The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

i I i.1:. ir? ADTEBTISEMEOTS DIED. At hlf Pt 12 A. 'm i Kg wears. a Ml re ox Btllitmi, I.

Uk n4Sew, IMmu tor laat 3lSenlSrtn hMt lt residence mm Foaxih etnet, mu Bkmim, t10 eolMk, A. 4saiBtaneea ef tne axe repecttaU7Ui vttefft Mtend jCw. iT. 9 THOA8 OltVKBlgTa 9t MovidTlUe, Bt. iMdrr 151858.

TM turI wlU take place TbU KvenlnK, at 5 reloclctrom IiU lt residence, 350 Can! stxet, KHm Deiteltty sad Bomb. Friend and miwlitniiin nf hi brother ln tew and sister, wg. JXcner aud vile, are respectfully invited te 'iiT' Opel Coarier pte copy; RTOJCrirR OB WedneiNlsT, lebrnrr 9, 1881. 8 O'clock, A. MDAVIO 8TONA KCB, ftd 59 yeara and 6 months, a native oi Netf Jersey.

Tna tnneral will take place Thursday, the 10th inaC at 10 o'clock, A. V. MewJersey papers please copy. HEUCWIO OrTBesdar, Februarys. 1881, as 7Se F.

CECIIJtA KATE, toeloved wife 4 Victor HelTiris, and daagUter of James M. WeynMath. The fan era! win take place from the resldenoe sf nerHaBband, No. 147 Second street This Day, Wednesday,) Fehrnary 9. at 3 o'clock P.

jtiends et the tamlly are respectfully ln AITZK Oa Tnesday. February a 1881jat 4 Uoek, nf CXKlirjiK, of Theo. SAlattvea and friends of the family are invited is attend the funeral, from Trinity Church, ack an street; at 8 o'clock, P. Jt Wednesday, 9th UTAHTED A WHITE GIKI AOED if aoout 12 years, to look after young cuuu. Scare terma.

SIO Sf j. B. ix, p. o. jsox aeoe.

klSSOLTJTlOIT THE COPAKTNEB8HIP WrMnfam nxistinr between the undersign mtar tA arm i name oi an ua. umin. la UiJa dv Mtolved av iuuu eonsenc. O. V.

FZKNANDEif will liquidate the affairs the eid firm and continue the business for his aneonnt at toe corner lanrnw ana 3f amine streets, solieiting the patronage here fer extended to he oW fim. V' LAWSOS F. GARltt ew Orleans, Feb. 9, 1881. F10 4t 39TJUJL HOPS SOOK ASS 1VADOSR CO.

HO, 3. BPECTAI. MEJffUO, Wiiassany Feb. 1,1881, TtZm P. Bf.

Aettvea aud exempts are requested to attend. By order of the President. ED. POBSOy, Secretary. PANORAMIC EXHIBITION AT foore CBaUSTXAK ASSOCIA.

87 CAKP8TBEET, mm Weaneaday, Fearmury 9, at 8 P. 1 The Panorama oensists of 23 paintinra. 19x30 feat, executed by an artist et great ability, who heewpemt yean oi hard study and labor noon Tkey' fflnatrate the' Book of Bevelatlon ran 'wondertul and extraordinary manner, each pie tare being appropriately described. 85 cents cMldren under 12 years mt age, 1ft eenta. Fa 8 FnUTATF LECTTJU TO GBTITLEiTEX BT PBOP.

O. FOWLER, ,.4 AT rODP FELLOWS' HALL, nCABHOODUfrs ITS IMPROVEMENT. r' Admission 25c This la the Professor's moat popular and in ISMniliigleetnre. F9 It Wasaiagtew Artillery AaaJela tJaav The officers and members are hexebr aedfied that the annual meeting and election of eaSeerewiUbeheldatthe arsenal on THUBH DAT, abruary 10, 1881, at 8 o'clock, P. JC very member Is expected to attend.

By etaer: B. F. ESHT.KMAIT, Presldt. LOPia A. ADAM, Secretary.

FO IP BaJI mt tfci 9mmvm Beweveleat Aaaecia tien HAT KOOM, EOOaC and TATJRANT for our Bail will be sold at Auetioa att haD eeraer BlenviUa and Exchange Alley, on eOH BAY, February 13, at 10s o'cl'sck. The oesmittee reserve the right to reject any aarfaiibMs. THOS. AGMEW, F8 10 18 Chairman of Committee. 8anal MeOce The regular naeniaiy rung ex tne ieujaiana engar I'lanters asso Lioa win be held at their office.

No. 24 Ba leaae street, on THURSDAY, 10th insk, at 7 e'eleek. P. V. All planters, whether members mt aot, are cordially Invited.

to attend. F9 2t F. QIFFEJT, Bec'y. UairriUe and Maakvllle RnllrMd Cm paay Office of Agent, 2lew Orleans, La, Bta 8, 1881 Special Wotiee From and "after this date no freight will be received by the S. O.

and U. K. until farther notice. tf a MARflHAT.U Freight Agent. fee ef Creeeewt CUyRnllrae Ceenpany, 3 8 Chartrea street, Sew Orleans, Feb.

By authority of a resolution of the Boara et Dtoeetors passed on the 7th Inst, notice ia hereby given, in aoeordanoe with article Hot the charter, that a general meeting of the stock naider oi this company will be held at the office, Ka. 8 Chartrea atreeVon MONDAY, March 21, next, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of ln the number oi directors from five to veven, and amending arttolea Noa. 9 and ll of be ehartertex that purpose. td JOHJT R. JTJDEN, Secretary.

OSes ef tiralfew OrleaiM dae IAgnt Caniimuy, Daw. Orleana, February 7. 1881 At the annual meeting et the stock hold era et the eempany, held Tuesday. January 11, 1881, pur eaant to its charter, the following were elected to serve as Directors during the emmiag year i JAMES ACXBOK, IX F. KKS jo UK.


