Swahili to English Dictionary - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)


AINISHO NA NAMNA YA KUTAMBUA MANENO: Identification and classification of words Kiswahili



a name

Inaonyeshwa kwa / shown by

(n), (n)

1. kitenzi

a verb

(ku-), (kt), (v)

2. kivumishi

an adjective

(kivumishi), (adj.)

3. kiunganishi

a conjunction

(kiunganishi), (conj.)

4. kimilikishi

a possessive pronoun

5. kiwakilishi

a pronoun

6. kielezi

an adverb

7. namba

8. kihisishi

9. kihusishi

(kiwakilishi), (pron.), (rel. pron), etc. (kielezi), (adv.)

a numerical adjective

an interjection

a preposition

10. Abbreviations : n.m = name masculine o.s = oneself

(kimilikishi), (poss. pron.)

(namba), (num. adj.)

(kihisishi), (Interj.)

(kihusishi), (prep.)

n.f = name feminine sb = somebody st = something

A a a

(n) one of the letters (and the first of the vowels) in the Kiswahili alphabet


(n) remains displaying the ancien civilizations, par ex. the Egyptian pyramids

abakusi, abakasi(n) abiri (ku-) abiria (n) abjadi (n) abudu (ku-) acha (ku -)

(n) an abacus (v) to make a big journey using an airplane, a ship or a car (n) a passenger (n) an alphabet (v) to worship (v) to leave, abandon, stop

achama (ku-) achana (ku-) achanisha (ku-) achia, achilia (ku-) achika, achwa (ku-) achisha (ku-)

(v) to yawn, to gape or to be open-mouthed ex. while astonished by something. (v) to separate, to leave one another (v) cause to separate (v) to let go (v) to be divorced (v) 1. to cause (somebody) to stop working, to fire a worker 2. to stop breast-feeding a baby and feed him otherwise, according to his growth needs.

ada (n) adabu (n) adhabu (n) adhibu (ku-) adhimisha (ku-)

(n) a fee, ex. school fees (n) manners (n) a punishment (v) to punish (v) to celebrate

adhini (ku-)

(v) to call Moslems to a community prayer. The Muezzin does that from the top of a minaret of a mosque, five times a day.

adhiri, aziri, beza, umbua (ku-) adhirika (ku-) adhuhuri (n)

(v) to humiliate or put someone in embarrassment. (v) to be put into a shameful situation.

(n) Itʼs a term used sometimes to indicate the time between noon and one oʼclock in the afternoon

adili, maadili (n) adimika (ku-) adimu (kivumishi) adui (n) advansi (n) afa (n) afadhali (kielezi) afiki (ku-) afikiana (ku-) afisa (n)

(n) ethics (v) to be scarce (adj.) rare, scarce, sparse (n) enemy (n) advance (n) a calamity, disaster (adv.) better, preferable (v) to agree (v) to agree with one another, to come to a compromise (n) an officer


(n) Africa

Afrika ya Kusini (n)

(n) South Africa

Algeria (n)

(n) Algeria

Angola (n)

(n) Angola

Benin (n)

(n) Benin

Botswana (n)

(n) Botswana

Burkina Faso (n)

(n) Burkina Faso

Burundi (n)

(n) Burundi

Kamerun (n)

(n) Cameroun

Cape Verde

(n) Cape Verde

Chad (n)

(n) Chad

Afrika ya Kati (n)

(n) Centrafricaine

Komoro (Jamhuri ya) (n)

(n) Comores (Republic of)

Kongo (Brazzaville)

(n) Congo (Brazzaville)

Kongo (Kinshasa)

(n) République Démocratique du Congo

Côte dʼIvoire

(n) Ivory Coast


(n) Djibouti

Misri (n)

(n) Egypt

Eritrea (n)

(n) Eritrea

Ethiopia (n)

(n) Ethiopia

Gabon (n)

(n) Gabon

Gambia (n)

(n) Gambia

Ghana (n)

(n) Ghana

Guinea Bissau (n)

(n) Guinea Capital : Bissau

Guinea Konakri (n)

(n) Guinea (Capital : Conakry)

Guinea Equatoriale (n)

(n) Equatorial Guinea (Capital : Malabo)

Kenya (n)

(n) Kenya

Lesotho (Ufalme wa)

(n) Lesotho (Kingdom)

Liberia (n)

(n) Libéria

Libya (n)

(n) Libya


(n) Madagascar

Malawi (n)

(n) Malawi

Mali (n)

(n) Mali

Mauritania (n)

(n) Mauritania

Mauritius (n)

(n) Mauritius

Moroko (n)

(n) Morocco

Msumbiji (n)

(n) Mozambique

Namibia (n)

(n) Namibia

Niger (n)

(n) Niger

Nigeria (n)

(n) Nigeria

Uganda (n)

(n) Uganda

Rwanda (n)

(n) Rwanda

Republic Arab Sahraouie (n) (n) République Arabe Sahraouie Démocratique Sao Tome na Principe (n)

(n) Sao Tome and Principe

Senegal (n)

(n) Sénégal

Shelisheli (n)

(n) Seychelles

Sierra Leone (n)

(n) Sierra Leone

Somalia (n)

(n) Somalie

Sudan (n)

(n) Soudan

Swaziland (Ufalme wa) (n)

(n) Swaziland (Kingdom)

Tanzania (n)

(n) The United Republic of Tanzania

Togo (n)

(n) Togo

Tunisia (n)

(n) Tunisia


(n) Zambia

Zimbabwe (n)

(n) Zimbabwe

afua, nafuu (n) afya (n)

(n) an improvement (for a sick person) (n) Health

Afya ! (kihisishi)

(interj.) an expression told to someone when she /he sneezes, and itʼs also used for drinking a toast (to celebrate something).

afyuni (n) aga (ku-) agana (ku-) agana (ku-) agano (n) aghalabu (kielezi) agiza (ku-) agizia (ku-) agizo (n) Agosti (n) agronomia (n) agua (ku-) aguzi (n) ahadi (n) ahidi (ku -) ahirisha (ku-)

(n) illicit drugs (v) to take leave of (v) to take leave of one another (v) to promise to each other (n) a convenant, a promise (adv.) apparently, more often, as a rule (v) to order (v) to give instructions to do something on the behalf of somebody else

(n) an order, an instruction, a command (n) August (n) agronomy (v) to prophesy, to interpret dreams (n) a prophesy, an interpretation of dreams (n) a promise (v) to promise (v) to postpone, to adjourn, shunt

Ahsante ! or asante ! (kihisishi)

(interj.) Thank you !

asante, shukrani (n) (n) thanks, an appreciation for something ahueni, afadhali (kielezi) (adv.) better aibika (ku-) (v) to be disgraced aibisha (ku-) (v) to disgrace, dishonour aibishwa (ku-) (v) to be dishonoured aibu (n) (n) a disgrace, shame aidha (kiunganishi) (conj.) in addition to aina (n) (n) kind, species aini, ainisha (ku-) (v) to define aisee ! (kielezi) (adv.) Ghosh ! ajabisha (ku-) (v) to astonish ajabu (n) (n) a wonder ajabu (kivumishi) (adj.) strange ajali (n) (n) an accident, a fate ajenda (n) (n) an agenda ajenti (n) (n) an agent ajili (n) (n) a reason ajira (n) (n) an employment, a job

ajiri (ku) aji*zi (n) ajuza (n) akali (kielezi) akania (ku-) akania (n) - ake (kimilikishi) akiba (n) akidi (ku-) akidu(ku-) akifisha (ku-) akili (n) akiolojia (n) akisami (n) - ako (kimilikishi) akronimi (n) akrabu (n) akselereta (n) akthari (n) akua, nyakua (ku-) ala (n) alaa ! (kihisishi) alama (n)

(v) to employ, to hire (n) negligence, slackness (n) very old woman (adv.) at least (v) to lead a horse by the briddles (reins) (n) a horseʼs briddle (reins) (poss. pron.) his, hers, its (singular) (n) reserve, store (v) to falsify, forge (v) to work under a defined contract (v) to punctuate a given text gramatically, i.e to put capital letters, paragraphes,comma, etc. (n) common sense, intelligence (n) archaeology (n) a part of something which is not complete ex. a half (poss. pron.) your, yours (singular) (n) an acronymn (n) an indicateur (on a watch, a balance, etc.) (n) an accelerator (n) very many people (v) to snatch, to grab (n) a leather case to store a dagger, a sword etc. (interj.) an expression of amazement (n) mark, sign, stain

alamsiki ! (kielezi) (adv.) Goodnight ! sometimes used instead of «Kwaheri» or Goodbye alamu (n) alasiri (n) albino, zeruzeru (n) aleikum salaam ! (kielezi)

(n) an alarm, warning sign to indicate danger (n) afternoon (n) Albino (adv.) An answer for «Salaam aleikum» = Peace to You ! So, «Aleikum salaam» = To You also or I wish Peace to you also !

Aleluya ! or Haleluya ! (kihisishi)

(interj.) Alleluia !

Alfa (n) alfabeti (n) alfajiri (n)

(n) Alpha (n) an alphabet (n) daybreak, dawn

Alhamdulilahi (n)

(n) Praise be to Allah

Alhamisi (n) (n) Thursday alibatrosi (n) (n) an albatros alika (ku-) (v) to invite alikali (n) (n) alkaline, basic (in chemistry) alimradi (kiunganishi) (conj.) provided (that)

alizeti (n) aljebra(n) alkemia (n)

(n) sunflower (n) algebra (n) alchemy

Allah (n)

(n) God

almasi (n) (n) diamond altaneta (n) (n) an alternator altimeta (n) (n) an altimeter aluminiamu (n) (n) Aluminium alwatani (n) (n) a very famous person ama (kiunganishi) (conj.) either, or amana (n) (n) a deposit, ex. a sum of money as a guarantee amani (n) (n) Peace amari (n) (n) a cable ambaa (ku-) (v) to pass by ambacho (kiwakilishi) (rel. pron.) which, that ambako (kiwakilishi) (adv. and rel.pron.) where ambalo (kiwakilishi) ambamo, ambapo (kiwakilishi) ambao, ambaye (kiwakilishi) ambatana (ku-) ambatisha (ku-) ambia (ku-) ambilika (ku-) ambua (ku-) ambukiza (ku-) ambukizo (n) amfibia (n) amia (ku-) amiba (n)

(v) to stick to (v) to fix on, to attach (v) to tell, inform, say to (v) to be advisable (v) to benefit from (v) to infect (n) an infection (n) an amphibia (n) to chase birds off from a farm (n) an amoeba

Amin ! or Amina ! (kihisishi) amini (ku-) aminifu (kivumishi) aminisha (ku-) amiri (n) amka (ku-) amkia (ku-) Amonia (n) amplifaya (n) amri (n) amrisha (ku-) amsha (ku-) amua (ku-) amuru (ku-) amuzi (n) analojia (n)

(rel. pron.) which, that (adv. and rel.pron.) where (rel.pron.) whom, who

(interj.) Amen !

(v) to believe, trust (adj.) honest, trustworthy (v) to convince (n) a commander (v) to wake up, to get up (v) to greet (v) Ammonia (n) an amplifier (n) command, order (v) to command, order (v) to wake someone (v) to arbitrate, to decide (v) to command, give orders (n) a decision, a verdict (n) an analogy

anamometa (n) anasa (n) Anatomia (n) andaa (ku-) andalia (ku-) andama (ku-) andamana (ku-) andamizi (kivumishi) andazi (n) andika (ku-) andikia (ku-) andikiana (ku-) andikisha (ku-) andiko (n) anemia (n) anga (n) angalau (kiunganishi) angalia (ku-) angalifu (kivumishi) angamia (ku-) angamiza (ku-) angavu (kivumishi)

(n) an anemometer (n) luxury, pleasure (n) anatomy (v) to prepare (v) to prepare something for somebody (v) to follow (v) to walk together in a demonstration or procession. (adj.) senior (n) pastry, confectionery (v) to write (v) to write to (v) to communicate with each other by writing (v) to register (n) a text, writing (n) anaemia (n) the sky, the atmosphere (conj.) although, even though (v) to pay attention, take care (adj.) careful (v) to perish (v) to destroy, to devastate (adj.) transparent, bright

angaza (ku-)

(v) 1. to shine ( ex. la lune) 2. to stare (with eyes) 3. to open oneʼs eyes in order to understand sb /sthing better (conscience awakening)

angika (ku-) Anglikana (n)

(v) to hang on a tree, etc (n) Anglican

- angu (kimilikishi) angua (ku-)

anguka (ku-) angukia (ku-) angusha (ku-) anika (ku-) ankra (n)

(possessive pron.sing.) mine (v) 1. to pluck (fruits) 2. to hatch ( p.ex.eggs) 3. to burst out ... (laughing or crying) (v) to fall down (v) to fall down on somebody or something (v) to throw down (v) to dry (n) an invoice, a bill of sale

anofelisi, anofelesi (n) antena (n) anthropolojia (n) antifona antiseptiki (n) anua (ku-) anuwai (kielezi)

(n) anopheles: a variety of mosquito whose female sting cause malaria sickness

(n) an antennae (n) anthropology (n) an antifon (n) an antiseptic (v) to take away from the sun (adv.) various, several

anwani, anuani (n) (n) an address anza (ku-) (v) to begin, to start anzia (ku-) (v) to begin from anzisha (ku-) (v) to establish, to found (to lay a foundation of something new) - ao (kimilikishi) (poss. pron.) their (plural) aorta (n) (n) an aorta apa (ku-) (v) to swear apisha (ku-) (v) to make one swear, to put on oath apishwa (ku-) (v) to be sworn (in), for example a President apiza (ku-) (v) to damn, to condemn apizo (n) (n) a curse apostrofi (n) (n) an apostrophe Aprili (n) (n) April aproni (n) (n) an apron apua (ku-) (v) to break an oath arafa (n) (n) the SMS service procedure arbuni, rubuni, advansi (n) (n) the sum advanced to buy something, while waiting to be paid the remaining part afterwards Ardhi, Dunia, sayari (n)

(n) The Planet Earth, The World

ardhi (n) (n) land ari (n) (n) zeal arifu (ku-) (v) to inform arijojo (kielezi) (adv.) to go astray, to be lost arteri, ateri (n) (n) an artery arubaini (namba) (num. adj.) forty arudhi (n) (n) poetry art arufu (n) (n) a mane (of a lion, a horse, etc.) arusi, harusi (n) (n) a marriage asa, mkongojo (n) (n) a walking stick asadi (n) (n) a hero asali, uki (n) (n) honey asasi, asili, msingi, chanzo (n) (n) origin, the beginning nature of something asbesto (n) (n) Asbestos ashiki (n) (n) a desire or passion ashiria (ku-) (v) to predict asi (ku-) (v) to rebel asi, maasi (n) (n) a revolt, a mutiny (ex. of soldiers) asilani ! abadan or abadani ! kamwe ! katu ! (kihisishi) ( interj.) By no means ! asilia (kivumishi) asilimia (n) asisi (ku-) askari (n) askofu (n) asprini (n) asteaste, polepole (kielezi) asubuhi (n)

(adj.) du début, original (n) a percentage (v) to found (n) a soldier (n) a bishop (n) aspirin (adv.) slowly, without hurry (n) morning, in the morning

asusa, hasusa (n)

(n) delicacies like fried meat, fish, groundnuts, chips etc. used for an aperitif

atamia, otamia, tamia (ku-) athari (n) athiri (ku-) ati ! or eti ! (kihisishi)

(v) to brood, to hatch eggs (n) an effect, effects ex. the effects of drugs abuse (v) to compromise, injure

(interj.) I say !

atika (ku-) (v) to uproot seedlings and replant them elsewhere Antlantiki (n) (n) the Atlantic ocean Antlatiki (kivumishi) (adj.) countries which share same border with the Atlantic ocean atlasi (n) (n) an atlas atomi (n) (n) an atom atomiki (kivumishi) (adj.) atomic au, ama (kiunganishi) (conj.) or aula (kivumishi) (adj.) essential aunsi (n) (n) an ounce aushi (kivumishi) (adj.) in a lifetime, which lasts a long time / eternal avokado, parachichi (n) (n) an avocado pear avya (ku-) (v) to abort awali, mwanzo (n) (n) the beginning awali (kivumishi) (adj.) first awamu (n) (n) a phase aya (n) (n) a verse, a paragraphe ayari (n) (n) a liar, a hypocrite azali (kivumishi) (adj.) eternal azima (ku-)

(v) 1. to lend ex. «niazimishe fedha» = please lend me some money 2. to borrow ex. « je naweza kuazima kitabu chako?» = «May I borrow your book ?» or to borrow books from a public library.

azimia (ku-) azimio (n) azizi (kivumishi) azizi (n) azma (n)


(v) to intend (n) a declaration (adj.) beloved, dear (n) a treasure (n) an intention


baa, beluwa (n)

baada (ya) (kihusishi) baada (ya) (kielezi) baada (conj.) baadaye (kielezi) baadhi (n)

(n) 1. a bar, cafe, pub 2. a calamity, a disaster 3. a piece of gold, chocolate, etc. (prép.) after (adv.) afterwards (conj.) after... (adv.) afterwards (n) some (of), a certain number (of)

Baba (n) babaika (ku-) babaisha (ku-) Baba-Krismasi (n)

(n) Father, (v) to be confused, stratled (v) to confuse or make somebody confused (n) Father Christmas, Santa Claus

Baba Mtakatifu (n)

(n) The Pope, the Roman Catholic Church Leader

babadua, babatua, bobotoa (ku-)

(v) to disfigure

Babu (n) (n) Grandfather bada (n) (n) some stiff porridge prepared from fermented cassava flour badala ya (kihusishi) (prep.) in stead of badhirifu (kivumishi) (adj.) extravagant, wasteful badili (ku-) (v) to alter, change substitute badilisha (ku-) (v) to exchange bafa (n) (n) a buffer , a tampon baghami (n) (n) an idiot, a foolish person bagua (ku-) (v) to discriminate, distinguish, be prejudiced bahameli (n) (n) velvet bahari (n) (n) an ocean, a sea baharia (n) (n) a sailor bahasha (n) (n) an envelope bahashishi, bakshishi (n) (n) gratuity, a tip bahati (n) (n) a chance, luck bahati nasibu (n) (n) a lottery, a bingo, a game of luck bahatisha (ku-) (v) to guess, take or try oneʼs chance bahili (kivumishi) (adj.) miserly baina (kihusishi) (prep.) between baini (ku-) (v) to discover the truth bainifu (kivumishi) (adj.) evident, apparent bainika (ku-) (v) to become clear, well known; to become public bainisha (ku-) (v) to clarify, make clear baiskeli (n) (n) a bicycle bajaj (n) (n) a bajaj bajeti(n) (n) a budget baka (ku-) (v) to rape baka (n) (n) a scar, a spot baki (ku-) (v) to remain baki (n) (n) left over bakia (ku-) (v) to stay behind (others) bakiza (ku-) (v) to leave something over bakora (n) (n) a walking stick or cane bakteria (n) (n) bacteria bakuli (n) (n) a basin, a bowl balaa / baa (n) (n) a bad luck, misfortune balbu (n)

(n) a bulb 1. of an electric lampe 2. a blister which appears on the skin because of shoes, or another tight wear 3. an ampoule of a medicament or a phial

balehe, vunja ungo (ku-)

(v) to come of age : for girls (to have body changes and menstruation periods) and boys (body changes+manʼs voice

bali (kiunganishi)

(conj.) but

balozi (n) balungi (n) baluni (n) bamba (ku-) bambam (kielezi) bamia / binda (n) bamiza (ku-)

(n) an ambassador (n) grapefruit (n) a balloon (v) to arrest (adv.) precisely (n) okra, a type of vegetable (v) to slam, to bang

bana (ku-)

(v) 1.to economise 2.to pinch, to press 3. to squeeze

banana (ku-) banda (n) bandali (n) bandama, wengu (n) bandari (n) bandia (n) bandia (kivumishi) bandika (ku-) bandua (ku-) banduka (ku-) bangi (n) bangili (n) bango (n) banika (ku-) Bantu (kivumishi) banza (ku-) banza (kt, kuji-) banzi (n)

(v) to be squeezed tightly together (n) a hut (n) a bundle of papers, firewood, etc. (n) spleen (n) a harbour (n) a doll (adj.) false, pseudo (v) to stick on (v) to detach or strip off something from another thing (v) to be detached (n) bhang, hashish, marijuana (n) a bracelet (n) a poster, a placard, ex. for advertisem*nt (v) to roast (ex. bananas,, meat) (adj.) Bantu (v) to press (v) to hide oneself somewhere (n) a chip of glass, metal or wood, a splinter

bao (n)

bapa (n) bapa (kivumishi) bara (n) bara (kivumishi) barabara (n) barabara (kielezi) barafu (n) Baraka (n) barakoa (n) baramaki (n)

(n) 1. a score in games, ex. a goal in soccer 2. a kind of a community game, well appreciated at Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (n) a flat surface (adj.) flat (n) a continent (adj.) mainland (n) a road, highway (adv.) exactly (n) snow (n) Blessing(s) (n) a mask, a veil (n) a «knowing -all» type of person

baraza (n) Barazahi (n) bardani (n) baridi (n)

(n) a verandah, local court (n) Paradise (n) the weight of a container when empty (n) cold, coolness

bariki (ku-) bariyo / kiporo (n)

(v) to bless (n) a food leftover from yesterdayʼs meal

barizi (ku-)

(v) to relax outdoors, alone or with some people ex.visitors

barua (n)

(n) a letter, a missive, mail; delivered by hand or by post

barua elektroni (n)

(n) an electronic mail or an e -mail Commonly used : «barua-pepe»

barubaru, barobaro(n) baruti (n) bashiri, tabiri (ku-) basi (n)

(n) a teenager boy (n) gunpowder, dynamite, explosives (v) to foretell, to predict, fortune -telling (n) a bus, an autocar

Basi ! (interj.) bastola (n) bata (n) bata-bukini (n) bata-mwitu (n) batamzinga (n) bati (n) batiki(n) batili, batilifu (kivumishi) batilisha (ku-) batiza (ku-) bavu (n) bawa (n) bawaba (n) bawabu (n) bawasiri / futuri (n) - baya (kivumishi) bayana (kivumishi) bayani (n) bazazi (n) bazoka (n) beba (ku-) beberu (n) Bedui (n)

(interj.) Well ! Thatʼs all ! (n) a pistol, revolver (n) a duck (n) a goose (n) a wild duck (n) a turkey (n) corrugated iron, Tin (in chemistry) (n) batik (adj.) invalid, null and void; empty (v) to cancel, to annulate (v) to baptise, christen (n) a rib (n) a wing (n) a hinge (n) A doorkeeper, a luggage porter (n) haemorrhoids, piles (adj.) bad, evil (adj.) obvious (n) a rhetoric (n) a conman (n) a bazooka (a weapon) (v) to carry (n) 1. a he - goat 2. an imperialist (n) a nomad, a tramp

bee ! or beka ! (kihisishi) (interj.) Yes ! An answer typically given by women when called. bega (n)

(n) a shoulder

begi (n) behewa / bogi (n) bei (n) beji (n) beki (n) belele, bwelele (kielezi) beleshi (n) bemba, tongoza (ku-) bembea, pembea (ku-) bembeleza (ku-) benchi (n) bendeji (n) bendera (n) bendi / beni (n) benibeni, kombo (kielezi) benua, binua (ku-)

(n) a bag, a sack, a backpack (ruck sack) (n) a carriage, coach, railroad car (n) a price (n) a badge 1. metallic, plastic 2. sewn on a uniform (n) a defense in football (adv.) abundantly, excessively (n) a spade (v) to flirt with somebody, to make advances (v) to swing (v) to console, fondle (n) a bench (n) a bandage (n) a flag, banner (n) a musical band 1. An orchestra 2. A military fanfare (adv.) badly (v) to press something in order to stick it out of ex. to press a toothpaste out of its tube

bepari (n) bera (n)

(n) a capitalist (n) a small commodity box, ex. a matchbox

beramu (n)

(n) a banner (it looks like a flag sometimes) for a brotherhood, an organisation, federation, etc

beregeza (ku -) beseni (n) besera (n)

(v) to explain by avoiding giving the truth when answering to questions (n) a basin, a tub - for washing (oneself, clothes, etc.) (n) a support to fix a mosquito net on a bed

besi (n)

(n) 1. the bass in musical notes 2. the lower part of anything, ex. a mountain 3. a base (in Chemistry) : a chemical substance used in laboratories or industries, which, when added to an acid, it gives a salt and water

beti (n) (n) a stanza in musical notes betri (n) (n) a battery, a cell beua, beza (ku) (v) to despise or belittle another person bezo (n) (n) a scorn Bi (n) (n) short form of «binti» and «bibi» it stands to indicate an unmarried woman biʼkizee / ajuza (n) (n) a very old woman bia (n) (n) beer biarusi, bibi harusi (n) (n) a bride biashara (n) (n) commerce, trade Bibi (n) (n) a mistress, grandmother Biblia (n) (n) The Holy Bible (Christiansʼ most important book) bibliografia (n) (n) a bibliography bibo, kanju (n) (n) a cashew(nut) fruit bichi (kivumishi) (adj.) unripe, raw bidhaa (n) (n) goods, items bidhori (kielezi) (adv.) unvoluntarily

bidi (kielezi) (adv.) be obliged to, to be compelled (to) bidii (n) (n) effort, energy bidiisha (ku-) (v) to take special plans over something biganya, konganya (ku-) (v) to assemble or mix different things in a heap bigija, mingʼinya (ku-)

(v) to twist and curl something in order to remove a liquid (ex. washed bedsheets, to remove water before suspending them to dry)

bikaboneti (n) bikari (n) bikini (n) bikira (n)

(n) a bicarbonate (n) a compass , dividers (n) a woman swimsuit, a bikini (n) a virgin

Bikira Maria

(n) The Holy Virgin Mary

bikiri (ku-) (v) to defile a virgin bila (kihusishi) (prep.) without, nil Bilahi ! (n ) (n) In Godʼs name bilashi (kielezi) (adv.) gratuitously (without reason) bilauri (n) (n) glass, tumbler bili, ankra (n) (n) a bill biliadi (n) (n) billiard bilioni (namba) (num. adj.) a billion bilula, bulula, bulule (n) (n) a faucet bima (n) (n) an Insurance bimkubwa (n) (n) an old woman bin (n) (n) a son of... (followed by the name of the father) binadamu (n) (n) Adamʼs child or a human being binafsi (kielezi)

binafsisha (ku-) binamu (n) bingiria (ku-) bingirisha (ku-) bingwa (n) binti (n) binua (ku-) binya (ku-) binzari / bizari (n) biogesi (n) Biokemia (n) Biolojia (n) biriani (n)

(adv.) 1. privately, private, ( i.e not owned by the state) 2. confidentially 3. personally (v) to privatise ex. a government hospital (n) a cousin (v) to roll (v) to be moved by rolling ex. a barrel of wine (n) a champion, a winner (n) a daughter (v) to protrude something (v) to squeeze, to pinch (n) a spice (n) biogas (n) Biochemistry (n) Biology (n) Cooked rice mixed with fried steak and pepper - A special way of cooking rice for feasts (for Swahilis)

birigiji (kivumishi) biskuti (n) birika (n)

(adj.) light yellowish (n) a biscuit (n) a kettle, teapot

biringani, biringanya (n)

(n) an eggplant

bisha (ku-)

(v) 1. to knock at a door 2. to argue, disobey, disagree

- bishi (kivumishi) bisibisi (n)

(adj.) someone who loves to argue (n) a screwdriver

Bismillahi (n)

(n) an expression for : « In the Name of Allah The Almighty» (Muslim faith)

biti (n) (n) musical beats, the rhythm bitimarembo (kivumishi) (adj.) light greenish colour - bivu (kivumishi) (adj.) ripe (ex.fruits) biwi (n) (n) an amas of rubbish on a farm blangeti, blanketi, burangeti (n) (n) a blanket blauzi (n) (n) a blouse bluu /buluu (kivumishi) (adj.) bluish, of blue colour boba (ku-) (v) to tie, tighten bobea, topea (ku-)

(v) to go too far in treating an affaire or getting somehow lost in treating details

bobo (n) boboka, ropoka (ku-) boda (n) bodi (n) boflo, mkate (n) boga (n) bohari (n) boksi (n) bolti (n)

(n) any tree which is extremely big ex. the baobab (v) to talk nonsense (n) a boarding school student (n) a council, ex. studentsʻ council (n) bread (n) a pumpkin (n) a store, a warehouse (n) a box (n) a bolt on a window, door etc.

boma (n)

(n) 1. a barricade, a fort, a headquater 2. a compound ex. a Massai boma

bomba (n) bombomu, bomu (n) bomoa (ku-) bomoka (ku-) bonasi (n) bonde (n) Bonde la Ufa (n) bondia (n) boneti (n)

(n) a pipe, a pump ex. a water pipe (n) a sub - machine gun, a bomb (v) to demolish, destroy, dismantle (v) to collapse, to fall in ruins, to break down, ex. a house (n) a bonus (n) a valley (n) The Rift Valley (n) a boxer (n) a bonnet, a hat, a bonnet of a car

bonge, kibonge (n) bongo, ubongo (n)

(n) a big piece of something slang: a small and fat person (n) brain

Bongoland (n)

(n) a surname or an argotic name for Tanzania, implying «a country where one must use his or her brains to survive»

bonta, bunta, gati (n)

(n) a quai at port, where ships take passengers on board or disembark them.

bonyea (ku-)

(v) 1. to give in under pressure ex. a person who admits defeat and surrenders 2. to bend down under pressure ex. metals

bonyeza (ku-) bora (kivumishi) boresha (ku-) boribo (n) boriti (n) boronga (ku-)

(v) to press or push something ex. to push a button in order to ring a bell. (adj.) excellent (v) to improve (n) a type of a mangoe fruit, big in size and reddish in colour (n) a wooden frame of a door, a window or used for roofing (v) to mess up or muddle; to spoil

borongo, borongoborongo (kivumishi) bosi (n) botania (n) boti (n) - bovu (kivumishi) boya (n)

(adj.) messed up, muddled

(n) a boss (n) botany (n) a boat (adj.) bad, rotten (n) a buoy

bozi, bozibozi, bwege (n)

(n) someone who is not clever, inintelligent; who have problems to use logic for reasoning

bradha, bruda (n) braketi, parandesi (n) brandi (n) brashi, burashi (n) breki (n) briji (n)

(n) a brother of a religious order (ex. Catholic) (n) brackets (n) brandy (n) a brush (n) a brake (car) (n) a bridge

bu ! or buu ! bua (n)

(interj.) an expression to indicate how somebody or something has fallen down or has been thrown on the floor (n) a dry maize trunk, after being cut, ready for feeding animals, ex. cows

buabua, bambua, menya (ku-) (n) to peel or cut superficially (lightly), ex. the peeling of carrots. bubu (n) (n) dumb bubujika (ku-) (v) to bubble, gush or flow out bubujiko (n) (n) a gush or flow out ex. of a water spring bucha (n) (n) a butchery budi (n) (n) choice bughudha (n) (n) any type of disturbance or bother bughudhi (ku- ) (v) to disturb, to bother bugia (ku-) (v) to gulp (down) or swallow a big amount of food or a liquid quickly buheri (kielezi) (adv.) with happiness, good health with safety buhumu, pafu, yavuyavu (n) buibui, baibui (n) buibui (n)

(n) a lung (n) Muslim womenʼs dress (n) a spider

buki (n) buku (n) bukua (n) buldoza(n) bumarengi(n)

(n) a kidney (n) a big wild rat (n) to read intensively, ex. while preparing for an examination (n) a bulldozer (n) a boomerang

bumba (n)

(n) 1. a small packet ex. of coffee, tea, tobacco 2.. a swarm of bees «in a pack»

bumbuazi (n) bunda (n) bundi (n) bunduki (n) bunge (n) buni (ku-) buni (n) bunzi (n) buraha (n) burahi (ku-) bure (kivumishi) buriani (n) burudani (n)

(n) perplexity (n) a heap (of) (n) an owl, a night bird (n) a gun (n) a parliament (v) to guess, to compose (n) coffee berries or beans before any treatment (n) a maize cob (n) convalescence (v) to be in convalescence (adj.) gratuitous, free, gratis; useless, without reason (n) farewell (n) an entertainment or amusem*nt, a recreation by using games, shows, etc.

burudika (ku-)

(v) to enjoy, be refreshed by an entertainment, ex. games, music

burudisha (ku-) (v) to amuse, entertain, refresh, to make fun, by shows, sport, games etc. buruji (n) (n) a bugler buruhani (n) (n) a talent or a gift from God burura (ku-) (v) to drag, to haul, pull buruta, kokota (ku-) (v) to pull along, to drag or haul busara (n) (n) wisdom busha, bumbu (n) (n) elephantiasis of the scrotum, - a sickness bustani(n) (n) a garden busu (n) (n) a kiss busuri, tahadhari (ku-) (v) to be careful, thorough at work butaa, butwaa, bumbuazi, mshangao (n) (n) astonishment, amazement, perplexity buti (n) butu (kivumishi)

(n) a boot, ex. of a car / shoes (adj.) blunt

buyu (n) bwache (n) bwaʼmkubwa (n) bwabwaja, boboka (ku-) bwaga (ku-)

1. not sharp, ex. a knife, pencil 2. a blunt instrument , ex. an iron bar 3. a blunt mannered person someone whoʼs not cheerful (n) a calabash, gourd (n) mchicha (n) an old man (v) to jabber, blab or talk nonsense (v) to throw off, to throw down

bwalo (n)

(n) a hall, an auditorium, ex. a refectory, an ampitheater, etc.

