whats going on in Tennessee??? (2024)



As the subject says... whats going on in Tennessee???

W4RT Electronics shipped out my FT-17 on Monday afternoon. It went

from Huntsville, LA to Nashville, TN in a couple of hours. Then it sat in

Nashville for about 36 HOURS before it got sent to Knoxville, TN.

Now according tot he UPS website... it arrived in Knoxville at 9:14pm.

As I look at the UPS website on Thursday morning... the radio is STILL

in Knoxville.

Since Monday afternoon... my radio has gone a TOTAL of 216 miles !!!!!

Look at all of the snow we've had here in Boston... and my radio arrived

atW4RT Electronics on the day the UPS website said it would arrive.

Does Tennessee get completely crippled by a few inches of snow???

When my radio was sent back... it was originally listed as being back

here TODAY... but it looks like its not even going to leave UPS in

Knoxville today.

Looks like UPS in Tennessee is more like pony not-so-express.

At this rate... maybe I'll have my radio back by the end of March.

Mike - N1EVH

Mike Olbrisch


Hmmm..... can't speak for UPS. Sounds like W4RT did their job.

As to a little snow shutting down a city.... ABSOLUTELY! Get a 1/4 inch snow-fall in El Paso, and the city is paralyzed! They close the mountain passes (might have 3 to 6 inches), I-10 comes to a slow crawl or sometimes gets closed, schools close or delay opening for hours, even the airport closes for several hours.

It has been a long time since I drove in snow. Last was in 1984, when I was stationed in Northern Bavaria. Once assigned t Fort Bliss, I was a desert rat the rest of my career. While I used to deal with snow with the best of them, and I am sure I am better than the average El Pasoan, I no longer consider myself a competent snow driver.

So - YES - a city can be shut down by a little snow. Much like the W1 area would falter if some of our 110º F days hit up there. .

BTW - I sympathize with you waiting for the radio - I waited 6 weeks for my jeep to be delivered. Heading out to start it right now.

Vy73 - Mike - KD5KC.

El Paso, Texas - DM61rt.

W5-SOTA Association Manager.

NA-SOTA info: http://na-sota.org/

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From: FT817@... [mailto:FT817@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 07:14
To: FT817@...
Subject: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

As the subject says... whats going on in Tennessee???

W4RT Electronics shipped out my FT-17 on Monday afternoon. It went

from Huntsville, LA to Nashville, TN in a couple of hours. Then it sat in

Nashville for about 36 HOURS before it got sent to Knoxville, TN.

Now according tot he UPS website... it arrived in Knoxville at 9:14pm.

As I look at the UPS website on Thursday morning... the radio is STILL

in Knoxville.

Since Monday afternoon... my radio has gone a TOTAL of 216 miles !!!!!

Look at all of the snow we've had here in Boston... and my radio arrived

atW4RT Electronics on the day the UPS website said it would arrive.

Does Tennessee get completely crippled by a few inches of snow???

When my radio was sent back... it was originally listed as being back

here TODAY... but it looks like its not even going to leave UPS in

Knoxville today.

Looks like UPS in Tennessee is more like pony not-so-express.

At this rate... maybe I'll have my radio back by the end of March.

Mike - N1EVH

Rich Arland


OK, here's the deal, Lucile.....

Southern drivers and snow are mutually exclusive terms!! Having lived in Mississippi, Oklahoma, Virginia, Texas, and now Georgia, let me attest to the fact that 99% of the drivers DO NOT know how to drive in snow. Throw some ice, freezing rain and fog into the mix and you end up with 100+ car pileups. Those of us who have lived and driven in severe winter weather (born and raised near Spokane, Wa, and lived in Pennsylvania for 22 yrs) KNOW how to drive under these conditions. Better yet, we KNOW when to stay home, crack open a Dr. Pepper, and work some DX!!! It's ain't rocket science!

As for Tennessee, my grand daughter lives there near Severeville and we got periodic updates from her on driving condx in and around that area. It wasn't pretty. My son lives in Armadillo, er Amarillo, TX and his fiance was flying in from Pennsylvania last week. She was diverted due to severe WX three times and ended up deplaning in Dallas, which, if you watched the news, was totally parallelized due to inch thick ice on the roads and an onslaught of snow over top of that!! He drove 5 hrs from Armadillo, er Amarillo to Dallas, picked her up and they stayed two days in a hotel before returning to Armadillo, er, Amarillo! Needless to say it was an "interesting" trip for the two of them!

