The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 5 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 'APRIL 3, 1940 PAGE NINE POSITION WANTED COLORED Girl for part time. WI do washing and ironing out. Phone 1977-J. COLORED Woman with reference desires general housework.

stay to. Mre. William Scott, Quinque, WANTS Garden and Jawa work. Call 2520-J. MISCEL: ANEOUS WALL Papering, painting.

teriala furnished. H. M. Jordan, Phone 1867. 1-18-tf.

BIG Square and round dance WCHV jamboree, Fry's Spring Studio, Wednesday, April 3rd, P. M. Gentlemen 35c, ladies with escorts free. 4-2-2t. FRUIT Trees and ornamentalsgrown by Virginia's largest growers.

Available for immediate planting. Write for new low price list offering more than varieties at reduced prices. Waynesbore Nurseries, Waynesboro, Va. WANTED- -Pigs and shouts 50 to 100 lha. Also good work horse, Hall, Phone 9016-Y.

4-1-1L MARCH Winds may hint of summer weather, but they make ins out washing very hard. Let the City Laundry hang out your wash. Just call 200. WANTED Ry family of three adults, unfurnished apartment with two bedrooms within walk-. ing distance of University.

By June 1. Write Box 14, Prog- WANTED: 4 room furnished apartment near University. Use of yard for small child. Phone 1802-J. PITHY PARAGRAPHS Don't he surprised if start saying Nu-Mumbing, Nu-Heating and Nu-Roofing as well NuEnamel, because it all ads up to this, "The best la cheapest in the end." Brown Taylor, SQUARE Dance, Riviera Villa, Thursday, April 4th.

Music by Monticello String Band. Prises for best couple. Admission 15c. 4-2-St. LEVIRL Beauty Shop gives long lasting permanent waves, every curl guaranteed controlled heat.

No pulling, no burns and light to the head. 101 N. 1st St. 4-2-21. WANTED To buy, one Austin automobile, state condition, price, and where can be seen.

Apply to C. W. Lawson, Phone 1004, P. O. Box 611, Staunton, Va.

Auctions Legals NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS IN THE DIS TRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE WEST. ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA IN THE MATTER OF Alexander Jackson Davis, BANKRUPT No. 481, IN BANKRUPTCY To. the Creditors of Alexander J. Davis of Charlottesville, in the County of Albemarle, and District aforesaid, a NOTICE is- hereby given- that said Alexander J.

Davis bas been duly adjudged bankrupt on petition fled by him on the 26th day of March, 1940, and that the drat meeting of his creditors will be held at the Federal Building, In Charlottesville, on the day of April 1940, at 11 o'clock in the fore noon, at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint 4 committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting, Dated at Staunton, Va, this 29th day of March, 1940.. CURRI Referee in Bankruptcy Staunton, Virginia. 4-3-1t. Four languages are spoken in Switzerland. Three are official -French, German and Italian, but the oldest la the rheto- Roman language, which le almost the same as that spoken 2,000 years.

at the court of Charlemagne The Smartest of all is a- 4 Tailored Suit 4. $15. And Higher' Choose from gaberdines, twills, porosa. and others. In navy, brown and black! Ellington's luc.

Three Die in Capital Fire At least three persons were killed and a score this apartment house a few blocks from the Firemen searched through the ruins for other 130 residents reported TODAY'S MARKETS Quotations Furnished By Abbott, Precior Paine Y. M. C. A. Bids -Phone $34 (Quotations at 13 moos) NEW YORK, April 1-4-A burst of buying In steels prodded the stock market into another move forward today.

With trading expanding on the advance, some prominent shares rose more than a point to new tops for the spring upturn, Including United States Steel. Prices were about the beat of the day near the fourth hour. Allied Chem. 178 Allied Store Allis Amer. Can Chalmete 115 14 American Car Foundry American Chain 21 Amer.