8JMMj8. JOHN GEDDK3. and atthemcetinir foserganixation, held this 0Wiag enloere were nrtaiUmoosly re James JACICSOir, prealdeBi PlKfjBEDDES, Vloe President, 5 V. VALI.01 8, Secretary. F8 7t iiivnauflifc iTeasnrer.

V.VALLOIS, Secretary. street New Orleana, Fab. 7 Members of the New Louisiana Jookey are herby notltled that toey can obtain ir badfcaa fqc the Carnival Meeting on appli 7w70Tt; Secretary. or lUilreed Cent. TeyjJNe, 8 Chartree street New Orleans, Jan.

VI88L At a meettng of the Boardof Di tforiv held en Slat last, a dividend of TWO CEN T. waa declared out of the earnings of past three month payable on an 4 after Feb. 'j next. Transfers from 1st to 10th February ilfsx4Ti0mA. JOHN ML, JUDSN, r3 Secretary.

eea tm rka etaehAieldera tmm New Miute Paclao Bailway Core peny la accord, oe reeolattoaef U.s Board at Diree. ieJ thit company, adeptM at a meeting of heioTjaauary 27th. 1881, anad rned meeting af We StectUiOldare of said pariy wibsheid stthe s.aoe, No. SO Camp u.uLti eityaf New Or en the S4th TJT 1 11. between the eflJM aadl iP.M.teveZeen the onee cenaoUtlatten et the New Orleans i IT with the Texas aad SftawV BXoVk? aaMent N.

O. F. iettwer On. II WANTED. i tmUA i out atlMiw attas rateef lOanUia One tmeh tntrtiont to awstf Im wx taw to eenft a hm for taw BttiHMir trw warts, and 1 Hi KMar WANTED A OKSTUE3CAN THOB ou(bJy acquainted with the cotten fatare business wishes to make arrannmcnts with any one Seal ring to engage in the brokerage business, or with any firm wishinr to have some one to represent them en the noor of the Exchange.

First class references given. Address, rating where an interview can be had. X. Box 1184. F9 7t ANTED THE SERVICES OF AS DC employed druggist at 116 up stairs, v.

F9 tf T71 TKD A LADY TO. GIVE FBBIfCH VV lessons to a young man aft leisure from to tr. office. Address, stating terms, B.Z. this F8 WANTED AM ACTIVE.

INDUSTRIOUS house servant. Colored man referred. and good reoommendatlona required. Apply at 168 Canal street, up staira. fcX GAVE TIME, TROUBLE AMD EXPENSE KJ ox aenaina your rurniiure auoaoa.

urn tnil cash value by addressing EUREKA. AOoO tr. u. A GENTS WANTED JN ALL PARTS OF ne country. Send stamps for circulars.

HUNTER A OENSLINGER, 48 Camp street. New Orleans. F6 14t WANTED SITUATION AS BOO at. Keeper, Correspondent, etc Good references. Address J.

Box 706, Post Office. F6 8t AMD A FAIS PRION PAIB FOB good aeeend aand Furniture. Books and Merchandise et every deaerivttea. Send list of what von have to eail and voi and year address to Lack Baxa48, New Orleana Poet OfBee TATE AGENTS WANTEDr Throns hont the South, witb 'from 8800 to 1000 capital, to lntrodace a Portable Gas Light. Parties with above capital eaa aeonre themselves a very profitable business.

For particulars address A. H. WATKXNS, 394 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Mass. Jal4 lm i LOST AND FOUND. darftaNt inserted to Ate eetaaen at CU rats of 10 oanU a Une eaeh iaaerfioit; SOemtea Uns for tm week 90 cents iinebr two weXii SI 38 a Una for tares sMMfea, and 81 B0 Um for ewe mswra.

See am tsorde otmrtituU mU rfrr LOST ONE BAT PONY, ABOUT 14 hands high, star on forehead, with saddle and bridle on. A reward wilt be paid for the return of the animal to Factors' Cotton Press. F9 2t T3KJUND ASTRAY OS FRENCHMEN street, Saturday night, one BAY MARK. The owner may have the same by describing it and paying expenses by applying at Stern's Factorjr.corner Frenchmen ana Marlgny Canal. OST, STRAYED OR STOLEN ONE Black MULK.

about 18 hands high, slig hV ly lame In the right fore leg. A reward will be Said for the return of the animal to ROBERTS i Louisiana steam Sash. Boor and Blind Factory. Oravler. corner Howard street.

F8 3t BOARDING. Adsaraiamanta aaawtad In out aoiuaia mi tt rtmtf 10 amte sHsm eachinaerftea Wemte Km or om week 90 sent mWufor aneiamfcif 81 SB tine frr'Mr weeks, and fa 60 Untfor maewtotUX. Seven words eonttttvUe a Una. DESIRABLE ROOMS WITH BOARD. 216 Campstieet F9 7f BOARD1NU COMFORTABLE ROO Mis, with or without baxd, ia a private family, at roe i aronoeiet street.

a a YTir RNI8HED ROOMS 371 CAMP STREET. 17 Furnished rooms can be had with or without board at reasonable rate. Ja23 8w' 176 CAMP COMFORTABLE ROOMS, goea tare. jut Am TJANDSOMje BOOMS WITH BOARD. 166 11 Camp.

jaio mt' TWO HANDSOME FRONT ROOMS, WITH flrefreleas board, in a private family, 824 St. Cbartee street, Alee ether rooma. ja9 ew ST. CHARLES ROOMS FOR THAN. AO sient vmttws.

aft 6m BS. R. BOND, 821 SECOND STBEBIW Aix eoraxortabie reome ana gooa rare. Meter encea exchanged. d21 3m HANDSOME ROOMS IBS Camp.

