن طريق المراقبةالمستمرة والامتحانات.

  • معلم: GUENDOUZ ELGHOUL Khalifa

التصنيف: السنة الثانية ماستر (م 2)


Football Vocabulary

Football is one of the world's most popular games. It is played in nearly every country, by everyone from kids in vacant lots and back streets to professional players in giant stadiums. Professional football is watched by billions of people all over the world, and is probably the world's most popular spectator sport.


The earliest known form of the game was developed in China around 500 B.C. It was known as cuju ('kick-ball') and was played with a leather ball. The object was to kick the ball into a net stretched between two goal-posts. By 800 A.D. there was a well-organized professional league in China, and similar games were also being played in Korea and Japan.

The earliest form of the game that we know of in Europe was played in England around 1100 A.D. It was played between big teams, sometimes whole villages, on a large field, and the ball could be thrown, kicked, or carried towards the opponent's goal. There were very few rules and games were often wild and rough. The game was repeatedly banned by the authorities because of the violence and injuries it caused.

The modern game first developed in England in the 19th century. The Football Association was set up in 1863 and the 'Laws of the Game' were drawn up in the same year. In 1882 the International Football Association Board (IFAB) was formed, and this organization still oversees the rules of the game. Then FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) was founded in 1904 to run international competitions. FIFA still runs the World Cup, as well as regional competitions such as the European and Asian Cups.

How the Game Works

The modern game is played by two teams of eleven players on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. Players pass the ball to each other by kicking or heading it, with the aim being to score goals by getting the ball into the opponent's goal. The game lasts for two 45-minute halves, and the team scoring the most goals wins. Draws are common, but if a winner has to be found, a game can go into extra time. If the score is still tied after thirty minutes of extra time, a 'penalty shootout' can decide the winner.

In general play, the goalkeeper is the only player who can touch the ball with the hands or arms. All the other players can kick or head the ball only. Players can tackle an opponent in order to get the ball from them, but must do so without pushing or tripping the player. Pushing and tripping, along with other illegal actions such as 'handball' and 'offside', are fouls that can be penalized with a free kick. If a foul is committed in the penalty area near either goal, the referee can award a penalty kick, meaning a player can have a free shot at goal, with only the goalkeeper being allowed to try to block it. If a player commits a more serious offence, such as dangerous play, the referee can issue a yellow card as a warning, or issue a red card, in which case the player is sent off and cannot be replaced by a substitute. Teams are normally allowed three substitutes, which can be used to replace players because of injury, or for tactical reasons.

Famous Players


Edison Arantes do Nascimento, or Pele, is rated by many as the greatest footballer of all time. The Brazilian champion was given the title of Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Committee and jointly named FIFA Player of the Century with Diego Maradona. He was part of three World Cup winning teams, and was known for his brilliant passing, his speed, his strong heading of the ball, as well as for his brilliance at shooting for and scoring goals.

Diego Maradona

Diego Maradona is one of the most well-known footballers of all time. He played in four World Cups for his country Argentina, and led them to their victory over West Germany in 1986. He also won many trophies with Boca Juniors in Argentina, FC Barcelona in Spain and SSC Napoli in Italy. Together with Pele, he was named FIFA Player of the Century in 2000. Maradona had a stocky build and his strength and speed made him a difficult opponent for defenders. He had great ball-control and passing abilities, and was often able to create goal scoring opportunities for his teammates. He also scored many goals himself, including 34 goals for Argentina in international competitions.

Football Vocabulary List :


example sentence


assistant referee

Assistant referees used to be called 'linesmen', but the term was changed in 1996.

official who runs one of two touchlines and advises the referee, esp. on offside decisions

corner kick

The referee awarded a corner kick after the goalkeeper tipped the ball over the bar.

a free kick taken from one of the corners of the pitch

defender .

Defenders include left backs, right backs and central defenders

a player whose main role is to prevent the opposition from scoring


Many people see diving as a form of cheating and think players who dive should be sent off.

to deliberately fall over when tackled in order to deceive the referee into awarding a free kick


The game ended in a draw, with each team having scored two goals.

finish a game with an even score; tie

extra time

We won the game by scoring the only goal in extra time.

two periods of 15 minutes each played when a game ends in a draw after normal time


The referee blew his whistle and gave a penalty kick for a foul in the penalty area.

an illegal action punishable by a free kick


Manchester United beat Chelsea by three goals to one.

an instance of kicking or heading the ball into the goal


The goalkeeper tried to stop the penalty kick by diving to his left, but the penalty taker kicked the ball past him and scored.

player whose role is to stop the ball from entering the goal, and the only player who can handle the ball in general play

goal line

The referee thought a defender was the last player to touch the ball before it went over the goal line, and awarded a corner kick.

the two shorter boundaries, one at each end of the pitch, on which the goals are placed


The ball hit Mark on the arm and the referee awarded a free kick to his opponents for handball.

a foul committed by touching the ball with a hand or an arm


The Spanish Football League, known as 'La Liga', includes famous clubs like Real Madrid and Barcelona.

a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship e.g. English Premiership League


The assistant referee raised his flag to indicate to the referee that one of the forward players was in an offside position.

law requiring at least two defenders to be between an attacker and the goal line when the ball is passed to the attacker

pass .