Flame suit on....go ahead, give it your best shot!!

Rich Arland

To: FT817@...
From: FT817@...
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 07:27:04 -0700
Subject: RE: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

Hmmm..... can't speak for UPS. Sounds like W4RT did their job.

As to a little snow shutting down a city.... ABSOLUTELY! Get a 1/4 inch snow-fall in El Paso, and the city is paralyzed! They close the mountain passes (might have 3 to 6 inches), I-10 comes to a slow crawl or sometimes gets closed, schools close or delay opening for hours, even the airport closes for several hours.

It has been a long time since I drove in snow. Last was in 1984, when I was stationed in Northern Bavaria. Once assigned t Fort Bliss, I was a desert rat the rest of my career. While I used to deal with snow with the best of them, and I am sure I am better than the average El Pasoan, I no longer consider myself a competent snow driver.

So - YES - a city can be shut down by a little snow. Much like the W1 area would falter if some of our 110º F days hit up there. .

BTW - I sympathize with you waiting for the radio - I waited 6 weeks for my jeep to be delivered. Heading out to start it right now.

Vy73 - Mike - KD5KC.

El Paso, Texas - DM61rt.

W5-SOTA Association Manager.

NA-SOTA info: http://na-sota.org/

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From: FT817@... [mailto:FT817@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 07:14
To: FT817@...
Subject: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

As the subject says... whats going on in Tennessee???

W4RT Electronics shipped out my FT-17 on Monday afternoon. It went

from Huntsville, LA to Nashville, TN in a couple of hours. Then it sat in

Nashville for about 36 HOURS before it got sent to Knoxville, TN.

Now according tot he UPS website... it arrived in Knoxville at 9:14pm.

As I look at the UPS website on Thursday morning... the radio is STILL

in Knoxville.

Since Monday afternoon... my radio has gone a TOTAL of 216 miles !!!!!

Look at all of the snow we've had here in Boston... and my radio arrived

atW4RT Electronics on the day the UPS website said it would arrive.

Does Tennessee get completely crippled by a few inches of snow???

When my radio was sent back... it was originally listed as being back

here TODAY... but it looks like its not even going to leave UPS in

Knoxville today.

Looks like UPS in Tennessee is more like pony not-so-express.

At this rate... maybe I'll have my radio back by the end of March.

Mike - N1EVH

Matthew Pitts

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No arguments or flames from me; my uncle lives in Oxford Mississippi, though he was born up north, and he's said much the same thing about folks down.

Matthew Pitts


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From: "Rich Arland k7sz@... [FT817]"
To: "FT817@..."
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

OK, here's the deal, Lucile.....

Southern drivers and snow are mutually exclusive terms!! Having lived in Mississippi, Oklahoma, Virginia, Texas, and now Georgia, let me attest to the fact that 99% of the drivers DO NOT know how to drive in snow. Throw some ice, freezing rain and fog into the mix and you end up with 100+ car pileups. Those of us who have lived and driven in severe winter weather (born and raised near Spokane, Wa, and lived in Pennsylvania for 22 yrs) KNOW how to drive under these conditions. Better yet, we KNOW when to stay home, crack open a Dr. Pepper, and work some DX!!! It's ain't rocket science!

As for Tennessee, my grand daughter lives there near Severeville and we got periodic updates from her on driving condx in and around that area. It wasn't pretty. My son lives in Armadillo, er Amarillo, TX and his fiance was flying in from Pennsylvania last week. She was diverted due to severe WX three times and ended up deplaning in Dallas, which, if you watched the news, was totally parallelized due to inch thick ice on the roads and an onslaught of snow over top of that!! He drove 5 hrs from Armadillo, er Amarillo to Dallas, picked her up and they stayed two days in a hotel before returning to Armadillo, er, Amarillo! Needless to say it was an "interesting" trip for the two of them!

Flame suit on....go ahead, give it your best shot!!

Rich Arland

To: FT817@...
From: FT817@...
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 07:27:04 -0700
Subject: RE: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

Hmmm..... can't speak for UPS. Sounds like W4RT did their job.

As to a little snow shutting down a city.... ABSOLUTELY! Get a 1/4 inch snow-fall in El Paso, and the city is paralyzed! They close the mountain passes (might have 3 to 6 inches), I-10 comes to a slow crawl or sometimes gets closed, schools close or delay opening for hours, even the airport closes for several hours.