WITH BOARD AT nl9 tr 11 TIBS RING ROSE HAS OPENED AT 174 it 1 Camp, near Jaiia, a DINING ROOM, where beard can be had by the day, week or month. Mooma in snne zer rent. ax a am "TO LEO ANT FURNISHED BOOMS. WITH JCj board, at 1X7 St. Charles street, opposite jAmyene aquare.

ax emw T300MS AND BOARD AT 890 MAGA cerner Mernmeas. comfortable A sme, voona, large and sanaO, with beard, In a private family, where there are ne eAiiaren. Terma moderate. myis 1 TO BENT, Atom tiMmmemti tneerUA fit cut selMaan af Us rmtttf 10 seats a Une aacA iiisntais 60 esate a Maxforans warti 90 aaats a tans Jbr awe marks 81 BOaMneer amdaavfisaeates Ism. THAT 'ELIGIBLE, FURNISHED OFFICE, No.

13 Carondelet steeet. first floor, rear. reeentrv oecunied bv the late S. Trier Read. completely furnished, with carpet, desks, chairs.

flasa door armoir, dock, letter press, FOR LENT low to a suitable tenant. Apply te NASH HODGSON, No. 13 Carondelet street. F8 tf BY APPLYING AT 200 CAMP STREET, two desirable rooms can be procured. F6 lm FOR RENT A PLANTATION OF ABOUT 200 arnente arable land, cerfectlv adanted to cultivation of rice, with a rseidenee, a oorn house.

a stable aad a pasture. Apply to M. M. TIBCt Very liberal conditions! TIBCTJ1T. welcome Poet Offloe Boe.w (St.

James. jaov in TJOR RENT LOW, TO A GOOD TENANT, the new two story houses, Noe, S87 and 589, also the cottar ee Noe. 685 and 685 Annunciation aueet. For parttculara apply as the premises. Tzt Ja23 tf VA ELAND tnrage.

PARK FOB PIO NICB PAS d31 'SO ly XPOB LEASE ONE OB MORE YEARS A larre place on the Jackson Railroad, near BogTMChftto: has a fine house on it; has 600 acres ef mixed upland and bottom land, with a spring of waiter capable et turning any kind et msi hi aery ter a tan yard, aheep farm or saw mill, or la suitable tor a cotton, earn or Jute farm. Apply to Dr. THOMPSON, and Col, WESSOMTae Bogus Chiao, ex No. 18 Union street. New Orleane, La d3 tf RENT THE MURPHY'S HOTEL BuOdlnr.

No.98 SVCbarlae street. Anlv to JOHN IB WIN, 87 Camp street. el9 ft Lower Maw ISO Onrvtar street, Ofaeeeen oar no. ran erevter i Apply to myl4 tf P. M.

BTROMH. T7 Carondelet street HTJiT nVh LARGE LOTS. Con a taluinr taining frame locaced ana square frena PoydMArket. Apply at aen AAiayeue aai tr i QI4ABX78 IRON AND BRASS FO OHDST and TchenjItemTss streeta, MANTJFACTUBEB OF Knrtnea, Boflera, awgar MQla, Saw MlUa, ug waeeia. nam lor Drainlna or Irri: antULgltUee Landa, Ixeat RalUnga, Coll fire Frenta.

Fumaee Mentha, ferata Ail work promptly attaaded to. CL ABE'S) FOUNDRY, apJS tt sm TaaeeplianlM treeia. ai)e Bvtmn pinxutfe XICHOU8OH cob, iTwranroBs. m0i NICHOLSON GEO. NICM0U8M wrmBXMBOAYMrwsmia.

feb. issi. 0RAND OPXBA HOTJSK "Hernanl." Rmhiurdt aad French Draoatio varan OtAchaSIIes THEATRE Fun a tie larrett aad Rioe MuBioal ACADnyWstOFiito to Mr. Jos. Jtmrnei FRENCH OPERA HOUSE French Opera Company.

"Fanst." The Playeo ar Hero. The teamer Camella Drought In the stranded theatrical companies this moralna; from Bay St. loqIs, to there will be perfono saoes this eTenioc botn at the St. Charles Theatre sad at the Academy ol Mnslo. The Soventy rirat The pnbUoation of a eail for a mass meeting of the 7ist Infantry in of yea terday eanaed considerable dlecntsioa among National throaghont the eity.

All of them were curton to know the reason for snob, a call, and none more ep than the members of oroixatlon. A reporter of the Herald called on Col Richard Voce daring she day aad asked for an explanation. CoL Tote srulled when the ouosUon was put, and said thavt the public Uob sad fx en the means of hla hATiag a great number of callera. It lias been aagrested, said the reporter, that the oalltor a mans meeting sad something; to do with the recent announcements of the State Goverriment concerning the National Gnard Not at all, air," the Colonel replied th eaD. has nothing whatever to do with the proposed action of the Adjutant General.

It would be simple abenrdiry for any officers or men of the National uoard to oritl else the action of their superiors, and I am quite certain that no officer of my reglssent or myself ever entertained an oh a thought." What la the call for, then I It is simply notice to the members of the reglaxtnt to meet at the armory ia ottl sen's dress. It Is a suggestion, not an order, and no man ia compelled to go if he does not want to. It is proposed to lay before the officers and men a general report of the condition of the regiment, which la particularly good this time, and to am upon them the importance of the trip to New Orleans which the command ia to take in a few weeks. To eail a mass meeting is only a way of getting the man together, ao that they eai be talked to directly. Orders and circulars could be issued, of course, but more ean be said in a few moments of con vernation than in a Quantity of etrenlars.

The meeting 1 designed to eneoorage the reerniting. which has been exoeedingly brisk of late, and to farther the Interests of the New Orleana trip, whloh is beginning to be regarded as of national Importance particularly in the Southern States. We nave aeorea of nawaDaners from Southern cities every day containing the most detailed in iormauon concerning me expexuvion. ana the enthusiasm there seems to be unbound ed. The meeting isflor the Duroose of lay.

Inn these facta before the regiment in the most convenient form. As for critieisieg the action of the Governor, the 71st Kegl ment would be the last to think of seen thing, because we hare positive assurance that no regiment in the State stands higher with the authoritUs." T. HeraUi, Feb. 6, The Widdrlogton. TheWlddilngton was sot off about half past five last evening, with the assistance of the steam tag Bertha.