David saw a teammate and passed the ball to him

to kick or head the ball to another player on one's own team.


Our defender tackled their striker in the penalty box, but the referee thought it was a foul and gave them a penalty.

a free kick from the penalty spot; see also penalty kick

penalty area

The tackle was just outside the penalty area, but the referee thought it was inside the area and gave them a penalty.

area near each goal in which the goalkeeper may handle the ball, and a foul is punished by a penalty kick (also; penalty box)

penalty kick

Their best striker took the penalty kick, but our goalkeeper blocked his shot and they didn't score the goal.

a direct free kick taken from the penalty spot, awarded for a foul committed in the penalty area

penalty shootout

Our team won the penalty shootout by four goals to three, and we were the new champions.

a best-of-five penalty kick contest held to find a winner when a game is still tied after extra time

penalty spot

I felt very nervous as I put the ball on the penalty spot and stepped back to take the kick.

a white mark in the penalty area from which penalty kicks are taken


It had rained all morning, so the pitch was soft and muddy and difficult to run on.

the playing field


David Beckham became a professional player at 17 when he signed a contract with Manchester United.

doing something, like playing sport or music, as a career or occupation

red card

The referee had already given Lee a yellow card, so when he committed another foul he was given a red card and sent off.

the most severe punishment given by a referee, in which the player is sent off the pitch


Ronaldo took the free kick and scored a great goal by shooting over the wall.

to try to score a goal

striker .

We're not scoring enough goals, so our manager wants to get a new striker

a player whose role is to score goals


They were losing by a goal with ten minutes to go, so the manager decided to substitute one of his defenders with a forward.

to replace one player with another player; also a player used to replace another


One of the defenders tackled David and kicked the ball out of play.

to challenge a player for the ball


They were losing, so the manager made tactical substitutions and replaced two defenders with more attacking players.

relating to a carefully planned strategy to win

throw in

After Joe kicked the ball out, one of the other team's players threw it in with a long throw into the penalty box.

to put the ball back into play after it has crossed the touchline by throwing it, usually to a teammate


The manager stood on the touchline shouting instructions to his players.

the two long boundaries along each side of the pitch; also sideline


The defenders formed a wall to block the free kick, and the referee pushed them back ten metres.

a line of players forming a barrier to block a free kick taken near the penalty area

yellow card

If Jose gets another yellow card, he'll miss the next match.

a warning issued to a player for a serious foul, two of which result in a red card and sending off

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: السنة الأولى ماستر (م 1)


Basketball Vocabulary

This page covers the vocabulary and language of basketball by looking at its background, equipment and people.

basketballBasketball is played by millions of people, both men and women, in all parts of the world. Professional basketball is watched by millions more on TV. The game is played between two teams, with five players per team allowed on the court at any one time. Points are scored by getting the ball through a hoop called 'the goal' or 'the basket', and the team scoring the most points wins.


In 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian physical education instructor at YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, decided to create a new indoor game to keep his students fit during the cold winter months. He experimented with a team game in which players threw a soccer ball to each other and scored by throwing it into a peach basket nailed high on a wall. Later that year he wrote the first version of the rules of what he now called 'Basket Ball'. In 1906, the baskets were replaced by metal hoops in front of backboards. The ball still had to pass through the hoop from above to score a goal, however, as it did when baskets were used.

The game soon spread to other U.S. schools and universities. In the early twentieth century, basketball competitions and leagues were set up all over North America, but most didn't last long. Then, in 1946, the Basketball Association of America (BAA) was formed to organize the top professional teams in the U.S.A. and Canada into one professional league. The BAA became the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1949, and today the NBA is the world's top professional basketball league. Most of the world's best players are with NBA teams, attracted by the competition's popularity, its high standard of play, and the high salaries.

How the Game Works

basketball courtBasketball is played on a rectangular court 28 metres long and 15 metres wide (approx. 92 ft by 49 ft) with a basket at a height of 3.05 metres (10 ft) at each end. Most indoor courts have a floor made of wood. Points are scored by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket. A goal scored from inside the three-point line earns two points (see diagram at right), and a goal scored from outside the three-point line earns three points, and goals from free throws earn one point.