It has been a long time since I drove in snow. Last was in 1984, when I was stationed in Northern Bavaria. Once assigned t Fort Bliss, I was a desert rat the rest of my career. While I used to deal with snow with the best of them, and I am sure I am better than the average El Pasoan, I no longer consider myself a competent snow driver.

So - YES - a city can be shut down by a little snow. Much like the W1 area would falter if some of our 110º F days hit up there. .

BTW - I sympathize with you waiting for the radio - I waited 6 weeks for my jeep to be delivered. Heading out to start it right now.

Vy73 - Mike - KD5KC.

El Paso, Texas - DM61rt.

W5-SOTA Association Manager.

NA-SOTA info: http://na-sota.org/

From: FT817@... [mailto:FT817@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 07:14
To: FT817@...
Subject: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

As the subject says... whats going on in Tennessee???

W4RT Electronics shipped out my FT-17 on Monday afternoon. It went

from Huntsville, LA to Nashville, TN in a couple of hours. Then it sat in

Nashville for about 36 HOURS before it got sent to Knoxville, TN.

Now according tot he UPS website... it arrived in Knoxville at 9:14pm.

As I look at the UPS website on Thursday morning... the radio is STILL

in Knoxville.

Since Monday afternoon... my radio has gone a TOTAL of 216 miles !!!!!

Look at all of the snow we've had here in Boston... and my radio arrived

atW4RT Electronics on the day the UPS website said it would arrive.

Does Tennessee get completely crippled by a few inches of snow???

When my radio was sent back... it was originally listed as being back

here TODAY... but it looks like its not even going to leave UPS in

Knoxville today.

Looks like UPS in Tennessee is more like pony not-so-express.

At this rate... maybe I'll have my radio back by the end of March.

Mike - N1EVH


  • All Messages By This Member


...Southern drivers and snow are mutually exclusive terms!!

The story goes that during a Dallas snow storm, when the taxi driver realized his airport pickup was from MN, he turned the keys over and said "here, you drive!" He got to his destination just fine.


Bill Boyer


Doesn't really matter how bad-a** or Yankee you are, the freeways in the south are not navigable in ice, especially the elevated interchanges, unless you have chains and balls of steel. Google image search Dallas High Five for details.


This message was delivered by flying monkeys!

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On Feb 26, 2015, at 12:56, Nick Kemp nkemp1165@... [FT817] <FT817@...> wrote:

...Southern drivers and snow are mutually exclusive terms!!

The story goes that during a Dallas snow storm, when the taxi driver realized his airport pickup was from MN, he turned the keys over and said "here, you drive!" He got to his destination just fine.




Yup... W4RT did their job. They received it early Friday afternoon

and they sent it back to me late Monday afternoon. I don't think

ANYONE could've asked for a quicker turnaround time than that.

This reminds me of last year when I think it was Atlanta that got

like 2 or 3 inches of snow.Traffic on the highways was complete

gridlock... and people were ABANDONING their cars on the highway

because they weren't able to go anywhere... and so on.

2 or 3 inches of snow in the south completely paralyzes them... but

if you look at the 6 to 7 feet of snow we had in Boston between Jan

25th and Feb 9th... we shovel a path to our grill and ask people how

do they want your burger :-)

If it was going to take this long for my radio just to pass thru the

state of Tennessee... with how close the UPS office is to the airport

there in Nashville (less than a mile)... they should've put it on a plane

and send it to Boston that way... unless the airport in Nashville is

also shut down for days.

Mike - N1EVH

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-------Original Message-------

From: 'Mike Olbrisch' mike-2007@... [FT817]

Date: 02/26/15 09:27:18

To: FT817@...

Subject: RE: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

Hmmm..... can't speak for UPS. Sounds like W4RT did their job.

As to a little snow shutting down a city.... ABSOLUTELY! Get a 1/4 inch snow-fall in El Paso, and the city is paralyzed! They close the mountain passes (might have 3 to 6 inches), I-10 comes to a slow crawl or sometimes gets closed, schools close or delay opening for hours, even the airport closes for several hours.

It has been a long time since I drove in snow. Last was in 1984, when I was stationed in Northern Bavaria. Once assigned t Fort Bliss, I was a desert rat the rest of my career. While I used to deal with snow with the best of them, and I am sure I am better than the average El Pasoan, I no longer consider myself a competent snow driver.

So - YES - a city can be shut down by a little snow. Much like the W1 area would falter if some of our 110º F days hit up there. .

BTW - I sympathize with you waiting for the radio - I waited 6 weeks for my jeep to be delivered. Heading out to start it right now.