Fren. Power Ames. Locomotive 20 1-2 Amer. Radiator 8. 8.

10 1-2 American Smelting 50 Amer. Tel. Tel, 172 74 Amer, Tobacco B. 89 Amer. Water Works 14 Anaconda Atchison 1-2 Atlantic Coast Line 17 Balt.

Ohio R. R. Boeing Airplane Aviation Corp. Benedix Aviation 35 Bethlehem Steel Budd Mfg. Canadian Pacific Case Threshing Ches.

Oblo R. R. 40 Chrysler Collins 4 Alkman 33 Columbia 0 A Commercial Solvent 15 Cominonwealth Sou. Consolidated Edison Continental Can Consolidated Oil Corn Producta Ref. 'Curtia Wright 10 Curtiss-Wright.

A 28 Mines Douglas Aircraft DuPont 186 Electric Auto Lite Eagineers Pub. Ser. 10 Flinkote 20 General Electric General Motors 55 Gimbel Bros: Glidden Co. 17 Goodyear. Tire 23 Houston OIl Inter.

Harvester 57 Inter. Nickel Ltd. Inter. Paper a Pwr. Inter.

Tel. Tel. Johns Manville Kennecott Want Silence? Change To GAS Refrigeration Priced From $119.50 YOUR GAS DEPT. CITY Fire Injured when names swept White House in Washington. bodies with many of the missing: Inc.

1 34 polls Moline Ward 53 Kelvinator Products 18 14 Distillers 36 Power Light Central R. R. American Amer. Aviation Motors Pict. R.

R. Ser. of J. Corp. of Amer.

Rand 10 Steel Tobacco Roebuck Vacuum R. Pac. Brands Oil of N. J. Webster Corp.

Roller Bearing 50 Carbide Aircraft Corp. Gas Imp. Rubber. Steel Union Elec. Co.

113 CURB QUOTATIONS Gus ET, Bond Share Hudson Power Service and benevolence never They maintain themselves others and never stop from Raker Eddy PINT $1.25 QUART THIS WHISKEY 1S 24 MONTHS OLD ONE STILLBROOK WHISKEY 90 PROOF Hi AN St. Louis Newspaper Fined For Contempt AT. LOUIS, April 1 The Post- Dispatch was fined $2 00) and two executives of the new were fined and given ja. sentences today by (are 0.1 Judge J. Rowe who found them In contempt of court for editorially criticizing dismissal court.

of An extortion In him The individuals ness Ralph Cochian. editor of the pare, who was fined $200 and non tenced to 30 dava. and Daniel Fitzpatrick, nationally known rattonin, $100 fine and 10 days 11 Jail. A contempt citation 190rd against manager titor Hen H. Reese was on the ground ho had no reaponmibility for the editorial comment, Joseph P'ulitzer, president of the Pulitzer Publishing Co.

publishers of the Post- Dispatch, appeared in court to anewer for the company. Bankard Heads I. R. C. Group At University Merrill Rankard, of ville, Md.

was elected president of the International Relation ('uh of the at a meeting last night. Arthur J. Smith, of Ramsey, N. J. was eleeted vice-president, and Wittiam H.

Hager, of Front Royal, was named secretaryThe new president of the riuh 1A secretary of Alpha Kappa commerce fraternity, a member of the Press Club, and the Student ARarmbly. He in an amanciate member of the Jefferenn Society, Wood May Go LONDON, April The authoritative Press Association said today that it expected, that Sir Samuel Hoare, Lord Privy Heal, will succeed Sir Kingsley Wood as Air Minister JA forthcoming shuffle of the Cabinet upper made mixture at coal, air There 10 shoe for ahne In aRid to be men, the mole being leather and the durable. shall be glad to make loans on lottesville real estate. I will try to make our service fit your needs. Long Term Loans, Monthly Payment Loans, Short Term Construction Loans Fred L.