NBA games are played over four quarters of twelve minutes. Teams include twelve players, but only five can be on court at one time. Players can be substituted as often as the coach likes. Each coach has a limited number of time-outs they can call during a game, and the game clock is stopped whenever play stops. Several officials oversee each game, including three on-court referees who call fouls, and table officials who keep score, run the game and shot clocks, and keep track of fouls and substitutions.

Violations and Fouls

The ball can be moved by throwing it to another player (called passing) or by bouncing it with one hand while running or walking (called dribbling). If a player moves both feet without bouncing the ball, he commits a violation called travelling. If he uses two hands while dribbling, he commits a violation called double-dribbling. If a player's hand moves under the ball while dribbling, he commits a violation called carrying the ball. Violations are also committed when time-limits are exceeded, and usually result in a free inbound pass for the opposition team.

A personal foul is committed when a player challenges another player unfairly, such as by blocking their run or hitting their arms. A player or coach who argues with a referee commits a technical foul. Fouls can be punished with a free inbound pass, free throws at goal, or with sending off. A player who commits five fouls, or six in the NBA, can no longer take part in the game and is said to have been 'fouled out'.

Shots and Passing

Players shoot for goal with a set shot if both feet are on the ground, or with a jump shot if the player is in mid-air. Other shots are the lay up (shooting, often off the backboard, while moving towards the basket) and the slam dunk (shooting straight down from above the basket). Passing can be done with a chest pass, a bounce pass or an overhead pass. More difficult passes are the no-look pass and the behind-the-back pass, though some coaches don't like these techniques because they can easily go wrong.

Famous Players

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is a former US player named "the greatest player of all time" by the NBA. He joined the NBA's Chicago Bulls in 1984 after an outstanding career at the University of North Carolina. He won the NBA championship with the Bulls in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997 and 1998. He also won two Olympic gold medals with U.S. basketball teams in 1984 and 1992.

Yao Ming

Yao Ming is a Chinese player who went to the U.S.A. and joined the NBA's Houston Rockets. Standing 7'6" tall (2.29 m), he is one of the tallest players in the history of the NBA. After joining the NBA draft in 2002, he was picked by the Houston Rockets and became the first player without any American basketball experience to be selected first overall in the draft. Yao Ming has a huge following in China, and he has increased interest in basketball in China and throughout Asia.

Basketball Vocabulary List

word example sentence meaning

assist James won the MVP award with 28 points, nine assists and eight rebounds. a pass to a teammate that leads directly to a goal

backboard My shot came off the backboard and down through the hoop for a 3-point goal. a board behind the basket, off which the ball may rebound

basket In the early days, peach baskets were nailed to the walls and used as goals. 1. a container used to hold or carry things

2. a net fixed on a hoop used as the goal

block He stepped in front of our player to block his run, and the referee ruled it a foul. to stop the movement of an opponent, or stop an opponent's pass or shot

bounce Players must bounce the ball on the floor as they run. to rebound after hitting a surface

bounce pass The crowd cheered when Mario threw a perfect no-look bounce pass. a pass that bounces off the floor before it reaches the receiver

chest pass Michael threw a quick chest pass, ran forward, and received a bounce pass back. a two-handed pass thrown from chest height

double-dribbling Young players still learning the game often get fouled for double-dribbling. violation of dribbling the ball with two hands, or stopping and restarting the dribble

draft Every team studies the players in the draft and decides which ones they'll try to recruit. the annual process by which NBA teams select local or foreign players for their teams

dribble He dribbled past two defenders and then shot for goal. To bounce the ball repeatedly with one hand while running or walking

drive Yao Ming is very difficult to stop when he drives to the basket. A fast, strong dribble directly to the basket in an effort to score

exceed A team that exceeds the time-limit on the shot clock loses possession of the ball. to go beyond what is allowed

foul Larry's already had four fouls, so if he commits another one he'll be out of the game. a violation resulting from illegal contact with an opposing player

free throw Rodney practises his free throws for an hour every day. a free shot taken from the free throw line as the result of a foul

game clock The coach called a time-out, and the game clock stopped while he talked to his players. a scoreboard clock that shows the time remaining in each period of a game

guarding Guarding is a man-on-man defensive tactic used to counter dangerous players. following an opponent to stop him from driving, shooting or passing easily

hoop The ball has to go through the hoop from above to score a goal. the round metal rim from which a basketball net is suspended

jump shot A jump shot is much harder to block than a set shot. a shot taken while a player is jumping through the air

lay upThe best players spend a lot of time working on skills to improve their lay ups. a shot taken close to the basket that is usually banked off the backboard and into the basket