Vy73 - Mike - KD5KC.

El Paso, Texas - DM61rt.

W5-SOTA Association Manager.

NA-SOTA info: http://na-sota.org/

From: FT817@... [mailto:FT817@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 07:14
To: FT817@...
Subject: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

As the subject says... whats going on in Tennessee???

W4RT Electronics shipped out my FT-17 on Monday afternoon. It went

from Huntsville, LA to Nashville, TN in a couple of hours. Then it sat in

Nashville for about 36 HOURS before it got sent to Knoxville, TN.

Now according tot he UPS website... it arrived in Knoxville at 9:14pm.

As I look at the UPS website on Thursday morning... the radio is STILL

in Knoxville.

Since Monday afternoon... my radio has gone a TOTAL of 216 miles !!!!!

Look at all of the snow we've had here in Boston... and my radio arrived

atW4RT Electronics on the day the UPS website said it would arrive.

Does Tennessee get completely crippled by a few inches of snow???

When my radio was sent back... it was originally listed as being back

here TODAY... but it looks like its not even going to leave UPS in

Knoxville today.

Looks like UPS in Tennessee is more like pony not-so-express.

At this rate... maybe I'll have my radio back by the end of March.

Mike - N1EVH

Joseph Wonoski

  • All Messages By This Member



I like my beef really rare whenever you light thegrill. :-)As to the Nashville workaround, well that's just too logical forUPS to implement. :-(

Any of us going to the Boxboro hamfest in August should try to meet up!

Sonny N1KHB

In a message dated 2/26/2015 2:19:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,FT817@... writes:

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Yup... W4RT did their job. They received it early Friday afternoon

and they sent it back to me late Monday afternoon. I don't think

ANYONE could've asked for a quicker turnaround time thanthat.

This reminds me of last year when I think it was Atlanta that got

like 2 or 3 inches of snow.Traffic on the highways was complete

gridlock... and people were ABANDONING their cars on the highway

because they weren't able to go anywhere... and so on.

2 or 3 inches of snow in the south completely paralyzes them... but

if you look at the 6 to 7 feet of snow we had in Boston between Jan

25th and Feb 9th... we shovel a path to our grill and ask people how

do they want your burger :-)

If it was going to take this long for my radio just to pass thru the

state of Tennessee... with how close the UPS office is to the airport

there in Nashville (less than a mile)... they should've put it on a plane

and send it to Boston that way... unless the airport in Nashville is

also shut down for days.

Mike - N1EVH

-------Original Message-------

From: 'Mike Olbrisch' mike-2007@... [FT817]

Date: 02/26/15 09:27:18

To: FT817@...

Subject: RE: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

Hmmm..... can't speak for UPS. Sounds like W4RT did their job.

As to a little snow shutting down a city.... ABSOLUTELY! Get a 1/4 inch snow-fall in El Paso, and the city is paralyzed! They close the mountain passes (might have 3 to 6 inches), I-10 comes to a slow crawl or sometimes gets closed, schools close or delay opening for hours, even the airport closes for several hours.

It has been a long time since I drove in snow. Last was in 1984, when I was stationed in Northern Bavaria. Once assigned t Fort Bliss, I was a desert rat the rest of my career. While I used to deal with snow with the best of them, and I am sure I am better than the average El Pasoan, I no longer consider myself a competent snow driver.

So - YES - a city can be shut down by a little snow. Much like the W1 area would falter if some of our 110º F days hit up there. .

BTW - I sympathize with you waiting for the radio - I waited 6 weeks for my jeep to be delivered. Heading out to start it right now.

Vy73 - Mike - KD5KC.

El Paso, Texas - DM61rt.

W5-SOTA Association Manager.

NA-SOTA info: http://na-sota.org/

From: FT817@... [mailto:FT817@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 07:14
To: FT817@...
Subject: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

As the subject says... whats going on in Tennessee???

W4RT Electronics shipped out my FT-17 on Monday afternoon. It went

from Huntsville, LA to Nashville, TN in a couple of hours. Then it sat in

Nashville for about 36 HOURS before it got sent to Knoxville, TN.

Now according tot he UPS website... it arrived in Knoxville at 9:14pm.

As I look at the UPS website on Thursday morning... the radio is STILL

in Knoxville.

Since Monday afternoon... my radio has gone a TOTAL of 216 miles !!!!!

Look at all of the snow we've had here in Boston... and my radio arrived

atW4RT Electronics on the day the UPS website said it would arrive.