Bwana ...(n) bwana (n) bwanashamba (n)

(n) Mister, (or Mr. ) .... (normally followed by the family or clanʼs Name) (n) lord, master (n) an agricultural officer

bwanyenye (n)

(n) 1. a very rich person (a bourgeois) 2. a lazy person 3. a person with a huge belly

bwata, payapaya (ku-) bwawa (n) bweka (ku-)

(v) to talk nonsense in a loud voice (n) a dam, a bassin, a pool, a pond (v) to bark ex. a dog barks

bwelasuti, msurupwenye, ovaroli bweni (n)

(n) an over-roll or an industrial apron

(n) a dormitory or a hall of residence in colleges and universities

bwerere, bure, rahisi (kivumishi) bwiko (n) bwimbi, bumbwi (n)

C / CH


(adj.) gratis, free, without payment (n) arthritis (sickness)

(n) a mixture of rice flour sugar and scraped coconut Itʼs among the specially sweet dishes, served during the the wedding celebrations in East African coastal region


cha (ku-) cha (ku-) chabanga (ku-) chacha, chachuka (ku-) chachacha (n) chachaga, chanyata (ku-) chachamaa (ku-)

(v) to feel reverend about a supremacy, ex. God (v) to dawn (v) to defeat an adversary (v) to ferment, to rot, to turn bad (n) cha-cha-cha, a cuban dance (v) to wash clothes gently, by hand (v) to stand firm

chachamua, pandisha mori (ku-) chachari (n) chacharika, chachatika, hangaika (ku-) chachawa (ku-) chachawiza (ku-) chachawizo (n) - chache (kivumishi)

(v) to be intensely furious (n) an excessive excitement (v) to be restless (v) to skip

(v) to cut oneʼs words by making chaos, talking louder than him, etc. (n) chaos, disorder (adj.) few (of)

chachu (n) - chafu (kivumishi)

(n) yeast, leaven, sour taste (adj.) 1. dirty or unclean 2. unfair 3. dirty or smutty (language, jokes)

chafua (ku-) (v) to dirten, to soil, to spoil chaf*cka (ku-) (v) to become dirty chaf*cko (n) (n) absence of order, confusion, chaos, insecurity chafya (n) (n) sneeze piga chafya (ku-) (v) to sneeze chagiza (ku-) (v) to insist chagua (ku-) (v) to choose chaguo (n) (n) a choice chai (n) (n) tea chaji (ku-) (v) to charge chakaa (ku-) (v) to wear out (people, things) chakacha (n) (n) one of the coastal East African dance, with tam -tam music chakachaka (kielezi) (adv.) very quickly, immediate, now .... chakapu (n) (n) a wild cat chakaramu (kivumishi) (adj.) naughty, bad behaviour, rude chakari (kielezi) (adv.) very much chakavu (kivumishi) (adj.) worn out, totally tired chakaza (ku-) (v) to cause to wear out, to make old chake (kimilikishi) (poss. pron) his, hers, its chaki (n) (n) chalk chakleti, chakeleti, chokoleti, chakuleti (n) (n) chocolate chako (kimilikishi) (poss. pron) your, yours chakubimbi, sakubimbi (n) (n) a rumourmonger chakula (n) (n) food chakura (ku-)

(v) to search by turning everything upside down

chale (n)

(n) cuts, incisions or marks made on the body ( for traditional reasons), by some people in The World, ex. in Africa and Latin America

chali (kihisishi) chama (n)

(adv.) on the back (n) a club, a party

chambisha, tesa, adhibu (ku-) chambua (ku-) chamchela, kimbunga (n) chamka (ku-) chamkano, farakano (n) chamko (n) championi (n) chana (n) chanda (n)

(v) to punish, to torture (v) 1. to analyse, critisize 2. to clean ex. coton by removing the seeds (n) a hurricane, a storm, a whirlwind (v) to return or come back again, ex sickness like cancer (n) a dispersing groupe of persons (n) the recurence, ex. of a sickness (n) a champion (n) a comb (n) ring finger

chandalua, chandarua (n) (n) a mosquito net chane (n) (n) a bunch ex. of bananas, keys changʼaa (n) (n) illicit liqueurs - changa (kivumishi) (adj.) very young changa (ku-) (v) to collect, to contribute something for a given cause changamano (n) (n) a mixture changamfu (kivumishi) (adj.) cheerful, sociable changamka (ku-) (v) to be cheerful, happy changamkia (ku-) (v) to be enthusiastic (about something) changamsha (ku-) (v) to cheer somebody up changanua, chambua (ku-) (v) to analyse changanya (ku-) (v) to blend, to blend with, to confound, confuse changanyika (ku-) (v) to be blended, mixed changanyikiwa (ku-) (v) to be confused, mixed up changisha (ku-) (v) to collect contributions (ex. ideas, money) chango (n) (n) womb worms (with human or other animalʼs womb as a host) changu (kimilikishi) (poss. pron.) mine changua (ku-) (v) dismember changudoan (n) (n) a prostitute chanika (ku-) (v) to be torn chanikiwiti (kivumishi) (adj.) greenish chanja, toga (ku-)

(v) 1. to vaccinate 2. to chop firewood

chanjagaa, kaa (n) chanjo (n) chanua (ku-) chanzo (n) chapa (ku-)

chapaasili (n) chapati (n) chapuza (ku-) chapwa (kielezi) charaza (ku-)

charuka (ku-) chasili (n) chati (n) chatu (n) chavua (n) chawa (n) cheameni (n) cheche (n) chechele (n)

(n) a crab (n) a vaccination, made by an incision on the skin (v) to blossom (persons, plantes) (n) an origin, a source (v) 1. to print books 2. to beat somebody up

(n) an archetype (n) a pancake (v) to hasten (adj.) unpalatable (v) 1. to play a music string instrument, ex. a guitar 2. to do something with zest 3. to strike someone with a stick or fists (v) to become ferocious (n) an element or a part of something (n) a chart, a diagram, a geographical map (n) a python (n) Pollen (n) a louse, lice (n) a chairman, chairperson (n) a spark, sparks (n) forgetfulness

chechemea, chopea (ku-)

(v) to limp or walk sideways

cheichei (n)

(n) a greeting word used by children for family members

chechemua (ku-) chechesha (ku-)

(v) make one desire (v) to play with a child

chega (ku-)

(v) 1. to cut hairs 2. to cut cereals for recolting

cheka (ku-) chekacheka (ku-) chekea (ku-) chekecha (ku-)

(v) to laugh (v) to giggle (false laughter) (v) to smile at (v) to sift ( by a sieve)

chekeche, chekecheke (n) chekelea (ku-)

(n) a sieve (v) to rejoice (at)

chekesha (ku-) cheki (ku) cheki, hundi (n) cheko (n) chekwa (ku-) chelea (ku-) chelewa (ku-) chelewesha (ku-) chema (kivumishi) chemba (n) chembe (n) chembechembe (n) chemchemi (n) chemka (ku-) chemni (n) chemsha (ku-) chemshabongo (n) chenga (n) chenga (ku-) chenza (n)

(v) to amuse (v) to control, check; to do an inspection, test or verify (n) a cheque (for money) (n) laughter (v) to be laughed at, to be a laughing stock (of ) (v) to fear for (v) to be late (v) to cause to be late (adj.) (anything) good (n) privacy, seclusion (n) a grain (n) a cell (n) a water spring, a stream of water, a small river (v) to boil (n) a chimney (v) to boil slang : to miss a point (n) enigma, puzzle(s), riddle(s) (n) small bits, chips, pieces (v) to dribble in football, to dodge (n) A tangerine, mandarine

cheo (n)

(n) 1. a rank (in the army, police, etc. 2. a social status 3. a hierarchical status (ex.at work)

chepechepe (kivumishi) cherehani (n) chereko (n) chete (n) chetezo (n) cheti (n) cheua (ku-) cheua (ku-)

(adj.) damp, moist , wet (n) a sewing machine (n) an excitement (n) a special market day in a week, - anywhere in the World (n) a censer (n) a certificate (v) to belch (v) to chew the cud (for ruminants, ex. a cow)

cheza (ku-) chezea(ku-) chezesha (ku-) chezo (n)

(v) to play (v) to play (with) (v) to make somebody play in a given sport (n) illusory tricks, sorcery

chibuku /kibuku (n)

(n) a brewed beer from cereals like maize, millet, etc. (among Tanzanian local brews)

chicha (n)

(n) what remains of a local brew after being sifted

chichiri, hongo, mrungura, rushwa (n) chifu (n) chiku / chiriku (n)

(n) a bribe (n) a chief

(n) 1. a chatterer : a small tropical bird which is very noisy 2. slang : a very noisy person

chimba, lima (ku-) chimbia (ku-) chimbo (n) chimbua (ku-)

(v) to dig for gardening or for archeology (v) to bury something (n) a mining quarry for gold, coal, copper, etc. (v) to dig up, dig out, - ex. metals like gold, copper from a mine

China (n)

(n) China

china (ku-) chini (kielezi) chinja (ku-) chinjana (ku-) chinjioni (n) chipsi (n) chipua (ku-) chipubodi (n) chipukizi (n) chipuko (n) chizi (n)

(v) to be stale (not fresh), ex. air, water, bread (adv.) on the ground, down (v) to slaughter, to kill by cutting the throat (v) to kill one another (n) a slaughter house (n) fried potatoes (v) to shoot up (n) a chipboard (n) seedlings, young plants (n) a shoot of a plant (n) 1. a crazy person 2. cheese = «jibini»

cho ! cha ! lo ! (kihisishi) (interj.) an expression used to show surprise chochea (ku-)

(v) 1. to evoke things or stir out trouble 2. to poke at a fire, so as to maintain the flame

chochole (kivumishi) choka (ku-) chokaa (n) chokoa (ku-) chokochoko, uchokozi (n)

(adj.) poor, destitute (v) to get tired (n) white plaster (v) to pick at, to poke (n) an aggression or acts intended to stir out trouble

chokonoa (ku-) chokora (n) chokoza (ku-)

(v) to poke something out (n) a street child (v) to annoy, aggress, provoke, tease or vex somebody

chokozi (kivumishi) choma (ku-) chombeza (ku-)

(adj.) aggresive, annoying, provocative, teasing, vexative (v) to pierce, to stab; to roast (bananas, potatoes, meat) (v) to sooth somebody so that he/she may give informations

chombo (n) chomea, chomelea (ku-) chomeka (ku-) chomekeza (ku-) chom*oa, chopoa (ku-) chom*oza (ku-) chonga (ku-)

(n) a vessel, an utensil, a tool (v) to burn into, to solder or weld something (v) to pierce or strike into; to hit at (v) to stick something into (v) to take or pull out (v) to appear (v) to cut to shape or sculpt

chonganisha (ku-)

(v) to set at odds or make people disagree among themselves

chongea (ku-)

(v) 1. to accuse, to betray 2. to sculpt for somebody

chongesha (ku-) chongo (n) chongoka (ku-) chonjo (n)

(v) to have something sculpted for you (n) a one-eyed person (v) to be pointed (n) an exaggeration

choo, msala (n) chopoka (ku-) chora (ku-)

(n) a toilet or a water closet (W.C ) (v) to slip out of hands (v) to draw ex. pictures, charts, etc.

chosha, chokesha, chokeza (ku-) chota (ku-)

(v) to draw or scoop, - for ex. to draw water from a well

chotara, haf*ckasti, shombe (n) chovya (ku-) chovya (n) chovya (n) - choyo (kivumishi) chozi, machozi (n) chuana (ku-) chubua (ku-)

(v) to tire somebody out, to make somebody tired or fed up

(n) a half - caste (v) to dip something into some liquid

(n) any sickness with a retention of water by the body as a major symptom (n) a false copy of an item with other colour than its original one (adj.) greedy, stingy (n) a tear, tears (v) to struggle with one another for a winnerʼs place, ex. in a contest (v) to bruise (ex. people,skin, plants, fuits

chubuka (ku-) chubuko (n) chuchu (n) chuchumaa (ku-) chuchumia (ku-)

(v) to be bruised (n) a bruise (n) a nipple of a breast, teat (v) to squat (v) to tiptoe

chuja (ku-)

(v) to filter, select from several choices, to fade away (ex. a colour)

chujuka (ku-) chuki (n) chukia (ku-)

(v) to fade out in colour (n) hatred, ill-feeling (v) to hate

chukiza (ku-) chukizo (n) chuku (n) chukua (ku-) chukuana (ku-) chuma (ku-)

(v) to displease or disgust ; to embitter (n) an abomination (n) an exaggeration (v) to take (v) to be compatible (v) 1. to pluck or recolte fruits from trees 2. to make benefits or profits from commerce or simply from oneʼs hard work

chuma (n) chumba (n) chumu (n) chumvi (n) chuna (ku-) chunga (ku-) - chungu (kivumishi) chungu (n) chungu nzima (kielezi) chungua, chunguza (ku-) chungulia (ku-) - chunguzi (kivumishi) chungwa (n) chunusi (n) chuo (n) Chup ! (kihisishi)

(n) a specialized college, ex. «Chuo Kikuu» = a university (interj.) an expression used angrily to silence somebody an equivalent to « shut up !»

chupa (n) chupi (n) chupia (ku-) chupio (n) chura (n) chururu, mvujo (kielezi) churuzika, chirizika (ku-) chutama (ku-) chuuza (ku-) chwa (ku-)


(v) Iron (n) a room (n) good luck (n) salt (v) to skin an animal ex. a cow, a goat, etc. (v) to graze, tend, look after animals. (adj.) bitter, disagreeable, painful (n) a cooking pot (adv.) a lot of (things), a heap of (v) to examine, to inspect or inquire about something (v) to peep at, glance or look through a hole (adj.) curious, investigative (n) an orange (n) a pimple

(n) a bottle (n) an underpants, an underwear (v) to jump into (n) a hair support (n) a frog (adv.) watery food (or drink, ex. coffee, tea) (v) to trickle down (liquids) (v) to crouch (v) to trade, to sell, retail (v) to set ( the sun)


dabwada (n) dada (n) dadisi (ku-) dafrao / dafrau (n) daftari (n) dafu (n) dagaa (n) dahari (kielezi)

(n) worn out clothes (n) a sister (v) to inquire, to investigate or ask questions about something (n) a head-on collision (n) an excercise book (n) a coconut fruit full of milk (n) sardines (adv.) ever, always, at any time

dai (ku-) dai (n) daima (kielezi)

(v) to claim, to demand (n) a claim (adv.) always, for ever

daima na milele (kihisishi)

(interj.) for ever and ever

dainamo (n) (n) a dynamo daka (ku-) (v) to catch in air, ex. a ball, to grip, clutch daka, shubaka (n) (n) an incorporated place in a wall of a house, used for arrangement. dakawa (n) (n) a rope used to upload or download a ship freight dakia, dandia (ku-) (v) to jump onto a moving vehicle, to interject dakika (n) (n) minute (s) daktari (n) (n) a medical doctor daladala (n) (n) a commuter or shuttle bus dalali (n) (n) an auctioneer, a broker or a middleman in a business dalili (n) (n) sign(s), symptom(s) dalji (n)

(n) 1. a horse galop 2. a walk - with -pride, done by teenagers

damka, rauka (ku-) damu (n)

(v) to get up very early in the morning (n) blood

damu ya mzee (kivumishi) dandala, yangeyange (n)

(adj.) crimson or maroon colour (n) a heron

dandalo (n) danganya (ku-) danganyifu (kivumishi) danganyika (ku-) danguro (n) dansi / densi (n)

(n) a beam (v) to cheat, to deceive or tell lies (adj.) deceitful (v) to be deceived (n) a brothel (n) a dance

dapia (ku-)

(v) to jump from one place to another by using the creepers and tree branches like in the film : «Tarzan and Jane»

daraba, kipwi (n)

(n) a toilet (W.C) in a boat

daraja (n)

(n) 1. a rank, a level 2. a bridge over an obstacle, ex a river

daraka, madaraka (n) darasa (n) dari (n)

(n) an authority, a responsibility (n) a classroom (n) a ceiling

dariji (ku-)

(v) to arrange things in an orderly manner

Darisalama, Darisalamu (n) (n) Dar Es Salaam, the economic capital city of Tanzania, while Dodoma is the administrative capital city darizi (ku-) darubini (n)

(v) to do embroidery, to knit (n) a telescope

data (n) dau (n) dawati (n) dayosisi (n)

(n) a data (n) an amount of money put down for gambling (n) a desk (n) a diocese

dazeni, dazani, darzeni (n)

(n) a dozen

debe (n) (n) a can, a tin dede (kivumishi) (adj.) unsteady, ex. a ladder degedege (n) (n) an acute attack of malaria, with convulsions deka (ku-) (v) to be spoiled dekeza (ku-) (v) to spoil a child deki (ku-) (v) to mop the floor or wash thoroughly, using water, soap and a mop delta (n) (n) a delta demadema (n) (n) a toddler, a very little child when starting to walk demani (n) (n) a cool season (note : « kipupwe » = cold season) Demokrasia (n) (n) Democracy demu (n) (n) a dame, slang: a girlfriend denda (ku-) (v) to drool, to spittle dengelua (n) (n) sugarcane liqueur dengua (ku-) (v) to show off deni (n) (n) a debt depo (n) (n) a depot, a godown, a warehouse deraya / dereya (n) (n) an iron war garment desimali (n) (n) a decimal desturi (n) (n) a custom, a habit, a tradition dhabihu (n) (n) a sacrifice dhahabu (n) (n) gold dhahiri (kivumishi) (adj.) apparent, clear, evident - dhaifu (kivumishi) (adj.) weak, powerless, helpless dhalilisha, dhoofisha (ku-) (v) to weaken dhalimu (n) (n) oppresive, tyranny dhamana (n) (n) a bail, a sponsorship dhambi (n) (n) a sin dhamini (ku-) (v) to pay a bail for someone, to sponsor dhamira (n) (n) an intention, a subject behind, a matter dhamiri (n) (n) conscience dhamiria (ku-) (v) to intend dhana (n) (n) a concept, an idea, a mentality dhani (ku-) dhania (ku-) dhara (n) dharau (ku-) dharuba, dhoruba (n) dharura (n) dhati (kivumishi) dhibiti (ku-) dhidi (kielezi)) dhihaka (n) dhihaki (ku-)

(v) to think (v) to suspect (n) a damage (v) to despise (n) a rain storm (n) an emergency (adj.) a determined way

(v) to control, to sensor (adv.) against (n) ridicule (v) to make look ridiculous

dhiki (n) dhima (n) dhoofika (ku-) dhoofu (kivumishi) dhuku / onja (ku-) dhuluma (n) dhulumu (ku-) dhuria (n)

(n) distress (n) a duty, responsibility, an obligation (v) to become weak (adj.) weakened, bad health (v) to taste (n) an unjust action, an injustice, a fraud (v) to treat unjustly defraud (n) descendant(s)

dhuru (ku-)

dibaji (n) didimia (ku-) difensi (n) difu (kivumishi) digrii (n) dikrii (n) dikteta (n) dimba (n) dimbwi (n) dinari (n)

(v) 1. to harm , to injure (people) 2. to damage (other living species or non -living things) 3. to spoil someoneʼs reputation (n) a foreword, preface (v) to sink, to lose in business (n) a defence (adj.) differential (n) a degree (n) a decree (n) a dictator (n) a round in a game ex. in Boxing (n) a pool, a pond (n) a dinar : the principal monetary unit for several countries including Algeria, Bahrein, Iraq, Serbia and Tunisia

dinda (ku-) (v) to stand firm dini (n) (n) a religion dinosau (n) (n) a dinosaur diploma (n) (n) a diploma dira (n) (n) a compass diriki (ku-) (v) to be able to do and accomplish something dirisha (n) (n) a window disa (ku-) (v) to have his member (i.e penis) erected Disemba, Desemba (n) (n) December dishi (n) (n) a dish diskaunti (n) (n) A discount disko (n) (n) a disco dispensari (n) divai (n) divisheni (n) diwani (n) dizeli (n) do ! /doo ! / lo ! (kihisishi) doa (n)

(n) a dispensary, a community clinic (n) wine (n) a division (n) a councillor (n) diesel (interj.) damn ! (n) a spot, a stain

dodoki (n)

(n) a loofah fruit from a tree of the same name. When dry, it makes a perfect natural sponge

doea (ku-)

(v) to try to get a meal or other things freely, without any effort

- dogo (kivumishi)

(adj.) little, small

- dogodogo (kivumishi)

(adj.) petty, piddling

dogori (n) (n) an exorcising dance dohani (n) (n) an extractor hood dokeza (ku-) (v) to give a hint over something dokezi, dokezo (n) (n) a hint dokoa (ku-) (v) to steal in small amounts, ex. money dolfini, pomboo (n) (n) a dolphine dola (n) (n) a dollar, money dola (n) (n) an empire, a state doli (n) (n) a doll Dominika (n) (n) Sunday domo (n) (n) a big mouth domokaya (n) (n) a blabber, a chatterbox dona (n) (n) maize flour donda (n) (n) an ulcer, a wound dondoa (ku-) (v) to pick (things), one at a time dondoandume (n) (n) a man who likes be like a woman dondoka (ku-) (v) to drip dondora, mavu, nyigu (n) (n) a bumblebee (the tropical variety) donge (n) (n) a lump (of something), ex. stiff porridge donoa (n) (n) to peck at as a bird doria (n) (n) a patrol dosari (n) (n) a defect, a shortcoming doti (n) (n) a pair, ex. of shoes dragoni (n) (n) a dragon drama (n) (n) a drama, a play, an excitement drili (n)

(n) 1. a drill, - used in dentistry or in mining 2. military exercices

dua (n) duara (n) duaradufu (adj.) dubu (n) dubwana (n)

(n) a prayer (n) a circle (adj.) oval (shape) (n) a bear (n) a giant creature (in tales)

dude (n) dudia (ku-) dudu (n) duka (n) dukuduku (n) duma (n) dumaa (ku-) dumbukiza (ku-) dume (n) dumisha (ku-) dumu (ku-) dunda (ku-)

(n) an object of imprecise quality (v) to fill some air into something, ex. in a car tyre (n) a large sized insect (n) a shop (n) a doubt, a grudge (n) a cheetah (v) to fail to develop fully, to be stunted (v) to drop something into (n) a male animal (v) to perpetuate (v) to last long (v) to bounce on the ground, ex. a balloon

dunduliza (ku-) dunga (ku-) dungu (n) duni (kivumishi) Dunia (n) dunisha (ku-) duru (n) durusu (ku-) duwaa (ku-) duwaza (ku-)


(v) to save up little by little (v) to inject with a product (medicine) (n) a tribune, a watchtower (adj.) of low quality (n) Our World, The Planet Earth (n) to make inferior, belittle (n) a turn, a round (v) to study (ex.a book), to read with concentration (v) to be astonished by something (v) to stagger


ebo ! or eboo ! (kihisishi) edita (n) egama (ku-) egemea (ku-) egemeo (n) egesha (ku-) egesho (n) ehaa ! / ahaa ! eka / ekari (n) ekaristi (n) ekseli (n) eksirei (n) ekumeni (kivumishi) -ekundu (kivumishi) ekzosi (ku-) elea (ku-) eleka (ku-) elekea (ku-) - elekevu (kivumishi) elekeza (ku-) electromita (n) elektroni (n) elemea (ku-) elemewa (ku-) eleveta (n) elewa (ku-) elewesha (ku-) eleza (ku-) elezea (ku-) elfu (namba) elimika (ku-) elimisha (ku-)

(interj.) An expression of contempt (n) an editor (v) to depend on (v) to rely on , to lean on (n) a support (v) to park a car (n) a parking place or lot (interj.) An expression for approval, equiv. to «Mmh, Okay !» (n) an acre, half a hectare (n) Eucharist (n) an axle (n) X-ray (adj.) ecumenical (adj.) red, reddish (v) to exhaust (v) to float on water or through air (v) to carry something in a heap (v) to appear, seem (adj.) bright (v) to direct, to show the way

(n) an electrometer (n) an electron (v) to weigh heavily upon (v) to be overwhelmed, to be too much occupied (n) an elevator (v) to understand (v) to make someone understand (v) to explain (v) to narrate (num. adj.) one thousand (v) to be educated (v) to educate

Elimu (n) (n) Education Elimudunia (n) (n) Cosmology Elimukifungo (n) (n) Penology Elimumaadili (n) (n) Ethics Elimumimea (n) (n) Botany Elimumsamiati (n) (n) Lexicology Elimumwendo (n) (n) Dynamics Elimusiha (n) (n) Hygiene Elimuujuzi (n) (n) Epistemology Elimuwadudu (n) (n) Pestology Elimuwanyama (n) (n) Zoology - ema (kivumishi) (adj.) kind, good -embamba (kivumishi) (adj.) slim, thin, narrow embe (n) (n) a mangoe enda (ku-) (v) to go enda-kombo (ku) (v) to deviate endapo (kiunganishi) (conj.) in case endea (ku-) (v) to go for endekeza (ku-) (v) to treat leniently, to spoil endelea (ku-) (v) to develop, to progress endeleza (ku-) (v) to make develop, cause progress endesha (ku-) (v) to drive, head; to lead, run enea (ku-) (v) to abound, to spread; be plentiful or full (of) eneo (n)

(n) 1. an area, a region 2. a surface size 3. of interest in studies, knowledge

engaenga (ku-)

(v) to spoil a child

-enu (kimilikishi)

(poss pron.) your, yours

enzi (n) (n) power, in the rule of ... at such and such time... epa (ku-) (v) to avoid -epesi (kivumishi) (adj.) light (i.e not heavy) epua (ku-) (v) to remove from epuka, kwepa (ku-) (v) to avoid, to escape, shun from (somebody or something) epusha (ku-) (v) to keep away from or help someone to avoid something - erevu (kivumishi) (adj.) clever erevuka (ku-) (v) to become clever erevusha (ku-) erio (n) eropleni (n) Esperanto (n) ethnolojia (n) -eupe (kivumishi) -eusi (kivumishi) eutanasia (n) ezeka (ku-) ezi (kivumishi)

(v) to make somebody clever (n) an aerial : of a radio, a walkie talkie, etc. (n) an airplane (n) Esperanto language (n) ethnology (adj.) whitish (adj.) blackish (n) euthenasia (v) to thatch, to do the roofing of house (adj.) divin



fa (ku-) faa (ku-) fadhaa (n) fadhaika (ku-) fadhaisha (ku-) fadhila (n) fadhili (ku-) fafanua (ku-) fa*gia (ku-) fa*gio (n) fa*gositi (n) fahali (n) fahamiana (ku-) fahamika (ku-) fahamisha (ku-) fahamu (ku-) faharasa (n) fahari (n) faida (n) faidi (ku-) faidika (ku-) faili (n) fainali (n) faini (n) fakiri (n) falsafa (n) familia (n) fana (ku-) fanaka (n) fanana (ku-) fananisha (ku-) faneli (n) fani (n) fanicha (n) fanikio (n) fanikisha (ku-) fanikiwa (ku-) fanusi (n) fanya (ku-) fanyia (ku-) fanyika (ku-) faragha (kielezi) faraja (n) farakana (ku-) farakano (n)

(v) to die, to perish (v) to be of use (n) confusion, depression (v) to be confused, depressed (v) to confuse, disappoint (n) kindness (v) to sponsor someone or something, to approuve something (v) to clarify, to explain clearly (v) to sweep, clean (n) a broom, a brush (big or small) for cleaning (n) a phagocyte (n) a bull , a male cow (v) to know each other (v) to be known, to be famous (v) to inform (v) to know, understand, get acquinted (n) a table of contents (at a front of a book) (n) fame (n) a profit , a financial gain, an advantage (v) to profit from (v) to benefit from, to prosper (thanks to some prior efforts) (n) a folder for papers, a report, a file (in a computer) (n) a final game, the last phase of a contest or a competition (n) a fine, a penalty (n) a fakir (n) philosophy (n) a family (v) to succeed (in affaire(s), to be a success (n) a success, prosperity (v) to resemble, to be similar (v) to compare, to mistake one person for another (n) a funnel (n) arts (n) furniture (n) a success (v) to accomplish (v) to succeed, to prosper (n) a kerosene lamp (v) to do (v) to do something for sb (v) to be done, to take place (ex. an event) (adv.) privately (n) a consolation (v) to differ in opinion (n) a misunderstanding

farakisha (ku-) farasi (n) fariji (ku-) fariki (ku-)

(v) to alienate (n) a horse (v) to consolate (v) to die

faru / kifaru

(v) 1. a rhinoceros 2. a military tank

fasaha (kivumishi) fasheni (n) fashisti (n) fashifashi (n) fasihi (n) fasili (ku-) fasiri (ku-) fataki (n) fauka (kielezi) fauka (kihusishi)

(adj.) a correct (style), fluent (n) a fashion, - clothing, style, manner (n) a fascist (n) fireworks (n) litterature in general, (profession = writing) (v) to define, to annotate (v) to translate, interpret (n) dynamite, an explosive devise (adv.) besides (prep.) besides

faulu, fuzu (ku-)

(v) to pass (well) a test, an examination ; to succeed surpass an ordeal in life

Februari (n) fedha (n) fedhehesha (ku-) fedhuli / fidhuli (n) feki (kivumishi) feki (ku-) feki (n) feli (ku-) fenesi (n) feni (n) feruzi (kivumishi) ficha (ku-) fichama (ku-) ficho (n) fichua (ku-) fichuo (n) fichwa (ku-) fidia (n) fidla (n) fifia (ku-) figa (n) figili (n) figo (n) fika (ku-) fikira (n) fikiri (ku-) fikiria (ku-)

(n) February (n) money, currency (v) to make someone shocked, astounded (n) a rude person (adj.) fake (v) to fake, counterfeit (a product) (n) forged goods ex. watches, jewels, etc. (v) to fail a test, a contest, an examination (n) a jack - fruit (n) a fan (in paper or electrical) (adj.) sky-blue or turquoise (colour) (v) to hide, keep (something, ex. an information) as a secret (v) to lie low, be hidden (n) a hiding place (v) to uncover, make public (n) a discovery, revelation (v) to be hidden, be made secret (n) a compensation (n) a fiddler of a violin

(v) to fade or wither ex. a colour, a light, flowers, plants, a smile, memory, etc. (n) a cooking stone (n) white radish (n) a kidney (s) (v) to arrive, reach (a place, priorly chosen) (n) a thought, an idea (v) to think, ponder (v) to consider, imagine or think

fikirisha (ku-) (v) to preoccupy fikisha (ku-) (v) to convey fila (n) (v) a bad thing filamu (n) (n) a film filimbi, firimbi (n) (n) a whistle filisi (ku-) (v) to confiscate or liquidate in bankruptcy filisika (ku-) (n) to run bancrupt Filolojia (n) (n) Philology fimbo (n) (n) a stick fingirisha (ku-) (v) to make something roll along finya (ku-) (v) to pinch finyanga (ku-) (v) to make pottery, do pottery work finyu (kivumishi) (adj.) very narrow fira (ku-) (v) to practise sodomy firaka (n) (n) penis firigisi (n) (n) a gizzard (of birds) fisadi (n) (n) an immoral person fisha (ku-) (v) to extinguish fisi (n) (n) a hyena fitina, fitna (n) (n) a discord, a mischief fitini (ku-) (v) to create discord fito (n) (n) a long pole used for building huts fiwa (kivumishi) (adj.) to be bereaved Fizikia (n) (n) Physics Fiziolojia (n) (n) Physiology flamingo, kulastara (n) (n) a flamingo flora (n) (n) flora florini (n) (n) flourine fofofo (kielezi) (adv.) completely, totally foka (ku-) (v) to shout with anger fokasi (ku-) (v) to focus fokea (ku-) (v) to shout with anger at someone foleni (n)

(n) a line of people who are waiting patiently one behind another, for a service or another issue, ex. voting

fomu (n) fonimu (n)

(n) a form (n) phoneme or the sound of a language

forodha (n)

(n) a harbour or a port with customs authority, including the treatement of affairs of goods, fret, transits, etc.

forosadi, furusadi (n) (n) strawberry fruits foronya (n) (n) a pillowcase foto (n) (n) a photograph fotoa (ku-) (v) to take a photo fotokopi (ku-) (v) to make a photocopy, to photocopy fotostati, fotokopi (n) (n) a photocopy machine fowadi (n) (n) a forward (in football) fremu (n) (n) a frame ex. of a door, glasses, etc. Frenolojia (n) (n) Phrenology friji, jokofu (n) (n) a refrigerator

friza (n)