Watson Tepics stank Ridg. of plaatte and water. The waterproof -and p*rn Classified Advertising per fee per word no advertise Sis a era ORDER. tor price incerrectly immediately tanotify this paper responsible lasertion. Not NOUNCEMENTS Truebart, wife of died at her home, Frusbart Monday night, April Street Her funeral will 1 Mt.

o'clock. Zion Baptist Church at Thursday afternoon Street, remains are restThe home of F. FOR RENT Room furnished private Private 192. 2-21-t. entrance, Phone TRAILE Early, Jr.

Lots Phone 110 2-27-41. at Fry's Spring. Room bath. Hot water heat. apartment furnished.

711 Locust Ave. wasable 3-30-6t. CAT Room, men preferred. 215 Tel. 2199-J.

fiche Room furnished 610 apart- E. close In. Reasonable. by 4-1-2t. Room furnished apartment 1110 Wertland St.

Call couple. 4-3-4t. Or four unfurnished heated Belmont, quiet family PROBe 1924-J. rooms, bath, garage, CELL ntaine Ave. Rent $35.00 month.

3-30-6t. 1176. Room upper dat. 210 '2nd Prose 48 after, P. M.

4-2-6t. REE Or 4 rooms furnished or 1303 Poplar 8t. Box City. 4-2-4t. ARTMENT, Furnished or unmished, private bath.

Possesimmediately. 205 Second St. 3-30-6t. RSISHED Apartment, heated, rooms and bath, Ridge St. 3-24-tt.

FOR SALE 00D-Tested baby chicks. Sexed batched. Low prices $2.95 broadred up. Trail's End PoulFarm, Gordonsville, Va. ESPEDEZA 5 cts.

W. A. Kyger, Union, Phone Rural 7914. 1-28-6t. 1200 1b.

good work mare. Rural 9015-R. 4-4-3t. Port electric refrigerator. Phone 4-3-t.

VE Acres two miles from the city water and elecnety, wonderful view of sur runding country and Farmington Gantry Club. $1250. B. E. WheelCo.

4-4-3t. sizes -all prices. Bel 'Phone Rural 6011-J. 3-27-4-1-3-4. OX Room house, bath, garage, hen.

one, Market St. $2200.00. James Irvine. 3-27-25t. Mahogany aide board, anAque clock and chair.

Very resPhone 317. 3-30-6L CAPEDEZA Seed Sc 1b. Guy Rural 1933 after 4 P. M. 3-30-6t.

FURNITURE STORAGE Floor Space- Private Rooms Co. Inc. Storage Dept. Piano Tuning to See Testimonials Famous Musicians J. LATERNEAU Market St.

Phone MOVING CRATING PACKING SHIPPING Phone 1033-J J.E, NORCROSS M-O-V-1-E TIME TABLE Husbands' "Too Many PARAMOUNT at the Moon" 'U'-Boat 4 7:52 at World ENTERSITy FOR SALE BARGAIN- -Desirable lot, corner Park and Evergreen 94x175 ft. Tel. 1478. 3-30-6t. OR Rent, small place, twelve miles from Charlottesville, on highway.

Ten- room house, store and other outbuildings. Phone 2306-J. 4-2-St. REGISTERED Hereford cattle. Call 2184-L between 4-1 P.

M. 4-2-21. '20 Ford station wagon, excellent condition. $110. Tel.

226 or 2033-R. 4-2-8t. BY Owner 1980 Oldsmobile coupe, cost 11040. Sell $450. Gone only 9000 miles, Perfect condition.

Tel. 1819. 4-2-21. Gladiolus bulbs, 25 for Mic, Cana Tuberose, Peony and Dahlias at 10c each. For your lawn Bone meal, Vigoro, lawn grass, sheep manure and peat moss.

H. M. Gleason Co. Warehouse, Phone 291. Mon.

Wed. 4 Fri.for 4-wks. ATTRACTIVE Ruatle bird boxes and feeding shelves. Last 1116- time. Valley View Flower Shop, or Telephone 1774-R.