Does Tennessee get completely crippled by a few inches of snow???

When my radio was sent back... it was originally listed as being back

here TODAY... but it looks like its not even going to leave UPS in

Knoxville today.

Looks like UPS in Tennessee is more like pony not-so-express.

At this rate... maybe I'll have my radio back by the end of March.

Mike - N1EVH

Walter Daniels

  • All Messages By This Member


I was born an raised in southern Indiana but now live in Texas. I can say from experiance that you get a half dozen snow flakes on the ground here and Texans loose their bloomin minds. I have seen more vehicles off the side of the road since I been here than in my entire life.



Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S® 5, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

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-------- Original message --------
From: "Matthew Pitts daywalker_blade_2004@... [FT817]" <FT817@...>
Date:02/26/2015 12:47 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: FT817@...
Subject: Re: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???


No arguments or flames from me; my uncle lives in Oxford Mississippi, though he was born up north, and he's said much the same thing about folks down.

Matthew Pitts


From: "Rich Arland k7sz@... [FT817]" <FT817@...>
To: "FT817@..." <ft817@...>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

OK, here's the deal, Lucile.....

Southern drivers and snow are mutually exclusive terms!! Having lived in Mississippi, Oklahoma, Virginia, Texas, and now Georgia, let me attest to the fact that 99% of the drivers DO NOT know how to drive in snow. Throw some ice, freezing rain and fog into the mix and you end up with 100+ car pileups. Those of us who have lived and driven in severe winter weather (born and raised near Spokane, Wa, and lived in Pennsylvania for 22 yrs) KNOW how to drive under these conditions. Better yet, we KNOW when to stay home, crack open a Dr. Pepper, and work some DX!!! It's ain't rocket science!

As for Tennessee, my grand daughter lives there near Severeville and we got periodic updates from her on driving condx in and around that area. It wasn't pretty. My son lives in Armadillo, er Amarillo, TX and his fiance was flying in from Pennsylvania last week. She was diverted due to severe WX three times and ended up deplaning in Dallas, which, if you watched the news, was totally parallelized due to inch thick ice on the roads and an onslaught of snow over top of that!! He drove 5 hrs from Armadillo, er Amarillo to Dallas, picked her up and they stayed two days in a hotel before returning to Armadillo, er, Amarillo! Needless to say it was an "interesting" trip for the two of them!

Flame suit on....go ahead, give it your best shot!!

Rich Arland

To: FT817@...
From: FT817@...
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 07:27:04 -0700
Subject: RE: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

Hmmm..... can't speak for UPS. Sounds like W4RT did their job.

As to a little snow shutting down a city.... ABSOLUTELY! Get a 1/4 inch snow-fall in El Paso, and the city is paralyzed! They close the mountain passes (might have 3 to 6 inches), I-10 comes to a slow crawl or sometimes gets closed, schools close or delay opening for hours, even the airport closes for several hours.

It has been a long time since I drove in snow. Last was in 1984, when I was stationed in Northern Bavaria. Once assigned t Fort Bliss, I was a desert rat the rest of my career. While I used to deal with snow with the best of them, and I am sure I am better than the average El Pasoan, I no longer consider myself a competent snow driver.

So - YES - a city can be shut down by a little snow. Much like the W1 area would falter if some of our 110º F days hit up there. <grin>.

BTW - I sympathize with you waiting for the radio - I waited 6 weeks for my jeep to be delivered. Heading out to start it right now.

Vy73 - Mike - KD5KC.

El Paso, Texas - DM61rt.

W5-SOTA Association Manager.

NA-SOTA info: http://na-sota.org/

From: FT817@... [mailto:FT817@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 07:14
To: FT817@...
Subject: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

As the subject says... whats going on in Tennessee???

W4RT Electronics shipped out my FT-17 on Monday afternoon. It went

from Huntsville, LA to Nashville, TN in a couple of hours. Then it sat in

Nashville for about 36 HOURS before it got sent to Knoxville, TN.

Now according tot he UPS website... it arrived in Knoxville at 9:14pm.

As I look at the UPS website on Thursday morning... the radio is STILL

in Knoxville.

Since Monday afternoon... my radio has gone a TOTAL of 216 miles !!!!!

Look at all of the snow we've had here in Boston... and my radio arrived

atW4RT Electronics on the day the UPS website said it would arrive.

Does Tennessee get completely crippled by a few inches of snow???

When my radio was sent back... it was originally listed as being back

here TODAY... but it looks like its not even going to leave UPS in

Knoxville today.