On leaving the wharf the crew gave three hearty oneera. After backing oat she went te the eastward of Georges Island and steamed slowly np the harbor, assisted by the Bertha, to Boehe's Wharf, where she was docked for repairs. No serious damage waa found to have been done to the boilers or engines of the Widdrlngton, and all her machinery worked well. Gas Wharf now has a lonely appearance. naiijax vnrontcu.

is. ALOK6 THE LlKB SHORE. The Damage Deae by the Galaw Cant. B. John sen.

United States Local Inspector of Steam Veels, who arrived la this city from Bay St. Louis on the Camilla oa Wednesday morning, reports a damage to wharves and bath loses at Pass Christian of 810,000 or more, two thirds of those whloh were there previous to the storm being entirely demolished. In some piaeea the sheil road fronting the beach has been washed out half the way across, causing some fine trees to be undermined. 1 At Bay St. Louis the wharves and bath houses were in many instances carried away, aad the shell road at that place very serious lp injured, requiring a great outlay of capital to repair it.

Collector Badger on Wednesday morning received the following telegram from Gaps. W. MeCann, Boarding Officer attheBigo lets "Heavy gale during the night. At 8 A. M.

the wind hauled to westward. Water falling. Saved balance of wharves by ballasting them with heavy weight." THE WXATHXK. The Signal Officer at this station reports aafollowe: The highest temperature in New Orleans on Tnesday was 61, and the lowest during Tuesday night 68. At 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning the thermometer stood at 62, at noon S3 and 1 o'clock in the afternoon at 84.

Stationary temperature and clearing weather prevails in the Gulf State, the lint summer clouds appearing on Wednesday morning. A.t twenty live minutes past 13 o'clock on Wednesday morning a gale commenced blowing in Xew Orleans from the southwest, and continued until a quarter past 6. At half past 1 o'clock en Wednesday morning the velocity of the wind reached its highest point, blowing at the rate of forty miles an hour. Storm signal are ordered up at Mobile, Pensaeolaand Cedar Keys, and continue up at 'Jacksonville and Savannah, for a storm centre east of New Orleana, strong easterly winds, aooompanled by heavy rains, prevailing. 1 BIKTHB, ntaBET aGES AND DEATHS.

Recorded at the office of Beard of Health, Wednesday, February 9, 1881 1 Btrtas. Mrs. A. C. Winn, a boy, Fehrnary 8.

Mrs. Y. L. Lombard, a bey, February 1.. Mrs.

J. W. Roberts, a girl, January 17. Mrs. David A.

Thlenbaer, a boy, January 28. IWimam 7iai. Wheeler and. Mis Mary Frances 1ak Moody and Mrs. Mana Davis, 1Jtjbais Anorew Berwaux aad Miss Kate GIV Miokeltsafarttneand Mr.

CecUe Sitges, TisamseB. Oliver, 23 year, 850 Canal street, avld Stonaker, 59 yeara, 189 Anannciatioa J0 Chippewa and Alexin Adovh fe.X 16 vearA'narish of JafTer. Maginta Plantation." The sons and 'davne htava ttt tie atom in War Dance won 820.722 in tbs season of 1880. LATEST TBLBGRAPD COnr.IERCIAL. Through Blfla ef Ladlnc far Liverpeei via New Orlemns.

St. Louis, Feb. 9 Mr. Boss, of KewO leans, representatlTe of the new ateamship line to be pnt on between New Orleans and London, is here to arrange for the issns of through bills ef lading on grain and other produce from St. Lonls to London, by Yarioas barge lines, which ply between this eity and New Orleans.

This new line will oommeaee operations in about four weeks with fifteen steamers, one to leave New Orleans weekly. MILaTABT. The evcaty.Flrst New York Arrang lag for their Tri to New Orleana. New Tore, Feb. A meeting of the Tint Begiment N.

0. 8. W. was held last night to complete the arrangement for the trip to New Orleans, te take part In the alardl Ores festival. They win leave on February 94th, aad stop in Cincinnati at 1 o'clock on the asth, when the First Begiment of N.

O. will receive them. Taey will reach New Orleana oa the 21th, where the 'Louisiana National Guard will receive them and they will be welcomed by Major Gen. Beauregard, Adjutant General of the State of Lonialana. They will remain in Mew Orleana four days.

The expense of the trip will be 813 000. of which State of Louisiana pay a 85000 and the officers and men' make op the rest. Yesterday Wm. H. Van derbllt sent his check for $600 to help defray the expensee.

Destruction of Property at Pane ftlaaeanc. Maxchac Feb. 9 A terrific storm of wind and rain from the southwest struck this place this morning, about half past 3 o'clock, sweeping away every, building in the place, including the depot telegraph office. No lives were lost, bnt the dtlxena lost everything in the way of household effects, provisions, etc The Jackson road was submerged for a con aid arable distance near North Pass.bnt is now all right again, and trains are moving without farther detention. nARmnE Here Panic alara ef the Less ef the Daheaalan.

Crookhavex. Feb. 9. Another aocoooi of the loss of the steamer Bohemian The steward of the wrecked vessel says When the captain found the fog setting in be instructed the third officer to keep two points off. He then consulted the chart; and on going on deck and looking at the ships course, exclaimed Good God I What are yon doing i uara aport.

She struck soon afterwarda. The second officer, who was below at the time, attributes the accident to the thin! offleer'a mistaking the captain's orders an" keeping her two points off wind, instead of on snore, a no captain gave oraera to go mil speea astern Deiore toe snip scraex, CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. The Dlaaater at the Boffale Kallremd Be pet List ef the Dead. Buffalo, Feb. 9.

The work of clearing away the aeons ean sea oy tne lauing in of the New York Central Railroad depot, was completed yesterday afternoon, and the killed are as follows: Henry water, confidential clerk of Superintendent Tllllng nast; Caps. John W. Byrne, of this eity; Wm. D. wells, car inspector's clerk and Levi B.