(n) a freezer

-fu (kivumishi)

(adj.) dead

fua (ku-)

(v) 1. to hammer (iron) 2. to wash clothes 3. to remove a shell of a coconut

fuata, fuasa (ku-) fuatana (ku-) fuatilia (ku-) fuatisha (ku-) fuawe (n) fudifudi, kifudifudi (kielezi) fudikiza (ku-) fufua (ku-) fuf*cka (ku-) fufumka (ku-) fufutende (kivumishi) fuga (ku-) fugo (n) fuja (ku-) fujo (n) f*cka (ku-) f*ckara (kivumishi) f*ckia (ku-) f*ckiza (ku-)

(v) to conform, follow (v) to go together, follow one another (v) to follow up, pursue (v) to imitate, follow, or follow (logically) (n) an anvil (adv.) face down (v) to turn (something) upside down (v) to raise from the dead, bring back to life, revive (v) to rise from the dead, (v) to sprout up (adj.) lukewarm

(v) 1. to tame, to keep domestic animals 2. to leave oneʼs beard grow very long (n) domestic animals, ex. cattle, goats, etc. (v) to squander or to spend (money, wealth,) carelessly (n) chaos, disorder (v) to give off smoke (adj.) poor (v) to bury something (v) to fumigate

f*cko (n)

(n) 1. a mole 2. the place where a hen lays her eggs

f*ckua (ku-)

(v) to dig out something from the ground, find something in the soil

f*ckuta (ku-) f*ckuto (n) f*ckuza (ku-) fuma (ku-) fuma, fumania (ku-) fumanizi (n) fumbo (n) fumua (ku-) fumuka (ku-) funda (ku-) funda (n) fundi (n) fundisha, funza (ku-) fundisho, funzo (n) fundishwa (ku-)

(v) to burn or consume inwardly by fire, without flames, ex. peat (n) a fire which burns inwardly without flames (v) to chase, to drive away (people, animals or birds (v) to weave clothes, pullovers (v) to surprise someone doing an immoral act (n) the feline coitus (n) an enigma, a mystery, a riddle (v) to unstitch, to uncover (v) to be unravelled, spoilt, ex. a pullover (v) to impart, teach moral education (n) a heap of something (n) an artisan, a skilled worker, a technician, (v) to give a knowledge, teach (n) an apprenticeship, an instruction, a teaching (v) to be taught something, receive knowledge

fundo (n)

(n) a knot

funga (ku-)

(v) 1.to tie, to close 2. to abstain from eating 3. to score a goal in a match

fungamana (ku-) (v) to be in union with fungamano (n) (n) an alliance fungasha (ku-) (v) to collect oneʼs goods and go fungate (n) (n) a honeymoon fungo (n) (n) a wild cat fungua (ku-) (v) to open funguka (ku-) (v) to get loose, break open fungulia (ku-) (v) to open for, release or let out funguo (n) (n) keys fungutenzi (n) (n) a verb, a sentence funika, funikiza (ku-) (v) to cover oneself or something, to put a lid on a container funua (ku-) (v) to uncover, to unveil, open fununu (n) (n) a gossip, a hearsay or rumour fupi (kivumishi) (adj.) short, shallow fupisha (ku-) (v) to abbreviate, to shorten fupisho (n) (n) an abbreviation, a summary furaha (n) (n) a joy, pleasure furahi (ku-) (v) to feel happy, joyous furahia (ku-) (v) to be cheerful, rejoice furahisha (ku-) (v) to be enjoyable, make delightful furifuri, furi (kivumishi) (adj.) full, top furika (ku-) (v) to overflow fursa (n) (n) an opportunity, furukuta (ku-) (v) to agitate, to move about and struggle to free oneself from a certain situation furushi (n) (n) a bundle, a parcel fusa, shuta (ku-) (v) to fart fusa (ku-) (v) to burst and relase some air, ex. a bicycle tyre fuska (n) (n) a fornicator, an adulterer futa (ku-) futari (n)

(v) 1. to erase, to wipe off, to cancel 2. to unsheath a sword, a knife (n) foods normally used by Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan to break the fasting

futika (ku-) futikamba, futi (n) futuru (ku-)

(v) to disappear, to become unreadable (n) a tape measure (v) to break a fasting especially during the Holy month of Ramadan (for Muslims)

futwa (ku-) fuvu (n)

(v) to be cancelled, ex. a meeting (n) a skull

fyatua (ku-)

(v) 1. to snapshot, to fire with a gun

2. to make bricks for a house construction fyeka (ku-)

(v) to clear a bush or clean an area by using a slasher

fyonya, fyonza (ku-)

(v) to suck, - to make a thin sound with the mouth, as a sign of anger or dissatisfaction

fyosi (kivumishi) fyuu ! (kihisishi) fyuzi (n)


(adj.) insulting (interj.) an imitation of air passage (n) a fuse


gaagaa, galagala, garagara (ku-) gae (n) gagulo (n) gaidi (n) gamba (ku-) gamba (n) gambusi (n)

(n) a tile (n) an underskirt (n) a terrorist, a robber (v) to boast, to show off (n) a scale of a fish, a shell (n) a mandolin

ganda, gandisha (ku-) ganda (n) gandamana (ku-) gandamiza (ku-) gandua (ku-) ganga(ku-) gangamala (ku-) ganzi (n) gari (n) gati (n) gauni (n) gavana (n) gawa (ku-) gawana (ku-) gawia (ku-) gazeti (n) gegedu (n) gego (n) geji (n)

(v) to wriggle because of bodily pains

(v) 1. to coagulate, to clog 2. to affix, to bind (n) a shell, a husk (of grains, seeds) (v) to stick together (v) to oppress, to press hard on (physically) (v) to pull off, to take off (v) to treat medically (v) to persist, to insist (n) anaesthesia

(n) 1. a car, bus, lorry, truck, etc. 2. a carriage of train, horse riden (n) docks in a harbour (n) a womanʼs dress (n) a governor (v) to divide, to dispense, to assign to, to ration (v) to distribute, assign, share (v) to distribute, allocate (n) a daily, weekly or monthly newspaper (n) a cartilage, disc (n) a molar (n) a gauge (for fuel)

gema (ku-)

(v) to tap a bark of a tree in order to get its sap or resine ex. in the process of collecting latex, which is changed into rubber

geni (kivumishi) (adj.) strange , odd, unfamiliar gereji (n) (n) a garage geresha (ku-) (v) to cheat gereza (n) (n) prison gesi (n) (n) gas geugeu (kivumishi) (adj.) unreliable, fickle geuka (ku-) (v) to change direction, turn about physically geukia (ku-) (v) to turn and face another direction geuza ku-) (v) to turn over something, ex. a skirt geuzi (n) (n) a change ghadhabika, gazabika (ku-) (v) to be furious, enraged ghadhabisha (ku-) (v) to exasperate ghafi (n) ghafilika (ku-) ghafla (n) ghafla (kielezi) ghaibu (kielezi) ghairi (ku-) ghala (n) ghali (kivumishi) ghani (ku-) gharama (n) gharika (n) gharimia (ku-) gharimu (ku-) ghashi (n) ghasi (ku-) ghasia (n) ghaya (n) ghiliba (n) ghilibu (ku-) ghilibu (n) ghorofa, gorofa (n) ghuba (n) ghushi (ku-) ghusubu (ku-) gia (n) gidamu (n) giligili (n) gimbi (n) gingi (n) gitaa (n) giza (n) glakoma (n) glasi, gilasi (n)

(n) gross weight, a product (n) to be forgetful (n) suddenness (adv.) suddenly (adv.) out of sight (v) to change oneʼs mind (n) a barn, storehouse, warehouse (adj.) expensive (v) to recite, to sing (n) expenses (n) a cataclysm, downpour, flood (v) to pay for (v) to cost (n) a deception, lie (v) to bother, trouble (n) confusion, disorder (n) ecstacy (n) duplicity (v) to deceive, swindle (n) a cunning, trickery (n) a story house (n) a gulf or a bay geographic, ex. the Persian gulf (v) to cheat, forge (v) a compel (n) a gear (n) a shoe lace (n) fluid (n) a model, shape (n) a peg (to suspend washed clothes) (n) a guitar (n) darkness (n) glaucoma (eye sickness) (n) a drinking glass

glovu (n) glukosi (n) gobori (n) godoro (n)

(n) a glove (n) glucose (n) a home-made gun (n) a mattress

gofu (n)

(n) 1. golf game 2. a ruin ex. old castles

gogo (n) goigoi (n) goli (n) golikipa (n) goma (ku-) gomba (kugombana (ku-)

(n) a log (of wood) (n) a lazy person (n) a score in a sportive contest ex. a goal in a football match (n) a goalkeeper (v) to go on strike, ex. by workers (v) to contradict (v) to quarrel

gombea (ku-)

(v) 1. to fight or quarrel for something 2. to contest for a seat, ex. in politics

gombeza (ku-) gome (n) - gomvi (kivumishi)

(v) to reprimand, to scold (n) a bark of trees (adj.) quarrelsome

gonga (ku-)

(v) 1. to knock at (ex. a door) 2. to hit something (accident)

gongana (ku-)

(v) to collide with one another ex. cars, trains, airplanes, etc.

gongo (n)

(n) 1. a big stick, a club 2. an illicit alcoholic drink

gongwa (ku-) gonjwa (kivumishi) gota (ku-) goti (n) gramafoni (n) gramu (n) grisi (n) guberi (n) gubika (ku-) gudulia (n) gugu (n) gugumiza (ku-) gugumizi (n)

(v) to have oneself hit by something on the road, on the rails, etc. (adj.) ill, sick (v) to refuse to move (n) a knee (n) a gramaphone (n) gramme (s) (n) grease (n) a whor* (v) to cover completely (from head to toes) (n) a jar, ex. of water, alcohol, wine etc. (n) a weed, thicket (v) to stammer (n) a stammering person

guguna (ku-)

(v) to gnaw, nibble (while asleep)

gulio (n)

(n) a special open market, open on specific days only, several times a year

gumba (kivumishi)

(adj.) barren, sterile

gumba (n) gumu (kivumishi) gumzo (n) guna (ku-) gundi, gluu (n) gundua (ku-) gunzi (n) guru (n) gurudumu (n) gusa (ku-) gusia (ku-)

gwadu (kivumishi) gwaride, drili (n) gwiji (kivumishi)


(n) the first finger or the thumb (adj.) difficult, hard (n) chattering, gossip (v) to complain (n) glue (v) to discover, unveil (n) a corn cob (n) unrefined sugar (n) a wheel (v) to touch (v) 1. to mention 2. to use something to touch another person or something else ex. in relaxation massages (adj.) sour taste (n) a parade, a drill, military exercises (adj.) a specialist or somebody mastering a certain discipline.


haba (kivumishi) (adj.) scarce, few habari (n) (n) news hadaa (ku-) (v) to cheat hadaa (n) (n) trickery hadaika (ku-) (v) to be cheated hadhara (n) (n) an audience, a public hadharani (n) (n) in the public hadhi (n) (n) dignity, honour hadi (kihusishi) (prep.) until hadithi (n) (n) an anecdote, story, tale hadithia (ku-) (v) to narrate a story hadubini / darubini (n) (n) a microscope hafifu (kivumishi) (adj.) of poor quality, faint hafla (n) (n) a celebration, party haha (ku-) hai (kivumishi) haidhuru (kt) haidhuru (kielezi) haini (n) haja (n) hajambo (kt) hajiri (ku-)

(v) 1. to wonder anxiously 2. to give explanations in disorder beecause of fear or haste (adj.) alive (v) it does not matter (adv.) nevertheless (n) a betrayer (n) a need (v) he, she is well (v) to emigrate

haki (n) hakika (kivumishi) hakiki (ku-) hakikisha (ku-) hakikishia (ku-) hakikisho (n) hakimu (n) halafu (kivumishi) halafu (kielezi) halahala (kihisishi) halaiki (n) halali (kivumishi)

(n) a right (adj.) certain, sure (v) to make a critical review (v) to ascertain, make sure (n) to guarantee (n) a confirmation (n) a judge, magistrate (adj.) afterwards, then (adv.) later (interj.) take care ... (n) a crowd, mass, multitude, ex. of school children (adj.) lawfull

halali (v)

(v) he, she does not sleep, opposite of «analala» meaning he sleeps.

halalisha (ku-) halani (kielezi)

(v) to render lawful, allow, to officiate (adv.) immediately

hali (n) halijoto (n) halifu (ku-)

(n) a condition (n) the mesure of the temperature (v) to commit a crime

halisi (kivumishi)

(adj.) authentic, genuine, original

halizeti (n) halmashauri (n)

(n) sunflower oil (n) a council

halo ! or haloo ! (kihisishi) halua / haluwa (n)

(interj.) an answer to a phone call also a way to capture somebodyʼs attention

(n) sweets for chewing, made in figurative art, presenting small animals, ex. bear cubs, fish, etc.

hama (n) hamaki (ku-) hamaki (kt)

(n) to emigrate, move from one country or a region to another (v) to improvise (v) to be intrigued, to be enraged

hamali (n)

(n) a coolie : someone who carries the luggage for travellers

hamasa (n)

(n) a strong desire to make efforts in an achievement of something

hamasisha (ku-)

(v) to mobilise, instigate

hamia (ku-) (v) to move to a new place or a new house hamira (n) (n) baking powder, yeast hamri, andazi (n) (n) a fritter hamsini (namba) (num. adj.) fifty hamu (n) (n) desire, longing for something hanchifu (n) (n) a handkerchief

handaki (n) (n) a ditch, trench hangaika (ku-) (v) to feel uneasy, to worry about something hanikiza (ku-) (v) to spread a noise or a smell all over in a closed area. hanithi (kivumishi) (adj.) impotent hapa (kielezi) (adv.) here hapana (kielezi) (adv.) of negation = NO hara (ku-) (v) to have loose bowels harage, maharagwe (n) (n) beans haradali (n) (n) mustard haraka (n) (n) haste harakati (n) (n) strategies and tactics employed to reach a fixed goal (in life) harakisha (ku-) (v) to hasten, make hurry haramia (n) (n) a pirate, thief haramisha (ku-) (v) to make illegal, prohibit haramu (kivumishi) (adj.) illegal, prohibited harara (n) (n) a skin erruption caused by heat and perspiration haribifu (kivumishi) (adj.) destructive haribika (ku-) (v) to go bad, rot haribu (ku-) (v) to corrupt, destroy, hariri (ku-) (v) to edit hariri (n) (n) silk harufu (n) (n) a smell harusi / arusi (n) (n) a wedding hasa (kielezi) (adv.) especially hasara (n) (n) a loss hasha ! (kihisishi) (interj.) not possible hasi (ku-) (v) to castrate hasimu (n) (n) an enemy, opponent hasira (n) (n) anger hatamu (n) (n) a bridle, rein (for a horse) hatari (n) (n) a danger, hazard, risk or a possibility to harm oneself. hatarisha (ku-) (v) to put in danger hati (n) (n) a document, a writing (typed or hand -written) hatia (n) (n) a crime, guiltyness hatimaye (kielezi) (adv.) at last hatimkato (n) (n) a shorthand writing system, asecretarial art hatua (n) (n) a step Hawa or Eva

(n) Eve, the first woman, wife of the first man, Adam (for Christians).

hawa (kiwakilishi) ( dem. pron.) these people hawala, cheki, hundi (n) (n) a bank cheque haya (n) (n) shame haya ! (kihisishi) (interj.) Itʼs okay hayawani (n) (n) person(s) with a wild nature hazama (n) hazina (n) hedhi (n) hekaheka (n) hekalu (n) hekaya (n)

(n) a piercing (n) a treasure (n) menstruation (n) a chaos, hectic mouvement (n) a temple (n) a collection of stories, mythes or legend of a given place

hekima (n)

(n) wisdom, prudence

Heko ! or Hongera ! (kihisishi) hekta (n) hektomita (n) hela (n) helikopta (n) helmeti (n) hema (ku-) hema (n) hepa / epa (ku-) hereni / herini (n) heri / kheri (n) heroe (n) herufi (n) hesabu (ku-) hesabu (n) heshima (n) heshimu (ku-) hewa (n) hiana (n) hiari (n) hifadhi (ku-) hifadhi (n) hija (n) hijabu (n) hiji (ku-) hila (n) hiliki, angamia (ku-) hima (kihisishi) himaya (n) himili (ku-) himili (n) himiza (ku-) hindi (n) hini (ku-) hirimu / rika (n) hirizi (n)

(interj.) congratulations !

(n) a hectaire (n) a hectomètre (n) money (n) a helicopter (n) a helmet (v) to breath in and out (n) a tent (v) to avoid (n) earring(s) (n) bliss, joy, goodluck (n) flamingo (n) letter(s) ex. alphabetical ones (v) to count (n) arithmetic, sum , maths operations (n) honour, respect (v) to pay due respect, to honour (n) air (n) a fraude (n) a choice (v) to preserve (n) a reserve ex. of animals (n) a pilgrimage (n) a garment worn by Muslim women (v) to go to Mecca as a Muslim pilgrim (n) trick, fraud (v) to capsize (ex. a boat) (adv.) quickly (n) a monopoly, a trusteeship (v) to persevere (n) perseverance (v) to urge on, facilitate (n) maize (v) to rise up against oneʼs government (n) people with the same age (n) a talisman, amulet

hisa (n)

(n) 1. a share in a business 2. oneʼs part in inheritance

hisabati (n) hisani (n)

(n) maths (algebra, numbers and geometry (n) kindness

hisi (ku-) hisia (n)

(v) to feel, to perceive (n) feelings, perception

Hispania (n)

(n) Spain

historia (n)

(n) history

hitaji (ku-) hitajiana (ku-) hitilafiana (ku-) hitilafu (n) hitimisha (ku-) hitimisho (n) hitimu (ku-) hivyo (kielezi)

(v) to feel a need for something (v) to need one another (v) to differ, to disagree (in opinion or something else) (n) a flaw, a difference (v) to conclude, end (n) a conclusion, an end (v) to graduate (from), to conclude oneʼs studies (adv.) in this manner, in this way

hobelahobela, holela (kivumishi) hodari (kivumishi)

(adj.) brave

hodhi / hozi (n) Hodi ! (kihisishi)

(adj.) carelessly

(n) a water tank (interj.) Equivalent of «Hello !or Hi ! Is there someone ?» A term employed to indicate your presence at somebody elseʼs home.

hofu (ku-) hofu (n) hohehahe (kivumishi)

(v) to have a great fear (n) a great fear (adj.) very poor

hoi (kivumishi)

(adj.) almost K.O, tired (because of sickness or another reason)

hoihoi (n) hoja (n) hoji (ku-)

(n) celebrations (n) an argument, point (v) to interrogate, interview

hoki (n)

(n) hockey, - ex. «hoki ya barafu» (ice hockey), «hoki ya majani» ( on grass)

homa (n) honga (ku-)

(n) fever (v) to bribe

hongera (n)

(n) congratulations (for), ex. winning a competition, having a baby, etc.

hongo (n) honi (n) hori (n) hospitali (n)

(n) a bribe (n) 1. a horn (on a car), or a siren on a ship; (n) a manger (for animals, ex. cows) (n) a hospital

hostia (n)

(n) The Holy Host or The Christʼs Body - received by the believers, every time when the liturgie is celebrated in the Catholic Church.

hoteli (n) hotuba, hutuba (n) huba / penzi (n) hubiri (ku-) hudhuria (ku-) hudhurungi (kivumishi)

(n) a hotel (n) a speech (n) affection, love (v) to preach, ex. the gospel (v) to attend lessons, lectures, etc. (adj.) light brown (colour)

huduma (n) hudumia (ku-) huenda (kielezi) labda, pengine (kielezi)

(n) a service (n) to serve (adv.) maybe (adv.) perhaps

hujambo (kt)

(v) you are fine

hujuma (n)

(n) bungling, sabotage or an intentional destruction of something, ex. work

hukumu (ku-) hukumu (n)

(v) to condemn, juge (n) a condamnation, judgement

humo (kielezi) huru, huria (kivumishi) huruma (n) hurumia (ku-) husiana (ku-) husika (ku-) husisha (ku-) husu (ku-) husuda (n) husudu (ku-) hususan, hasa (kielezi) hutubia, hutubu (ku-) huzuni (n) huzunika (ku-) huzunisha (ku-)


(adv.) inside there (adj.) free, generous, not paid for (n) mercy, pity, kindness (v) to have mercy /pity on somebody or something (v) to relate with, to relate about something (v) to be concerned (v) to connect with, relate, relate to, join with (v) to concern (n) envy, jealousy (v) to be jealous (of) or envy someone (adv.) especially, in particular (v) to preach (to), to make sermon or a speech (n) grief, sorrow (v) to be sad (v) to cause grief, to sadden


iba (ku-)

(v) to steal or take (something) illegally

ibada (n)

(n) worship, a religious ceremony ex. the Sunday ceremony done in a Lutheran Church

ibilisi (n) ibua (ku-) ibuka (ku-) idadi (n) idara (n)

(n) satan, the devil (v) to bring up from below, ex. from a mine, water, etc. (v) to come up, emerge (n) an amount, quantity (n) a department

idhaa (n) idhini (n) idhinisha (ku-) iga, igiza, geza (ku-) ijapokuwa, ijapo (kiunganishi)

(n) a radio programme (n) a permit, a consent, a permission, an agreement (v) to authorize, permit (v) to act in a theater, imitate (conj.) although, even though

Ijumaa (n) ikiwa (kiunganishi)

(n) Friday (conj.) in case, if...

ikulu (n)

(n) State House, White House, or a building where a countryʼs leader has his / her office.

ikweta (n) ila (n) ila, isipokuwa (kihusishi) ilani (n)

(n) Equator (n) a defect, mistake, fault (prep.) except , apart from, unless (n) a notice, a manifesto, a written announcement, an official written call,

an oral public notice or attention about something, a warning

ilhali, ingawa (kihisishi) ili (kihusishi)

(prep.) in spite of (prep.) so that, in order, for the purpose that

iliki, hiliki (n)

(n) one of spices

ilimradi, almuradi (kiunganishi) imamu (n)

(conj.) so long as

(n) a Muslim leader who leads the prayers and all what surrounds them ex. the ethical teachings after the prayers

imani (n)

(n) belief, faith (ex. in God, Allah; in oneself

imara (kivumishi)

(adj.) firm, strong, stable, unshakeable

imarisha (ku-) imba (ku-) imla (n) imla (kivumishi) inama (ku-)

(v) to enforce, to strengthen ex. currency, economy, love (v) to sing (n) a dictation (adj.) a dictatorship (v) to bend, turn, face down ex. during gymnastic exercises

India (n)

(n) India

ingawa (kiunganishi) - ingine (kivumishi)

(conj.) although (adj.) other

ingia (ku-) ingilia (ku-) ingiza (ku-) ini (n) injili (n) injini (n) insha (n) inshallah ! (kihisishi) inspekta (n) inua (ku-)

(v) to enter, get in, arrive ex. a train enters at a railway station (v) to intervene, ex. in a quarrel in order to avoid violence (v) to put into (n) liver (n) Gospel, good news (n) an engine ex. of a vehicle (n) an essay, a composition (interj.) If God, the Almighty Wishes ! (n) an inspector (v) to elevate, lift, put up

inuka (ku-)

(v) 1. to rise (Sun, smoge,smoke) 2. to get up (people)

iodini (n) ipi (kivumishi)

(n) iodine (adj.) which

iri (n) isha (ku-) ishara (n) ishi (ku-)

(n) a tumor (v) to be finished (something) (n) a sign, symbol (v) to live

ishirini (namba)

(num. adj.) twenty

ishiwa (ku-) isimu (n) istiara / istiari (n) ita (ku-)

(v) to be bankrupt or in short of something (n) linguistics (n) a synonyme word (v) to call

Italia (n)

(n) Italy

italiki (n) itifaki, protokali (n) itikadi (n) itikia (ku-) itisha (ku-) itwa (ku-) iva (ku-) iwapo (kiunganishi)

(n) italic (n) protocol (n) ideology (v) to respond to a call (v) to call people to a meeting (v) to be called (v) to rippen, cook through (conj.) if

J j ja (ku-) jaa (ku-) jabali (n) jadi (n) jadili (ku-) jahanamu, jehanamu (n) jahazi (n) jaji (ku-) jaji (n) jaketi (n) jalada (n) jalala, dampo (n)

(v) to come (v) to be filled up (n) a rock (n) tradition (v) to discuss (n) hell

(n) a boat, a dhow (v) to judge (n) a judge (n) a jacket (n) a file, a folder; a cover of a book (n) a dumping place for garbage, filth

jali (ku-) jalia (ku-) jalidi (ku-) jaliwa (ku-) jamaa (n) jamanda (n) jamani ! (kihisishi) jamba (ku-) jambazi (n) jambia (n)

(v) to care about / for or to worry about (v) to bless with, to bestow upon (v) to cover a book (v) to be gifted, talented (n) a family, kin (n) a big basket with a lid, for storing dirty clothes (for washing) (interj.) Oh, dear ! (v) to fart, give out gas (n) a robber (n) a sword

Jambo ! (kihisishi)

(interj.) Hello ! How do you do ?

jambo, mambo (n) jamhuri (n) jamii (n) jamiiana (ku) jamu / jemu (n) jamvi (n) jana (kielezi) jando (n) janga (n) jangili (n) jangwa (n) jani (n) janja (kivumishi) janjaruka (ku-) Januari (n)

(n) an affair, a matter (n) a republic (n) a society (v) to have sexual intercourse with somebody (n) jam (n) a doormat or a little -sized mat made of reeds. (adv.) yesterday (n) an initiation rite for boys. (n) a disaster, a calamity (n) a poacher (n) a desert ex. Kalahari, Africa (n) a leaf, grass (adj.) clever, tricky (v) to become clever or tricky (n) January

Japani (n)

(n) Japan

jaribio (n) (n) an attempt, experiment in a scientific laboratory, a test jaribu, jaribisha (ku-) (v) to try jaribu (n) (n) a temptation jarida (n) (n) a magazine jasho (n) (n) sweat jasiri (kivumishi) (adj.) brave, bold jasusi (n) (n) a spy jawabu (n) (n) an answer jaza (ku-) (v) to fill in a form jazba (n) (n) a negative ( most of time uncontrolled) emotional reaction je ? (kihisishi) jekejeke (n) jeki (n) jela, rumande (n) jembe (n) jemedari (n) jenerali (n)

(interj.) How ? (n) sweat , perspiration (n) a jack (for a car), a playing card (n) a prison, a remand (n) a hoe (n) a marshal in an army (n) a general in an army

jenereta, kavunguke (n) jeneza (n) jenga (ku-) jengo (n) jeraha (n) jeruhi (ku-) jeshi (n) jeti (n) jeuri (kivumishi) jeuri (n) jezi (n) jiachia (ku-) jiamini (ku-) jiamulia (ku-) jiandaa (ku-) jiandikisha (ku-) jibini (n) jibu (ku-) jicho (n) jidai (ku-) jiendeleza (ku-) jifanya (ku-) jificha (ku-) jifungua (ku-) jifunza (ku-) jifya / figa (n)

(n) a generator (n) a coffin (v) to build, construct (n) a building (n) an ulcer, a wound (v) to injure, hurt (n) an army, armed forces (n) a jet (adj.) arrogant (n) someone arrogant (n) a jazz band (v) to let oneself free

(v) to trust oneself (v) to decide freely on something by oneself (v) to prepare oneself or an event (v) to have oneself registered, to enrol oneself (n) cheese (v) to answer (n) an eye (v) to boast (v) to improve oneselfʼs skills or talents (v) to pretend (v) to hide oneself (v) to give birth, to deliver (v) to learn (n) a stone which, with others are used to create a fire place, ex. for cooking, while camping

jihadhari (ku-) (v) to take care, to be precautious jiingiza (ku-) (v) to put oneʼs nose into something, without being invited to do. jiji (n) (n) a city jike (n) (n) a female animal jikalia (ku-) (v) to loiter jikaza (ku-) (v) to stand firm jikimu, jimudu (ku-) (v) to satisfy oneself ʻs basic needs by conveniently working jikinga (ku-) (v) to defend oneself from harm, protect oneself jiko (n) Pl.ma(n) a cooker jiko (n) meko (n) a kitchen jikokota (ku-) (v) to walk slowly with pain, due to sickness, old age or both. jikosha (ku-) (v) to justify oneʼs conduct jikwaa (ku-) (v) to hit oneʼs toe into an obstacle, - ex.a stone or anything else jikwatua, jipodoa (ku-) jimbi (n) jina (n) jinai (kivumishi) jinamizi (n)

(v) to put on oneʼs make-up

(n) a variety of potato, big in size and purple coloured (n) a name (adj.) criminal (n) a nightmare

jinga (kivumishi) jini (n) jino (n) jinsi (n) jinsia (n) jinyima (ku-)

(adj.) foolish (n) a jinn (n) a tooth (n) manner, kind (n) gender, sex (v) to abstain oneself (from something)

jinyosha, jinyoosha, jilaza (ku-) jiografia (n) jioni (n) jipendekeza (ku-) jipongeza (ku-) jipu (n) jipya (kivumishi) jirani (n) jiri (ku-) jisaidia (ku-) jisemea (ku-) jisikia (ku-) jisomea (ku-)

(v) to stretch oneself or lie down for a rest.