Looks like UPS in Tennessee is more like pony not-so-express.

At this rate... maybe I'll have my radio back by the end of March.

Mike - N1EVH



There's going to be a Boxboro this year??? I know its usually held

every other year during the even numbered years... but I know it got

cancelled last year due to the ARRL Centennial.

Does this mean there will be a Boxboro in 2016 as well... or will they

start having them every other year during the odd numbered years???

I usually try to get there... but I can't make any guarantees that I will

be there (Ihave to see which weekend in August it is).

Maybe UPS will have my FT-817 back to me before then :-) The

tracking number on the website hasa "departure scan"listed from

Knoxville... lets see if it actually leaves there.

Mike - N1EVH

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-------Original Message-------

From: N1KHB@... [FT817]

Date: 02/26/15 14:48:22

To: FT817@...

Subject: Re: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???


I like my beef really rare whenever you light the grill. :-)As to the Nashville workaround, well that's just too logical for UPS to implement. :-(

Any of us going to the Boxboro hamfest in August should try to meet up!

Sonny N1KHB

In a message dated 2/26/2015 2:19:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, FT817@... writes:

Yup... W4RT did their job. They received it early Friday afternoon

and they sent it back to me late Monday afternoon. I don't think

ANYONE could've asked for a quicker turnaround time than that.

This reminds me of last year when I think it was Atlanta that got

like 2 or 3 inches of snow.Traffic on the highways was complete

gridlock... and people were ABANDONING their cars on the highway

because they weren't able to go anywhere... and so on.

2 or 3 inches of snow in the south completely paralyzes them... but

if you look at the 6 to 7 feet of snow we had in Boston between Jan

25th and Feb 9th... we shovel a path to our grill and ask people how

do they want your burger :-)

If it was going to take this long for my radio just to pass thru the

state of Tennessee... with how close the UPS office is to the airport

there in Nashville (less than a mile)... they should've put it on a plane

and send it to Boston that way... unless the airport in Nashville is

also shut down for days.

Mike - N1EVH

-------Original Message-------

From: 'Mike Olbrisch' mike-2007@... [FT817]

Date: 02/26/15 09:27:18

To: FT817@...

Subject: RE: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

Hmmm..... can't speak for UPS. Sounds like W4RT did their job.

As to a little snow shutting down a city.... ABSOLUTELY! Get a 1/4 inch snow-fall in El Paso, and the city is paralyzed! They close the mountain passes (might have 3 to 6 inches), I-10 comes to a slow crawl or sometimes gets closed, schools close or delay opening for hours, even the airport closes for several hours.

It has been a long time since I drove in snow. Last was in 1984, when I was stationed in Northern Bavaria. Once assigned t Fort Bliss, I was a desert rat the rest of my career. While I used to deal with snow with the best of them, and I am sure I am better than the average El Pasoan, I no longer consider myself a competent snow driver.

So - YES - a city can be shut down by a little snow. Much like the W1 area would falter if some of our 110º F days hit up there. .

BTW - I sympathize with you waiting for the radio - I waited 6 weeks for my jeep to be delivered. Heading out to start it right now.

Vy73 - Mike - KD5KC.

El Paso, Texas - DM61rt.

W5-SOTA Association Manager.

NA-SOTA info: http://na-sota.org/

From: FT817@... [mailto:FT817@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 07:14
To: FT817@...
Subject: [FT817] whats going on in Tennessee???

As the subject says... whats going on in Tennessee???

W4RT Electronics shipped out my FT-17 on Monday afternoon. It went

from Huntsville, LA to Nashville, TN in a couple of hours. Then it sat in

Nashville for about 36 HOURS before it got sent to Knoxville, TN.

Now according tot he UPS website... it arrived in Knoxville at 9:14pm.

As I look at the UPS website on Thursday morning... the radio is STILL

in Knoxville.

Since Monday afternoon... my radio has gone a TOTAL of 216 miles !!!!!

Look at all of the snow we've had here in Boston... and my radio arrived

atW4RT Electronics on the day the UPS website said it would arrive.

Does Tennessee get completely crippled by a few inches of snow???

When my radio was sent back... it was originally listed as being back

here TODAY... but it looks like its not even going to leave UPS in

Knoxville today.

Looks like UPS in Tennessee is more like pony not-so-express.

At this rate... maybe I'll have my radio back by the end of March.