Hunting, clerk in the office of the Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia Ball road. The disaster is properly attributed to the weakening of the north wall of the dep Jt by ousting an opening and passage way to connect with the new struoture. At no other hour of the day or night could the accident have happened without terrible lose of life, ae the depot at the time was comparatively JThe sst mall train, whlah was due about the time of the accident, was behind time, and the heavy Faelne express, due at 8 o'clock, was three hours late. niSCELLAHEODS. The New Farehaeer ef the Bt, Leula Time.

ET. Louis. Feb. 9. The St.

Louis Times' newspaper waa purchased for Geo. Knapp proprietors of the Republican. It will probably pass est of existence in a few days. FOREIGN. ENGLAND.

Ia the Heuae af Ceatmaas. LosDOsr, Feb. 9. In the House ef Commons, last night, debate on the coercion bill waa resumed. Mr.

Justin MoCarthy moved an adjournment of the Mr. Glad stone opposed the motion, whloh was rejected by a vote of 422 to 44. Mr. Melge, Home Rale, member for Meath, moved adjournment of the House. Mr.

Gladstone, seeing the. determination of further resistance, and considering that the Speaker would shortly submit new rules, consented to adjournment the debate waa adjourned, Mr. Parnel wae not present; he has gone to Frankfort, where the funds of the Land League have been invested. Fire In Ylcterta Deck. London, Feb.

930 P. M. A lire is raging in Victoria docks, London. Three barge and eight railway track have been nearly destroyed. A ship and four sheds are now on SPAIN.

Tie Mew Ministry. 1 Madrid, Feb. 9. The Ministry has been constituted as follows: Senor Sogaeta, Minister of Interior and President of Council; senor Armigo, Minister of Foreign Affairs Senor Camoeho, Minister of Finance Senor Alonso Martluos, Mlnt'ter of Justice; Marshal Martinez Campos. Minister of War Senor Pevl.

Minister of Marine Senor Al varedo, Minister of Publie Worebip; Senor Cueata, Minlater of Colonies. FRAMCB. Bejectlea af the Divorce Bill. Pabis, Feb 9. The Chamber of Deputies has rejected the divorce bill by a vote of 361 tO 226.

DOltlESTIO OTaK.KaTTS' Kew YokbV. 9 lot A. Futures steady, February 11.16 11. 20, March ll 209 1L30, April 11 44911.45, May 11.58911.65, Jane 11.7911.T1 July 11.80911.81, August 11.849 11.8S; September' lt.419U.43. October 10.989 li.

November 10.83910.85, December 10.889 10.85. rrAViKA Feb. 8. higar unsettled, anota tlon uuehangMl and nominal. 4 Spanish goia iss9im exenange nat on the Unltea statea, so nays, gold, 698 premium, abort eight do.

6M97ti pre mi air, on London 11917 premium, en A'ari prsmiam. Anstria'has apetrolenm region one eighth the slxe of that ef the United States, Pokt EAD8, Feb. Noon. Wind southwest and brisk. Weather cloudy.

Arrived: 8teamahip Lone Star, master, at 11 last night, from Kew York, to Cbae. A. Whitney A Co. Steamship E. B.

Ward, Pissati. master, last night, from Buatan, to a. Oteri dt Bro. Danish bark Mathllde, Wallaoe, master, day from Bio do Janeiro, with a cargo of, coffee, to master. No departurea.

a THE LOSS OF THE JOSKPHTJfB. Messrs. A. Whitney A Co. reeeived information cn Wednesday morning from Blloxl that the steamer Joaepaine had sunk in six fathoms of water, fifteen mQes south of Ship Island, all thejaaaaengera and.

crew having been saved. They will arrive in this city on the Cameiia, which is expected at West End about 8 o'clock to night. THX R. K. 'US.

The R. E. Lee arrtved at Tuesdsyeven lng with a big load. When she wa unloaded the damage to the machinery was examined and found to be slight. One shaft was broken, and two cylinder heads.

This damage will not amount to ever 83300. jThe Ed. Biehardaon win take the Lee's freight Thursday. Capt. Campbell leave to night, by rail, for Vfekabnrg to load the City of Yasoo Friday morning, aad to be here la lime Tuesday, the regular day of the The City of Yazoo will supply the place of the Lee until that steamer is again in readiness, which, it is thought, will not be over three weeks.

ARRIVAL OF TAB B. W. WARD, JR. The steamship E. B.

Ward, Capt. 8., Plzzattl. of the Oteri arrived at her wharf Wednesday morning, four day from Buatan. Capt. Fizsattt reports having left Buatan at 2:80 P.

M. on Friday, the 4th light easterly to northeasterly winds prevailing. On Saturday, at 8 P. passed Catocee, the wind blowing from the northeast. About midnight the wind shifted to the southeast, blowing a heavy gale sea 'rouah and rolling.

On Monday the wind blew very heavy from an points of the compass, accompanied by rain aad vivid lightning. At 8 A M. on Tueeday wind wa blowing hard from the southeast, aea rough and heavy. Arrived at Fort Bads at 3 P. M.

on Tuesday; saw no vessel or wrecks onthc paessge. The ward had only one passenger, Capt. PlxzAti, and the following cargo: 86,000 ooeoanuts, 2500 bunches of bananas, lft.000 plantains. 600 oranges, 50 pineapple and Dbla. limes.

The Ward sustained no damage from ths rough handling she encountered in the gale. Capt. Plzzatl speaks in high terms of her seagoing qualities. FILLING THB GAP. Hew Travel Will be Kept TJa by the He.

bile Road Until the Break ia Mended. At noon yesterday the steamer New Cameiia left west End for Pearl River bridge, between Lookout Station and Grand Plains, to receive 150 passengers and the mail from Mobile. Among the former are the passengers and crew of the ill fated steamship Josephine, which vessel waa wrecked off Blloxl at 8 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The officers et the Cameiia state that th gale through which the boat rode so safely and well at 8 o'clock Wednesday morale was the most severe they ever encountered. The passengers were all sea stck, and at one time it aDDeared as if the boat would cer tainly be wrecked but she rode it out like a duck.