4-1-8-5. HELP WANTED PRACTICAL Nurse. Box 132, Progress. 4-2-Jt. COLORED Chef cook.

Also dishwasher, 413 E. Main St. Atlantic Restaurant. 4-3-2t. TWISTERS On rayon and thrown silk.

Vernon Manufacturing Orange, Va. 4-3-11. EXPERIENCED Waltress at once. 500 E. Main St.

4-1-It. SALESMAN With car, no canvasslag. Income exceeds $60.00 week1y. Experience unnecessary. Write Box 37, Progresa.

DISHWASHER And bus boy. Apply Mr. Jackson, Lunch Counter, Bus Center. 4-2-2t. SALESMAN, Living preferably in Charlottesville, to work Frederickeburg, Charlottesville, Orange, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Waynesboro, and small towns in between complete line packing house products and provisions.

Now have many customers in this territory. Company well kpown meat packer of splendid reputation. Consider this cellent opportunity for honest, fodustrious man who has ability to sell this line, Experience preferred but not imperative if applicant willing work aggressively. Salary or commission. Must own automobile be la position obtain fidelity bond which we pay for.

Must have excellent: references for honesty, temperance, general ability. la res plying state experience, qualifications, local references. Number years schooling, Answer in own handwriting immediately. Port OfAce Box 936, Richmond, Va. BUSINESS SERVICE SEE Lutey for better signs.

Gold and silver window lettering. Truck lettering a specialty. 402 E. Mar. ket St.

Phone 684.: 3-30-6t. INSTRUCTION TARLETON'S Business School. Regular and special classes beginning, day 'and evening, April 4th. 4-1-6t. LOST Heart bracelet.

Retura to Progress, 44-1t. BASKET Shaped, pin with sate. Reward if returned to Progress Office. Read The Daily Progress Want ads A LADIES' Plaid Check and Striped SPORT JACKETS $1.98 $2.98 All high shadesSizes 12 to Skirts to match $4.98 UNION Dollar Store In See The Big Values In USED CARS CHARLOTTESVILLE MOTORS Inc. SALES SERVICE 856 W.

MAIN ST. Phone 717 teaspoonfuls to Pleasant make your Way Two of little water. in a HEADACHE GO ample headache and only quickly sally. gentle, the rela liquid. Nest PLEASANTLY.

16, CAPUDINE Ripley knows why! ON SECOND THOUGHT a Royal Crown has Not CHANGE MY won 91 out of 10 COLA ORDER TO 3 from to ROYAL always today. on for Keep ice. DOST TASTE- TEST la the a of Held CROWN TAKE HOME A CARTON ROYAL Torte CRONY Your family will also enjoy delicious Nodi and PanT-Pak Beverages variety flavera. 13 eunure for full Nehl P.S. Bottling for Company only 108 South St.

Phone 1004 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION $3 7 5 5T Pay It By Check When you have your fund, in a checking account you have the ability to pay always at hand, without carry. ing funds in cash. In addition, a checking account service gives you receipt for bills paid in the form of your. canceled check and a record of your expenditures in your .4 check stubs It is a fact that money alips through your fingers less rapidly when it is not in your pocket. ME 5 The PEOPLES Charlottesville, Va.

BANK 11 Branches for your convenience University-Crozet-Louisa 4 1. 4 -r Loews, Lorillard Minnea Montgomery Nash Net. Dairy Nal. Nat. N.

Y. North North Packard Paramount Pennaylvania Pure Oil Public Pullman Radio Remington Republic Reynolds Bears Surony Southern Southern Sperry Standard Studebaker Standard Stone Texas Timken Tri-Continental Union United United United U. 5. U. 8.

Vanadium Walworth Western Westinghouse Woolworth American Elec. Niagara Cities Goodness tire. and 1004 5.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.