MVP Michael was awarded MVP many times during his career. 'most valuable player' award, given to the best player in a game

no-look pass Crowds love the no-look pass, but coaches warn players not to use it just to show off. a pass thrown without looking towards the receiver

overhead pass An overhead pass can get the ball to a teammate who's behind some opponents. a pass thrown from over the head, to clear a defender or for added power

overtime We won the game by outscoring our opponents in overtime. a five-minute extra period that is played when the game is tied after four quarters

personal foul Younger players often get over-excited and too aggressive and commit many personal fouls. a foul that involves illegal physical contact such as blocking, charging, elbowing or holding

possession The team whose player commits a violation loses possession of the ball. to be holding, or be in control of, the ball

rebound A lot of goals are scored from rebounds after an opponent's shot misses. get control of a ball that has come off the rim or backboard after a failed shot attempt

referees How many referees are usually on court during a game of basketball? officials who call violations and fouls, give penalties, signal field goals, and stop and start play

set shot Practising set shots is important because they are used to score from free throws. a shot taken with both feet on the floor in a set position

shoot Players earn more points if they shoot from outside the three-point line. to throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal

shot clock Players have to keep an eye on the shot clock while they are playing. a clock that shows the amount of time a team has left to take a shot

slam dunk Matt drove towards the basket, jumped high into the air and scored with a huge slam dunk. a high jump shot in which the ball is thrust down through the hoop

substitute The substitutes sat on the bench and watched as their teammates on the court kept playing. a player who comes into the game to replace a player on the court

technical foul Their coach got a technical foul for arguing with a referee. a foul called against a player or coach for unsportsmanlike conduct such as arguing with a referee

three-point line In the NBA, the three-point line is 23 feet 9 inches from the basket. a semi-circle painted on the court, from outside of which a successful shot earns three points

time-out Their coach indicated that he wanted a time-out, and the referee stopped the game. clock stoppage requested by a coach for a short meeting with the players

travelling Even professional players sometimes get penalized for travelling. the violation of moving with the ball without dribbling correctly

turnover Good players protect the ball to stop opposition players from making a turnover. a player loses the ball to a member of the other team without taking a shot

violation Two of the most common violations in junior basketball are double-dribbling and travelling. an infraction of the rules

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: قسم الجذع المشترك


General Sports Vocabulary

This page lists vocabulary used in talking about sport and sports in general, with example sentences and meanings.


The arena was full of excited spectators cheering on their team.

a level area for holding sports events, surrounded by seats for spectators


The Olympic Games were originally for amateur athletes only.

engaged in something, like playing sports, without payment; non-professional


Most professional athletes spend hours every day in training.

a person who trains for and competes in a sport


There are some very good runners on our athletics team.

'track and field' events of running, jumping, throwing, etc.


All the members of the winning team were awarded a gold medal.

to give someone something as a reward for high achievement


Italy beat France to win the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

to defeat someone in a game or a competition


The captain usually leads his or her team onto the field.

the leader of a team


A wicketkeeper in cricket must be very good at catching the ball.

to grab and hold something that has been thrown


The boxer Muhammad Ali was World Heavyweight Champion three times.

a top-rated, highly successful player

cheer on

The fans made a lot of noise cheering on their team.

to shout encouragement to a team or a player


Players should carry out their coach's instructions during a game.

a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team


Over 10,000 athletes will compete in the Olympic Games.

to take part in a contest or a competition


The English Premiership League is one of the world's top football competitions.

an organized event in which people compete to win


Each competitor in a golf tournament must record his or her own score.

a person who takes part in a competition or a sporting contest


Do you know who won this year's figure skating contest?

a game or event in which people compete to win


The tennis courts at Wimbledon in London have a grass surface.

a quadrangular area on which ball games are played, such as tennis or basketball


A golf course usually has eighteen holes.

an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or other sports


After they won the final game, the winners were awarded the Championship Cup.

a cup-shaped trophy, awarded as a prize in a contest


Our players were very happy after they defeated their opponents in the final game.

to win a victory over opponents in a game or contest; to beat


The team attacked and scored two goals, then spent the rest of the game defending the lead.

to protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's opponents


The score was 1-0, but the losing team got a late goal and the game ended in a 1-1 draw.

to finish a contest or game with an even score; tie


The 100 metres run is one of the most exciting events in athletics.

a particular contest in a sporting programme


Sometimes the umpire of a tennis match has to tell noisy fans to be quiet.

a person who supports a particular sport, team or player


How many players are allowed on the field during a baseball game?

a piece of land marked out for a sports contest e.g. hockey field

final score

Today's basketball game was very close. The final score was 84 to 82.

the score at the end of a game


I exercise at the gym every day for fitness and good health.