(n) geography (n) evening (v) to propose oneself for a given task (v) to congratulate oneself (n) an abcess, boil (adj.) new (n) a neighbour (v) to happen (v) to relieve oneself (v) to air oneʼs views (v) to feel good or bad, to think that you are better than others, to boast (v) to read by oneself, - for leisure or for preparation for an examination

jishusha, jidhalilisha (ku-) jitahidi (ku-) jitakia (ku-) jitambulisha (ku-)

(v) to condescend (v) to make efforts (v) to create problems for oneself (v) to present oneself

jitawala (ku-)

(v) to rule without an external power (for a country) to control oneself

jitegemea (ku-) jitihada (n) jitenga (ku-) jitoa (ku-) jitokeza (ku-) jitolea (ku-)

(v) to be self reliant (n) efforts (v) to exclude oneself (v) to withdraw from, to refuse to go on with something (v) to come out, make oneself known (v) to do a voluntary work

jitosa (ku-)

(v) 1. to sacrifice oneself 2. to plunge into a lake, river or a sea

jitwalia (ku-) (v) to grab, take by force jiua (ku-) (v) to kill oneself (by an accident, suicide) jiunga (ku-) (v) to join oneself to a given cause jiuzulu (ku-) (v) to resign from jivu (n) (n) ashes jivujivu, kijivu (kivumishi) (adj.) grey, gray jiwe (n) (n) a stone ji*zoeza (ku-) ji*zuia (ku-) jogoo (n)

(v) to train oneself to be at ease with something (v) to hold oneself back from doing something ex. a regretful deed (n) a co*ck

joho (n)

(n) a special garment for a given occasion ex. for University Graduation Day

joko (n) jometri (n)

(n) an oven (n) geometry

jongea (ku-)

(v) to come nearer to / to come forward to

jongomeo, ahera (n) jongoo (n)

(n) the afterlife (Christian faith) (n) centipede, millipede

jora (n) (n) a roll of cloth joto (n) (n) heat joto (kivumishi) (adj.) hot jozi (n) (n) a pair jua (ku-) (v) to know Jua (n) (n) The Sun judo (n) (n) judo juhudi (n) (n) effort juisi (n) (n) juice juju (n) (n) witchcraft jukumu (n) (n) an obligation jukwaa (n) (n) a platform, stage, for a speaker Julai (n) (n) July julikana (ku-) (v) to be known julisha (ku-) (v) to inform, introduce juma (n) (n) a week jumla (n) (n) total, sum jumlisha (ku-) (v) to add (something), numbers jumlisho (n) (n) addition jumuia / jumuiya (n) (n) a community jumuika (ku-) (v) to associate with others Juni (n) (n) June Jupita / Mushtara (n) (n) The planet Jupiter juta (ku-) (v) to regret, be sorry for ones mistakes juto (n) (n) regret, remorse juu (kielezi) (adv.) above, on top, over juujuu (kivumishi) (kielezi)

juzi (n) juzijuzi (kielezi) juzu (ku-) K

(adj.) superficial (adv.) superficially (n) the day before yesterday (adv.) recently, the other day (v) to oblige


kaa (ku-) kaa (n) kaakaa (ku-) kaanga (ku-)

(v) to stay, sit down, settle (n) a crab (v) to wait a while, be stranded (v) to fry

kaba (ku-)

(v) 1. to choke 2. to throttle (for a throat)

kababu (n) (n) a kebab kabaila (kivumishi) (adj.) feudalist, landlord kabati (n) (n) a cupboard kabichi (n) (n) a cabbage kabidhi (ku-) (v) to hand over (power, responsibilities, etc.) kabila (n) (n) a tribe kabili (ku-) (v) to confront or face someone kabisa (kielezi) (adv.) absolutely, completely, entirely kabla ya (kiunganishi) (conj.) before kabrasha (n) (n) documents needed for a meeting, a seminar, etc. kabureta (n) (n) a carburator kaburi (n) (n) a grave, «makaburini» = a cemetery kaburu (n) (n) the ancien Boers of South Africa (during apartheid time). kabwela (n) (n) a poor person, - somebody with little or no income at all. kachero (n) (n) a detective, a spy kachumbari (n)

(n) a mixed salad of finely chopped tomato, onion cabbage, with garlic, salt and pepper. Very good when eaten with meat

kada (n) kadha wa kadha (kielezi) kadhaa (kivumishi) kadhalika (kielezi) kadi (n) kadiria (ku-) kadirio (n) kafara (n) kafeteria (n) kafiri (n) kagua (ku-) kahaba (n) kahawa (n) kaidi (ku-) kaimu (n) kaka (n) kaka wa kufikia (n) kakakuona (n) kakamavu (kivumishi)

(n) a cadre (adv.) and so on (adj.) a few

(adv.) likewise, similarly. «Na kadhalika or n.k» = etc. (n) a card (v) to estimate something (n) an estimation of something (n) a sacrifice, victim (n) a cafeteria (n) an atheist, infidel or a non - believer (v) to inspect (n) a harlot, prostitute (n) coffee (v) to be obstinate or headstrong (n) deputy, acting, vice (n) a brother (n) a step brother (n) a pangolin (adj.) alert and strong

kakao (n) (n) cocoa kakasi (kivumishi) (adj.) aciduous taste kalamu (n) (n) a pen, pencil kalamu ya mkaa (n) (n) a pencil kale (n) (n) olden time, past kalenda (n) (n) a calendar kali (kivumishi) (adj.) fierce, sharp, strict kalia (ku-) (v) to sit on something

kalisha (ku-) (v) to cause to sit down kalisi (n) (n) a chalice Kalivari (n) (n) Calvary kama, kamua (ku-) (v) to squeeze, squeeze out; ex. to milk a cow kama (kiunganishi) (conj.) if, like, that kama(kana) kwamba (n) (n) as if kamambe (kivumishi) (adj.) enormous, immense kamanda (n) (n) a commander kamandoo (n) (n) a commando kamari (n) (n) gambling kamasi (n) (n) mucus from the nose kamata, shika (ku-) (v) to catch, hold kamati (n) (n) a committee kamba (n) (n) a rope kambare (n) (n) a catfish kambi (n) (n) a camp kame (kivumishi) (adj.) arid, desolate, dry kamera (n) (n) a camera kamili, kamilifu (kivumishi) (adj.) complete, perfect kamilika (ku-) (v) to be complete, perfect kamilisha (ku-) (v) to consummate or complete something kamisaa (n) (n) a commissar kampeni (n) (n) a campaign kampuni (n) (n) a company, a firm kamsa (n) (n) an alarm kamua (ku-) (v) to milk ex. a cow, to squeeze out kamusi (n) (n) a dictionary kamwe ! abadan ! asilani ! katu ! (kielezi)

(adv.) never

kana (ku-) kanali (n) kanchiri, sidiria (n) kanda (ku-)

(v) to denounce (n) a colonel (n) a brassiere (v) to massage, knead, press (someone)

kanda (n)

(n) 1. a zone ex. geographical 2. a tape, a cassette

kandambili (n)

(n) slippers, flip-flops

kandamiza, gandamiza (ku-)

(v) 1. to apply psychological pressure on somebody 2. to oppress somebody or some people

kandanda (n) kandarasi (n) kande (n) kandika (ku-) kandili (n)

(v) football game, soccer (n) a contractor (n) cooked maize mixed with beans (v) to plaster (n) a lantern

kando, kando kando (kielezi)

(adv.) nearby


kanga (n)

(prep.) besides (somebody, something)

(n) a guinea fowl

kanga, khanga (n)

(n) a colourfully printed cotton cloth, with some wise writings on it, worn especially by the East African women

kanganya (ku-) kangara (n) kaniki (n) kanisa (n) kantini (n) kanuni (n) kanusha (ku-) kanya (ku-) kanyaga (ku-) kanyagio (n) kanzu (n) kapa (kielezi) kapera (n) kapi (n) kapteni (n) kaptura, kaptula (n) kapu (n) kaputi (n)

(v) to confuse, mix up (n) an alcohol made of honey (n) a light, black -coloured cotton cloth (n) a church (n) a canteen, refectoire (n) guideline (s), criterion(s) /criteria, rule (s) (v) to contradict, deny (v) to rebuke, give a strong warning (v) to step on, trample down on something (n) a pedal (n) a cassock, kaftan (adv.) with nothing, empty hands (n) a bachelor, an unmarried man (n) husks, chaff (n) a captain, a pilot (n) shorts (n) a large basket, sometimes made of reeds (n) to be near death

karabai (n)

(n) a kerosene lamp made in a way that it can be used in open air, ex. for camping

karabati (ku-) karadha (n) karafuu (n) karagosi (n) karaha (n) karai (n) karakana (n) karamu (n) karanga (n) karani (n) karata (n) karatasi (n) karibisha (ku-) karibisho (n)

(v) to make repairs (n) a loan without interest rates (n) clove (a plant, a spice) (n) a puppet, cartoon (n) an aversion (n) A wash basin (n) a workshop, studio (workplace) (n) a banquet, feast (n) groundnuts, peanuts (n) a clerk (n) playing cards (n) paper (v) to welcome, receive visits (n) a welcome

Karibu ! (kihisishi) karibu (kielezi) karimu (kivumishi) karipia (ku-) karipio (n) kariri (ku-) karne (n)

(interj.) Come in ! (adv.) near (adj.) generous (v) to admonish, reproach (n) a reprimand (v) to repeat, to recite (n) a century

karo (n) karoti (n) kasa (n) kasaro (kielezi ) kaseti (n) kasha (n) kashata (n) kashifu (ku-) kasi (n) kasino (n) kasirika (ku-) kasirisha (ku-) kasisi (n) kaskazini (n) kasoro (n) kasoro (kielezi) kasri (n) kasuku (n) kasumba (n) kaswende (n) kata (ku-) kataa (ku-) katakata (ku-) katakombe (n) katalia (ku-) katalogi (n) katani (n) kataza (ku-) katazo (n) katekisimu (n) katekista (n) kati, katikati (n) katiba (n) katibu (n) katika (kihusishi) katili (kivumishi) katiza (ku-) kato (n) Katoliki (kivumishi) katoni / katuni (n)

(n) a fee (n) carrot (n) a sea - turtle (adv.) less (n) a cassette (n) a box, case (n) nougat (v) to offend, slander (n) haste (n) a casino (v) to get angry, enrage (v) to annoy (n) a priest (n) North (n) an imperfection, a shortcoming (adv.) less (n) a palace (n) a parrot (n) mentality, a wrong idea about somebody or something (n) syphilis (v) to cut (v) to refuse, to reject (v) to cut to small pieces (n) catacombs (v) refuse something to somebody (n) a catalogue (n) sisal (v) to forbid (n) a prohibition (n) catechism, the Catholic teachings (n) a catechist : a Catholic teacher who gives lessons of catechism (n) middle, center, in the middle (n) a constitution (n) a secretary (prep.) in, at (adj.) brute, cruel (v) to interrupt (n) a fragment, reduction (adj.) Catholic (n) a cartoon

katua (ku-) kauka (ku-) kauli (n) kaunta (n)

(v) dig in a garden or farm (v) to dry up (n) an opinion, a view (n) a counter

kausha (ku-)

(v) cause to dry up, to expose to the Sun or another source of energy for drying

kauzu (n) - kavu (kivumishi) kawaida (kivumishi) kawi, nishati (n) kawia (ku-) kaya (n) kaza (ku-) kazana (ku-) kazi (n) kazia (ku-) kazi-mradi (n) kebehi (ku-) kefu, kifu (kielezi) kejeli (ku-) kejeli (n) keketa (ku-) kelele ! (kihisishi) kelele (n) kemea (ku-) kemeo (n) kemia (n) kemikali (n) kende (n) kengele (n) kengeza (n) kenua (ku-) kera (ku-) kereka (ku-) kereketa (ku-) kero (n) kesha (ku-) keshi (n) keshia (n) kesho (n) kesho kutwa (n) kesi (n) keti (ku-) ketisha (ku-) kaki (n) kiada (kivumishi) kiama (n) kiambatisho (n)

(n) sardines (adj.) dry (adj.) custom, normal (n) Energy (v) to delay, to be late (n) members of a household (v) to fasten, to tighten (v) to make an effort (n) labour, a task, work (v) to fix on, insist on (n) a project, a research work or a training course (v) to abuse, to offend (adv.) enough (v) to mock (n) mockery (v) to cut away, to gnaw (interj.) Keep quiet ! impolite form : Shut up ! (n) noise (v) to scold, reprimand (n) a scolding (n) chemistry (n) chemical (n) scrotum, testicl*s (n) a bell (n) to squint (v) to show off teeth as if you are laughing. (v) to bother, to worry (v) to be disappointed (v) to irritate, vex (n) annoyance, disappointment, irritation, worry (v) to make a vigil (n) cash (n) cashier (n) tomorrow (n) day after tomorrow (n) a case (v) to sit down (v) to make someone sit (n) khaki (adj.) orderly (n) last day, end of the World (n) appendices or the reference sector of a book

kiambishi (n)

(n) an affix, stands for both prefix and suffix

kiangazamacho, kiokozi (n)

(n) a reward given to someone who restitutes something he has found to the owner

kiangazi (n) kiapo (n) Kiarabu (n) kiashiria (n)

(n) dry season (n) an oath (n) Arabe language (n) a symptom

kiasi (n) kiatu (n) kiazi (n) kibaka (n) kibakuli (n) kibali (n) kibanda (n) kibaniko (n) kibano (n) kibanzi (n) kibao (n) kibao (kielezi) kibarua (n) kibatari (n) kibe (n) kibeberu (kivumishi) kibepari (kivumishi) kiberenge (n)

(n) an amount (n) a shoe (n) a potato, a fathead (n) a petty thief, a pickpocket (n) a small bowl (n) a permit (n) a cottage, hut (n) a roasting spit (n) forceps (n) a splinter (n) a small board (adv.) large amount (n) a casual worker (n) a small oil lamp (n) the noise made by playing children (adj.) imperialist, dictatorial (adj.) capitalist (n) 1. a small locomotive train 2. an unmarried woman who runs after other womenʼs men

kiberiti / kibiriti (n) kibeti (n) kibiongo (n) kibiritingoma (n) kibla (n) kibofu (n) kibogoyo (n)

(n) a match box (n) a small leather bourse (n) a hunchback (n) a prostitute, whor* (n) the chamber in the mosque, that is used by the Imam for leading prayers (n) urinary bladder (n) a toothless person

kiboko (n)

(n) 1. a hippopotamus 2. a whip made of hippoʼs hide

kibonzo (n) kibua (n) kibudu (n) kiburi (n) kiburudisho (n) kibuyu, tungu (n) kibwengo (n) kichaa (n)

(n) a comic strip (n) a tuna - like fish (n) a carcass of an animal that was not slaughtered (n) arrogance (n) refreshments (n) a gourd (n) sea devil spirits (n) insanity, an insane or mad person

kichaga (n) kichaka (n) kichane (n) kichefuchefu (n) kichekesho (n) kicheko (n) Kichina (n) kichinichini, kisirisiri (kielezi) kicho (n)

(n) a construction for storing grain (n) a bush (n) a bunch of fruits, ex. of bananas (n) nausea (n) a comic situation or a comic theatral piece (n) laughter (n) Chinese language (adv.) secretly (n) shyness, timidness

kichocheo (n) (n) what stimulates trouble kichocho (n) (n) bilharzia kichochoro (n) (n) a narrow path kichogo (n) (n) the nape of the neck kichokonoa (n) (n) a toothpick kichongeo (n) (n) a pencil sharpener kichuguu (n) (n) an anthill kichujio (n) (n) a filter, ex. a coffee filter kichungi (n) (n) a cigarette filter kichwa (kielezi) (adv) headlong kichwa (n) (n) a head Kidachi (n) (n) Dutch language kidaka (n) (n) a young coconut tree, an unripe coconut fruit kidakatonge, kilimi (n) (n) uvula kidani (n) (n) a pendant kidato (n) (n) Form 1-IV of secondary school level ex. in Tanzania kidevu (n) (n) a chin kidhi, kifu (ku-) (v) to satisfy kidimbwi (n) (n) a pool, waterhole kidokezi (n) (n) an anecdote kidokezo (n) (n) a clue, hint kidole (n) (n) a finger kidole-tumbo (n) (n) an appendicitis kidomodomo (kivumishi) (adj.) talkative kidona (n) (n) a beak kidonda (n) (n) a wound kidonge (n) (n) a tablet, pill kidudu (n)

(n) 1. a small insect 2. slang : « shule ya vidudu » = a nursery school

kiduva (n) kielekezo (n) kielelezo (n) kielezi / kielezo (n) kienyeji (kivumishi) kifaa (n) kifaduro (n) kifafa (n) kifani (kivumishi)

(n) a hump (n) an indicator, sign (n) an evidence, illustration (n) an adverb (adj.) traditional (n) an equipment (n) whooping cough (n) epilepsy (adj.) exceptional,unique

kifaranga (n) Kifaransa (n) kifaru, faru (n) kifaru (n) kifo (n) kifua, kidari (n) kifuakikuu (n) kifudifudi (kielezi) kifundo (n)

(n) a chick (n) French language (n) a rhinoceros (n) a military tank (n) death (n) a chest (n) tuberculosis sickness (adv.) face down /on the face (n) a joint (in human skeleton)

kifungo (n) kifungu (n) kifunguakinywa (n) kifunguamimba (n) kifuniko (n) kifupi (kivumishi) kifupi (kielezi) kifurushi (n) kifusi (n) kifutio /kifuto (n) kifyekeo, kwanja (n) kigae (n) kiganja, kitanga (n) kigari (n) kigawanyo (n) kigelegele (n) kigeni (kivumishi) kigeugeu (kivumishi) kigoda (n) kigoli (n) kigongo (n) kigugumizi (n) kiguru (n) kigwena (n) kiharusi (n) kihenge (n) kiherehere (adj.) Kihindi (n) kihisishi (n) kihoro (n) kihusishi (n) kiima (n) Kiingereza (n) kiingilio (n) kiini (n) kiinimacho (n) kiinitete (n) kiinuamgongo (n) Kiitaliani (n) kiitikio (n) kijakazi (n) kijana (n) kijani (kivumishi) Kijapani (n) kijasumu (n)

(n) 1. a button, used in sewing 2. a sentence given to a person found guilty, implying, going to prison. (n) an article, a section (n) breakfast (n) a first born child (n) a lid (adj.) short (adv.) briefly (n) a packet (n) construction waste (n) a gomme (n) a slasher for cutting long grass (n) a tile (a roof tile) (n) a palm of a hand (n) 1. a babyʼs rickshaw or a pushchair 2. a car toy (n) division (n) a shout of joy, an ululation (adj.) foreign (adj.) capricious, fickle (n) a local three - legged stool (n) a young girl before puberty (n) a large small twig (used for plucking fruits) (n) stammering (n) with one leg (n) conspiracy (n) apoplexy, stroke (n) a barn (adj.) overanxious (n) Indian language (n) interjection (n) anguish (n) a preposition (n) a subject in a sentence (n) English language (n) an entry fee (n) a kernel, pith (n) magic, hypnosis (n) an embryo (n) old age security pension (n) Italian language (n) a chorus (n) a slave girl (n) a young man (adj.) green colour (n) Japanese language (n) bacterium, virus

kijeraha (n) kijicho (n) kijiji (n) kijiko (n) kijimea (n) kijiti (n) kijito (n) kijusi (n) kikaango (n) kikao (n) kikapu (n) kikaragosi (n) kikasha (n) kike (kivumishi) kikembe (n) kiki, shuti(n) kiko (n) kikohozi (n) kikoi (n) kikokotoo (n) kikolezo (n) kikombe (n) kikomo-safari (n) kikonyo (n) kikopo (n) kikosi (n) kikundi (n) kikwazo, kizuizi (n) kila (kivumishi) Kilatini (n) kilele (n) kilema (n) kilemba (n) kilembwe (n) kileo (n) kilima (n) kilimo (n) kilio (n) kilo (n) kilomita, kilometa (n) kiluwiluwi (n) kima (n)

(n) a small injury or sore (n) envy, jealousness (n) a small village (n) a spoon (n) fungus (n) a twig (n) a stream (n) a foetus (n) a frying pan (n) a meeting (n) a basket (n) a puppet (n) a casket (adj.) female (n) a newly born baby (n) a strong kick or shoot in football, ex. a «corner» (n) a tobacco pipe (n) a cough (n) a coloured cloth worn by men by tightening it around their waist (n) a pocket calculator (n) all what is employed to make our food tasty, ex. spices (n) a cup (n) a destination (n) a stem that holds fruits (n) a can, tin (n) a brigade, division, a military platoon, a team, a delegation (n) a small group (n) an obstacle (adj.) every (n) Latin language (n) a climax, peak, summit (n) deformed person (n) a turban (n) a great great grandchild (n) an intoxicating substance ex.an alcohol, drugs, etc. (n) a hill (n) agriculture, in all of its aspects (n) crying in a loud voice, mourning (n) a kilogramme (n) a kilometer (n) a larve (n) 1. a small monkey 2. a certain degree of a given amount ex. « kima cha chini cha mshahara » = a minimum wage

kimachomacho (kielezi) (adv.) openly, in public kimada (n) (n) a concubine, side mistress /master kimanda (n) (n) an omelette done with onions, pepper and tomatos kimba (n) (n) faeces kimbelembele (n) (n) to show - off kimbia (ku-) (v) to run

kimbilia (ku-) (n) to run to kimbilio (n) (n) a refuge kimbiza (ku-) (n) to drive away kimbunga (n) (n) a hurricane, whirlwind kimelea (n) (n) germ(s) kimengʼenya (n) (n) an enzyme kimeta (n) (n) anthrax kimetameta, kimulimuli (n) (n) a firefly kimilikishi (n) (n) a possessive pronoun kimo (n) (n) height, size kimondo (n) (n) a meteor kimoyomoyo (kielezi) (adv.) by heart kimwana (n) (n) a beautiful girl kimya (n) (n) silence kina (n) (n) depth kinaganaga, kinagaubwaga (kielezi) kinai (ku-) kinaisha (ku-) kinakishi, kompyuta (n) kinanda (n) kinara (n) kinasasauti (n) kinda (n) kinembe, kisimi (n) kinena (n) kinga (ku-) kinga (n) kingamwili (n) kingʼora (n) kinoo (n) kinu (n) kinubi (n) kinyago (n) kinyama (kivumishi) kinyangʼanyiro (n) kinyemi (n) kinyesi (n)

(adv.) in detail, clearly

(v) to have more than enough, to be fed up (v) to disgust (n) a computer (n) a harmonium, a piano (n) a leader (n) a microphone (n) a young chick, child (n) cl*tor*s (n) a snout (v) to protect (n) a protection (n) the human immunitary system (n) a siren (of an ambulance, police, etc.) (n) a file / limer for smoothing fingernails, wood (n) a mortar, a mill (n) a banjo, lyre (n) 1. a despicable person 2. a wooden carved statuette (adj.) cruel (n) a competition (n) a novelty, something new and beautiful (n) excrement, faeces

kinyingʼinya, kilembwekeze (n)

(n) a child of a great, great, great grandchild (4th place after your child

kinyonga (n) kinyongo (n) kinyozi (n) kinyume (n) kinywa (n) kinywaji (n)

(n) a chameleon (n) a vendetta (n) a barber (n) opposite (n) a mouth (n) a drink

kioja, kituko (n) (n) a wonder, something unusual kiongozi (n) (n) a guide, leader kionjo (n) (n) a preferred food (for somebody) kioo (n) (n) glass, mirror kioski (n) (n) a kiosk kiota (n) (n) a nest kiowevu, kirowevu (n) (n) a liquide matter kipaimara (n) (n) the sacrament of confirmation (in the Catholic Church) kipaji (n) (n) a talent kipamkono (n) (n) a present given by the bridegroom to the bride kipande (n) (n) a piece, part kipanga (n) (n) a falcon kipara (n) (n) baldness kipato (n) (n) an income kipaumbele (n) (n) a priority kipawa (n) (n) a special capability to do something, an intellectual gift, a talent kipazasauti (n) (n) a loudspeaker kipenga (n) (n) a whistle kipengee (n) (n) a detour kipengele (n) (n) a part of a given text, a device (or plan, particular method of doing things) kipenyo (n) (n) diameter kipeo (kivumishi) (adj.) exponential kipepeo (n) (n) a butterfly kipepesi,faksi (n) (n) fax machine kipeto (n) (n) a parcel kipeuo (n) (n) the root of a number kipilipili (kivumishi) (adj.) curly kipimajoto (n) (n) a thermometer kipimamwili (n) kipimo (n) kipindi (n) kipindupindu (n) kipingamizi, kizuizi (n) kipofu (n) kipofu (kivumishi) kiporo (n) kipupwe (n) kipuri, kipuli(n) kiraka (n) Kireno (n) kiri (ku-) kirimu (n) kiroboto (n) kirukanjia (n) Kirumi (n) kirungu (n) Kirusi (n) kisa (n) kisahani (n) kisasi (n) kisawe (n)

(n) a stethoscope (n) a measurement (n) a period (n) cholera (n) an obstacle (n) a blind person (adj.) blind (n) leftovers (n) cold season (n) a spare part (n) a cloth patch, fleck (n) Portuguese language (v) to admit, confess (n) to offer hospitality, entertain (n) a flea (n) a prostitute (n) Roman language (n) a small club, normally carried by hunters or policemenn in patrol (n) Russian language (n) an episode (n) a saucer (n) a revenge (n) a synonyme

kisamvu (n) kisanduku (n) kisebusebu (adj.) kisha (kielezi) kishada (n) kishawishi (n) kishazi (n) kishimo (n) kishindo (n) kisi (ku-) kisia (ku-) kisifa (kivumishi) (n) kisigino (n) kisiki (n) kisima (n) kisingizio (n) kisio (n) kisirani (n) kisiwa (n) kisoshalisti (n) kisu (n) kisukari (n) kisukuku (n) kisura (n) Kiswahili (n) kitabu (n) kitafunio (n) kitako (n)

(n) a vegetable made by grinding cassava leaves. (n) a small box (adj.) changing (adv.) after that, thereafter (n) a kite controlled by a thread (n) a temptation (n) a clause (n) a dimple on a cheek (n) a sudden, loud noise (v) to kiss somebody (v) to guess (n) an adjective (n) a heel (n) a tree stump (n) a well (n) an excuse (for avoiding duties) (n) a conjecture (n) a bad omen, mishap (n) an island (n) socialistic (n) a knife (n) diabetes (n) a fossil (n) a pretty girl (n) Kiswahili or Swahili language (n) a book (n) a snack, a bite (n) buttocks, bicycle seat

kitambaa (n) kitambi (n) kitambo (n) kitambulisho (n) kitana (n) kitanda (n) kitangulizi (n) kitani (n) kitanzi (n) kitasa (n) kitegauchumi (n) kitendawili (n) kitendo (n)

(n) a piece of cloth, rag (n) a jutty belly or a beer belly (n) a period of time (n) an identification document, ex. an identity card (n) a comb (n) a bed (n) precedente (n) flax (n) a noose (n) a door lock (n) trade (n) a dialemma, riddle (n) a deed

kitenge (n)

(n) a colourful, beautiful piece of cloth, worn by some of East African women. It is like a khanga BUT with no writings

kitengo (n) kitenzi (n) kithiri (ku-) kiti (n) kitinda-mimba, kifungamimba (n) kitisho (n)

(n) a section (n) a verb (v) to bypass what is tolerable (n) a chair (n) a lastborn child (n) a threat

kitivo (n) (n) a faculty in a university kito (n) (n) a precious stone kitongoji (n) (n) a part of a village kitovu (n) (n) a navel kitoweo (n) (n) fish or meat for food kitu (n) (n) a thing kitubio (n) (n) penance, repetance kitukuu (n) (n) a great grandchild kitulizo (n) (n) a relief kitunguu, kitunguumaji (n) (n) an onion kitunguu saumu(n) (n) garlic kituo (n) (n) a station, a stop kiu (n) (n) thirst kiuka (ku-) (v) to transgress to overstep a given law, limit, etc. kiulizi (n) (n) interrogation kiumbe (n) (n) a creature kiume (kivumishi) (adj.) mannish kiungamwana (n) (n) an umbilical cord kiunganishi (n) (n) conjunction kiungo (n)

kiungulia (n) kiungwana (kielezi) kiuno (n)

(n) 1. a spice, seasoning 2. a go between 3. a part of a body (n) to have heartburn (adv.) politely (n) waist

kivuko (n) kivuli (n) kivutio (n) kiwa, pweke (kivumishi) kiwakilishi (n) kiwambo (n) kiwanda (n) kiwango (n) kiwanja (n) kiwembe (n) kiwete (n) kiwewe (n) kiwiko (n) kiwiliwili (n) kiyama (n) kiyeyusho (n) kiyoyozi (n) Kiyunani (n) kizalia (n)

(n) a ferry, a bridge (n) a shadow (n) an incentive (adj.) lonely (n) a pronoun (n) a diaphragm (n) a factory, an industry (n) a level, standard (n) 1. an open ground, a vaste plot of land 2. an arena, a stadium (n) a razor blade (n) a cripple, disabled, lame or paralysed person (n) a state of confusion (n) an elbow (n) a humain body, without the head (n) judgement day (n) a solvent (n) air - conditioning (n) Greek language (n) 1. an offspring 2. a defect inherited from oneʼs ancestors

kizaazaa (n) kizazi (n) kizibao, kizibau (n)

(n) a confusion caused by some misunderstandings (n) a generation (n) a cardigan, waistcoat

kizibo (n)

(n) 1. cork 2. one of parts of a faucet

kizibuo (n) kizimba (n) kizingiti (n) kiziwi (n) kiziwi (kivumishi) kizuizi (n) Kizungu (kielezi) kizunguzungu, kisunzi (n) klabu / kilabu (n) klachi (n) kliniki (n) kobe (n) koboa (ku-) kocha (n) kochi (n) kochokocho (n) kodi (n)

(n) an opener for beer and soft drink bottles (n) a cage (n) a threshold (n) a deaf person (adj.) deaf (n) an obstacle (adv.) European- like, or Western style (n) dizziness (n) a bar, club (n) a clutch (n) a clinic (n) a tortoise (v) to remove husks from grains, ex. rice, maize (n) a coach (n) an armchair (n) abundancy (n) a tax

kodisha (ku-) kodoa (ku-)

(v) to hire out (v) to stare, open eyes wide at somebody or something.

kofi (n)

(n) palm of a hand 1. kupiga kofi 2. piga makofi

kofia (n) kohoa (ku-) kojoa (ku-) koka (ku-) kokota (ku-) kokoto (n) kola (n) koleo (n) kolestero (n) komba, kuchakuro (n) koma (ku-) komaa (ku-) komango (n) kombania (n) kombamwiko, mende (n) kombe (n) kombo (n) komboa, gomboa / ku-)

(v) to slap (v) to clap

(n) a hat, headwear (v) to cough (v) to urinate (v) to kindle (v) to drag (n) grit, pebbles (n) a col of a shirt, jacket (n) pliers (n) cholesterol (n) a squirrel (v) to cease, stop (v) to ripen, become mature (n) flint (n) an army squad, company, coy (n) a co*ckroach (n) a big cup, trophy (n) crumbs, leftovers (v) to emancipate, redeem, save

kombora (n) komea (ku-) komeo (n) komoa (ku-) kompyuta (n) kona (n) konda (ku-) kondakta (n) konde (n) kondesha (ku-) kondomu (n) kondoo (n) kongoni (n) kongosho (n) kongwe (kivumishi) konokono (n) konsonanti (n) kontena (n) kontinenti (n) konyeza (ku-) konyoa (ku-) koo (n)

(n) a bomb, a missile (v) 1. to end 2. to fasten with a bolt (n) a bolt (v) to spoil someoneʼs plans or confuse him. (n) a computer (n) a corner (ex. on a road, railway line); a corner (in football) (v) to lose weight (n) a foreman, driver, an electrical or heat conductor (n) a farm in a valley, a fist (v) to starve and make somebody lose weight (n) a condom (n) sheep (n) a gnu (n) a pancreas (adj.) very old (n) a snail (n) a consonant (n) a container (n) a continent (v) to beckon to (done by children) (v) To tear off (n) a female bird, hen laying eggs, throat

kopa (ku-) (v) to borrow kopa (n) (n) chopped bananas or cassava dried by sunrays, for making flour kope (n) (n) the burning part of a wick in a kerosene lamp or in a lantern kopesha (ku-) (v) to lend kopi (ku-) (v) to copy something kopi, nakala (n) (n) a photocopy of something koplo (n) (n) a grade in the army (before that of a sergent) kopo (n) (n) a tin can korija (n) (n) a total of twenty same items, put together korofi (kivumishi) (adj.) arrogant, rude, unruly koroga (ku-) (v) to stir korokoro (n) (n) a dice gambling game korokoroni (n) (n) detention, prison koroma (ku-) (v) to groan, snore koromeo (n) (n) throat korosho (n) (n) cashew nut(s) korti (n) (n) a court kosa (ku-) (v) to make a mistake kosa (n) (n) an error, mistake kosana (ku-) (v) to disagree with kosefu (kivumishi) (adj.) faulty, sinful kosesha (ku-) (v) to lead astray, make somebody miss something kosoa (ku-) (v) to critisize kote, kotekote (kielezi) (adv.) everywhere koti (n) (n) a coat

kovu (n) kozi (n) Krismasi (n)

(n) a scar (n) a course (n) Christmas

Kristo (n)

(n) The Christ, Jésus

kua (ku-) (v) to grow kubali (ku-) (v) to accept, agree - kubwa (kivumishi) (adj.) big kucha (n) (n) claw(s), fingernail(s) kucha (n) (v.i) sunrise, day starting kuchwa (kt) (v) all the night kudra, kudura (n) (n) a divin gift kufa (kt) (v) to die kufia (kt) (v) to die at (somewhere) kufifia (kt) (v) to fade, flicker kufuli (n) (n) a padlock kufuru (n) (n) a blasphemy kuhani (n) (n) a priest kuhusu (n) (n) a concern kuja (kt) (v) to come kuku (n) (n) a chicken, hen kula (kt) (v) to eat kulastara (n) (n) a flamingo (pink) kule (kielezi) (adv.) there kulia (kt) (v) to cry kulia (kielezi) kulikoni ! (kihisishi) kumba (ku-)

(adv.) right (handside) (interj.) whatʼs wrong ? (v) 1. to suffer a mishap 2. to arrest (by the police) indiscriminately

kumbana na (ku-) (v) to encounter kumbatia (ku-) (v) to embrace, fondle Kumbe ! (kihisishi) (interj.) Fancy that ! kumbikumbi (n) (n) termites kumbuka (kt) (v) to remember kumbukumbu (n)

(n) a commemoration or a remembrance of people, events

kumbukumbu za maandishi (n) (n) archives kumbusha (ku-) (v) to remind someone kumbusho (n) (n) an antiquity kumi (namba) (num. adj.) ten kuna, kwaruza (ku-) (v) to scratch kuna (kt) (v) to scratch (oneself or another person) kuna (kiwakilishi) kunazi (n) kunde (n) kundi (n)

(existential pron.) there is (n) a kind of tropical fruit, brownish in colour when ripe (n) beans (n) a crowd, a group

kunga (n) kungʼfu (n) kunguni (n) kunguru (n) kungʼuta (ku-)

(n) the sexual education, given specifically to adolescents (n) kungʼfu (n) a bed bug (n) a crow (v) to shake up

kungwi (n)

(n) an adult who teaches adolescents concerning the couple as well as the family life

kuni (n) kunja (ku-) kunjamana (ku-) kunjua (ku-) kunradhi ! or kumradi ! (kihisishi) kunya (kt) kunyaa (kt) kunyanzi (n) kunywa (kt) kupa (kt) kupaa (kt) Kupaa kwa Yesu Mbinguni (n)

(n) firewood (v) to fold (v) to be folded, to wrinkle (v) to unfold, to unroll (interj.) excuse me, pardon (v) to relieve oneself (faeces) (v) to become wrinkled, folded (n) a wrinkle, a fold (v) to drink (v) to give something to someone else (v) to ascend (n) Ascension of The Lord Jesus Christ (for Christians)

Kupatwa kwa jua (kihisishi) (interj.) solar eclipse Kupatwa kwa mwezi (kihisishi) (interj.) lunar eclipse kupe (n) (n) cattle tick kupita (kivumishi) (comp. adj.) ...than ... kupita (kitenzi, kt) (v) to pass kupitisha (kt) (v) to make an important issue be accepted, ex. to pass a law kuponi (n) (n) a coupon kupua (ku-) (v) to steal a big amount of money (as a financial worker) kupuo (n) (n) all at once kura (n) (n) lot, vote kupiga kura (v) to vote Kurani (n)