Mike - N1EVH

Jim Lowman

  • All Messages By This Member


Not only that, but, in areas where snow is uncommon, cities lack even basic snow removal/sanding/salting equipment.
Thus, Mother Nature has to provide an accompanying thaw to get rid of it.

The guys at MFJ posted on Facebook that they had snow in Starkville.

I've often said that if we had even an inch of snow in the LA area, California's overpopulation problem might be solved. :-)

The night before we were to leave Seattle for home, about two inches of snow fell.
You should have seen almost all of the locals, creeping down I-5.
Fortunately, I had rented a Jeep Commander for the trip over Snoqualmie Pass.

72/73 de Jim - AD6CW

On 2/26/2015 7:59 AM, Rich Arland k7sz@... [FT817] wrote:

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OK, here's the deal, Lucile.....

Southern drivers and snow are mutually exclusive terms!! Having lived in Mississippi, Oklahoma, Virginia, Texas, and now Georgia, let me attest to the fact that 99% of the drivers DO NOT know how to drive in snow. Throw some ice, freezing rain and fog into the mix and you end up with 100+ car pileups. Those of us who have lived and driven in severe winter weather (born and raised near Spokane, Wa, and lived in Pennsylvania for 22 yrs) KNOW how to drive under these conditions. Better yet, we KNOW when to stay home, crack open a Dr. Pepper, and work some DX!!! It's ain't rocket science!

As for Tennessee, my grand daughter lives there near Severeville and we got periodic updates from her on driving condx in and around that area. It wasn't pretty. My son lives in Armadillo, er Amarillo, TX and his fiance was flying in from Pennsylvania last week. She was diverted due to severe WX three times and ended up deplaning in Dallas, which, if you watched the news, was totally parallelized due to inch thick ice on the roads and an onslaught of snow over top of that!! He drove 5 hrs from Armadillo, er Amarillo to Dallas, picked her up and they stayed two days in a hotel before returning to Armadillo, er, Amarillo! Needless to say it was an "interesting" trip for the two of them!

Flame suit on....go ahead, give it your best shot!!

Rich Arland

Joseph Wonoski

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I don't understand why there aren't mutual aid agreements in place to helpout in situations like that. The power companies get out-of-state crews forpower line restoration. The fire departments in various areas all help eachother. Police departments state/local, etc. all help each other out. So where'sthe precedent that salt/plow/sand crews can't be recruited, after their ownobligations are met of course? The answer could be in budgetary problems, butshouldn't where public safety is involved. Money over lives. Nice. I really hopethat isn't the reason though.

Citizens in all of these seldom butsometimesaffected areas should be asking what their local and stategovernment procedures are. For us northern types, we have to deal with it allthe time, so the mission is clear. The town or state WILL clear the snow andtreat the roads. I truly feel sorry for those in areas where things are left upto chance by the bureaucrats.

Sonny N1KHB

In a message dated 3/1/2015 8:48:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,FT817@... writes:

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Not only that, but, in areas where snow is uncommon, cities lack even basic snow removal/sanding/salting equipment.
Thus, Mother Nature has to provide an accompanying thaw to get rid of it.

The guys at MFJ posted on Facebook that they had snow in Starkville.

I've often said that if we had even an inch of snow in the LA area, California's overpopulation problem might be solved. :-)

The night before we were to leave Seattle for home, about two inches of snow fell.
You should have seen almost all of the locals, creeping down I-5.
Fortunately, I had rented a Jeep Commander for the trip over Snoqualmie Pass.

72/73 de Jim - AD6CW

On 2/26/2015 7:59 AM, Rich Arland k7sz@... [FT817] wrote:

OK, here's the deal, Lucile.....

Southern drivers and snow are mutually exclusive terms!! Having lived in Mississippi, Oklahoma, Virginia, Texas, and now Georgia, let me attest to the fact that 99% of the drivers DO NOT know how to drive in snow. Throw some ice, freezing rain and fog into the mix and you end up with 100+ car pileups. Those of us who have lived and driven in severe winter weather (born and raised near Spokane, Wa, and lived in Pennsylvania for 22 yrs) KNOW how to drive under these conditions. Better yet, we KNOW when to stay home, crack open a Dr. Pepper, and work some DX!!! It's ain't rocket science!