the condition of being physically fit and healthy


Jimmy got the ball, ran down the pitch, and then scored the best goal of the game.

an instance of scoring in a ball game by getting the ball into a target such as between goal-posts, through a hoop, or into a net.

gym / gymnasium

Our gym has a lot of new exercise equipment, including running machines and cycling machines.

a room or building equipped for physical exercise


The players went into the rooms at half-time and listened to their coach.

the interval between the first and second halves of a game


In sports like diving and gymnastics, judges score each performance in a contest.

a person who rates the quality of a sporting performance, usually by awarding points


Nearly every town in the U.S. has teams in a local baseball league.

a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship


It's good for kids to spend some of their leisure time playing sports.

free time, or the use of free time for enjoyment


Liverpool sacked their manager after they lost eight of their previous ten games.

the person in charge of a sports team


Every athlete's dream is to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.

a piece of engraved metal given to signify an achievement or an honor


The object of the game of football is to score more goals than the opponents.

the thing you want to get or achieve; what you aim to do


Forwards have to learn how to avoid being caught in an offside position.

In an illegal position ahead of the ball (in football, rugby, hockey, etc.)


Roger Federer's opponent in the Wimbledon final was Rafael Nadal.

the person one competes against in a contest or a game; rival


A defender tries to pass the ball to a forward in a good position to score.

to throw or kick the ball to another player on one's own team


The penalty for abusing a referee is usually a one-match suspension.

a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the rules of a sport


All the athletes will do their best to perform well in the Olympic Games.

to carry out a practised activity, such a play a sport


Venus Williams put in one the best performances of her life to win the tournament.

an instance of competing in a sports event in public


Rugby players work hard in the gym to build up their physiques.

the form or shape of a person's body

pitch (1)

The fans cheered as the players ran onto the pitch.

a playing field (British)

pitch (2)

Our pitcher threw one of the best pitches of his life to win the game.

a throw of the ball, esp. in baseball and softball


How many players are on the court during a doubles match in tennis?

a person who plays a sport


(U.S. spelling: practice)

Professional golfers spend hours every day practising their shots.

to repeatedly do something in order to develop one's skill


Tiger Woods has been a professional golfer since he was 20 years old.

a person whose paid occupation is playing a sport


Do you know who holds the world record for the men's 100 metres?

the best performance that has been officially measured and noted


The referee saw a foul, blew his whistle and awarded a free kick.

a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest


In several sports there is an offside rule, and it's often difficult to explain.

the laws or regulations that govern how a game or sport is played


Do you know how to keep score in badminton?

the number of points a competitor or team earns during a game


Serving the ball is one of the most important skills in sports like tennis.

to hit the ball to begin play (in tennis, table tennis, squash, volleyball, etc.)


In basketball, players try shoot from outside the 3-point line to score the extra points.

to kick, hit, or throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal (in soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.)


Ken has gone to a boxing camp to improve his boxing skills.

the ability to do something well


Spectators can add a lot to sporting events by creating an exciting atmosphere.

a person who watches an event


Good managers know how to teach their players sportsmanship.

an attitude of fairness, respect for opponents, and graciousness in winning or losing


plural: stadiums or stadia

The stadium was built for sports, but it's sometimes used for concerts as well.

a sports arena with tiered seating for spectators


One of the jobs of the manager or coach is to develop a strategy for winning each game.

a plan to achieve an objective


Rugby players have to learn how to tackle an opponent strongly but fairly.

to challenge an opponent who has the ball


Players use tactics such as attacking their opponent's weaknesses in order to win.

an action or strategy planned to achieve an objective


Our daughter's basketball coach says she has a lot of natural talent for the game.

a natural aptitude or skill


The team wins because the players are always looking for their teammates.

a fellow member of a sports team


The best teams spend a lot of time on the training ground working on teamwork.

the combined action of a group of people


The score was very close throughout the game, and it ended in a tie with 89 points each.

a result in a game in which teams have the same final score; a draw


The four major tennis tournaments form what is known as the 'Grand Slam'.

a series of contests between a number of competitors, who compete for an overall prize


Some players are a bit lazy and need a strict trainer to make them work hard.

a person who helps athletes develop their skills and fitness


The hockey team trains every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

to teach a skill over time through instruction; to practise a skill


The players carried the trophy over their heads as they ran around the stadium.

General Sports Vocabulary

This page lists vocabulary used in talking about sport and sports in general, with example sentences and meanings.


The arena was full of excited spectators cheering on their team.

a level area for holding sports events, surrounded by seats for spectators


The Olympic Games were originally for amateur athletes only.

engaged in something, like playing sports, without payment; non-professional


Most professional athletes spend hours every day in training.

a person who trains for and competes in a sport


There are some very good runners on our athletics team.