(n) The Quran : The holy book for the Islamic faith

kurugenzi (n) kurupuka (ku-) kurupusha (ku-) kurunzi (n) kusanya (ku-) kusanyika (ku-) kushoto (kielezi) kusini (n) kusudi (n) kusudia (ku-) kusudio (n) kuta (ku-) kuta (n) kutana (ku-) kuti (n)

(n) a directorate (v) to run away, frightened (v) to stratle and cause someone to run away (n) a pocket lamp either electric or on batteries (v) to collect, gather, heap up (v) to assemble, to come together (adv.) left (handside) (n) South (n) a purpose (v) to intend (n) an intention (v) to find, meet (n) walls ( «ukuta» in singular) (v) to meet (n) a palm leaf

kutu (n) (n) rust - kuu (kivumishi) (adj.) great, main kukukuu (kivumishi) (adj.) worn out kuume (kielezi) (adv.) right, on the right kuumeni (n) (n) paternal side kwa nini ? (kihisishi) (interj.) Why ? kwa sababu / kwa kuwa / kwa maana kwa hiyo, hivyo basi ... (kielezi) kwaa (ku-) Kwaheri ! (kihisishi)


(conj.) because (adv.) therefore (v) to stumble over something

(interj.) Goodbye

kwake (kiwakilishi) (poss. pron.) his, hers kwako (kimilikishi) (poss. pron.) yours (singular) kwama (ku-) (v) to get stuck kwamba (kiunganishi) (conj.) In order that kwamisha (ku-) (v) to foil (someoneʼs bad plans) kwangu (kiwakilishi) (poss. pron.) mine, to me kwangua (ku-) (v) to scrape kwanza (kivumishi) (adj.) first kwao (kiwakilishi) (poss. pron.) theirs kwapua (ku-) (v) to grab and snatch kwaresma (n)

(n) The Lent season for Catholics. itʼs the period of fasting before the Holy feast of Easter

kwaruzana, gombana (ku-) (v) to quarrel with one another kwashakoo, kwashiakoo (n) (n) kwashiorkor kwata (n) (n) a drill kwato (n) (n) hoof(s) kwaya (n) (n) a choir kwea (ku-) (v) to ascend, climb up, do mountaineering kweli (kivumishi) (adj.) true kweli (kielezi) (adv.) certainly, truly kwenye (n) (n) where there is kwepa, kuepa (ku-) (v) to avoid - etu (kimilikishii) (poss. pron.) ours kwetu (kielezi) (adv.) at ours kweza (ku-) (v) to exalt kwida (ku-) (v) to grab (somebody) by the neck kwikwi (n) (n) a hiccup kwinini (n) (n) quinine

L l la! (kihisishi) la (ku-) laana (n) laani (ku-) labda (kielezi)

(interj.) No ! (v) to eat (n) a curse (v) to curse (adv.) perhaps

ladha (n) (n) taste, flavour lafua (ku-) (v) to devour lafudhi (n) (n) an accent, dialect laghai (ku-) (v) to cheat, falsfy laghai (kivumishi) (adj.) deceitful lahaja (n) (n) a particular dialect of a given language laini (kivumishi) (adj.) soft , smooth lainika (ku-) (v) to become soft, smooth lainisha (ku-) (v) to soften, to make smooth laiti (kihisishi) (interj.) if only...(regrets) lake (kimilikishi) (poss. pron.) hers; his laki (ku-) (v) to go to meet somebody laki (n) (n) one hundred thousand lakini (kiunganishi) (conj.) but lakiri (n) (n) wax lako (kimilikishi) (poss. pron.) your, yours lala (ku-) (v) to lie down, sleep lalama, lalamika (ku-) (v) to complain lalamiko (n) (n) a complaint, a grievance lalana (ku-) (v) to copulate sexually lalia (ku-) (v) to lie on lamba, ramba (ku-) (v) to lick lami (n) (n) tarmac landa, landana (ku-) (v) to look alike (human beings) lango (n) (n) a big door langua (ku-) (v) black marketeering lapa (n) (n) a sandal laumu (ku-) (v) to blame, to reproach lawalawa (n) (n) sweet(s) lawama (n) (n) a blame, reproach lawiti (ku-) (v) to sodomize laza (ku-) (v) to lay down lazima (n) (n) a necessity, must lazimika (ku-)

(v) to be obliged, compelled or forced (to accept or do something

lazimisha, lazimu (ku-) (v) to force or compel somebody to do something lea (ku-) (v) to rear, bring up a child lebo (n) (n) a label legea (ku-) (v) to languish, weaken legevu (kivumishi) (adj.) weak, slack legeza (ku-) (v) to loosen, unfasten leja (n) (n) a ledger lemaa (ku-) lemea (ku-) lenga (ku-) lengalenga (ku-) lengelenge (n) lengo (n) leo (kielezi) lepe (n)

(v) to be handicapped (v) to oppress (v) to aim at (v) to be near crying (n) a blister (n) an aim, objective (adv.) today (n) A light sleep

leseni (n) (n) A licence leso (n) (n) a headscarf leta (ku-) (v) to bring letea (ku-) (v) to bring to letu (kiwakilishi) (poss. pron.) our, ours -levi (kivumishi) (adj.) drunken levya, lewesha (ku-) (v) to intoxicate, set someone drunk lewa (ku-) (v) to get drunk lia (ku-) (v) to cry, weep; roar licha (kihusishi) (prep.) in spite of lifti (n) (n) an elevator, a lift ligi (n) (n) a league likizo, livu (n) (n) a leave, holiday, vacation lilia (ku-) (v) to lament lima (ku-) (v) to cultivate limau (n) (n) a lemon limbika, limbikiza (ku-) (v) to save up limbuka (ku-) (v) to start, get started limbukeni n) (n) a starter in something, novice limbuko (n) (n) savings linda (ku-) (v) to defend, protect lingana (ku-) (v) to be alike, similar linganifu (kivumishi)

(adj.) 1. symmetrical 2. following the same rules

linganisha (ku-) lini (kielezi) lipa (ku-) lipiza (ku-) lipo (n) lipua, ripua (ku-) lipuka, ripuka (ku-) lisha (ku-) lishe (n) lita (n) litania (n) liturjia (n) liwali (n) liwaza (ku-) liza (ku-) loa (ku-) lodi (n)

(v) to compare (adv.) When ? (v) to pay (v) to avenge (n) a payment (n) to cause something to explose (v) to explose (v) to feed, nourish (n) a nutritious food (n) a litre (n) a litany (n) liturgy (n) a magistrate (v) to comfort, (v) to cause someone to cry (v) to recuperate an item from a river, lake, etc. (n) a rich person

lofa (n) loga (ku-) lokesheni (n) longa (ku-) lori (n) losheni (n) lowa, rowa (ku-) lowanisha (ku-)

(n) a poor person (v) to bewitch (n) a location (v) to say, to talk (n) a lorry (n) a lotion (v) to get wet (v) to make wet, to put in water, soak with water

lowea (ku-) loweka (ku-) lubega (n) lugha (n) lukuki (n) lulu (n) lumbana (ku-) lundikana (ku-) lundo (n) luninga (n) luteni (n) luteni-jenerali (n) luteni-kanali (n) luteni-usu (n) lusu, mwizi (n) luva (n)


(v) to settle (v) to soak or put something in water (n) a style of dressing, commonly used by the Massai of East Africa (n) language (n) a lot, plentiful, ex. «watoto lukuki» = a lot of children (n) a pearl (v) to argue with one another, debate (v) to be piled up, one on top of another; to be crowded together (n) a heap (n) a television set (n) an army lieutenant (n) a lieutenant general (n) a lieutenant colonel (n) second lieutenant (n) a burglar, thief, robber (n) a louver, louvre


maabara (n) (n) a laboratory maadhimisho (n) (n) celebrations maadili (n) (n) ethical teachings, moral requirements maafa (n) (n) disasters, mishaps, calamities maafa asili (n) (n) natural disasters maafikiano (n) (n) an agreement, compromise maagizo (n) (n) instructions, orders maajabu (n) (n) wonders maalumu, maalum (kielezi) (adv.) especially maamkizi, maamkio (n) (n) greetings maamuma(n) (n) illiterate, simpleton maamuzi (n) (n) decisions maana (n) (n) meaning maandalizi, maandalio (n) (n) preparations maandamano (n) (n) a demonstration, procession maandiko, maandishi (n) (n) scripture (Christian faith), writings maangamizi, maangamizo (n) (n) a catastrophe, destruction, disaster maarifa (n) (n) experience, knowledge maarifa ya utabibu (n) (n) medicine maarufu (kivumishi) (adj.) famous, well known maarusi (n) (n) newly wed couple, «Just Married»

maasi (n) (n) a rebellion mabadiliko (n) (n) changes mabaki (n) (n) crumbs mabano (n) (n) brackets mabaya (n) (n) evil deeds, wickedness mabishano (n) (n) arguments, disputes machaf*cko (n) (n) confusion, disorder, storm, uprising macheche (n) (n) trouble machela (n) (n) a stretcher macheo (n) (n) sunrise machezo (n) (n) witchcraft practices Machi (n) (n) March machimbo (n) (n) mines, quarring ground machinjoni, machinjioni (n) (n) a slaughter house macho (n) (n) eyes machozi (n) (n) tears machweo (n) (n) sunset mada (n) (n) topic(s) of discussion madaha (n) (n) elegance madai (n) (n) claims, lawsuit madaraka (n) (n) authority, power of making political decisions madhara (n) (n) damage, harm madhehebu (n) (n) denominations madhubuti (adj.) (adj.) firm, solide madhumuni (n) (n) aim, intention madini (n) (n) minerals madoadoa (n) (n) spots ex. dirty (spots) on worn clothes madoido (n) (n) embellishing, improvement madrasa (n) (n) an Islamic school maegesho (n) (n) a parking lot Maelekeo (n) (n) Direction maelezo (n) (n) explanations maendeleo (n) (n) development , progress mafanikio (n) (n) success maficho (n) (n) a hiding place mafindofindo (n) (n) tonsils, tonsillitis mafua (n) (n) colds, influenza mafundisho (n) (n) teachings, lessons mafuriko (n) (n) floods mafuta (n) (n) oil mafutaghafi (n) (n) crude oil magadi (n) (n) sodium bicarbonate magendo (n) (n) black marketing an illegal business mageuzi (n) (n) changes Magharibi (n) magharibi (n) magofu (n) magongo (n) magonjwa(n) magoti (n) mahaba (n)

(n) West (n) to the west (n) a ruin (n) crutches (n) diseases, sicknesses (n) knees (n) romantic love

mahabusu, mahabusi (n) (n) prisoners (in a prison) mahakama (n) (n) a court mahali, mahala (n) (n) place mahame (n) (n) uninhabited old house, a deserted building or house maharage, maharagwe (n) (n) beans mahitaji (n) (n) needs mahitaji muhimu (n) (n) basic needs mahojiano (n) (n) an interview mahubiri (n) (n) preaching, a homily, a sermon mahususi , mahsusi (kivumishi) (adj.) special mahututi (n) (n) seriously ill maikrofoni, mikrofoni (n) (n) a microphone maili (n) (n) a mile (distance) Maisha (n) (n) Life maiti (n) (n) a corpse, a dead body majadiliano (n) (n) a discussion, dialogue majani (n) (n) grass, plant leaves majani ya chai (n) (n) tea, tea leaves majaribu (n) (n) temptations, trials majeruhi (n) (n) the injured / wounded in an accident, a battle, etc. maji (n) (n) water majimaji (kivumishi) (adj.) watery majibishano (n) (n) dialogue majira (n) (n) season(s) majivuno (n) (n) boasting, showing off majonzi (n) (n) sorrow, sadness majuto (n) (n) regrets makaazi, makazi (n) (n) a settlement makaburi, maziara (n) (n) a graveyard, a cemetery makadirio (n) (n) estimates makala (n)

(n) 1. a paper (a written presentation) 2. a news or features émission(radio, TV)

makamasi (n) makamu (n) makao (n) makaribisho (n) makasi, mkasi (n) makavazi (n) makini (n) makinika (ku-) makombo, masazo (n) maksai (n)

(n) a discharge from a nose (n) deputy, vice(n) a residence (n) an reception, a welcome (n) a pair of scissors (n) an educational exposition (n) attention (v) to concentrate oneʼs attention on something (n) crumbs, leftovers (n) a castrated bull, oxen

maksi (n) (n) evaluation note(s), ex. for students’ tests maktaba (n) (n) a library makubaliano, mapatano (n) (n) agreements makumbusho (n) (n) a museum makundi (n) (n) groups makusanyiko (n) (n) an assembly, a gathering

makusudi, kwa (n) (n) purposely makuzi (n) (n) child care, upbringing malaika (n) (n) an angel malalamiko (n) (n) grievances malale (n) (n) sleeping sickness, a disease caused by tse-tse flies malaria (n) (n) malaria malaya (n) (n) prostitute(s) malazi (n) (n) a place to sleep mali (n) (n) belongings, property, wealth maliasili (n) (n) natural resources malighafi (n) (n) crude resources malipo (n) (n) payment malishoni, machungani (n) (n) grazing ground, pasture maliwato (n) (n) a bathroom maliza (ku-) (v) to complete, finish malizika (ku-) (v) to be completed malkia (n) (n) a queen malumbano (n) (n) a verbal argument Mama (n) (n) Mother mama wa kambo (n) (n) a step mother mamantilie, mamalishe (n) (n) a food vendor mamba (n) (n) a crocodile mambo (n) (n) matters, issues mamboleo (n) (n) new ways, modernity mamia (n) (n) hundreds mamlaka (n) (n) authority, power mamluki (n) (n) a mercenary mamoja (kielezi) (adv.) the same manamba (n) (n) a migrant worker manane (n) (n) late in the night manati (n) (n) slingshot (s) mandari (n) (n) a picnic manemane (n) (n) myrrh maneno (n) (n) word(s) mangʼamungʼamu (n) (n) consternation mangʼamuzi (n) (n) discernment manifesto (n) (n) a manifesto manii (n) (n) sperm, sem*n manispaa (n) (n) a municipality manjano (n) (n) yellow colour manowari, manuwari (n) (n) a warship mantiki (n) (n) logic manufaa (n) (n) an advantage, utility manukato (n) (n) fragrance, perfume manyunyu (n) (n) drizzle maombi (n) maombolezo (n) maongezi (n) maoni (n) mapacha (n) mapambano (n)

(n) prayers, job application (n) mourning (n) a talk, a chat (n) a viewpoint (n) twins (n) confrontations

mapana (n) mapato (n) mapema (kivumishi) mapendo, upendo (n)

(n) widths (n) income (adj.) early (n) affection, love

mapenzi (n)

(n) 1. sense of caring for 2. romantic love, affection

mapigano (n) mapinduzi (n) mapitio (n) mapito (n) mapokezi (n) maporomoko (n) mapumziko (n) mara (n) mara kwa mara (n) mara (kielezi) maradhi (n) maradufu (n)

(n) battles, fights (n) revolution, a coup dʼetat (n) review (n) passage (n) reception (n) a cascade, waterfalls a landslide (n) break, rest (n) multiplication (in maths) (n) from time to time (adv.) suddenly (n) sickness (n) double, twice

Marahaba (n) mara nyingi (kielezi)

(n) An answer to «Shikamoo» by an elder who gets the respectful greetings from a youngster (adv.) often

marashi (n)

marefu (kivumishi) marehemu (kivumishi) marejeo, marejeleo (n)

(n) 1. a nice scent/smell from some plants, ex. the spicy ones, like cloves, girofles, roses 2. synthetised perfumes and cosmetics (adj.) length (adj.) dead (n) 1. coming back home from a journey 2. references used in achieving an edition, or a publically presented work

marekebisho (n) maridadi (adj.) maridhiano (n) marimba (n) maringo (n) marudio (n) maruf*cku (n) marupurupu (n)

(n) amendments (adj.) elegant (n) detente (n) marimba (n) arrogance (n) repetitions (n) prohibition (n) fringe benefits

masahihisho (n) masaibu (n) masala (n) mashairi (n) mashaka (n) mashambulizi (n)

(n) correction (n) friends (n) masala (a spice) (n) poems (n) doubts (n) attacks

mashangilio (n) (n) acclamations masharafa (n) (n) long and well kept moustache Mashariki (n) (n) East mashendea (n) (n) liquid / pasty food mashimo (n) (n) holes mashindano (n) (n) competition, matches mashine (n) (n) machine(s) mash*taka, mashtaka (n) (n) accusations, charges mashua (n) (n) boat (s) mashudu, masimbi (n) (n) dregs, residue mashuhuri (kivumishi) (adj.) famous masihara (n) (n) fun masika (n)

(n) The rainy season in Tanzania i.e Mid-March to end of May

masilahi, maslahi (n) Masiya (n) masizi , mashizi (n) masjala (n) maskani (n) maskini, masikini (n) masomo (n) masumbuko (n) mata (n) mataifa (n) matako (n) matakwa (n) matanga (n) matapishi (n) matarumbeta (n) matata (n) matatu (n) matayarisho (n) matbaa (n) mate (n) matege (n) mateka (n) matembezi (n) matengenezo (n) mateso, maumivu (n) mateto (n) mathalani (n) matibabu (n) matiti (n) matokeo (n)

(n) gain, profit (n) Messiah, The Lord Jesus Christ (for Christians) (n) soot (n) registry (n) a home, residence (n) poor (n) subjects for study (n) suffering, worries (n) matter (n) nations (n) buttocks (n) wishes (n) end of the period of mourning (n) vomissure (n) trumpets (n) problems, trouble (n) small commuter buses used in Kenya (n) preparations (n) a publishing or printing house (n) saliva (n) bowlegs resulting from rickets to imitate (n) a war prisoner, hostage(s) (n) an excursion, a walk (n) maintenance, repair , renovation (n) pain, suffering (n) criticism (n) exemple (n) a medical treatment (n) breasts (person), teats (animals) (n) results

matumaini (n) matumbo (n) matumizi (n) matusi (n) matusi ya nguoni (n) maua (n)

(n) hope (n) bowels (n) consumption, expenditure, uses (n) insults (n) insults concerning secret parts (genitaria) (n) flowers

mauaji (n) mauaji ya halaiki (n) maudhi (n)

(n) massacre (n) genocide (n) bothering, disturbances

Maulidi (n)

(n) the Prophet Mohammedʼs Birthday

Maulizo (n) maulizo (n) maumbile (n) maungo (n) mauti (n) mauzo (n) mavazi (n) mavi (n) mavuno (n)

(n) «Inquiries», Information (n) question, investigation (n) morphology (n) limbs (of a body), branches (of a tree) (n) death (n) marketing (n) dress(es) (n) dung, excrement, faeces (n) harvest, crop yield

mawaidha (n)

(n) Teachings given by the Imam (the Muslim prayer leader) concerning virtues and other subjects, full of wisdom

mawasiliano (n) (n) communication mawindoni (n) (n) the areas reserved for hunting mazao (n) (n) produce maziko, mazishi (n) (n) a burial mazingaombwe (n) (n) magic tricks, artistic illusions carried out by a magician mazingara (n) (n) superstition mazingira (n) (n) environment maziwa (n) (n) milk mazoea, desturi (n) (n) custom, habits mazoezi (n) (n) class assignments, physical excercises mba (n) (n) dandruff mbaguzi wa rangi (n) (n) a racist, segregationist mbalamwezi (n) (n) the moonlight mbali (kielezi) (adv.) far mbalimbali (n) (n) a part, different mbavu (n) (n) ribs mbawa (n) (n) wings mbayuwayu (n) (n) a swallow mbege (n)

(n) a local Chaga brew, made from finger millet and banana juice (To taste at Moshi, Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania)

mbegu (n) mbele (kihusishi) mbelewele (n) Mbelji (n)

(n) seed(s) (prep.) in front (n) pollen (n) a Belgian

mbibo, mkanju (n) mbili (namba) Mbilikimo (n) mbingu (n) mbinguni (n) mbinu (n)

(n) the anacardier tree, which gives the cashew (fruit and nuts). (num. adj.) two (n) a Pygmy (n) sky (n) heaven (n) strategy

mbio (n) (n) speed mbishi (n) (n) someone who argues much mbiu (n) (n) a proclamation mbizi (n) (n) diving mboga (n) (n) vegetable(s) mbogo, nyati (n) (n) a buffalo mbolea (n) (n) a fertilizer, manure mbona (kiulizo- kijina) (interr. pron.) why ? mboni (n) (n) an eyeball mbu (n) (n) mosquito mbuga (n) (n) plain(s), park(s), ex. Tanzanian national parks mbumbumbu (kivumishi) (adj.) stupid mbunge (n) (n) A Membre of Parliament, «MP» mbungʼo, ndorobo (n) (n) a tsetse fly mbuni (n) (n) an ostritch Mburundi (n) (n) a Burundi citizen mbuyu (n) (n) a baobab tree mbuzi (n) (n) a goat mbwa (n) (n) a dog mbwamwitu (n) (n) a wild dog mbweha, bweha (n) (n) a fox mbwembwe (n) (n) elegance (while walking) mbweu, mwayo, miayo (n) (n) yawning, yawns mchai (n) (n) tea tree mchakao (n) (n) deterioration mchakato (n) (n) a process mchambuzi (n) (n) analyst mchana (n) (n) daytime mchanga (kivumishi) (adj.) very young mchanga (n) (n) sand mchanganuo (n) (n) analysis mchanganyiko (n) (n) a mixture mchango (n) (n) a collection or a contribution (for a good cause) mchapaji (n) (n) a printer mchapishaji (n) (n) a publisher mchawi (n) (n) a witch mche (n) (n) a seedling mchecheto (n) (n) panic mchekeshaji (n) (n) a comedian, a clown mchele (n) (n) husked uncooked rice, whereas «Wali» = cooked rice mchenza (n) (n) tangerine tree mcheshi (n) (n) a cheerful person mchezaji (n) (n) a player mchezeshaji (n) (n) a referee: the one who supervises a game or a play mchezo (n) (n) a game, play mchi (n) mchicha (n) Mchina (n) mchinjaji (n) mchokozi (n) mchongaji (n)

(n) a pestle (n) green vegetables ex. spinnach (n) a Chinese (n) a slaughterer (n) an aggressor, a teaser, a trouble-maker (n) a wood -carver

mchongoma (n)

(n) a little bush full of thorns, well appreciated in Tanzania for fencing (instead of walls)

mchoraji (n) (n) an artist - cartoonist, a designer, an illustrator mchoro (n) (n) a drawing, an illustration, un sketch mchoyo (n) (n) a greedy person, miser mchukuzi (n) (n) a bearer, (or a coolie in the Far- East) mchumba (n) (n) a sweetheart, - a boyfriend or a girlfriend mchungaji (n) (n) a pastor, a shepherd mchunguzi (n) (n) an investigator, a researcher mchungwa (n) (n) an orange tree mchuuzi (n) (n) a retailer, vendor mchuzi (n) (n) a soup mchwa (n) (n) termites mdahalo (n) (n) a public debate mdai (n) (n) a creditor mdaiwa (n) (n) a debtor mdalasini (n) (n) a spice mdanganyifu (n) (n) a liar mdhamini (n) (n) a sponsor, supporter mdimu (n) (n) a lime tree mdokozi (n) (n) a petty thief mdomo (n) (n) a mouth mdudu (n) (n) an insect mdundiko (n) (n) a Zaramo traditional dance (Zaramo from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania) mdundo( n) (n) rythm mea (ku-) (v) to grow (plants) mechi (n) (n) a match medali (n) (n) a medal medani (n) (n) an arena, open ground; a stadium mega (ku-) (v) to break a piece off (something) megawati (n) (n) megawatt(s) Mei (n) (n) May meja (n) (n) major (a rank in the army) mekanika (n) (n) a mecanic meli (n) (n) a ship mema (n) (n) good acts mende (n) (n) a co*ckroach meneja (n) (n) a manager meno (n) (n) teeth ( sing. «Jino» for a tooth ) menya (ku-) (v) to peel something menyu (n) (n) a menu meremeta, metameta, ngʼaa (ku-) (v) to glitter mesenja (n) methal, mithalii (n) meya (n) meza (ku-) meza (n)

(n) a messenger (n) a proverb (n) a mayor (v) to swallow (n) a table

mezea (ku-)

(v) 1. to forgive and forget

2. to use a liquid ex. water for swallowing something mfadhaiko (n) mfadhili (n) mfa*giaji (n) mfa*gio (n) mfalme (n) mfano (n)

(n) depression (n) a benefactor, donor, sponsor (n) a sweeper (n) a broom (n) A King, Queen or Head of State in a monarchical system (n) an example

mfanyabiashara, mfanyibiashara (n)

(n) a businessman / woman, a trader

mfanyakazi (n) (n) a worker, a person who works on wage basis mfarakano (n) (n) cleavage Mfaransa (n) (n) a French mfasiri (n) (n) a translator mfawidhi (n) (n) a master of ceremonies mfenesi (n) (n) a jackfruit tree mfereji, mtaro (n) (n) a drain, a stream mfigili (n) (n) a radish plant mfinyanzi (n) (n) a potter mfiraji, mlawiti (n) (n) a sodomite mfiwa (n) (n) a bereaved person mfu (n) (n) a dead person mfuachuma, mhunzi (n) (n) a blacksmith mfuasi (n) (n) a follower, believer mfuatano (n) (n) concord, harmony mfugaji (n) (n) a livestock keeper mfugo (n) (n) livestock i.e cattle, goats, sheep mfujaji (n) (n) a squanderer mf*cko, mkoba (n) (n) a bag, ex. a ladyʼs handbag mfululizo (n) (n) in serie, succession mfumaji (n) (n) a knitter mfumo (n) (n) a mode, system mfungo (n) (n) fast mfungwa (n) (n) a captive, prisoner mfuniko (n) (n) a cover, cap, lid, top mfupa (n) (n) a bone mfuria (n) (n) a friar or a brother in the Catholic religion mgahawa (n) (n) a canteen, tea room mgambo (n) (n) a militia, proclamation Mganda (n) (n) a Ugandan mganda (n) (n) one of Southern Tanzanian traditional dances mganga (n) (n) a doctor, a medicine man / woman mganga wa dawa za kiasili (n) mgao, mgawo (n) mgawaji (n) mgawanyiko (n) mgema (n) mgeni (n)

(n) a traditional medicine man or woman (n) division, rationing

(n) a distributor, whereas «kigavi» is an automatique distributor (n) division, partition (n) someone who prepares and sells the alcohol from coconut (n) A guest, visitor

mgodi (n)

(n) a mining area, a mine ex. : a gold, copper or coal mine

mgogoro , mtafakuru(n) mgomaji (n) mgomba (n) mgombea (n) mgomo (n)

(n) a clash, conflict (n) a striker (n) a banana tree (n) an election candidate (n) a strike

mgomvi (n) mgongano (n) mgongo (n) mgoni (n) mgonjwa (n) mgumba (n) mguno (n) mguu (n) mhadhara (n) mhadhiri (n) mhaini (n) mhakiki (n) mhalifu (n)

(n) an aggresive person,or somebody who likes to fight (n) a clash, collision (n) a back (n) an adulterer (n) a patient, sick person (n) someone barren (n) a grumbling (n) a foot, leg (n) a lecture, public speech (n) a lecturer, speaker (n) a betrayer, traitor (n) a critic, reviewer (n) a criminal, culprit, an offender

mhamaji (n)

(n) 1. an immigrant 2. someone moving in a new habitation, ex. a flat or a house

mhandisi (n) (n) an engineer mhanga (n) (n) a victim mharibifu (n) (n) a harmful person mhariri (n) (n) an editor mhasibu (n) (n) an accountant mhazili (n) (n) an office secretary mhemuko (n) (n) emotion mheshimiwa (n) (n) Excellency, Honourable, His / Her mhimili (n) (n) an axle Mhindi (n) (n) an Indian mhindi (n) (n) a maize plant mhisani (n) (n) a benefactor mhitaji (n) (n) a needy person Mholanzi (n) (n) a Dutch mhubiri (n) (n) a preacher, homilist, religious minister, pastor mhudumu, mhudumiaji (n) (n) somebody who gives services, ex. in a hospital mhujumu (n) (n) a saboteur mhuni, mkora (n) (n) a hooligan mhuri (n) mhusika (n) mia (namba) miayo (n) mifugo (n) mila (n) milele (kielezi)

(n) an official stamp or a seal (n) the concerned person (num. adj.) hundred (n) yawns (n) livestock (n) custom, tradition(s) (adv.) eternally

milele (n) milia (n) miligramu (n) miliki (ku-) mililita (n) milimita, milimeta(n) milionea (n) milioni (namba) mimba (n) mimi (kiwakilishi) mimina (ku-) miminika (ku-) minajili, minajili ya (kihusishi) minghairi, bila ya (kihusihi) minya, mingʼinya (ku-) minyoo, askaris (n) miongoni mwa (kihusishi) mirathi (n) misa (n) misale (n) misheni (n) mita (n) mitindo (n)

(n) eternity, for ever (n) stripes (n) a miligramme (v) to possess (n) a mililitre (n) a milimetre (n) a milionaire (num. adj.) a million (n) pregnancy (pers. pron.) I, myself (v) to pour (v) to pour out (prep.) because of ... (prép.) without ... (v) to squeeze (n) worms (parasites) (prep.) among (n) inheritance (n) a mass: a liturgical Catholic service (n) a missal (n) a mission (n) a meter (n) styles

mitishamba (n) miwani (n) mizani (n) mizigo (n)

(n) herbal medicines (n) spectacles (n) a weighing scale (n) a luggage

mjadala (n)

(n) a live discussion between opponents, ex. political ones, in front of people, including TV, cameras, journalists, etc.

mjakazi (n) mjamzito (n) mjane (n) mjanja (n) Mjerumani (n) mjeuri (n) mji (n) mjinga (n) mjomba (n) mjukuu (n) mjumbe (n) mjusi (n)

(n) a servant (n) a pregnant woman (n) a widow, widower (n) a clever person (n) A German citizen (n) a stubborn person (n) a town (n) a fool or stupid person (n) an uncle (n) a grandchild (n) a delegate, an envoy (n) a lizard

mjuzi (n) mkaa (n) mkabala (n) mkaguzi (n) mkahawa (n) mkaidi (n) mkakamavu (n)

(n) an expert (n) charcoal (n) opposite (n) an inspector (n) a coffee tree (n) a headstrong person, stubborn (n) a smart person

mkakao (n) mkakati (n) mkalimani (n) mkanda (n) mkandamizaji (n) mkanganyiko (n) mkano (n) mkarafuu (n) mkarara (n) mkaratusi (n) mkasa (n) mkasi (n) mkataba (n) mkate (n) mkato (n) Mkatoliki (n) mkazamwana (n) mkazo (n) mke (n) mkebe (n) mkeka (n) Mkenya (n) mkesha (n) mkia (n) mkimbizi (n) mkoa (n) mkojo (n) mkokoteni (n) mkoloni (n) mkoma (n) mkomamanga (n) mkombozi (n) mkondo (n) mkonga (n) mkonge, katani (n) Mkongo (n) mkongojo (n) mkono (n) mkopo (n) mkorofi (n) mkosi (n) Mkristo / Mkristu (n) mkufu (n) mkuki (n)

(n) a cocoa plant (n) a plan, strategy (n) an interpreter (n) a belt (n) an oppressor (n) a confusion (n) denial (n) a clove plant (n) a refrain, chorus, - of a song, or poem (n) eucalyptus (n) an unpleasant event, a scandal (n) a pair of scissors (n) a contract (n) bread (n) a cut ex. a haircut (n) a Catholic (n) a daughter - in- law (n) emphasis (n) a wife (n) a can (n) a mat (n) a Kenyan (n) a vigil, ex. that of Christmas Eve (n) a tail (n) a refugee (in Switzerland : an asylum seeker) (n) in Tanzania : an administrative subdivision or region (n) urine (n) a pushcart (n) a colonialist (n) a leper (n) a pomegranate (n) a saviour, liberator, redeemer (n) a current, flow ex. : electric current (n) a trunk (of an elephant) (n) sisal (n) a Congolese (n) a crutch (n) a hand (n) a loan (n) an arrogant, troublesome person (n) a bad luck (n) Christian (n) a chain (n) a spear

mkulima (n) mkundu (n) mkunga (n) mkungu (n) mkurugenzi (n) mkusanyiko (n) mkutano (n)