As for Tennessee, my grand daughter lives there near Severeville and we got periodic updates from her on driving condx in and around that area. It wasn't pretty. My son lives in Armadillo, er Amarillo, TX and his fiance was flying in from Pennsylvania last week. She was diverted due to severe WX three times and ended up deplaning in Dallas, which, if you watched the news, was totally parallelized due to inch thick ice on the roads and an onslaught of snow over top of that!! He drove 5 hrs from Armadillo, er Amarillo to Dallas, picked her up and they stayed two days in a hotel before returning to Armadillo, er, Amarillo! Needless to say it was an "interesting" trip for the two of them!

Flame suit on....go ahead, give it your best shot!!

Rich Arland

Dave H G0CER

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It's a regular short term conversation that loops around every year in the UK every year.

Our weather is so changeable that we can go years without decent settled snow across most of the areas below the middle of the country. I live on the middle line - so sometimes get protected by Pennines or Snowdonian mountains or sometimes not.

Then some weather comes along and the internet and newspapers and bars are full of 'these people haven't got a clue' and 'an inch of snow and the whole country comes to a halt'. Firstly - how the heck do you get skills that can only be practiced once every 3 or 4 years and secondly - plainly dumb type of things written by a media who are based in comfy London in the warm(er) south. Oh well it's cheap meaningless page-filler.

Someone should start a business of shipping snow clearance equip around the world - southern hemisphere ports in their winter then bringing them up north for their winter - as required.

Getting back to radio - did anyone work anything interesting on 10m over the weekend - conditions were good for most of it.

Dave H G0CER

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On 2 March 2015 at 02:05, N1KHB@... [FT817] <FT817@...> wrote:

I don't understand why there aren't mutual aid agreements in place to helpout in situations like that. The power companies get out-of-state crews forpower line restoration. The fire departments in various areas all help eachother. Police departments state/local, etc. all help each other out. So where'sthe precedent that salt/plow/sand crews can't be recruited, after their ownobligations are met of course? The answer could be in budgetary problems, butshouldn't where public safety is involved. Money over lives. Nice. I really hopethat isn't the reason though.

Citizens in all of these seldom butsometimesaffected areas should be asking what their local and stategovernment procedures are. For us northern types, we have to deal with it allthe time, so the mission is clear. The town or state WILL clear the snow andtreat the roads. I truly feel sorry for those in areas where things are left upto chance by the bureaucrats.

Sonny N1KHB

In a message dated 3/1/2015 8:48:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,FT817@... writes:

Not only that, but, in areas where snow is uncommon, cities lack even basic snow removal/sanding/salting equipment.
Thus, Mother Nature has to provide an accompanying thaw to get rid of it.

The guys at MFJ posted on Facebook that they had snow in Starkville.

I've often said that if we had even an inch of snow in the LA area, California's overpopulation problem might be solved. :-)

The night before we were to leave Seattle for home, about two inches of snow fell.
You should have seen almost all of the locals, creeping down I-5.
Fortunately, I had rented a Jeep Commander for the trip over Snoqualmie Pass.

72/73 de Jim - AD6CW

On 2/26/2015 7:59 AM, Rich Arland k7sz@... [FT817] wrote:

OK, here's the deal, Lucile.....

Southern drivers and snow are mutually exclusive terms!! Having lived in Mississippi, Oklahoma, Virginia, Texas, and now Georgia, let me attest to the fact that 99% of the drivers DO NOT know how to drive in snow. Throw some ice, freezing rain and fog into the mix and you end up with 100+ car pileups. Those of us who have lived and driven in severe winter weather (born and raised near Spokane, Wa, and lived in Pennsylvania for 22 yrs) KNOW how to drive under these conditions. Better yet, we KNOW when to stay home, crack open a Dr. Pepper, and work some DX!!! It's ain't rocket science!

As for Tennessee, my grand daughter lives there near Severeville and we got periodic updates from her on driving condx in and around that area. It wasn't pretty. My son lives in Armadillo, er Amarillo, TX and his fiance was flying in from Pennsylvania last week. She was diverted due to severe WX three times and ended up deplaning in Dallas, which, if you watched the news, was totally parallelized due to inch thick ice on the roads and an onslaught of snow over top of that!! He drove 5 hrs from Armadillo, er Amarillo to Dallas, picked her up and they stayed two days in a hotel before returning to Armadillo, er, Amarillo! Needless to say it was an "interesting" trip for the two of them!

Flame suit on....go ahead, give it your best shot!!

Rich Arland


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What about the leaves on the railway lines in the Autumn (Fall), trains have to slow down and upset the time table, not arriving on time so missing your next connection.

Think it's best to get the bike out of the shed

Terry G4MWP

Coventry UK

whats going on in Tennessee??? (2024)
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