The waves dashed over the pllot nouae several iimee. The Heroine, which left Quarantine at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, vl the Passes, for Bay St. Louis, up to 1 o'clock Wednesday bad not been heard from, although due ac St. Louie at 10 o'clock Tuesday night. he water beyond Pearl River bridge, on a Louisville and Nashville Kaiiroaa.

tu ceded and left the track, dry. Train will erefore run as far a that point, when sencera will be reshionea on the cs ilia, and arrive In the city via West End, tu rne roaa is repaired octween mi eaud'a Station, which will be the case In few days, if the present weather holds good. FALLING WATERS. Under the Iaflaenee sf the Brisk West Wind, the Flood Is Receding Rapidly, The lake 1 falling rapidly, and the current which for the past few days ha been pouring tn through the Rlgolet and Cher Mentenr has assumed a motion tn the con trarv direction, imoelled by the strong west erly wind wblcn has been prevailing slnos Coi ock weanesaay morning, ana tne eon Mnanae ia that the tide has fallen nereen tibly, and re nightfall the canals will have Msumed their normal level, and the draining machines will be able to begin the work OI Izeeisg tne rear 01 tne 01 iy irons tne noea of waters whloh this morning covered the ground as far in on uauu street as Johnson atreet. Grave apprehensions were felt at mif night on Tnesday, as at tLe time a heavy easterly gaie sprang np.

wnien soon sumed the Tnoportions of a hurricane. The houses shook and the windows rattled so nereely that aulte a number of persons oocu ovine sleeping apartments in two story hbuees deemed it safer to seek lodgment I www uiq 1 uif muvt uiw wiwmuuuirji atairs. The basin and the lake rose rapidly, but at about o'clock the wind veered to the westward, and soon made Itself apparent in a rapid decline in the waters. At present all the indications point to a continuance of the westerly wind, and by dawn of Thursday it ia reasonaDie to expect mat nearly aii rne water wiu nave iouna an outlet into tne laxe. SINBAD THX SAILOR.

At the height of the flood a broker was on hla way to hla home on Esplanade atreet. When he had arrived in the vicinity of the house he found the place surrounded by water. He waa preparing to wade into the water when some member of his family beckoned to him to hold on, and they sent to his assistance a stalwart colored man, who took the broker upon his back and conveyed him In aafety to hla doorstep. WOULDN'T PAY. Henry Keellman entered the grocery ef Fred Nieuaber, at the corner of Freret aad Leonldas streets, about half past 9 o'clock Tttaadaw nin.

and after imbibing sundry glasses of old tye, beer and ale, declined to pay for his refreahmenta, whereupon the owner of the grocery called upon tk officer of the law and caused the arrest of Keell man. 1 Cl "iN BfXLFOBIXNB CASTAL. A little white boy of about 13 years of age. named Vincent Charle. while playing on ti.

huiv At tha Malnomena Canal, between Howard and Freret atreet. about 6 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, fell into theeanal. but WM aavea irom riuwaiog oj mlt. ax wk nee. who WSS attraetea so sneepoeoyuiv cries for Mslstsnoes.

Charles resides at the corner oz JAoerty ana Aexpeioon buiajmj. THE CHARGE AGAINST THB BAB I co*ck MEN. rt nr. nvandlaan. af tha Rameart atreet Babooek engine, has investigated the Mtinm nbars a made against some of the men under his command by Mr.

Miller, a grccer aoing ouinee vu roruw wi ird and PoydrM streets, caps. b' AT gUm EUSSAfp MewASJVTU SIS SS laager aws Miller, who wm in toxic ted. in order to get rid of hlr preeence around the engine house. The quarrel wm brought about altogether by Miller, and he was neither kitocked down, stamped or struck by anybody. The 1 1 waa atretched TLzZmm th.

hanaasttiL.vai In reality the bridge croesing tbedewalk In front of the nonae. ana not waaa a pictured Is. CODING OF THE CAI3EUA. Th SDsaapa af Tvre Theatrleal law aw the Rent Betweea Mobile aad lewOriesH. With quite a nautical roll in their pale face, feverish eyes and travel stalaed garments, the member et the two theatrical companies Emmett'a aad the Fun on the Bristol" Troupes, disembarked from the susmer Cameiia at 9 o'clock on Wedaasday The male portion of the voyagers appeared to have suffered the most, if their Jaded, haggard looks wm any criteriesw The ladles, on the contrary, appeared fresh and a uneeneerned they ever did, aome even wearing smiles on their eoun tenanoes, if diedalnful of the aanger through which they had passed.

The two weather bound troupes, had a gather disagreeable experience ainee mat Sunday mernlag. The MFun et the Bristol" troupe, which wound np business in Mobile on Sunday night, after an exceptional aue esss, boarded the train on which EaunetVs troupe wm already safely ensconced. The meeting of the two companies on the train, both bound, for the same eity, wm a lucky eolnoicene, for the pLoaaure they felt in mutual con grstul atiOjU and conversations served te while away the teUous hours of a night of railway travel In midwinter where all wm bleak aad barren without. Although the wind howled and a drizzling rain fell, the trip far Bay 8t.Louls wm made without incident of note, and at o'clock on Sunday morning they arrived at the Bay without feelings of apprehension. ef any kind.

Here, however, their misfortune began, aad the first Intimation they received wm to the effect that a bridge had been washed away ahead of them, and a delay of a few hours at the Bay would be ooeaaloned until the bridge could be re naired. The passenger breakreated at tai station, where they were fortunate enoug to be served with a good meal. Whilln way the hours until mid day la eon Hone and steeulatien to their i adveni tures, the dinner hour came and the wm gone through with in a listless Information than reached the com that telearanhie communication been out off front and rear, and that the bri over which they had passed that morning succumbed to the fury of the etorm which had been raging all the morning. Bomesug rested in a joking way that they take rooms by the week, little dreaming that they would have occasion before night of really starting off on a house hunting expedition. A walk along the beach to witness the destruction caused by the etorm wm the next thing in order, and there the promcnaders viewed a scene which beggared deaerlpUon.