(n) a farmer (n) anus (n) a midwife (n) a bunch of bananas (n) a director (n) a gathering (n) a meeting

mkutubi (n) (n) a librarian mkuu (n) (n) a boss, leader mkuyu (n) (n) a wild fig tree mkware (n) (n) a sex maniac mkwasi (n) (n) a very rich person mkwe (n) (n) an In - law mkweche (n) (n) an old car, bicycle, motorcycle mkwezi, mkweaji (n) (n) a climber ex. of mountains mkwiji (n) (n) a girdle mlafi (n) (n) a glutton mlaghai (n) (n) a deceitful person mlango (n) (n) a door mlanguzi (n) (n) a black marketeer mlemavu (n) (n) a disabled person mlevi (n) (n) a drunkard mlezi (n) (n) a person who brings up a child mlima (n) (n) a mountain ex. «Mlima Kilimanjaro» = Mount Kilimanjaro mlimau (n) (n) a lemon tree mlimbwende (n) (n) a beautiful girl who works as a stylist mlingoti (n) (n) gallows mlinzi (n) (n) a custodian, a guardian, a watchman mlio (n) (n) a cry, a shouting, a sharp noise mlipaji (n) (n) a payer mlipuko, mripuko (n) (n) an explosion mlipwaji (n) (n) a payee mlo (n) (n) food mlokole (n) (n) a neophyte or a «born again» christian mlowezi (n) (n) a settler mlundikano (n) (n) a congestion mlungula, mrungura (n) (n) a bribe mluzi (n) (n) a whistle by mouth mmachinga (n) (n) a hawker Mmarekani (n) (n) An American citizen mbea (n) (n) a gossiper, a scandalmonger mmea (n) (n) a plant mmengʼenyo (n) (n) digestion process mmilikaji (n) (n) a property owner mmomonyoko (n) (n) deterioration or erosion of soil mnada (n) (n) an auction mnadhimu mkuu (n) (n) chief of staff mnafiki (n) (n) a hypocrite, an imposter (or impostor) mnajimu (n) (n) an astronomer mnamo (kielezi) (adv.) about mnanasi (n) (n) a pinapple plant mnara (n)

(n) 1. a tower ex. Eiffel at Paris, France 2. a bar of soap

mnato (n) mnazi (n) mneso (n)

(n) adherence to (n) a coconut tree (n) flexibility

mngʼaro (n) (n) shinness mngurumo (n) (n) a growl, (of animal), a humming of a plane, a roar of a torrent mninga (n) (n) African teak mno (kielezi) (adv.) very much, too much mnofu (n) (n) flesh, meat, steak mnongʼono (n) (n) whispering, murmur mnungʼunikaji (n) (n) a discontented person mnunuzi (n) (n) a customer, buyer mnunurisho (n) (n) radiation mnyama (n) (n) an animal mnyamavu (n) (n) a calm or a silent person mnyangʼanyi (n) (n) a bandit, robber mnyapara (n) (n) an overseer, foreman mnyenyekevu (n) (n) a humble person mnyonge (n) (n) a weak person mnyororo (n) (n) a lead, leash, rope Mnyuzilandi (n) (n) a New Zealander mochari (n) (n) a mortuary modeli (n) (n) a model mofimu (n) (n) morphine moja (namba) (num.adj. ) one Mola, Mungu (n) (n) God momonyoka (ku-) (v) to crumble away, to be eroded morali (n) (n) enthusiasm, morale moshi (n) (n) smoke mosi (kivumishi) (adj.) first motisha (n) (n) an incentive, a motivation moto (n) (n) fire moyo (n) (n) heart mpagani (n) (n) an atheist, pagan mpagazi (n) (n) a porter mpaji (n) (n) a giver, provider mpaka (n) (n) a boundary mpaka (kihusishi) (prep.) until mpako (n) (n) anointment mpamba (n) (n) a cotton plant mpambaji (n) (n) a decorator mpambe (n) (n) bestman, bridesmaid; bodyguard mpando (n) (n) ascension, «Kupaa Bwana Mbinguni» = Ascension (for Christians) mpangaji (n) (n) management mpangishaji (n) (n) a tenant mpango (n) (n) an arrangement, a plan mpapai, mpapayu (n) (n) a pawpaw tree mparachichi (n) (n) an avocado pear tree mpasuko (n) mpatanishi (n) mpelelezi (n) mpembuzi (n) mpendwa (n) mpenzi (n) mpera (n)

(n) a disruption, cleavage (n) an arbitrator (n) an inquirer, a spy (n) an analyst (n) a beloved one (n) a loved / beloved one (n) a guava tree

mpiganaji (n) (n) a fighter mpigataipu (n) (n) a typist mpilipili (n) (n) a pepper plant mpingo (n) (n) ebony tree mpini (n) (n) a pin tree , handle, ex. that of a hoe, broom mpinzani, mkinzani (n) (n) an opponent, an opposer mpira (n) (n) rubber mpishi (n) (n) a cook mpitanjia (n) (n) a passerby mpito (n) (n) a transition mpokeaji, mpokezi (n) (n) Treasury tax collecter, receiver, receptionnist mpole (n) (n) a gentle person mposaji (n) (n) a pretender (for marriage) mpotevu (n) (n) prodigal mpotovu, mpotofu (n) (n) a heretic Mprotestanti (n) (n) a Protestant mpumbavu (n) (n) a fool mpunga (n) (n) unhusked rice mpuuzi / mpuzi (n) (n) a negligent person mpwa (n) (n) a niece (female) or a nephew (male) mraba (n) (n) a square mrabaha, ubia(n) (n) a royalty, a share in business mradi, muradi (n) (n) a project mradi, muradi (kiunganishi) (conj) provided (that) mratibu (n) (n) coordinator mrembo (n) (n) a pretty woman mrithi (n) (n) a heir mroho (n) (n) a greedy or voracious person Mruanda, Mnyaruanda (n) (n) a Rwandan Mrusi (n) (n) a Russian msaada (n) (n) a help msafara (n) (n) a convoy msafiri (n) (n) a traveller msagaji (n) (n) a lesbian msaidizi (n) (n) an assistant msajili (n) (n) a registrar, an office archivist or keeper of records msako (n) (n) a search, hunt msalaba (n) (n) The crucifix, a cross ex. Red Cross msaliti (n) (n) a betrayer, traitor msamaha (n) (n) an amnesty, pardon, forgiveness msamiati (n) (n) a lexicon, vocabulary msanifu (n) (n) a designer msanii (n) (n) an artist msaragambo (n) (n) a volunteer work, fund -raising for public use msarifu (n) (n) a bursar msasa (n) (n) emery paper (abrassive) msasi, msakaji (n) (n) a hunter msegemnege (kielezi) (adv.) without order mseja (n) (n) a celibant, an unmarried person for religious reasons msemaji (n) (n) a spokesman / woman, speaker msemo (n) (n) a saying

mseto (n) (n) coalition, mixture mshahara (n) (n) a salary mshairi (n) (n) a poet mshale (n) (n) an arrow (archery), hands of a watch, clock mshamba (n) (n) someone from countryside, not acquinted to town life mshambuliaji, mshambulizi (n) (n) an invader mshangao (n) (n) a surprise mshauri (n) (n) a counsellor, an adviser mshawishi (n) (n) a persuader mshenga (n) (n) a go-between person in the marriage final preparations mshenzi (n) (n) an ill - mannered person mshikaji (n) (n) a man who has a mistress (besides having a wife) mshikaki (n) (n) a shish kebab, grilled pieces of meat mshikamano (n) (n) cohesion mshindani (n) (n) a competitor, an opponent, a rival mshindi (n) (n) a winner mshindo (n)

(n) 1. a boom (commercial) 2. an org*sm ( sexual)

mshipa (n) mshirika (n) mshonaji / mshoni (n)

(n) a blood vessel (n) an associate (n) a fashion designer, someone who does sewing

mshono (n)

(n) sewing, in all its states, dressmaking, with styles like crosstitching, overstitching, etc.

mshtaki / msh*taki (n) mshtakiwa, msh*takiwa (n) mshtuko (n) mshumaa (n) mshupavu (n) msiba (n) msichana (n) msikilizaji, msikizaji (n) msikiti (n)

(n) the one who accuses (n) the accused, defendant (n) a shock (n) a candle (n) a courageous, fearless, strong person (n) bereavement (n) a girl (n) a listener (n) a mosque

msimamizi (n) msimamo (n) msimu (n) msimulizi (n) msingi (n) msiri (n) msisimko (n)

(n) a superviser, warden (n) a stand, position (In giving oneʼs point of view) (n) season (n) a narrator (n) a basis, foundation (n) a confidant (n) an excitement

msitu (n) msokoto (n) msomaji (n) msomeshaji (n) msomi (n)

(n) a forest (n) a twisting, waving (n) a reader (n) the one who sponsors othersʼ education (n) an elite

msongamano (n)

(n) congestion due to crowding, by many people or

cars ( traffic jam) msonge (n) (n) a hierarchy, a circular hut in a pyramidal shape msonge wa barafu (n) (n) an igloo, Inuit houses made of ice mstaafu (n) (n) a retired person mstaarabu (n) (n) a civilized person mstahiki (n) (n) somebody deserving special respects, ex. Members of a Royal Family mstahimilivu, mstahamilivu (n) mstari (n) mstatili (n) msukaji / msusi (n) msuko (n) msukosuko (n) msuluhishi (n) msumari (n) msumbufu (n) msumeno (n) mswaki (n) Mswisi mtaa (n) mtaala / mtalaa (n) mtaalamu (n) mtabiri (n)

(n) a patient person

(n) a line (n) a rectangle (n) hairdresser (n) a hairstyle (n) an agitation, a turmoil (n) a mediator (n) a nail (n) a troublemaker (n) a saw (n) a toothbrush (n) A Swiss citizen (n) a street in a town, a big town or in a city (n) a school syllabus (n) an expert (n) a forecaster in economy or meteorology; a prophet

mtabiri wa hali ya hewa (n) (n) a weather forecaster mtafiti (n) (n) a researcher mtaguso (n) (n) a synod, an ecumenical council mtahini (n) (n) an invigilator, examiner mtahiniwa (n) (n) a candidate mtaimbo (n) (n) a crowbar, lever mtaji (n) (n) a capital (in business) mtakaso (n) (n) cleansing mtakatifu (n) (n) a saint mtalaka (n) (n) a divorcee mtalii (n) (n) a tourist mtaliki (n) (n) a divorce mtama (n) (n) millet mtambo (n) (n) an industrial machine mtanashati (n) (n) a smart guy, a well dressed and presentable person mtandao (n) mtandao (n) mtangawizi (n) mtangazaji (n) mtangulizi (n) mtanguo (n)

1. (n) network, international network (interconnecter), internet 2. (n) Infrastructure (n) a ginger plant (n) an advertiser, announcer; a broadcaster (n) a predecessor (n) cancellation

Mtanzania (n) (n) A Tanzanian citizen mtapanyo (n) (n) a diffusion mtaro (n) (n) draining, sewage system mtawa (n) (n) a friar, hermit, monk, or nun mtawala (n) (n) a ruler, an administrator mtazamaji (n) (n) an observer, a spectator mtazamo (n) (n) a viewpoint mtego (n) (n) a trap mteja (n) (n) a customer mtemba (n) (n) a smoking pipe mtende (n) (n) a palm plant mtengenezaji (n) (n) a manufacturer, producer mteremko (n) (n) a slope mtetezi (n) (n) a defender ex. an advocate mteule (n)

(n) a nominee, an appointed or selected person for certaine responsibilities

mti (n) (n) a tree mtihani (n) (n) an examination mtiifu / mtii (n) (n) an obedient person mtikiti (n) (n) a watermelon plant mtima (n) (n) heart mtindi (n) (n) sour milk mtindo (n) (n) a fashion msanifu wa mtindo(n) (n) a fashion designer mtiririko (n) (n) a flow of something like water, blood etc. mto (n) (n) a river mtofaa / mtufaa (n) (n) an apple tree mtomo (n) (n) building, using stones mtondo (n) (n) 3rd day from today mtondogoo (n) (n) 4th day from today mtori (n)

(n) a green banana stew, - one of the best Chaga dishes,which is on the menu in any of Tanzanian restaurants and hotels.

mtoro (n) mtoto (n) mtoto wa kike (n) mtoto wa kiume (n) mtu (n) mtuhumiwa (n) mtukufu (n)

(n) a dodger, fugitive, runaway (n) a child (n) a daughter (n) a son (n) a person (n) a suspect (n) a glorious person

mtukutu, mtundu (n)

(n) 1. a naughty or rude person 2. a clever and inventive person

mtumba (n) (n) second hand clothes or material mtumbwi (n) (n) a canoe mtume (n) (n) an apostle mtumishi (n) (n) a servant mtumwa, mtwana (n) (n) a slave

mtungaji, mtunzi (n) (n) an author, composer mtungi (n) (n) a water pot mtutu (n) (n) a muzzle of a gun muadhama (n) (n) Eminence muarubaini, mwarubaini (n) (n) a margosa tree muasi-dini (n) (n) a heretic muasisi (n) (n) a founder muda (n) (n) a given period of time mudu (ku-) (v) to be able to meet requirements muflisi (kivumishi) (adj.) bankrupt muhimu (kivumishi) (adj.) important, necessary muhogo / mhogo (n) (n) cassava muhtasari (n) (n) a summary muhula (n) (n) a term, a semester muhuri / mhuri (n) (n) a stamp, a seal muktadha (n) (n) a context mulika, angaza (ku-) (v) to gleam, illuminate or to shine (on something) mume (n) (n) a husband mumunya, mungʼunya (ku-) (v) to suck mundu (n) (n) a cutlas, sickle Mungu (n)

(n) God

murua (kivumishi) (adj.) something pleasing Mushtara, Mushtarii, Jupita (n) (n) the planete Jupiter mustakabali (n) (n) the future musuli / msuli (n) (n) a muscle muswada (n) (n) a bill of law (in politics) muuaji (n) (n) a killer, a murderer muuguzi (n) (n) a nurse muuji*za (n) (n) a miracle muumba (n) (n) creator muumini (n) (n) a follower, a believer or a membre of a clergy muungano (n) (n) a union, federation muungwana (n) (n) a gentleman, a lady muwa (n) (n) sugar cane muwaa (n) (n) reeds muziki (n) (n) music mvi (n) (n) grey hair mvinyo (n) (n) wine mviringo (n) (n) a curve mvivu (n) (n) a lazy person mvua (n) (n) rain mvuke (n) (n) vapour mvulana (n) (n) a boy mvule (n)

mvumo (n)

(n) iroko tree, - its wood is very much appreciated for making furniture, as itʼs hard and not eaten by insects (n) a loud clear and continuous noise like that of waterfalls,

a strong wind, etc. mvunguni (kielezi) (adv.) under a bed mvutano (n) (n) tension mvuvi (n) (n) a fisherman mwafaka (n) (n) a compromise, consensus Mwafrika (n) (n) African # mwaga (ku-) (v) to spill, pour out mwagilia (ku-) (v) to irrigate mwajiri (n) (n) an employer mwajiriwa (n) (n) an employee mwaka (n) (n) year mwakilishi (n) (n) a representative mwale (n) (n) a beam, ray mwali (n) (n) a maiden, a flame of fire mwaliko (n) (n) an invitation mwalimu (n) (n) a teacher, tutor mwamba (n) (n) a rock mwambao (n) (n) coastal strip mwaminifu (n) (n) a sincere person mwamko (n) (n) awakening mwamuzi (n) (n) an arbitrator, mediator mwanaanga (n) (n) an astronaut mwanachama (n) (n) a member of a party mwanachuo (n) (n) a college or a university student mwanadamu, binadamu (n) (n) Human being mwanadiplomasia (n) (n) a diplomat mwanafunzi (n) (n) a student mwanagenzi (n) (n) a learner, trainee, an apprentice mwanaharakati (n) (n) an activist mwanaisimu (n) (n) a linguist mwanajeshi (n) (n) a soldier mwanakijiji (n) (n) someone living in a village mwanamapinduzi (n) (n) a revolutionary mwanamgambo (n) (n) a militia mwanamichezo (n) (n) a sportsman mwanamke (n) (n) a woman mwanamume, mwanamme (n) (n) a man mwanamuziki (n) (n) a musician mwanamwali (n) (n) a maid mwananchi (n) (n) a citizen Mwarabu (n) (n) Arab mwanariadha (n) (n) an athletic mwanasarakasi (n) (n) a clown (circus) mwanasayansi (n) (n) a scientist mwanasesere (n) (n) a doll, toy mwanasheria (n) mwanasiasa (n) mwanasoka (n)

(n) a lawyer (n) a politician (n) a footballer

mwandani, mwendani (n)

(n) a close friend, confidant

mwandazi, mwandalizi (n) mwandiko (n) mwandishi (n)

(n) a coordinator, an organizer

(n) a handwriting (n) a writer

mwandishi wa habari (n) mwanga, mwangaza (n)

(n) a journalist (n) light

mwangalifu (n) (n) a careful person mwangwi (n) (n) an echo mwanya (n) (n) a gap, loophole mwanzi (n) (n) bamboo mwanzilishi, mwasisi (n) (n) a founder mwanzo (n) (n) beginning Mwarabu (n) (n) an Arab mwaridi (n) (n) a rose tree mwasherati, mzinifu (n) (n) an adulterer, fornicator mwashi (n) (n) a mason mwasho (n) (n) irritation mwasi (n) (n) a rebel Mwasia (n) (n) an Asian mwavuli (n) (n) an umbrella mwehu, mwendawazimu (n) (n) a mad person mweledi (n)

(n) somebody who feels at ease while handling a certain branch of knowledge, ex. : an ace in dancing.

mwelekeo (n) mwembe (n)

(n) a direction, trend (n) a mango tree

mwendesha - mashtaka (n) mwendo (n) mwenendo (n) mwenge (n) mwenyeji (n) mwenyekiti (n)

(n) a prosecuter

(n) speed (n) a behaviour, conduct (n) a torch (n) a native of a given geographical area, a host (for a visitor) (n) a chairman or chairperson

Mwenyezi (n)

(n) The Almighty

mwenza (n) mwenzi (n) mwereka (n) mwerevu (n) mwewe, kunguru(n)

(n) a co - or someone sharing (with), ex. : co -author of a book (n) a companion, partner (n) a game of fighting and struggling (n) a clever person (n) a crow

Mwezi (n) mwezi (n) mwiba (n) mwigaji (n) mwigizaji (n) mwigo-bandia (kivumishi)

(n) The Moon (n) a month (n) a thorn (n) an imitator (n) an actor, actress (adj.) a counter - feit

mwiko (n) mwili (n) mwimbaji (n) mwinamo (n) mwindaji (n) Mwingereza (n) mwinjilisti (n) mwinuko (n) mwisho (n) Mwislamu (n) mwito, wito (n) mwizi (n) mwoga (n) mwogeleaji (n) mwokaji (n)

(n) a taboo, a spatula for making stiff porridge (n) a body (n) a singer (n) a declivity (n) a hunter (n) Englishman (n) an evangelist (n) an elevation (n) a conclusion, an end (n) Muslim (n) a vocation (n) a burglar, thief (n) a fearful person (n) a swimmer (n) a baker

Mwokozi (n)

(n) The Saviour, Jesus Christ (for the Christians)

mwongo (n) mwongofu (n) mwongozo (n) mwonjo, ladha (n) mwovu (n) mzabibu (n) mzabuni (n) mzaha (n) mzalendo (n) mzalishaji, mkunga (n) mzamiaji (n) mzandiki (n)

(n) a liar (n) a pious person (n) guidance (n) taste (n) an evil person (n) a grapefruit plant (n) a bidder, tenderer (n) a joke, fun (n) a person loyal to his country (n) a midwife (n) a diver (n) a hypocrite

mzawa, mzaliwa wa (kivumishi) mzazi (n) mzee (n) mzeituni (n) mzembe (n) mzigo (n) mzimamoto (n) mzimu (n) mzinga (n) mzingo (n) mzinzi (n) mzio (n) mziwanda (n) mzizi (n) mzizimo (n) mzoga (n) mzozo, mzozano (n)

(adj.) native (of ... country, area)

(n) a parent (n) an old man or woman (n) an olive tree (n) an irresponsible person (n) a load, a luggage (n) a fireman or a fire fighter (n) a ghost (n) a canon (n) a circumference (n) a promiscuous person (n) an allergy (n) a last born child (n) a root (n) intense cold feeling sometimes generated by cold winds ex. : during winter season in Europe (n) a corpse (n) a dispute, quarrel, conflict, contest

mzugo (n) mzuka (n) Mzungu (n) mzungumzaji (n)


(n) hypnotism (n) a harmful spirit (n) European, White person (n) an orator


na (kiunganishi) na (ku-) naam (kihisishi) nabii (n) nadharia (n) nadhifisha (ku-) nadhifu (kivumishi) nadhiri (ku-) nadhiri (n)

(conj.) and, by, with (v.i) there is (interj.) yes (n) a prophet (n) a theory (v) to make neat, tiden up (adj.) clean, neat, smart (v) to vow (n) a vow

nadi (ku-)

(v) 1. to wake up people for morning prayers (for Muslims) 2. To sell at an auction

nadra (kielezi) nafaka (n) nafasi (n) nafsi (n) nafuu (n) nahodha (n) naibu (n) nailoni (n) najisi (ku-) najisi (n) nakala (n) nakili, nukuu (ku-) nakisi (n) nakshi (n) namba, nambari (n) nami (kihusishi) namna (n) nana (n) nanasi (n) nane (namba) nanga (n) Nani ? (kijina -kiulizi)

(adv.) seldom, rarely (n) cereal, corn, grain (n) an occasion, opportunity, space (n) self (n) a relief (n) a captain or commander in navigation (n) a deputy (n) nylon (v) to abuse sexually, rape (n) dirt, impurity (n) a copy (v) to copy or make a copy of something (n) deficit, reduce (n) a decorative motif (n) a number (prep.) with me (n) how, kind, sort, type (n) a girl (n) a pineapple fruit (num.adj.) eight (n) an anchor (interr.pron.) Who ?

nasa (ku-) nasaba (n) nasaha (n) nasi (kihusishi) nasibu (n) nasua (ku-) nata (ku-) nati (n) nauli (n) nawa (ku-) nawe (kihusishi) nawiri (ku-) naye (kihusishi) nazi (n) ncha (n) nchi (n) ndala / ndara (n) ndama (n) ndani (kihusishi) ndarire (n) ndege (n) nderemo (n) ndevu (n) ndilo (kijina) ndimi (kt) ndimi (n) ndimu (n) ndipo (kihusishi) Ndiyo ! (kihisishi) ndizi (n) ndoa (n) ndoana (n) ndondi (n) ndoo (n) ndorobo (n) ndoto, njozi (n) ndovu, tembo (n) ndui (n) ndumba (n) ndugu (n)

(v) to catch (an animal) in a trap (n) a lineage (n) a sound counselling (prep.) with us (n) chance, luck (v) to set free from a trap (v) to stick (n) a nut (n) a fare (v) to wash oneself (prep.) with you (v) to become healthy, to be successful, prosper (prep.) with him, with her (n) a coconut (n) a point (n) a country, land (n) sandals, slippers (n) a calf (prep.) inside (n) a useless talk (n) 1. a bird 2. an aircraft (n) a celebration (n) beard, moustache (dem. pron.) thatʼs it (v.i) itʼs me (n) tongues (pl. of «ulimi»= a tongue) (n) a lime fruit (prep.) thatʼs when (interj.) Yes ! (n) banana(s) (n) marriage (n) a hook ex. for catching fish (n) boxing (n) a bucket (n) a tsetse-fly (n) a dream (s) (n) elephant (s) (n) smallpox sickness (n) magic (n) kinship

ndumakuwili, ndumilakuwili (n) ndururu (adj.) neema (n) neemeka (ku-)

(n) a hypocrite

(adj.) small (n) affluence, bounty, grace (v) to be in affluence, to be rich

neemesha (ku-) (v) to make affluent nembo (n) (n) a logo, symbol, sign nena (ku-) (v) to speak nenda (kt) (v.i) go - nene (kivumishi) (adj.) fat (speaking of people) nenepa (ku-) (v) to grow fat nenepesha (ku-) (v) to force-feed nengua (ku-) (v) to sway oneʼs hips, to swing (for dancing) neno (n) (n) a word, news neno-hitimisha (n) (n) an epilogue nepa (ku-) (v) to bend due to weight nepi (n) (n) a nappy Neptuni, Saratani (n) (n) the Planete Neptune nesi, nasi (n) (n) a nurse neti, wavu (n) (n) a net netiboli (n) (n) netball neva (n) (n) a nerve ngʼaa / ngʼara (ku-) (v) to glitter, shine ngʼaka (ku-) (v) to shout at, to retort ngalawa, ngarawa , jahazi(n) (n) a dhow, sailing boat ngʼambo (n) (n) the other side of ex. of a river, road, etc. ngʼambo (kielezi) ngamia (n) ngʼamua (ku-)

(adv.) abroad (n) a camel (v) to discern, find out, understand

ngʼangʼana, ngʼangʼania (ku-)

(v) to refuse to let go; maintain or stick to oneʼs point of view

ngano (n) (n) wheat ngao (n) (n) a shield ngapi ? (kijina kiulizi) (interr. pron.) how many ngariba (n) (n) a circumciser ngʼarisha (ku-) (v) to polish, shine (shoes) ngʼata (ku-) (v) to bite ngʼatuka (ku-) (v) to step down, retire ex. from power ngawira (n) (n) booty, loot ngazi (n) (n) a ladder, a rank (ex. in the army, police forces) nge (n) (n) a scorpion ngedere (n) (n) a monkey ngeli (n) (n) the noun class ngiri (n) (n) a wild pig ngisi (n) (n) a cuttlefish ngʼo ! or ngʼoo ! (kihisishi) (interj.) Never ! ngʼoa (ku-) (v) to dig up, uproot ngoja (ku-) (v) to wait ngojea (ku-) ngʼoka (ku-) ngoma (n) ngʼombe (n) ngome (n)

(v) to wait for (v) to be uprooted (n) a drum, a dance to a rhythm of drums (tam -tam) (n) cattle, a cow, a bull (n) a castle, fortress

ngome-mji (n) ngʼongʼo (n) ngonjera (n) ngono (n) ngozi (n) nguchiro (n) ngumi (n) nguo (n) nguru / nguu (n) nguruma (ku-) ngurumo (n) nguruwe (n) nguva (n) nguvu (n) nguvukazi (n) nguzo (n) ngwena, mamba (n) ni (kt) nia (n) niaba ya (n) nidhamu (n) nikotini (n)

(n) a citadel (n) small-sized type of mangoes, with fibreous flesh (n) a poem recited in turn by several people (n) sexual intercourse (n) leather (n) a mongoose (n) a fist (n) cloth, clothes (n) a kingfisher (s) (v) to roar (n) a thunder roar (n) a pig (n) a marmaid (n) force, strength (n) labour force (n) a pillar (n) a crocodile (v) am, is, are (n) an aim, intention; a purpose (n) behalf of (n) discipline (n) nicotine

nili, buluu, samawati (kivumishi) nimonia (n) ningʼinia (ku-) ningʼiniza (ku-) Nini ? (kihisishi)

(adj.) blue colour (n) pneumonia (v) to hang on something (v) to hang or suspend


What ?

nini Kwa nini ? (kihisishi) (interj.) Why ? ninyi (kijina) (pers.pron.pl.) you nipo (kt) (v.i) I am present nira (n) (n) a part of ploughing equipment, keeping the two oxen together niru (n) (n) sludge lime nishai (n) (n) the state of drunkenness, ecstasy nishani (n) (n) a medal, a prize nishati (n) (n) energy nitrojeni (n) (n) nitrogen njaa (n) (n) famine, hunger njama (n) (n) a plot to do evil things njano (kivumishi) (adj.) yellowish nje (kihusishi) (prep.) outside njegere (n) (n) peas njemba (n) (n) a giant man njia (n)

(n) a way «hakuna njia !» (kihisishi) (intrej.) no way !

njiti (n)

(n) 1. a premature infant 2. a tooth pick

njiwa (n)

(n) a dove

njoo ! (kihisishi) (interj.) come ! njuga (n) (n) little bells worn on the legs by traditional dansers njugu (n) (n) groundnuts, peanuts nne (namba) (num. adj.) four noa (ku-) (v) to sharpen, to miss oneʼs target Noeli, Krismasi (n) (n) Christmas noga (ku-) (v) to be good, very tasty nomino (n) (v) a noun nona (ku-) (v) to become fat (animal) nondo (n) (v) a moth (insect), a bar of iron, used for building. nongʼona (ku-) (v) to whisper nongʼoneza (ku-) (v.i) to mumble, whisper - nono (kivumishi) (adj.) fat (animal, meat) noti (n) (n) a bank note notisi (n) (n) a notice Novemba (n) (n) November nta (n) (n) wax nufaika (ku-) (v) to profit (from) nufaisha (ku-) (v) to profit someone nuia (ku-) (v) to intend nuka (ku-) (v) to smell bad, stink nukia (ku-) (v) to have a good, agreable smell nuklia, nyuklia (kivumishi) (adj.) nuclear nuksi, nuhusi (n) (n) a bad luck, an omen nukta (n) (n) a full stop numerali (n) (n) numeral nuna (ku-) (v) to look unhappy, to be sullen nundu (n) (n) a hump, swelling nungunungu, nungu (n) (n) a hedgehog nungʼunika (ku-) (v) to complain, grumble nungʼuniko (n) (n) a grievance, complaint nunia (ku-) (v) to sulk, shun nunua (ku-) (v) to buy nunulia (ku-) (v) to buy something for someone nuru, mwanga (n) (v) light nururisha (ku-) (v) to lighten, brighten nusa (ku-) (v) to smell nusra, nusura (kielezi) (adv.) almost, nearly nusu (n) (n) half nusuduara (n) (n) a semicircle nusukaputi (n) (n) chloroform nusukipenyo (n) (n) radius (of a circle) nusurika (ku-) (v) to escape unhurt nusuru (ku-) (v) to defend, save from danger nya (ku-) (v) to defecate nyaa (ku-) nyafua, nyofoa (ku-) nyakanga (n) nyakati (n) nyakua (ku-)

(v) to fade, waste away, wither, (v) to chop / tear off (n) the main instructor during the initiation period (n) time (v) to snatch off

nyama (n) (n) meat nyamafu, nyamamfu (kivumishi) (adj.) silent nyamaza, nyamaa (ku-) (v) to keep quiet or to be silent nyambizi (n) (n) a submarine nyambulisha (ku-) (v) to derive words from sentences nyangʼanya (ku(v) to confiscate lawfully, take by force, rob nyangumi (n) (n) a whale nyani (n) (n) a baboon nyanya (n) (n) a grandmother, or grandma; tomato (s ) nyanyasa (ku-) (v) to treat badly, to oppress (by deeds and words) nyanyua (ku-) (v) to lift something nyara (n) (n) booty nyaraka (n) (n) documents nyasi (n) (n) tall grass, reed nyata (ku-) (v) to sneak nyati (n) (n) a buffalo nyauka (ku-) (v) to dry up nyayo (n) (n) foot prints nyege (n) (n) sexual feelings nyemelea (ku-) (v) to creep upon nyenje (n) (n) cricket nyenyekea (ku-) (v) to be humble, obedient nyenyekevu (kivumishi) (adj.) humble nyenyere (n) (n) a very tiny black ant nyenzo (n) (n) lever, tools nyesha (ku-) (v) to rain nyeta, nyetea, deka (ku-) (v) to be spoiled nyeti (kivumishi) (adj.) crucial, sensitive nyigu (n) (n) a wasp, hornet nyika (n) (n) the steppe nyima (ku-) (v) to deny, refuse something to somebody ex. a game chance nyingi (kihusishi) (prep.) a lot of, much of, many nyinyi (kijina) (pers. pron. pl.) you nyoa ku-) (v) to cut hair off, to shave nyofu (kivumishi) (adj.) honest, sincere, candid, righteous, straight nyoka, nyooka (kivumishi) (adj.) straight nyoka (n) (n) a snake nyokonyoko (n) (n) insulte(s ) nyonga (ku-) (v) to hang by the neck to death nyonge (kivumishi) (adj.) weak, powerless nyongeza (kivumishi) (adj.) additional nyongeza (n) (n) addition, in addition (to)... nyongo (n) (n) bile, a bad mood nyongʼonyea (ku-) (v) to lose energy, weaken nyonya (ku-) (v) to suck, ex. motherʼs breast nyonyesha (ku-) (v) to breast feed nyonyo (n) (n) a nipple, teat nyosha, nyoosha (ku-) (v) to straighten nyota (n) (n) a star nyoyo (n) (n) hearts

nyuka (ku-) (v) to beat somebody thoroughly nyuki (n) (n) bee(s) nyuma (kihusishi) (prep.) behind nyumba (n) (n) a house nyumbu (n) (n) a donkey nyumbua (ku-) (v) to extend nyundo (n) (n) a hammer nyuni (n) (n) bird (s) nyunyiza, nyunyizia, rashia (ku-) (v) to sprinkle nyuso (n) (n) faces (sing. : «uso») nyuzi (n) (n) threads (sing. «uzi») nyuzijoto (n) (n) degrees °C, ° F temperature measurements nywa (ku-) (v) to drink nywele (n) (n) hair nywesha (ku-) (v) to help someone to drink nzi (n) (n) a fly nzige (n) (n) a locust nzima (kivumishi) (adj.) complete nzito (kivumishi) (adj.) heavy nzuri (kivumishi) (adj.) beautiful, handsome, fine, excellent(e)



oa (ku-) oana (ku-) oanisha (ku) oda, amrisha (ku-) ofisa (n) ofisi (n) oga / koga (ku-) ogelea (ku-) ogesha (ku-) ogofya, ogopesha (ku-) ogopa (ku-) Oh ! / Oo ! (kihisishi) oili (n) oka (ku-) okoa (ku-) okota (ku-) oksijeni (n) Oktoba (n) Ole (n) olewa (kivumishi) Olimpiki (n) omba (ku-)