'track and field' events of running, jumping, throwing, etc.


All the members of the winning team were awarded a gold medal.

to give someone something as a reward for high achievement


Italy beat France to win the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

to defeat someone in a game or a competition


The captain usually leads his or her team onto the field.

the leader of a team


A wicketkeeper in cricket must be very good at catching the ball.

to grab and hold something that has been thrown


The boxer Muhammad Ali was World Heavyweight Champion three times.

a top-rated, highly successful player

cheer on

The fans made a lot of noise cheering on their team.

to shout encouragement to a team or a player


Players should carry out their coach's instructions during a game.

a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team


Over 10,000 athletes will compete in the Olympic Games.

to take part in a contest or a competition


The English Premiership League is one of the world's top football competitions.

an organized event in which people compete to win


Each competitor in a golf tournament must record his or her own score.

a person who takes part in a competition or a sporting contest


Do you know who won this year's figure skating contest?

a game or event in which people compete to win


The tennis courts at Wimbledon in London have a grass surface.

a quadrangular area on which ball games are played, such as tennis or basketball


A golf course usually has eighteen holes.

an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or other sports


After they won the final game, the winners were awarded the Championship Cup.

a cup-shaped trophy, awarded as a prize in a contest


Our players were very happy after they defeated their opponents in the final game.

to win a victory over opponents in a game or contest; to beat


The team attacked and scored two goals, then spent the rest of the game defending the lead.

to protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's opponents


The score was 1-0, but the losing team got a late goal and the game ended in a 1-1 draw.

to finish a contest or game with an even score; tie


The 100 metres run is one of the most exciting events in athletics.

a particular contest in a sporting programme


Sometimes the umpire of a tennis match has to tell noisy fans to be quiet.

a person who supports a particular sport, team or player


How many players are allowed on the field during a baseball game?

a piece of land marked out for a sports contest e.g. hockey field

final score

Today's basketball game was very close. The final score was 84 to 82.

the score at the end of a game


I exercise at the gym every day for fitness and good health.

the condition of being physically fit and healthy


Jimmy got the ball, ran down the pitch, and then scored the best goal of the game.

an instance of scoring in a ball game by getting the ball into a target such as between goal-posts, through a hoop, or into a net.

gym / gymnasium

Our gym has a lot of new exercise equipment, including running machines and cycling machines.

a room or building equipped for physical exercise


The players went into the rooms at half-time and listened to their coach.

the interval between the first and second halves of a game


In sports like diving and gymnastics, judges score each performance in a contest.

a person who rates the quality of a sporting performance, usually by awarding points


Nearly every town in the U.S. has teams in a local baseball league.

a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship


It's good for kids to spend some of their leisure time playing sports.

free time, or the use of free time for enjoyment


Liverpool sacked their manager after they lost eight of their previous ten games.

the person in charge of a sports team


Every athlete's dream is to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.

a piece of engraved metal given to signify an achievement or an honor


The object of the game of football is to score more goals than the opponents.

the thing you want to get or achieve; what you aim to do


Forwards have to learn how to avoid being caught in an offside position.

In an illegal position ahead of the ball (in football, rugby, hockey, etc.)


Roger Federer's opponent in the Wimbledon final was Rafael Nadal.

the person one competes against in a contest or a game; rival


A defender tries to pass the ball to a forward in a good position to score.

to throw or kick the ball to another player on one's own team


The penalty for abusing a referee is usually a one-match suspension.

a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the rules of a sport


All the athletes will do their best to perform well in the Olympic Games.

to carry out a practised activity, such a play a sport


Venus Williams put in one the best performances of her life to win the tournament.

an instance of competing in a sports event in public


Rugby players work hard in the gym to build up their physiques.

the form or shape of a person's body

pitch (1)

The fans cheered as the players ran onto the pitch.

a playing field (British)

pitch (2)

Our pitcher threw one of the best pitches of his life to win the game.

a throw of the ball, esp. in baseball and softball


How many players are on the court during a doubles match in tennis?

a person who plays a sport


(U.S. spelling: practice)

Professional golfers spend hours every day practising their shots.

to repeatedly do something in order to develop one's skill


Tiger Woods has been a professional golfer since he was 20 years old.

a person whose paid occupation is playing a sport


Do you know who holds the world record for the men's 100 metres?

the best performance that has been officially measured and noted


The referee saw a foul, blew his whistle and awarded a free kick.

a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest


In several sports there is an offside rule, and it's often difficult to explain.

the laws or regulations that govern how a game or sport is played


Do you know how to keep score in badminton?

the number of points a competitor or team earns during a game


Serving the ball is one of the most important skills in sports like tennis.

to hit the ball to begin play (in tennis, table tennis, squash, volleyball, etc.)