Not a wharf or a bath house remalnad. All were WMbed over into the mad vortex of waters, and their wrecks lined the beach far the eye could reach. Large, stately oaks, that had withstood the wind for centuries, were uprooted aad prostrated, their evergreen leave mingling with the wet aand. Ia the woods the large place bent their lofty heada almost to the earth, and their trunk snapped Munder like pipe stems. Before nightfall the Intelligence wm conveyed that their stay at Bay St.

Leuts would probably be a prolonged one, and tbey sought more comfortable and commodious well a economical quarter than thoae afforded, by seats in a railway ooao tithe manager of the sleepleg cars charging $3 for a berth per night, and the accommodations furnished by the company were of a kind that few eared to avail themeelTM of. Accordingly lodgings were scoured In a good hotel on the beaoh, and most of the members of the companies, having eon indxi tn make tha beat of it. amaaed them selves and each other only Jolly good people can. Monday morning's dawn did not Improve prospect one whit, and all sought for method te drive away Foot races among the multitude of plney woods darkeys who flocked around tne stranger were inaugurated. Jumping ma.

tehee aud other athletic sports, for nlokel stake, were indulged In for the edlfioatioa of the eaet aways, Interspersed by meals at regular honrs, to which ample justice wm done, a the larder of their host shewed on Sondsy night. On Monday night an Impromptu performance, in which the members of both troupes participated, wm given, much for their own amusem*nt as for the entertainment of the denizen of the sand hilts. The butld lng chosen wm the railroad depot, and mirth and jollity reigned supreme. By far the largest portion of the audience was upon the outside, and black face darkened the windows, and doors, and dark forms piled up one on the other to witness the novel performance. On Tuesday, Information wm conveyed to them that a boat would be dispatched for their relief at once, and all that day anxious eyes were strained in searching the horizon to the eastward for smoke.

None greeted their vision, and it wm not unit 10 o'clock that night that the light! of (he New Camilla weresislbie. In a few moments the wharf was a Scene of bustle and oonfuslon, Lotta's company disembarking and the others making preparations to go on board. At 1:30 o'clock all wa readv and the whistle sounded a stars. The boat backed out into the placid bay and turned herprow towards the Lake Borgne end of the Klgoiets. i The bav and LakeBorcne wMoalm aad smooth aa a summer sea, and the gallant craft gathered headway aad skimmed over tne waters, songs, laugnter ana jww were heard on all sides by those not Inclined to seek repose in the comfortable berths of the Qle When near St.

Joseph's light, east of the mouth of Pearl Biver, a sharp hissing sound for a moment disturbed the merrymakers; but it passed away into the dark distance, aad mirth resumed full sway. The regular, even motions of the veeael ahe plowed through the water began to get erratic, aad finally became so decidedly rough that one by one the company aoughi their cabins. The vessel began to pitch and toes la an alarming manner, and many aa eye glanced Mkanee at the white caavM covered cork marked life The storm now began to howl viciously outalde and the suppers of most of the paa sengera seemed to disagree with them. The conductor of the Louisville and Nashville Road, who wm Mleep la hi bertn, wa awakened and told that there wm some danger, but he wm unable to stand, and a tossed from one, side of the cabin to the other and became dreadfully sick. Inpsasing through the Blgolete, for.a shorv time they hadaomparatlvelya smooth aKA an at na nnax, Bixuna aMKmaaaew awv Sridge, cautdngavialbl.

qulvthroug In nar umoen ana wno.Fui w. nftAaflBATara. namiKfn. at no dare C.Bit,d. and Qianklng their lucky stars at their narrow eaeape, the paasenrers agalnreelgned themselves to thelaejitable.

After toaaing and pitching about Lake Ponteliartraln nntli o'clock Wednesday morning, the aea oeganMW oatm aown ana it wiuuuw saore westerly wind which sprang np at Srw. From then until they arrived tna nleket there wm comnarativelv smooth saiung. and at a quarter to 10 o'clock the train at West End. with most of the bag. gage aad paraphernalia aad all the members of the Emmet ana run on the Bristol companies, movea eiowiy city wards, all happy at the fortunate tesmlnatloa to their ufierlngs and glad that they ware so near theend of their Journey.

Sinee 1878 the eanaeltv' of th Eesv land mills has been tnereased from 114.000 loams and spindles to 189,700 looms and 6.800,90(1 swindles, and cotton eonsump tkm.whlchinirTa wm tn 1880 po less than Ia the South tn 1870. there were 11.000 looms and 417100 spindles. wLile the census shows that in 1880 there were 15.000 looms and 714 000 spindles, and tti at the consumption of cotton had increased from pounds to 102. 000,000. Comparing tne two eections.

It ia seen that in tea years Nsw England ha ln creasea aer cotton eonaumpBon aovui eu pw eent. and the South ever CITIZENS RELIEF COM MITTEE BleeUaa la. the auayet'psurlesAa ssent ef District CJeamsEUtses SeleeUea' ef Dlstribmtlag; Palat la the Ovetaowwd DlatitetaClKlaMmAaka The meeting of dUsen. called by the City i ODaneU to coneider the eondiuon of the peo TU ln overflowed district, wm held at 9:46 A. in tha Mayor' Parlor, the Mayor, tethe chair, and HTDudley Coieatan, Sacra lLm Honor stated that ths objaot of ihm meeting wm to dsvlae measures for the rriief of the sufferers of the overfiawed 41 rleta.

Mr. Geo. Hotter asked that the names ef the Executive Committee of the Auxiliary Sanitary Association be added to the Hat if. citizen. 7 The following named gentlemen from.

each district were appointed to aot relief committee, with authority to select other, citizens to aaatat them: 1 First District Wm. Harte, H. Zag, Hackett. Second District H. J.

Hirst, Jos, Demon ruelie. Third District Jno. Ohlsndort, Chas. T. Seaman, Janti Wilder.

Fourth DtatrlctWra. T. Haxdle. John son Armstrong, Henry Glader, Jaa. estB.