(v) to marry (v) to marry each other (v) to make compatible (v) to order (n) an officer (n) an office (v) to take a bath (v) to swim (v) to bathe somebody (v) to frighten (v) to be afraid, to fear (interj.) Oh ! Oh My God ! (familiar at the States, USA) (n) oil (v) to bake (v) to save, rescue (v) to pick up (n) Oxygen

(n) October (n) woe «Ole wako» = woe upon you (adj.) married (n) Olympic (v) to beg

ombaomba (n) (n) a beggar omba radhi (ku-) (v) to ask for forgiveness ombea (ku-) (v) to pray or intercede for ombi (n) (v) a request, prayers omboleza (ku-) (v) to lament, mourn, weep ombolezo (n) (n) a lamentation, mourning ona (ku-) (v) to see, consider onana (ku-) (v) to see each other ondoa, ondosha (ku-) (v) to remove, eliminate ondoka (ku-) (v) to leave, to go away ondolea (ku-) (v) to absolve, forgive onea (ku-) (v) to bully, oppress onekana (ku-) (v) to be seen onelea (ku-) (v) to be of another opinion onevu (kivumishi) (adj.) cruel, oppressive ongea (ku-) (v) to speak ongeza (ku-) (v) to add to, to increase ongezeka (ku-) (v) to become more than the initially known amount ongezi (n) (n) a conversation ongopa (ku-) (v) to tell a lie ongoza (ku-) (v) to lead ongozana (ku-) (v) to follow one another onja (ku-) (v) to taste onjesha (ku-) (v) to give something to taste (to someone) onya (ku-) (v) to warn onyesha, onesha (ku-) (v) to show onyesho (n) (n) an exhibition onyo (n) (n) a warning operesheni (n) (n) an operation opereta (n) (n) an operator opoa (ku-)

(v) 1. to take something out of a liquid container 2. to remove a cooking pot from fire

orodha (n) orodhesha (ku-) - ororo, laini (kivumishi) osha (ku-) ota (ku-) - ote (kivumishi) otea (ku-) otesha (ku-) ovari (n) ovaroli (n) ovataimu (n) ovu (n)

(n) a list , an enumeration (v) to enumerate or to make a list (of) (adj.) soft (v) to wash (v) to grow, to dream (adj.) all (v) to be offside in football (v) to plant (n) ovary (n) an overall (n) overtime (n) an evil deed

ovyo, hovyo (kielezi)

(adv.) carelessly

Oyee ! (n, kihisishi)

(interj.) Hurrah ! a shouting of joy , cheers

oza (ku-)


(v) 1. to give his /her child, especially a daughter, in marriage 2. to rot, go bad


pa (ku-) paa (ku-) paaza (ku-) pacha (n)

(v) to give (v) to ascend (v) to raise (v) a twin

pachika (ku-)

(v) to place something in between other things, which are already arranged.

padri, kasisi, kuhani (n) (n) a priest pafu (n) (n) a lung pagawa (ku-) (v) to be possessed by evil spirits pahali (n) (n) a place paipu (n) (n) a pipe paja (n) (n) a thigh pajama (n) (n) a pyjamas paji (n) (n) a forehead paka, pakaa (ku-) (v) to paint (colours) paka (n) (n) a cat pakana na (ku-) (v) to have a common geographical border (with) pakashume, nunda (n) (n) a wild cat pakata (ku-) (v) to hold fondly on the laps paketi, pakiti (n) (n) a packet paki (ku-) (v) to parc a car pakia (ku-) (v) to load on pakua (ku-) (v) to unload pale (kiielezi) (adv.) there palia, palilia (ku(v) to hoe weeds pamba (n) (n) cotton pamba (ku-) (v) to adorn, decorate pambaja (ku-) (v) to embrace pambamoto (ku-) (v) to intensify pambana (ku-) (v) to confront, to engage in a battle pambano (n) (n) a confrontation pambanua (ku-) (v) to discern, analyse pambazuka (ku-) (v) to dawn pambazuko (n) (n) aurore, daybreak, dawn pambo (n) (n) a decoration, an ornament pambua (ku-) (v) to remove decorations pamoja (kielezi) pampu (n) pana (kivumishi) pancha (n)

(adv.) together (n) a pump (adj.) wide (n) a puncture

panchi (ku-) panchi (n) panda (ku-) pandashuka (ku-) pande (n) pandikiza, atika (ku-) pandikizi (n) pandisha (ku-) paneli (n)

(v) to punch (n) a blow , punch (v) to go up, to plant (v) to fluctuate (n) a big piece (v) to replant or transfer (seedlings) (n) a giant (v) to raise, elevate (n) a panel 1. a committee, ex. of experts 2. a panel, ex. a solar panel 3. an instrument panel of navigation, ex. of an airplane, a machine, etc.)

panga (ku-) panga (n) pangaboi (n) pangisha (ku-) pango (n) pangua (ku-) pangusa (ku-) pania (ku-) panka, banka (n) pantoni (n) panua (ku-) panya (n) panzi (n)

(v) to arrange, rent (n) a machete (n) a ceiling fan, a propeller (v) to rent (n) a cave (v) to disarrange (v) to wipe (v) to aim at (n) a table fan (n) a ferry, ferryboat (v) to widen (n) a rat, a mouse (n) a grass-hopper

Papa, Baba Mtakatifu (n) Papa-mobili (n) papa (n) papai (n) papasa (ku-) papasi (n) papi (n) papia (ku-) papo (kielezi) papo hapo (kielezi) papura (ku-) parachichi (n) parachuti (n) Paradiso (n) paraganya (ku-) paramia (ku-)

(n) A Pope, The Supreme Leader of the Roman Catholic Church

(n) The Popeʼs special car (n) a shark (n) a papaya (v) to touch tenderly, to grope (n) a tick (n) a long wooden log used for roofing (v) to prepare the roofingʼs wooden structure (adv.) there (adv.) on the spot (v) to claw (n) an avocado pear (n) a parachute (n) Heaven, Paradise (v) to mix up (v) 1. to do something above oneʼs ability 2. to mount

parandesi (n)

(n) parentheses

parapanda (n)

(n) a trumpet sound

The last trumpets for the judgement day (Christians) paredi (n) (n) a parade pareto (n) (n) pyrethrum (a pesticide) parokia (n) (n) a parish paroko (n) (n) a parish priest parua (ku-) (v) to scratch paruza (ku-) (v) to rub pasa (ku-) (v) to oblige, compel Pasaka (n) (n) Easter pasha (ku-) (v) to inform pasi (n) (n) to iron clothes, to pass oneʼs examination pasipo (kihusishi) (prep.) without pasipoti (n) (n) a passport pasisha (ku-) (v) to authorise, to make pass pasua (ku-) (v) to tear up, break pasuka (ku-) (v) to be split, torn up, broke paswa (ku-) (v) to be obliged, to be compelled pata (ku-) (v) to get , to have patana (ku-) (v) to agree together, to be reconciled patanisha (ku-) (v) to arbitrate, harmonise, reconcile patano (n) (n) an agreement, a contract patashika (n) (n) a bedlam, a commotion patasi (n) (n) a chisel patia (ku-) (v) to provide something or a service to someone patikana (ku-) (v) to be available pato (n) (n) earnings, an income paua (ku-) (v) to roof a house pauka, parara (ku-) (v) to fade, loose the original colour Paukwa ! (kihisishi) (interj.) an expression used orally to begin a story / a tale pauni (n)

(n) 1. a pound mesure of weight 2. the British monetary unit, pound sterling, £

payuka (ku-) paza, pandisha (ku-) pazia (n) pe ! (kihisishi)

(v) to shout (v) to raise, increase (n) a curtain

(interj.) for insisting on the whiteness of something « barafu ni nyeupe pe !» = snow is really white

peasi (n) pedali / pedeli (n) peke yake (kielezi) pekecha (ku-) pekee (kivumishi) pekua (ku-)

(n) a pear fruit (n) a pedal (adv.) alone, solitarily (v) to bore, drill or stir (adj.) alone, solitary (v) to search

pekupeku (kihisishi) peleka (ku-)

(interj.) to walk bare-foot (v) to send

pelekea (ku-)

(v) to send somebody to deliver something to someone ex. buying at distance

peleleza (ku-)

(v) to investigate, to spy (on)

pembe (n)

(n) 1. a horn of an animal, ex. those of a buffalo 2. corner(s) & side(s) in the geometrical formes 3. a musical instrument, ex. the Swiss Alpsʼ horn

pembea, bembea (ku-) (v) to balance pembejeo (n) (n) implements, tools pembekali (n) (n) an acute angle pembemraba (n) (n) a right angle pembeni (kielezi ) pembetatu (n) pembetatu mraba (n) pembetatu sawa (n)

(adv.) nearby (n) a triangle (n) a right angled triangle (n) an equilateral triangle

pembezoni, kando kando (kielezi) penalti / penati (n) penda (ku-) pendeka (ku-) pendekeza (ku-) pendekezo (n) pendelea (ku-)

(adv.) aside, besides, ex. by the river banks

(n) a penalty (v) to love (people), to like ( ideas, things, etc.) (v) to be worth loving (v) to propose, recommend (n) a proposal, suggestion (v) 1. to treat partially 2. to prefer something to another

pendeza (ku-) (v) to please, to be pleasant Pendo (n) (n) Love pendwa (ku-) (v) to be loved, liked penga (ku-) (v) to blow oneʼs nose pengine (kielezi) (adv.) maybe, perhaps pengo (n) (n) a defect, a gap peni (n) (n) a pen peninsula (n) (n) a peninsula penseli (n) (n) a pencil pensheni (n) (n) a pension Pentekoste (n) (n) Pentecost penya (ku-) (v) to penetrate penyeza (ku-) (v) to sneak in cleverly, to enter somewhere without been noticed Penzi / pendo (n) (n) love between lovers pepea (ku-) (v) to float (like a flag) peperuka (ku-) (v) to be blown away peperusha (ku-) (v) to blow away pepesa, pesapesa (ku-)

(v) to blink, (ex.the eyes)

pepesuka (ku-) pepeta (ku-) pepo (n) pepopunda (n) pera (n) perege (n)

(v) to swing back and forth like a drunkard (v) to winnow (n) winds, evil ghosts and spirits (n) tetanus (n) guavas pear (n) tilapia fish

peremende, lawalawa, pipi (n)

(n) sweet(s)

pesa (n) (n) money peta (ku-) (v) to show off, vaunt pete (n) (n) a ring petroli (n) (n) petrol - pevu (kivumishi) (adj.) mature, ripe pevua (ku-) (v) to cause to mature, or to rippen pevuka (ku-) (v) to become of age, to become mature pewa (ku-) (v) to be given pia (kielezi) (adv.) also piano (n) (n) a piano picha (n) (n) a picture, photo piga (ku-) (v) to beat, hit piga magoti (ku-) (v) to kneel down piga mstari (ku-) (v) to draw a line piga pasi (ku-) (v) to iron piga picha (ku-) (v) to photographe pigana (ku-) (v) to fight pigania (ku-) (v) to fight for pigano (n) (n) a battle, fight pigo (n) (n) a beating, a blow pika (ku-) (v) to cook pikipiki (n) (n) a motorbike, motocycle piku (ku-) (v) to outdo someone pili (kielezi) (adv.) secondly pilipili (n) (n) pepper pima (ku-) (v) to measure, weigh pimajoto (n) (n) a thermometer pimia (ku-) (v) to weigh or measure something for somebody pinda (ku-) (v) to bend or twist something pindi (kielezi) (adv.) meanwhile pindika (ku-) (v) to be bent, twisted pindua (ku-)

(v) 1. to overthrow a power ex. a government 2. to turn something over

pinduka (ku-) pinduliwa (ku-) pinga (ku-) pingamizi (n)

(v) to overturn (v) to be overthrown, ex. a government; to be turned over (v) to oppose (n) an obstacle

pingili (n) pingu (n)

(n) a knot, plant joints (n) handcuffs

pini (n) pinki (kivumishi) pipa (n) piramidi (n)

(n) a pin (adj.) pinkish (n) a barrel, cask (n) a pyramid

pirikapirika, pilikapilika, hekaheka (n)

(n) a hectic mouvement, chaos

pisha (ku-)

(v) to let pass

pishana (ku-)

(v) 1. to differ in age, height, opinion, weight, etc. 2. to cross each other

pita (ku-) pitia (ku-) pitika (kivumishi) pitiliza (ku-) pitisha (ku-) pitiwa (ku-) plasta (n) plastiki (n) ploti (n)

(v) to pass (v) to pass by (adj.) passable (v) to surpass (v) to allow to pass (v) to forget, to fail to notice (n) a plaster (n) plastic (n) a piece of land which is destinated for individual habitation

poa (ku-) pochi (n)

(v) to cool down (n) a purse

pocho (n) poda (n)

(n) a dunce or someone not bright in his / her studies (n) powder

podo (n)

(n) the case used for carrying arrows on the back during the exercise of archery

pofua, pofusha(ku-) pof*cka (ku-) pogoa (ku-)

pointi (n) pokea (ku-) pokezana (ku-) pokonya (ku-) pole (kielezi) Pole ! (kihisishi) polepole (kielezi) polio (n) polisi (n) pombe (n) pona (ku-) ponda (ku-)

(v) to cause blindness (v) to become blind (v) To cut tree branches in a way to allow a better circulation of air and light, between them, as well as in the surroundings (n) a point (v) to receive (v) to take(it in) turns, to do somethin in turns (v) to grab from (adj.) gentle, quiet, playing low

(interj.) I am sorry !

(to show sympathy)

(adv.) slowly (n) polio (n) police (n) an alcoholic substance (v) to recover from, - ex. from sickness (v) to crush

pondwa (ku-)

(v) to be crushed

pongeza (ku-) (v) to congratulate someone for having done something pongezi (n) (n) congratulation(s) poni (n) (n) a pawn ponya (ku-) (v) to cure, to heal ponza (ku-) (v) to cause trouble for someone pooza (ku-) (v) to paralyse popo (n) (n) a bat popote (kielezi) (adv.) everywhere pora (ku-) (v) to snatch, rob pori (n) (n) a bush, a jungle porojo (n) (n) an idle talk, chitchat poromoa, poromosha, bomoa (ku-) (v) to demolish poromoka (ku-) (v) to collapse, to crumble down posa (ku-) (v) to betrothe, to ask in marriage posho (n) (n) a ration posta (n) (n) a post office potea (ku-) (v) to get lost poteza (ku-) (v) to lose potoa, potosha (ku-) (v) to lead astray potoka (ku-) (v) to go astray povu (n) (n) foam presha (n) (n) pressure printa (n) (n) a printer programu (n) (n) a programme profesa (n) (n) a professor projekta (n) (n) a projector propaganda (n) (n) a propaganda propela (n) (n) a propeller protini (n) (n) protein protokali (n) (n) a protocol pu ! or puu ! (kihisishi)

(interj.) to demonstrate how somebody threw something down, ex. on the floor

pua (n) (n) nose (s) pudini (n) (n) pudding pukuchua, koboa (ku-) (v) to shell, to remove husks from grains, ex. maize puliza (ku-) (v) to blow, ex.on a fire to keep it burning pulizia (ku-) (v) to blow on, into ex. to cool down something hot by blowing on it pulizo (n) (n) a balloon puma (n) (n) chaff pumbaa (ku-) (v) to be dumbfounded, confused pumbavu (kivumishi) (adj.) foolish, stupid pumbaza (ku-) (v) to hypnotise, dumbfound pumbu (n) (v) testicl*s pumu (n) (n) asthma pumua (ku-) (v )to breathe pumzi (n) (n) breath pumzika (ku-) (v) to rest, stop working pumziko (n) (n) a break, rest

pumziko la milele(n)

(n) Eternal Peace

pumzisha (ku-) (v) to cause to rest punda (n) (n) an ass, donkey pundamilia (n) (n) a zebra punde (kielezi) (adv.) soon punga, pungia (ku-) (v) to wave your hand to somebody for greeting or saying goodbye punga hewa (ku-) (v) to be outside and just enjoy the breeze pungua, punguka (ku-) (v) to diminish, become less punguani (n) (n) a simpleton pungufu (kivumishi) (adj.) deficient, less punguza (ku-) (v) to reduce, cut down, condense punguzo (n) (n) a reduction punja (ku-) (v) to swindle in commercial transactions punje (n) (n) grain (s) of cereals, homeopathic pills punjika (ku-) (v) to lose in a transaction, to be duped or swindled commercially punyeto (n) (n) masturbation pupa (n) (n) an excessive eagerness purukushani (n) (n) a confusion purutangi, patangi, puto (n) (n) a ballon pusa, anuka (ku-) (v) to become beautiful after a downpour puuza (ku-) (v) to ignore pwa (ku-) (v) to dry up little by little, ex.«bahari kupwa» = a low tide pwani (n) (n) coast pwaya (ku-) (v) to hang loosely pweke (kivumishi) (adj.) solitary pweza (n) (n) a cuttlefish pwita (ku-) (v) a pulse - pya (kivumishi) (adj.) new



raba (n) Rabi (n) rabsha (n) rada (n) radhi (n) radi (n) rafiki (n)

(n) rubber shoes (n) The Lord, Jesus Christ (for Christians) (n) trouble (n) a radar (n) Forgiveness (n) lightining, thunderclap (n) a friend

rafu (n) rafu (kivumishi) raghba (n)

(n) a draft, a sketch (adj.) difficult, rough, harsh (n) an interest in doing things

raha (n)

(n) bliss, joy

rahisi (kivumishi) rahisisha (ku-) rai (n) raia (n) raia (kivumishi) rais (n) rajamu (n) rakamu (n) raketi (n) Ramadani (n)

(adj.) easy, simple (v) to make easy, simplify (n) an advice, opinion (n) citizen, national (adj.) civilian, - while talking about army (n) A President of a country, in a democratic political system. (n) a trade mark (n) a figure, number (n) a racket (n) the month of Ramadan, which is very important for Muslims

ramani (n) (n) a map rambirambi (n) (n) condolences ramsa (n) (n) a celebration ranchi (n) (n) a ranch randa, piga randa (ku-) (v) to plane randaranda (ku-) (v) to walk aimlessly rangi (n) (n) a colour rarua (ku-) (v) to tear up raruka (ku-) (v) to be torn up rasharasha (n) (n) a light rain rashia (ku-) (v) to sprinkle rasi (n) (n) a cape, a promontory rasilimali, raslimali (n) (n) a capital, natural resources rasmi (kivumishi) (adj.) official rasta (n) (n) rasta rasuli n) (n) a prophet ratiba (n) (n) an arrangement, schedule, timetable ratibu (ku-) (v) to coordinate, arrange, organize raundi (n) (n) a round ex. of a doctor or a postman ; in boxing redio / radio (n) (n) a radio rediokaseti (n) (n) a radio cassette ree (n) (n) an ace refa / refarii (n) (n) a referee - refu (kivumishi) (adj.) long, deep ref*cka (ku-) (v) to grow tall refusha (ku-) (v) to lengthen rehema (n) (n) grace, mercy rejareja (kielezi) (adv.) retail sale rejea (ku-) (v) to come back, return rejesha (ku-) (v) to give back rejesta (n) (n) a register rekebisha (ku-) (v) to correct, rectify reki (n) (n) a rake rekodi (n)

rekodiplea (n) reli (n)

(n) a record : the best sportive achievement; a judiciary report, file keeping, vinyl disk. (n) A record player (n) A railway

remba (ku-)

(n) To decorate

rembo (kivumishi) (adj. ) aesthetic rembua, rembulia (ku-) (v) to make eye mouvements (for seduction riadha (n) (n) athletics game riba (n) (n) the interest attached to a bank loan riboni (n) (n) ribbon (s) ridhaa (n) (n) agreement, willingness, consentement ridhi, ridhia (ku-) (v) to approve ridhika (ku-) (v) to be pleased, conten rika (n) (n) people of the same age or of the same age group rinda (n) (n) a woman dress rindima (ku-) (v) to rumble ringa (ku-) (v) to boast, put on airs ripea, repea (ku-) (v) to repair, mend ripota (n) (n) a reporter ripoti (ku-) (v) to report, make a report ripoti (n) (n) a report risala (n) (n) a speech risasi (n) (n) a bullet risiti (n) (n) a receipt rithi (ku-) (v) to inherit riwaya (n) (n) a novel rizavu (n) (n) reserve riziki (n) (n) the outcome of someoneʼs work for survival robo (n) (n) a quarter robota (n) (n) a bundle roda (n) (n) a pulley roga / loga (ku-) (v) to bewitch roho (n) (n) a soul, spirit rojorojo (kivumishi) (adj.) viscous, thick, pasty roketi (n) (n) a rocket ropoka (ku-) (v) to talk nonsense rovurovu (kivumishi) (adj.) watery rozari (n) (n) rosary ruba (n) (n) leech rubani (n) (n) a pilot rubega, lubega (n) rudi (ku-) rudia (ku-) rudiana (ku-) rudisha (ku-) rufaa, rufani (n) rugaruga (n) ruhusa, ruksa, rukhsa (n) ruhusu (ku-) ruka (ku-) rukia (ku-)

(n) a manʼs open sided garment, (worn by pastoralists, ex.: les Massai of East Africa) (v) to come back, return (v) to repeat (v) to re - unite (v) to give back (n) an appeal (n) mercenarie(s) (n) permission (v) to allow, permit (v) to fly, jump (v) to jump at

rukwa na akili (ku-) rula (n) rumande (n) rundika (ku-) rundo, lundo (n) rungu (n) runinga, luninga (n) rupia (n) rusha (ku-) rushia (ku-) rushwa (n) rutuba (n) rutubisha (ku-) ruzuku (ku-) ruzuku (n)


(v) to be mentally disturbed, slang : to lose oneʼs head (n) a ruler (for drawing lines) (n) custody, remand (v) to pile up (n) a pile, heap of (n) a club (n) a television set (n) a rupee (v) to throw, swindle (v) to throw something to somebody (n) bribe (s) (n) fertility (v) to make fertile (v) to give a subsidy to someone (n) a subsidy or a state financial help


saa (n) saada (n) saba (namba) sababu (n) sabahi (ku-)

(n) a watch , the hour (or mesure of time lapse) (n) luck, goodluck (num. adj.) seven (n) a cause, reason (v) to greet (in the morning)

Sabalkheri ! / Sabalheri ! (kihisishi)

(Interj.) Goodmorning !

Sabasaba (n)

(n) Trade Fair Day in Tanzania (held on the 7 July each year)

Sabato (n)

(n) Sabath day, - Saturday (in the S.D.A church)

sabini (namba)

(num. adj.) seventy

sabmarini, sabumarini, nyambizi (n) sabuni (n) sachi (ku-) sadaka (n) sadifu (ku-) sadiki (ku-) sadikika (ku-) safari (n) safariutengano (n) safi (kivumishi)

(n) a submarin

(n) soap (v) a search (n) the alms, a sacrifice (v) to happen simultaneously (v) to believe (v) to be credible (n) journey (n) departure (adj.) clean, pure

safiri (ku-) safirisha (ku-) safisha (ku-) safishika (ku-) safu (n)

(v) to travel (v) to transport, send away (v) to clean, cleanse (v) to be cleansed or purified (n) column(s)

safura (n)

(n) a tropical disease which affects the innards of human being, caused by hookworms

saga (ku-) sagika (ku-) sagisha (ku-) sahani (n) sahau (ku-)

(v) to grind (v) to be ground, milled (v) to have something ground (n) a plate (v) to forget

sahaulifu, sahaulivu (kivumishi) (adj.) forgetful sahaulika (ku-) (v) to be forgotten sahaulisha (ku-) (v) to cause to forget sahibu, swahibu (n) (n) a companion, friend sahihi (kivumishi) (adj.) correct sahihisha (ku-) (v) to correct mistakes sahihisho (n) (n) a correction sahilisha, sahili (ku-) (v) to simplify saidia (ku-) (v) to help saidiana (ku-) (v) to help one another saikolojia (n) (n) psychology saili (ku-) (v) to interrogate, interview saini (ku-) (v) to append, put a signature, saini (n) (n) a signature saizi (n) (n) a size sajili (ku-) (v) to register sajini (n) (n) a sergent saka (ku-) (v) to hunt down, fumble sakafia (ku-) (v) to cement sakafu (n) (n) a floor sakama (ku-) (v) to insist, press somebody for something sakata ku-) (v) to hit, crash into, affect negatively sakata (n)

sala, swala (n) salama (kivumishi) salamu (n) sali (ku-) salia (ku-) salimia, salimu (ku-) salimini (kielezi) salio / sazo (n) saliti (ku-) saluni (n)

(n) 1. a fracas 2. a brawl, fight or violences ex. the type of violence caused by rioters (n) a prayer (adj.) safe (n) greetings (v) to pray (v) to remain, to be left over (v) to greet (adv.) safely (n) a left -over, ex. what is left after eating (v) to be disloyal, betray (n) a salon

saluti (n)

(n) a salute

samahani ! (kihisishi) (interj.) excuse ...! samaki (n) samani, fanicha (n)

forgive me, sorry To attract attention)

(n) fish (n) furniture or a piece of furniture

samawati (kivumishi) (adj.) azure (colour) sambaa (ku-) (v) to disperse sambamba (kivumishi) (adj.) parallel to sambamba (n) (n) a parallel, similarity, a similar thing sambaza (ku-) (v) to spread, spread out, display, give off, to parade, sprawl sambusa (n) (n) samosa samehe (ku-) (v) to forgive sampuli (n) (n) a sample sana (kielezi) (adv.) much, very much sanaa (n) (n) art sanamu (n) (n) an idol, an image sanasana (kielezi) (adv.) around sanda (n) (n) a shroud (a burial cloth) sandali (n) (n) sandal- wood sandarusi (n) (n) resin sandawichi (n) (n) a sandwich sanduku (n) (n) a box sangara (n) (n) the Nile perch, a small red ant sanifu (ku-) (v) to make standard sanifu (kivumishi) (adj.) standard sanii (ku-) (v) to produce an art work santuri (n) (n) a gramaphone sanzua (ku-) (v) to remove (a prohitited thing) without a prior permission. sarafu (n) (n) a coin (money) sarakasi (n) (n) a circuss Saratani, Neptuni (n) (n) The Planet Neptune saratani, iri, kansa (n) (n) cancer disease sare (n) (n) a uniform sare, suluhu (kt)) (v) make a draw (GAMES) saruji (n) (n) cement, concrete sasa (kielezi) (adv.) now satalaiti (n) (n) a satelite saumu (n) (n) garlic (an onion); abstinence, fasting. sauti (n) (n) sound, voice savana (n) (n) savanna sawa (kivumishi) (adj.) equal sawasawa (kielezi) (adv.) correctly sawazisha (ku-) (v) to level out, counterbalance sawijika (ku-) (v) to be emaciated Sayansi (n) (n) Science sayari (n) (n) planet(s) saza (ku-) (v) to leave something over sebule (n) (n) a part of a house, - the living room sefu (n) (n) a safe sehemu (n) (n) a part of, a section

sekeneko (n) sekenene (n) sekretari (n) sekta (n) sekunde (n)

(n) syphilis (n) an eyelid pimple (n) a clerk, an office worker, a judiciary clerc (n) sektor (n) second(s)

seli (n) sema (ku-) semansi (n) sembe (n) sembuse, seuse (kielezi) semea (ku-) semekana (ku-) semesha (ku-) sem*nti, simenti (n) semina (n)

(n) a cell, sales (v) to say, speak (n) summons (n) maize flour (adv.) let alone (v) to accuse (usually employed by children) (v) to be purported (ex. It seems that ...) (v) to speak to (v) cement (n) a seminar

seminari (n)

(n) a seminary where Christian young men are prepared to be priests or pastors, etc.

senene (n) (n) a green grasshopper sengʼenge (n) (n) a wire used to enclose a compound sengenya (ku-) (v) to backbite, slander sensa (n) (n) a census senta (n) (n) a center sentensi (n) (n) a sentence senti (n) (n) cent(s) sentigramu (n) (n) a centigramme sentigredi (kivumishi) (adj.) centigrade sentimita, sentimeta (n) (n) a centimetre sepetu, sepeto, beleshi (n) (n) a shovel sepetuka (ku-) (v) to falter Septemba (n) (n) September sera (n) (n) a policy, ex. a political plan of a party, an insurance document seredani, jiko la makaa (n) seremala (n) serereka (ku-) serikali (n) serikali ya mpito (n) serwa, surwa, supu (n) seti (n) shaba (n) shabaha (n) Shabashi ! (kihisishi) shada (n)

(n) a charcoal stove (n) a carpenter (v) to slide, skid (n) a government (n) a transitional government (n) a soup (n) a set (n) Copper (n) an aim, intention, target

(interj.) Wonderful ! (n) a cluster

shaghalabaghala, shelabela, ovyoovyo (kielezi) shahada (n)

(n) a degree

(adv.) haphazardly

shahawa, manii (n) shahidi (n) shaibu (n) shairi (n) shajara (n) shajaraasili (n)

(n) sem*n, sperms (n) a witness (n) a very old man (n) a poem (n) a diary (n) geneaology

shaka (n) shamba (n) shambulia (ku-) shambulio (n) shamiri (ku-) shamrashamra (n) shanga (n) shangaa (ku-) shangaza (ku-) shangazi (n)

(n) a doubt (n) a field, farm (v) to attack, invade (n) an attack, assault (v) to prosper (n) celebrations, gaiety (n) beads (v) to be amazed or surprised; to wonder (v) to astonish or cause amazement (n) an aunt, aunty, tantine

shangilia (ku-)

(v) to applaud by clapping hands and singing ; (sometimes by adding drum-beats, ululations, etc.)

shangingi slang (n)

(n) a luxury vehicle

shangwe (n) shani (n) shanta (n) shanuo (n) sharabu (ku-) shari (n)

(n) festivity, rejoicing (n) an adventure, a novelty (n) a rucksack (n) a comb (v) to absorb, drink up (n) an evil tendency

sharti, sharuti, sherti, shurti (n) sharubu (n) shatashata (kivumishi) shati (n) shauku (n) shauri (ku-) shauri (n) shauriana (ku-) shavu (n) shawishi (ku-) shawishika (ku-) shayiri (n) Shehe (n) shehena (n) sheheneza (ku-) sheheni (ku-) shemasi (n) shemeji, shemegi(n) shenzi (kivumishi) shere (n)

(n) a condition required for doing or achieving something

(n) a moustache (adj.) juicy, rich (a soupe or food) (n) a shirt (n) an enthusiasm, a strong desire (v) to advise (n) an advice (v) to consult one another (n) a cheek (v) to tempt (v) to be tempted (n) barley (n) a Sheikh (n) a cargo, freight, shipment (v) to load a cargo (v) to be loaded with cargo (n) a deacon (n) a brother-in-law or a sister -in -law (adj.) uncivilized (n) derision, ridicule

sherehe (n) sherehekea (ku-) sheria, sharia (n) Shetani (n) shiba (ku-) shibe (n) shibisha (ku-) shibli (n) shida (n) shifti (n) shika (ku-) shikamana (ku-)

(n) a celebration (v) to celebrate (n) law (n) Satan (v) to eat enough (n) satiation (v) to give enough food (n) a lion cub (n) hardship(s), difficult condition(s) (n) a shift or a period of work for groups of workers, who relieve each other following an established work schedule (v) to catch, to take, hold (v) to stick together, unite

Shikamoo ! (kihisishi) (interj.) greeting of a young person to an older one, who answers «Marahaba» shikilia (ku-)

(v) to hold

shikio (n)

(n) a handle, or something to hold by, ex. a broche for hair, a belt for trousers, a broomstick, etc.

shilingi (n) shime (n) shimizi, shumizi (n) shimo (n) shina (n) shinda (ku-) shindana (ku-) shindania (ku-) shindano (n) shindika (ku-) shindikana (ku-) shindilia (ku-) shindwa (ku-) shingo (n)

(n) a shilling: monetary unit of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania (n) an encouragement (n) a petticoat (n) a pit, hole, - «choo cha shimo» = a pit latrine (n) a trunk, source (v) to conquer, win (v) to compete with somebody (v) to compete for (n) a competition (v) to shut or close to conclude or end something (v) to be impossible (v) to cram, press (v) to fail (n) a neck of human being, a dress, shirt; of a test tube (CHEM)

shinikiza (ku-) shinikizo (n) shinikizo la damu (n) shirika (n) shiriki (ku-) shirikiana (ku-) shirikisha (ku-) shirikisho (n) sh*taka, shtaka (n) sh*taki, shtaki (ku-)