In basketball, players try shoot from outside the 3-point line to score the extra points.

to kick, hit, or throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal (in soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.)


Ken has gone to a boxing camp to improve his boxing skills.

the ability to do something well


Spectators can add a lot to sporting events by creating an exciting atmosphere.

a person who watches an event


Good managers know how to teach their players sportsmanship.

an attitude of fairness, respect for opponents, and graciousness in winning or losing


plural: stadiums or stadia

The stadium was built for sports, but it's sometimes used for concerts as well.

a sports arena with tiered seating for spectators


One of the jobs of the manager or coach is to develop a strategy for winning each game.

a plan to achieve an objective


Rugby players have to learn how to tackle an opponent strongly but fairly.

to challenge an opponent who has the ball


Players use tactics such as attacking their opponent's weaknesses in order to win.

an action or strategy planned to achieve an objective


Our daughter's basketball coach says she has a lot of natural talent for the game.

a natural aptitude or skill


The team wins because the players are always looking for their teammates.

a fellow member of a sports team


The best teams spend a lot of time on the training ground working on teamwork.

the combined action of a group of people


The score was very close throughout the game, and it ended in a tie with 89 points each.

a result in a game in which teams have the same final score; a draw


The four major tennis tournaments form what is known as the 'Grand Slam'.

a series of contests between a number of competitors, who compete for an overall prize


Some players are a bit lazy and need a strict trainer to make them work hard.

a person who helps athletes develop their skills and fitness


The hockey team trains every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

to teach a skill over time through instruction; to practise a skill


The players carried the trophy over their heads as they ran around the stadium.

a decorative object awarded as a prize in a contest or a tournament


The players had worked very hard, and they deserved their victory.

the act of winning a game or contest


The referee blew his whistle twice to signal the end of the match.

a small instrument that makes a high-pitched noise when blown

a decorative object awarded as a prize in a contest or a tournament


The players had worked very hard, and they deserved their victory.

the act of winning a game or contest


The referee blew his whistle twice to signal the end of the match.

a small instrument that makes a high-pitched noise when blown

This page lists vocabulary used in talking about sport and sports in general, with example sentences and meanings.


The arena was full of excited spectators cheering on their team.

a level area for holding sports events, surrounded by seats for spectators


The Olympic Games were originally for amateur athletes only.

engaged in something, like playing sports, without payment; non-professional


Most professional athletes spend hours every day in training.

a person who trains for and competes in a sport


There are some very good runners on our athletics team.

'track and field' events of running, jumping, throwing, etc.


All the members of the winning team were awarded a gold medal.

to give someone something as a reward for high achievement


Italy beat France to win the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

to defeat someone in a game or a competition


The captain usually leads his or her team onto the field.

the leader of a team


A wicketkeeper in cricket must be very good at catching the ball.

to grab and hold something that has been thrown


The boxer Muhammad Ali was World Heavyweight Champion three times.

a top-rated, highly successful player

cheer on

The fans made a lot of noise cheering on their team.

to shout encouragement to a team or a player


Players should carry out their coach's instructions during a game.

a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team


Over 10,000 athletes will compete in the Olympic Games.

to take part in a contest or a competition


The English Premiership League is one of the world's top football competitions.

an organized event in which people compete to win


Each competitor in a golf tournament must record his or her own score.

a person who takes part in a competition or a sporting contest


Do you know who won this year's figure skating contest?

a game or event in which people compete to win


The tennis courts at Wimbledon in London have a grass surface.

a quadrangular area on which ball games are played, such as tennis or basketball


A golf course usually has eighteen holes.

an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or other sports


After they won the final game, the winners were awarded the Championship Cup.

a cup-shaped trophy, awarded as a prize in a contest


Our players were very happy after they defeated their opponents in the final game.

to win a victory over opponents in a game or contest; to beat


The team attacked and scored two goals, then spent the rest of the game defending the lead.

to protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's opponents


The score was 1-0, but the losing team got a late goal and the game ended in a 1-1 draw.

to finish a contest or game with an even score; tie


The 100 metres run is one of the most exciting events in athletics.

a particular contest in a sporting programme


Sometimes the umpire of a tennis match has to tell noisy fans to be quiet.

a person who supports a particular sport, team or player


How many players are allowed on the field during a baseball game?

a piece of land marked out for a sports contest e.g. hockey field

final score

Today's basketball game was very close. The final score was 84 to 82.

the score at the end of a game


I exercise at the gym every day for fitness and good health.

the condition of being physically fit and healthy


Jimmy got the ball, ran down the pitch, and then scored the best goal of the game.