Kruttachnltt. j. Sixth DiatTictB. If oody. Feventh District Dr, L.

Tsbo. Tbey constitute the Citizens' Belief Com mirtee. The fonowlnf described points were dec' ignated the depots where aupptUe are to 1 be cent for distribution to the sufferers Third District WMhlngtoa Marker; WMhlngtoa Avenue Market, St Beraaid Market. Second District Tthjo Market. Canal Street Railroad Depot, at Broad treet District Claiborne Market Jackson Ballroad Depot, Fourth Diatriet Keller Market, St.

Charlre. Street Railroad depot, corner Eighth aad Carondelet street. sixth DU trie Napoleon Avenue ear sta tdon. Seventh Dlstxiotr CeJToUtsn Ballroad depot. The contributions of dtliens may be sent to any of these points, where committee) will be en hand to receive and distributa them.

on motion of Mr. Fltzpetriok the pToprl Otors of newspapers in this, city were added: to the Belief Committee. I The chairman appointed Mr. B. Schmidt Treasurer receive the funds.

A subscription list wm opened at OQ0C, and the following amounts reoelved xi James John Fltzpatrler, 20S; H. J. Bivet, 620; A. Harrison, 128 B. T.

Walshe, 850; Joseph Beh warts, tit; Wm fa*gan, New Orleans Democrat, 10 loaves of bread. The ExeeuUve Oommittee of the Anxmary Sanitary Association wm appointed, tha Finance Committee ef the assooutlon, with authority to solicit subscriptions, oa motion. Of Mr. Fltspatrlck. On motion ef Major E.

A. Burke, the com mittee of the city administration, oompoeed ef the Mayor, and Administrator Fitx Patrick, Walshe and Guiliotte, wm appoint the porehasing committee. The district committees were authorized to incur ueh expenses may be neoessaxy in distributing provisions. Dr. J.C.

Beard volunteered his services to visit the sick. sir. uorter statea mat tne naniiaryAo elation would fumlth the service of two physicians. A letter WMTkcoived from Mr. Denechand.

pfferlng to cook too to toe pounds of meat dally for ths immediate sol The meeting adjourned nntll P. iC to day, when the ehalrmen of eomuuttces Will 1 make their reports. After adjournment the committees met and resolved upon their programme of ee tion. Tbey will proceed at oaoe to the vari ens dletribuUng point to whloh will ba sent the provisions supplied by the par chasing committee, i During the morning several families from the overflowed districts appeared at tna Hall, and their necessities were relieved by the Mayor and Administrators. The water is slowly receding in the canals.

'( i i COURTS United Se Durxlct ta Thos O'Brien vs. steamboat E. Gay Libel for laborer's wages, i i. Criminal' Cewrt, JohnMeAullffe wm found not 'guilty ef? seault and battery in Section A yesterday. The case of Douglas V.

arden, Barged with petty larceny, and B. Mitchell, with Msaulc and battery were nolle proMqnied by District Attorney Finney. Richard Tobm pleaded guilty to simple Msault, and wm sent down.ior we months bs Judge Luzenberg. i. James Dnnae and M.

Brady were both tried on charges of assault and battery tn Section yesterday, and were found net 1 gUll.y. ii i i i i POLICE NOTES. ifffi Two colored rousubouts named George': a Johnson and Frank Carer engaged la a bout at fisticuff on Franklin, between Cos tomhoase and Bienville streets. They were arresred and looked np in the Fourth, i charged with flghtiug and dlstoxblag the "rhe" garbage has been aBowed ito aecmmu Ute for twodays la the fruit, beet and vega table departmentt of the Freaeh Market The lamplighter who ha charge of ta lamp on the square bounded by Casual. Carondelet Walk.

Galves and Broad streets failed to do his duty on Xoeeday night, and not a lamp wm lighted. Thos. Camp Deli and Chas. Johnson were. lodged In the Fourth Precinct Station oa charge of malleion mlaehleL1.

About 10 o'clock, Tuesday morning. Pa trolman Joyer shot and killed a viotona dog which had bitten Mr. Keating, who resides on Carendelet, near St. Mary atreet, Some anknown parties pulled down a Shanty at the head of Josephine atres about o'clock on Tuesday evening. Tne shanty wm owned by Mr.

Cooor and oocu pied by Mr. MGrtmners an oa 3. L. Anderson, a sailor oa boara oi ths ship Geo. A.

Hall, lying at the head of Washing ton street, while under the Influence of Levee whisky, made things lively, until the police put a stop to his amuaement, and landed nim la the Sixth Preoinet cation. Nearly all af thalamr in tne fcl*tb. Pre dnet are reported avlng been extln gulahed by the wind on Tuesday night. William Beehurlwa arrested at the corner Of Customhouse and Royal streets aad lodg ed In the Third, on a charge of having stolen a revolver. Lawrence Kelly, a hack driver, was arrest ed.

at the, corner of Dauphine and Custom. house for running a hack without a license. At half past 9 eeloek yesterday morning Henry Stewart, a white boy, about 12 yeara or age, stole a kit Of butoumiia tooi iron Edward Ryan, who resides on Deoatur, near Touloase street. F.J. Waller waa arreaiea on a warranv charging him with petty larceny, aad lodged in the Fifth Preoinet BteUoa.

Henry Clark wm arrested on a wsrranl by Constable Martin la A lgiers. for abosin pulloe onieers in th dlacharge of tbelr duty, and lodged la the Eighth Preoinet a dog bit a little girl named Mary Nicholas at her residence, at the corner of I telle aad Maral street, oa Td4v. animal wm shot and killed by Ouw While the steamboat Cberoke was way down to the city, Georre Tborr aecsnanq, managa 1 ton hook, shirt an 3 it i Walter Hendricka, Oa orr: the latter made wnt 4 son. and he wa pro Harbor station. Nona ef tb 1 Market were Lc hi The fir ataria Wa.

a ta resorted aa i if j. n. aviKT CAMPIAS. TDT BCX, bio.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.