an instance of scoring in a ball game by getting the ball into a target such as between goal-posts, through a hoop, or into a net.

gym / gymnasium

Our gym has a lot of new exercise equipment, including running machines and cycling machines.

a room or building equipped for physical exercise


The players went into the rooms at half-time and listened to their coach.

the interval between the first and second halves of a game


In sports like diving and gymnastics, judges score each performance in a contest.

a person who rates the quality of a sporting performance, usually by awarding points


Nearly every town in the U.S. has teams in a local baseball league.

a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship


It's good for kids to spend some of their leisure time playing sports.

free time, or the use of free time for enjoyment


Liverpool sacked their manager after they lost eight of their previous ten games.

the person in charge of a sports team


Every athlete's dream is to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.

a piece of engraved metal given to signify an achievement or an honor


The object of the game of football is to score more goals than the opponents.

the thing you want to get or achieve; what you aim to do


Forwards have to learn how to avoid being caught in an offside position.

In an illegal position ahead of the ball (in football, rugby, hockey, etc.)


Roger Federer's opponent in the Wimbledon final was Rafael Nadal.

the person one competes against in a contest or a game; rival


A defender tries to pass the ball to a forward in a good position to score.

to throw or kick the ball to another player on one's own team


The penalty for abusing a referee is usually a one-match suspension.

a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the rules of a sport


All the athletes will do their best to perform well in the Olympic Games.

to carry out a practised activity, such a play a sport


Venus Williams put in one the best performances of her life to win the tournament.

an instance of competing in a sports event in public


Rugby players work hard in the gym to build up their physiques.

the form or shape of a person's body

pitch (1)

The fans cheered as the players ran onto the pitch.

a playing field (British)

pitch (2)

Our pitcher threw one of the best pitches of his life to win the game.

a throw of the ball, esp. in baseball and softball


How many players are on the court during a doubles match in tennis?

a person who plays a sport


(U.S. spelling: practice)

Professional golfers spend hours every day practising their shots.

to repeatedly do something in order to develop one's skill


Tiger Woods has been a professional golfer since he was 20 years old.

a person whose paid occupation is playing a sport


Do you know who holds the world record for the men's 100 metres?

the best performance that has been officially measured and noted


The referee saw a foul, blew his whistle and awarded a free kick.

a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest


In several sports there is an offside rule, and it's often difficult to explain.

the laws or regulations that govern how a game or sport is played


Do you know how to keep score in badminton?

the number of points a competitor or team earns during a game


Serving the ball is one of the most important skills in sports like tennis.

to hit the ball to begin play (in tennis, table tennis, squash, volleyball, etc.)


In basketball, players try shoot from outside the 3-point line to score the extra points.

to kick, hit, or throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal (in soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.)


Ken has gone to a boxing camp to improve his boxing skills.

the ability to do something well


Spectators can add a lot to sporting events by creating an exciting atmosphere.

a person who watches an event


Good managers know how to teach their players sportsmanship.

an attitude of fairness, respect for opponents, and graciousness in winning or losing


plural: stadiums or stadia

The stadium was built for sports, but it's sometimes used for concerts as well.

a sports arena with tiered seating for spectators


One of the jobs of the manager or coach is to develop a strategy for winning each game.

a plan to achieve an objective


Rugby players have to learn how to tackle an opponent strongly but fairly.

to challenge an opponent who has the ball


Players use tactics such as attacking their opponent's weaknesses in order to win.

an action or strategy planned to achieve an objective


Our daughter's basketball coach says she has a lot of natural talent for the game.

a natural aptitude or skill


The team wins because the players are always looking for their teammates.

a fellow member of a sports team


The best teams spend a lot of time on the training ground working on teamwork.

the combined action of a group of people


The score was very close throughout the game, and it ended in a tie with 89 points each.

a result in a game in which teams have the same final score; a draw


The four major tennis tournaments form what is known as the 'Grand Slam'.

a series of contests between a number of competitors, who compete for an overall prize


Some players are a bit lazy and need a strict trainer to make them work hard.

a person who helps athletes develop their skills and fitness


The hockey team trains every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

to teach a skill over time through instruction; to practise a skill


The players carried the trophy over their heads as they ran around the stadium.

a decorative object awarded as a prize in a contest or a tournament


The players had worked very hard, and they deserved their victory.

the act of winning a game or contest


The referee blew his whistle twice to signal the end of the match.

a small instrument that makes a high-pitched noise when blown

  • معلم: BENHENNI Rima

التصنيف: قسم الجذع المشترك

عرض الكل 22

منصة التعليم عن بعد - جامعة حسيبة بن بوعلي بالشلف (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.