(v) to pressurise (TECH), to insiste on somebody to do something

(n) pressure (n) blood pressure, - which can be «normal», high (hypertension) OR low (hypotension) (n) a cooperative (v) to participate, take part in (v) to cooperate (v) to associate, collaborate, include, involve (n) an association (n) an accusation (v) to accuse

sh*tua, shtua ku-)

(v) to shock, distress, scandalize

shoga (n)

(n) a best friend (women & men), in a hom*osexual relationship

shoka (n) shombe, chotara (n) shombo, vumba (n) shom*oro (n) shona (ku-)

(n) an axe (n) a halfcast, a mulatto, a mixed blood person (n) fish smell (n) a sparrow (v) to sew, mend (by sewing); to stitch medically

shonde (n)

(n) 1. a division or breakup of a family due to misunderstandings, ex. for inheritance issues 2. an animalʼs buzzard, a heap of human faeces

shonea (ku-) (v) to sew for shonesha (ku-) (v) to have a dress made for oneself shonoa (ku-) (v) to undo something knitted or sown shoti (n) (n) a shot shoto (kivumishi) (adj.) (side) left shtuka (ku-) (v) to be startled, shocked shtusha (ku-) (v) to shock, startle shufaa (n) (n) forgiveness shufwa (n) (n) an even number shughuli (n) (n) business shughulika (ku-) (v.i) to be busy shughulisha (ku-) (v) to occupy or give work to to someone shuhudia (ku-) (v) to corroborate, witness shujaa (n) (n) a hero shuka (ku-) (v) to descend, go down shuka (n) (n) a bedsheet shukia (ku-)

(v) to descend on, to arrive in a big groupe, (ex. in a town)

shukrani, shukurani (n) Shukran ! (kihisishi) shuku (ku-) shukuru (ku-) shule (n)

(n) gratitude, recognition (interj.) Thanks ! (v) to distrust, think likely, suspect (v) to give thanks (n) a school

shume (n) (n) a wild cat shunga, winga (ku-) (v) to chase birds from fields shupaa (ku-) (v) to be obstinate, stubborn shupavu (kivumishi) (adj.) brave, firm shupaza (ku-) (v) to become hard, harden (mentally, feelings, etc.) shuruti (n) (n) a necessity or a must shurutisha, shurutiza (ku-) (v) to compel, to force someone to do something shushushu (n) (n) an intelligence officer, a spy shutuma (n) (n) accusation (s), blame(s), criticism(s) shutumiwa (ku-) (v) to be accused of shutumu (ku-) (v) to blame shwari (kivumishi) (adj.) calm, peaceful

si (kielezi) siafu (n) siagi (n) siasa (n) Siborio (n) sibu, tabiri (ku-) sidiria, kanchiri (n) sifa (n) sifika (ku-) sifongo (n) sifu (ku-) sifuri (n) sigara (n) Siha (n) sihi (ku-) siki (n) sikia (ku-) sikika (ku-) sikiliza (ku-) sikilizana (ku-) sikio (n) sikitika (ku-) sikitikia (ku-) sikitiko (n) sikivu (kivumishi) siku (n) sikukuu (n) silabasi (n) silabi (n) silaha (n) silesi (n) silika (n) silimu (ku-) silinda (n) sima / ugali (n) simama (ku-) simamia (ku-) simanga (ku-) simango (n) simanzi (n) simba (n) simbika (ku-) simbiko (n) sime (n) simika (ku-)

(adv.) of negation, - is not, are not, etc. (n) reddish brown ant(s), safari ants (n) butter (n) politics (n) Ciborium (v) to tell about future (n) a brassiere (n) praise, characteristics (v) to be renowned for something (n) sponge (v) to praise

(n) zero, nil, nought (n) cigarette(s) (n) Health (v) to beseech, entreat (n) vinegar (v) to hear (v) to be audible, heard (v) to listen (v) to be in agreement (n) an ear (v) to be sad, sorry (v) to deplore (n) grief, sadness, sorrow (adj.) obedient (n) a day (n) a feast (n) a syllabus (n) a syllable (n) arm(s), weapon(s) (n) a slice or a thin piece ex. of bread (n) an instinct, impulsion (v) to be converted to Islam (n) a cylinder (n) stiff porridge (v) to stand up(while in a sitting position), to stop (v) to supervise (v) to reproach something to somebody (n) a reproach, jeers (n) depression, grief (n) a lion (v) to be entangled : to be caught in ex. like fish caught in the fishermanʼs net (n) entanglement, a special relation, ex. to be in love (n) a big dagger (a large sized knife) usually carried by Massai warriors (v) to erect something on the ground, ex. iron rods in preparation for building

Simile ! / Sumile ! (kihisishi) (interj.) Step aside ! / Make way ! simsim (n) (n) sesame simu (n) (n) a telephone simu ya mkononi (n) (n) a mobile telephone simulia (ku-) (v) to narrate, relate

simulizi (n) sinasina (ku-) sindano (n)

(n) a narration, narrative (v) to cry silently (n) an injection (in medicin), a needle (for sewing)

sindika (ku-)

(v) 1. to extract vegetable oil from seeds 2. to close a door without keys

sindikiza (ku-) sinema (n)

(v) to accompany, escort (n) cinema

singa (ku-) (v) to do massage of a body (by rubbing the body, using oil or perfume) singa (n) singe (n)

(n) long, straight hair (n) a bayonet

singizia (ku-) (v) to lay blame on somebody sinia (n) (n) a dish, a platter sinodi (n) (n) a synod sinyaa (ku-) (v) to wither, weaken, die slowly sinzia (ku-) (v) to be sleepy, to dozze off siri (n) (n) a secret siriba (ku-) (v) to spread a liquid substance on somebody or something sisi (kiwakilishi) (pers. pron.) we, us sisimizi (n) (n) black ant(s) sisimka (ku-) (v) to tingle with excitement, cold or fear sisimua (ku-) (v) to excite, stimulate sisitiza (ku-) (v) to insist (upon) sista (n) (n) a nun sita (namba) (num. adj.) six sita, sitasita (ku-) (v) to hesitate, to be doubtful sitawi (ku-) (v) to flourish, to be in good health; to progress, prosper sitawisha (ku-) (v) to grow (plants or other laboratory experimental cultures) sitiari (n) (n) a metaphor sitini (namba) (num. adj.) sixty sitiri (ku-) (v) to preserve, keep secret skafu (n) (n) a scarf made of wool , silk or other materials skauti (n) (n) a scout sketi / skati (n) (n) a skirt skonzi (n) (n) a small - sized yellowish bread used for breakfast skuta (n) (n) a scooter slaidi (n) (n) a slide : for a microscope, diapositives photo siyo (kielezi) (adv.) not soda (n) (n) a soda sofa (n) (n) a sofa soga (n) (n) chat sogea, songea (ku-) (v) to move closer, move to make room sogelea (ku-) (v) to move closer (to somebody or something) sogeza (ku-) sogora (n) soka (n)

(v) to move / push things ex. furniture in order to arrange better and create place

(n) someone skillful in doing things, ex. dancing Hiphop (n) soccer

soketi (n) soko (n)

(n) a socket (n) a market

sokomeza (ku-)

(v) to stuff something into a small space ex. the stuffing of the Christmas turkey

sokomoko (n) sokota (ku-) soksi (n) sokwe (n) sokwemtu (n) soli (n) soma (ku-) somba (ku-) somea (ku-) somesha (ku-)

(n) confusion, a turmoil (n) to weave using loom; to spin : thread, wool (n) socks (n) an ape (n) a chimpanzee (n) shoesʼ sole (v) to read (v) to move things from one place to another (v) to read to / for; study (v) to provide education or technical skills for someone

somo (n) sonara (n) soni (n) sononeka (ku-) sonya (ku) soseji (n) sosiolojia (n)

(n) a lesson (n) a jeweller , goldsmith (n) disgrace, shyness (v) to be low down, to be very sad (v) to scorn by whistling in contempt (n) sausage (n) sociology

sota (ku-)

(v) to move by oneʼs buttocks due to disability to walk, ex. some of the polio patients

soza / zoa (ku-) (v) to pick up something from the ground spaki (n) (n) a spark spana, supana (n) (n) a spanner spea (n) (n) a spare part (s) spidi (n) (n) speed spika (n) (n) a spokesman or spokeswoman spika (n) (n) a loudspeaker spiriti (n) (n) spirit(s), strong liquor(s) sponji , sifongo (n) (n) sponge springi (n) (n) a spring, a coil staafu (ku-) (v) to retire staajabu (ku-) (v) to be astonished or wonder (about something) staarabika (ku-) (v) to have good manners staarabu (kivumishi) (adj.) civilized stadi (n) (n) expert, skillful stahi (ku-) (v) to respect, esteem stahiki (kivumishi) (adj.) to be worthy, ex. deserving to be respected stahili (ku-) (v) to deserve, merit stahimili, stahamili (ku-) (v) to endure, bare, resist, withstand staili (n) (n) style stakabadhi (n) (n) a receipt starehe (n)

(n) 1. an enjoyment, a comfort 2. the answer to «karibu» when you are welcome

somewhere ex. to eat, drink etc. stata, stati (n) stawi, sitawi (ku-) stempu (n) stesheni (n) stima, stimu (n) stoo (n) stovu (n) studio (n) stuli (n) subira (n) subiri (ku-) subu (n) sudi (n) sufi, sufu (n)

(n) a starter (for a meal), a starter or ignition for a car, (v) to flourish (plants&flowers) (n) a stamp, a tool for stamping or sealing (n) a station ex. a railway station (n) a pressure cooker (n) a store, a shop, a supplying place (n) a stove (n) a studio (n) a stool (n) patience (v) to wait for somebody or for something (n) mould (n) luck (n) wool

sufuria (n) (n) a cooking pot, a pan sugu (n) (n) callousness, obstination sugua (n) (n) to scrub or rub strongly suhubiana (ku-) (v) to flirt (with somebody) sujudu, sujudia (ku-) (v) to bow to, bow before a superior power, God suka (ku-) (v) to plait, ex. the hair sukari (n) (n) sugar sukuma (ku-) (v) to push sukumawiki, sukuma-wiki (n) (n) rape plant sukumia (ku-) (v) to push toward some place sukumiza (ku-) (v) to push, shove sukus (n)

(n) one of African nice dancing music of Congo origin

sukutua (ku-)

(v) to clean using a brush with a cleaning agent, ex. teeth

sulibisha, sulubisha, sulubu (ku-) sulisuli (n) suluhisha (ku-) suluhisho (n) suluhu (n) sumaku (n) sumbua (ku-) sumbufu (kivumishi) sumbuka (ku-) sumbuko (n) sumbwi (n) sumu (n) suna (n) sungura (n) Suni (n) supu (n) sura (n) suria (n)

(v) to crucify

(n) a kingfisher (v) to reconcile people, beliefs or ideas; to accept (n) a reconciliation (n) a draw, an equality ex. in soccer (n) magnet (v) to bother, trouble (adj.) irksome, troublesome (v) to suffer, be troubled (n) trouble (n) a fist thrown at somebody, just like that (n) a poison, toxin (n) an appreciated deed (n) a hare, a rabbit (n) Sunnite (n) a soup (n) 1. a face (of a person), a chapter in a book, a lesson (n) a concubine or a mistress

suriama, shombe (n) (n) a halfcast, mixed blood surua, shurua (n) (n) measles sickness suruali, suruale (n) (n) a pair of trousers surupwete (n) (n) valueless clothes susa / susia (ku-) (v) to boycott susu (n) (n) a hammock suta (ku-) (v) to allege, confront, refute suti (n) (n) a suit suuza , sunza (ku-) (v) to rinse swaga (ku-) (v) to drive cattle swahibu (n) (n) a friend swala,swalapwala, swara (n) (n) a gazelle swali , sali (ku-) (n) to pray swali (n) (n) a question sweta (n) (n) a sweater, a pullover swichi (n) (n) a switch, - ex. the one to control devices radio, HiFi chain



taa (n) (n) a lamp taabani (kielezi) (adv.) in bad condition taabika (ku-) (v) to be in distress, suffer taabisha (ku-) (v) to cause suffering, trouble taabu (n) (n) distress, trouble taadhima (n) (n) respect taahira (n) (n) mental retardness taaluma (n) (n) a profession taarabu (n) (n) taarab : music with melody and origin from the East African coast taarifa (n) (n) an information, message, report taasisi (n) (n) an institute tabaka (n) (n) caste, social class; geological stratum in rocks tabaruku (ku-) (v) to bless, to congregate for prayer tabasamu (ku-) (v) to smile tabasamu (n) (n) a smile tabawali (ku-) (v) to relieve oneself (urine, faeces) tabenakulo (n) (n) a tabernacle tabia (n) (n) the natural conduct of living things tabibu (n) (n) a healer, doctor tabiri (n) (n) to forecast, foretell tabu (n) (n) distress, misery tadi (ku-) (v) to offend, transgress tafadhali (kielezi) (adv.) please tafadhalisha (ku-) (v) to request kindly tafakari (ku-) (v) to meditate, make a reflexion, think tafiti (ku) (v) to investigate or do a research on something

tafrija (n) tafsiri (ku-) tafsiri (n) tafuna (ku-) tafuta (ku-) taga (ku-) tahadhari (n) tahakiki (ku- ) tahamaki (ku-) tahariri (n) taharuki (n) tahayuri (n) tahini (ku-) tahiniwa (ku-) tahiri (ku-) tahiriwa (ku-) tai (n) Taifa (n) taifisha (ku-) taifodi (n) taipu (ku-) taipureta (n) tairi (n)

(n) a reception, a party (v) to translate a text, from one language into another (n) a translated result (v) to chew (food), to spend (money) lavishly (v) to look, or search for (v) to lay (eggs) (n) care, precaution (v) to criticize, review (v) to be upset (n) editorial comments, ex. in a newspaper (n) anxiety, excitement (n) humiliation (v) to test, examinate (v) to be tested, to pass an examination (v) to circumcise (v) to be circ*msized (n) an eagle (a bird); a tie (n) a Nation (v) to nationalize so as to benefit to all nationals of a country (n) typhoid (v) to type (n) a typewritter (n) a tyre

taja (ku-) (v) to mention taji (n) (n) a crown tajiri (n) (n) a rich person tajirika (ku-) (v) to become rich tajirisha (ku-) (v) to enrich or make someone rich taka (ku-) (v) to want, wish takasa (ku-) (v) to cleanse, purify taka, takataka (n) (n) garbage, filth,rubbish, waste - takatifu (kivumishi) (adj.) Holy takata (ku-) (v) to be clean takia (ku-) (v) to wish somebody something (bad or good) tako, matako (n) (n) buttocks takriban, takribani (kielezi) (adv.) about, almost takrima (n) (n) hospitality, reception taksiri (n) (n) crime takwimu (n) (n) statistics talaka (n) (n) a divorce talii (ku-) (v) to tour as a tourist, travel and visit places taliki (ku-) (v) to give a divorce tama (n) (n) cheek (s) tamaa (n) (n) desire(s), wish(es), lust tamalaki (ku-) (v) to rule or excercise oneʼs authority tamani (ku-) (v) to desire, wish tamanisha (ku-) tamasha (n)

(v) to entice, to make another person desire , wish for something (n) a concert ( ex. music), a show

tamati, hatima (n) tamba (ku-) tambaa (ku-) tambarare (kivumishi) tambaza (ku-) tambika (ku-)

(n) conclusion, end (v) to brag, boast (v) to crawl (for toddlers), to creep ( for plants) (adj.) even, flat, level, (v) to drawl, say with a dragging voice (v) to carry out rituals, including offerings to the ancestors

tambiko (n)

(n) ancestral ritual(s), including offering sacrifice(s) to the ancestors

tambo (n) tambua (ku-) tambulika (ku-) tambulisha (ku-) tambuu (n) tamka (ku-)

(n) amplitude (v) to identify, recognise (v) to be identified, recognised (v) to introduce somebody to others or to introduce something new (n) betel leaf (leaves) (v) to pronounce or utter some words

tamko / tamshi (n)

(n) 1. a declaration, a pronouncement 2. prononciation

tamthilia (n) - tamu (kivumishi) tanabahi (ku-)

(n) a drama play (in theater) (adj.) delicious, sweet (v) to become aware, realise

tanabahisha (ku-) tanbihi (n) tanda (ku-) tandaza (ku-) tandika (ku-) tandiko (n) tandu (n) tangamana (ku-) tangamano (n) tangatanga (ku-) tangawizi (n) tangaza (ku-) tangazo (n) tangi / tanki (n) tango (n) tangu (kiunganishi) tangua (ku-) tangulia (ku-) tani (n) tania (ku-) tano (namba) tanua (ku-) tanuka (ku-) tanuru (n) tanzi (n) tanzia, taazia (n) tanzua (ku-) tanzuka (ku-)

(v) to alert someone, remind (n) an endnote, footnote (v) to spread out (v) to spread something out (v) to arrange something, (ex. a bed) (n) bedding material (bedsheets, covers, pillows etc.) (n) centipede(s) (v) to be together (n) togetherness (v) to wander, to walk aimelessly (n) ginger (n) to announce or make public (n) an advertisem*nt, notice or a publication (n) a tank, - container for liquids, fluids; a military tank (n) a cucumber (conj.) since (v) to annulate, abolish, cancel; to declare something nul, void (v) to precede, go in front of, be ahead of (n) a ton, 1ʼ000 kg (v) to joke with, to tease, to make fun (of someone) (num. adj) five (v) to dilate, expand (metals) (v) to open wide, expand, extend (ex. metals) (n) a furnace, (n) a slipknot, loop (n) death news (a column in a newspaper or in a magazine (v) to solve a problem, a puzzle (v) to be clarified, solved

tapakaa (ku-) tapanya (ku-) tapatapa (ku-) tapeli ku-) tapika (ku-) tarafa (n) taraji (ku-) tarajia (ku-) tarajio (n) tarakilishi, kompyuta (n) tarakimu (n) taratibu (n) taratibu (kivumishi) tarehe (n) tarishi (n) tarumbeta (n) tasa (kivumishi) tashwishi, tashiwishi (n) taslimu (n) taswira (n) tata (kivumishi) tatanisha (ku-) tatanua (ku-) tatarika (ku-) tathmini (ku-) tathmini (n) tatizo (n) tatu (namba) tatua (ku-) taulo (n) tauni (n) tausi (n) tawa (ku-) tawadha (ku-)

tawala (ku-) tawanya (ku-) tawanyika (ku-) tawaza (ku-)

(v) to be scattered all over (v) to scatter about «kutapanya fedha» = to squander money

(v) to be unsure, confused, dissipated (v) to cheat, to trick (v) to vomit (n) a county, division (v) to hope, intend (v) to expect or hope for (ex. to receive good news) (n) expectation (n) a computer (n) numeral (s) (n) process, procedure(s) (adj.) orderly (n) a given date (n) a messenger (n) a trumpet (adj.) barren (n) a doubt (n) cash (n) an image, a picture

(adj.) problematic (al) (v) to confuse (v) to disentangle (v) to crackle, rattle; to make a metallic noise (v) to evaluate (n) an evaluation (n) a problem (num. adj.) three (v) to solve (un problem) (n) a towel (n) plague (n) a peaco*ck (v) to live in seclusion, ex. nuns (v) 1. to make absolutions just before prayers (Muslims) 2. to wash oneself after defeacating (less done nowadays because of different sickness) (v) to dominate, govern, rule (v) to scatter (people, things) (v) to disperse, go away, to be scattered (v) to instal somebody as a ruler OR name somebody for an important public work

tawi (n) (n) a branch (ex. of a tree, railway, company, bank) taya (n) (n) a cheekbone, a jaw tayari (kivumishi) (adj.) ready tayarisha (ku-) (v) to prepare, make ready tazama / tizama (ku-) (v) to glance or look at, examine, see tazamia (ku-) (v) to anticipate, expect or hope for; to be pregnant

tega (ku-)

(v)1. to set a trap (for catching animals) 2. to set (orally) a puzzle (for play in a group)

tegemea (ku-) tegemeo (n) tegemeza (ku-) tegemezi (n)

(v) to depend on (n) a support (v) to support with (n) a dependant

tegua (ku-)

(v) to let go, to open a trap; to solve an enigma or a puzzle

teguka (ku-)

(v) to be sprained, to hurt oneʼs limbs by an accident, ex. falling down

teka (ku-)

(v) 1. to draw something watery from somewhere ex. water 2. to make someone a captive ex. hostages

teke (n) (n) a kick tekeleza (ku-) (v) to execute, fulfill, implement, realize tekelezo (n) (v) an execution, an implementation tekenya (ku-) (v) to tickle teketea (ku-) (v) to be totally devastated teketeke (kivumishi) (adj.) soft, very tender teketeza (ku-) (v) to consume, devastate teknolojia (n) (n) technology teksi (n) (n) TAXI tele (kivumishi) (adj.) abundant teleka (ku-) (v) to put a filled cooking pot on fire (while cooking, using firewood telekeza (ku-) (v) abandon telemsha, teremsha (ku-) (v) to let something come down televisheni, luninga, runinga (n) (n) a TV set teleza (ku-) (v) to slip tema (ku-) (v) to spit out tembe (n) (n) medical tablet (s), a gravestone or other commemorative stone; a piece or a bar of soap tembea (ku-) (v) to walk tembelea (ku-) (v) to visit somebody or something tembeza (ku-) tembo (n) tena (kielezi) tenda (ku-) tenda, zabuni (n) tende (n)

(v) 1. to hawk something or a service 2. to help a person walk, or visite something with him or her (n) 1. an elephant 2. palm wine (adv.) again, once again (v) to act, to do (n) a tender (business) (n) 1. a date fruit 2. the elephantiasis disease

tendea (ku-) tendo (n) tenga (ku-) tenga (n) tengana (ku-) tenganisha (ku-) tengemaa (ku-) tengeneza (ku-) tengenezo (n) tengua (ku-) tenisi (n)

(v) to do something good or bad to somebody (n) an action (v) to set aside (n) a big storage basket made of bamboo sicks (v) to separate from each other (v) to diconnect, to separate people or things from one another (v) to be complete, in order (v) to make, invent, repair, ex. furniture (n) a repair (v) to cancel, nullify (n) tennis

teremka (ku-)

(v) 1. to descend 2. to disembark/ down from a vehicle ex. a bus, a car

teremsha (ku-) tesa (ku-) teseka (ku-) teso (n) teta (ku-) tetea (ku-) tetema, tetemeka (ku-) tetemeko (n) tetemeko la ardhi (n) tetesi (n)

(v) to bring something down (v) to afflict, persecute; slang: «kujitesa» = to enjoy oneself (v) to suffer (n) an affliction, a suffering (v) to backbite, slander (v) to defend, plead for (v) to shake, to shiver (from colds, fever, fear, etc.) (n) trembling (body), quavering (voice), fluttering (leaves), flickering (light) (n) an earthquake (n) a hearsay, rumour

teto (n) (n) a gossip, slander teua (ku-) (v) to appoint, select tezi (n) (n) toncil(s) thabiti (kivumishi) (adj.) firm thamani (n) (n) value thamini (ku-) (v) to value, esteem thelathini, thalathini (namba) (num. adj.) thirty theluji (n) (n) snow theluthi, thuluthi (n) (n) one third themanini, thamanini (namba) (num. adj.) eighty themometa (n) (n) a thermometer thenashara (n) (n) twelve theolojia, tauhidi (n) (n) theology thibitisha (ku-) (v) to affirm, give evidence, prove thibitisho (n) (n) a confirmation, proof thieta (n) (n) theater thubutu (ku-) (v) to dare, to venture thumni (n) (n) fifty cents or half of the tanzanian shilling tia (ku-) (v) fo put in tiara (n) (n) a crown tia-saini (ku-) (v) to approve, to endorse, ex. a cheque tiba (n) (n) a cure tibu (ku-) (v) to treat medically tibua (ku-) (v) to arouse, stir up, revive (ex. courage) tifua (ku-) (v) to dig out, plough

tifutifu (kivumishi) (adj.) dusty tii (ku-) (v) to obey tii amri (ku-) (v) to submit or surrender oneself to his/her superiors tiifu (kivumishi) (adj.) obedient, submissive tijara (n) (n) a profit, surplus tiketi (n) (n) a ticket Tiki (n) (n) a polynesien statue representing God (i.e a Polynesian God) tikisa, tingisha (ku-) (v) to shake in order to mix something well tikisika (ku-) (v) to be shaken tikiti, tikitimaji (n) (n) a watermelon tikitiki (kielezi) (adj.) unstable timamu (kivumishi) (adj.) normal, sane, reasonable timbi (n) (n) a bracelet timia (ku-) (v) to be complete - timilifu (kivumishi) (adj.) perfect timiza (ku-) (v) to fulfill timu (n) (n) a team timua (ku-) (v) to chase somebody without management tindikali (n) (n) an acid (CHEM) tindikiwa (ku-) (v) to be short of tindo (n) (n) a chisel tipwatipwa (kivumishi) (adj.) soft and plump tiririka (ku-) (v) to flow, truckle tisa (namba) (num. adj.) nine tisha (ku-) (v) to frighten, scare tishika (ku-) (v) to be frightened terrified tishio (n) tisini (namba) titi (n) toa (ku-)

(n) a threat (num. adj.) ninety or quatre-vingt-dix (n) a breast (v) 1. to produce, put forth 2. to carry out the arithmetic operation of substraction

toba (n) (n) repetance tobo (n) (n) a hole toboa (ku-) (v) to bore a hole through a place toboka (ku-) (v) to have a hole, ex. a basket tochi (n) (n) a torch, - electrically chargable or with batteries tofaa, tufaa, tufaha (n) (n) an apple tofali, tufali (n) (n) a brick tofauti, tafauti (n) (n) a difference tofauti, tafauti (kivumishi) (adj.) different tofautiana, tafautiana (ku-) (v) to differ in aspects or opinions tofautisha, tafautisha (ku-)

(v) to differentiate or make a difference in -between..(ideas, things)

toga (ku-)

(v) to pierce or make small hole(s), ex. those made at ears and used for earrings

tohara (n) tohoa (ku-)

(n) circumcision (v) to coin or search for new words

toka (ku-) tokana na (n) tokea (ku-) tokeo (n) tokeza (ku-) tokomea (ku-) tokomeza (ku-) tokota (ku-) tolea (ku-) toleo (n) tolewa (ku-) tomasa (ku-) tomba (ku-) tombana (ku-) tombola (n) tone (n) tonesha (ku-) tonge (n) tongo (n)

(v) to come out, go out (n) because of (v) to appear, to come from (n) an outcome, a score, a result (v) to be noticeable (people), to stick out (things) (v) to disappear (v) to destroy, decimate, eliminate (v) to boil (v) to offer something to God or to the charity organisations (n) a copy of a newspaper, magazine (v) to be offered (v) to press gently (v) to f*ck, to have sex (v) to copulate or have sex with someone (n) a tombola, lottery (n) a drop (v) to touch an injured place in oneʼs body; to revive unpleasant memories

(n) a small ball of food (n) a discharge from an eye

tongoa (ku-)

(v) to explain something clearly, with examples

tongoza (ku-)

(v) to seduce a woman or a man, to make advances in order to obtain sexual favours from somebody

tope (n) (n) mud *topetope, tomoko (n) Torati (n)

(n) Torah : the first five books of the Holy Bible, and the most important in Judaism

toridhia (ku-) (v) to disapprove toroka (ku-) (v) to run away, to escape from (ex. from prison) toroli (n) (n) a wheelbarrow, trolley torosha (ku-) (v) to kidnap or take someone (people) and run away with tosa (ku-) (v) to plunge into, to dive, to fall into tosha (kivumishi) (adj.) enough tosheka (ku-) (v) to be satisfied tosheleza (ku-) (v) to satisfy (needs) tosi / tosti (n) (n) toasted bread, a toast totama (ku-) (v) to squat totoa (ku-) (v) to hatch out totoro (n) (n) a complete darkness tovu (kielezi) (adv.) mannerless tovuti, kurasa pembuzi (n) (n) a website towashi (n) (n) an eunuch toweka (ku-) (v) to disappear, vanish toza (ku-) (v) to impose levy, taxes

trafiki (n)

transfoma (n) trekta (n) trela (n) treni (n) tropiki (n) tu (kielezi) tua (ku-) tuama (ku-) tubu (ku-) tufani (n) tufe (n) tuhuma (n) tuhumiwa (ku-) tuhumu (ku-) tui, tuwi (n) tukana (ku-) tukia, tokea (ku-) tukio (n) tukufu (kivumishi) tukuka (kivumishi) tukutu (kivumishi) tukuza (ku-) tuli (kielezi) tulia (ku-) tulivu (kivumishi) tuliza (ku-) tulizana (ku-) tulizo (n) tuma (ku-) tumaini (ku-) tumbaku (n) tumbili, tumbiri (n) tumbo (n) tumbua (ku-) tumbuiza (ku-) tumbuizo (n) tumbukia (ku-) tumbukiza (ku-) tume (n) tumia (ku-) tumika (ku-) tumikia (ku-) tumikisha (ku-) tuna (ku-) tunda (n) tundika (ku-)

(n) traffic 1. vehicles : traffic 2. a traffic in unauthorized items or illegal trade (n) a transfomer (n) a tractor (n) a trailler, - a vehicle for living in (a caravane), or for circus (n) a train (n) tropic(s) (adv.) only, just (v) to land ex. an airplane (v) to precipitate (v) to repent (n) a hurricane, storm, typhoon (n) a globe (a global or Earth shape) (n) allegation(s), suspicion(s), doubts (v) to be suspected (of) (v) to suspect, to distrust (n) coconut milk (v) to insult (orally or by writing), to abuse (insult indirectly) (v) to happen (n) an occassion, event (adj.) glorious (adj.) exalted (adj.) mischievous, naughty, playful (v) to worship (adv.) calm (v) to be calm (adj.) peaceful (v) to calm down somebody or people, to console (v) to comfort one another (n) a consolation, comfort (v) to send (v) to hope (n) tobacco (n) monkey (s) who «fly» using tree branches as well as creepers (n) stomach (v) to cut open (v) to entertain (n) an amusem*nt, entertainement, ex. a show (v) to fall into something, ex. into a water well (v) to make fall or drop into something (n) a commission, committee, delegation (v) to use, employ, utilize (v) to be used (v) to serve or work for somebody, a company, firm etc. (v) to enslave someone and make him or her work for you by force (v) to puff / swell out (n) a fruit (v) to hang

tundu (n) tunga (ku-) tungika (ku-) tungo (n) tungua (ku-) tunu (adj.) tunu, tuzo (n) tunukia, tuza (ku-) tunza (ku-) tunzo (n) tupa (ku-) tupa (n) tupatupa (ku-) tupia (ku-) - tupu (kivumishi) tura (n) turubai, turubali (n)

(n) a hole (v) to compose (v) to hang up (n) a composition, an essay (v) to shoot and take something down from the sky, ex. a bird. (adj.) rare (n) a compensation, an award, a rarity (v) to award (a prize) (v) to take care (n) care (v) to throw away (n) a file for sharpening metallic tools ex. knives (v) to huddle (v) to throw at (adj.) empty, tedious, meaningless (n) a wild tomato appreciated much for its acidity (n) canvas a resistant material against bad weather, (appreciated for tents

turufu (n) (n) a veto tusi (n) (n) an insult, injury tuta (n) (n) a terrace on hillside tutika (ku-) (v) to pile up twaa (ku-) (v) to pick up, lift up and carry away twanga (ku-) (v) to pound grain by using a mortar and a pestle tweka, twika, twisha (ku-) (v) to put a load on someoneʼs head tweta (ku-) twiga (n) tyubu (n)


(v) to gasp, to puff, to pant or breath fast after making an effort (n) a giraffe (n) a tube, cylinder, container (used in scientific laboratories)


ua (n) ua (ku-) uadhimishaji (n) uadilifu (n) uadui (n) uainisho (n)

(n) a flower, compound, courtyard (v) to kill, murder somebody or living species (n) commemoration of (n) diligence, integrity (n) enmity (n) divination

uajenti (n) (n) agency uajiri (n) (n) employment ualimu (n) (n) the teaching profession uamana (n) (n) trusteeship of an institution uambukizaji (n) (n) a contamination, the infectiousness part of a sickness uaminifu (n) (n) faithfullness, loyalty, truth, originality uamuzi (n) (n) judgement, decision uanachama (n) (n) membership of an association, organization, a political party, etc. uanafunzi (n) (n) studentship uanamaji (n) (n) seamanship uanasheria (n) (n) lawyership uanazuoni (n) (n) scholarship uandikaji (n) (n) pen - manship uandikishaji (n) (n) registration uandishi (n) (n) writing work uandishi wa habari (n) (n) journalism uangalifu (n) (n) care, attention uangavu (n) (n) transparency uanzishaji (n) (n) establishment uasherati (n) (n) adultery uashi (n) (n) building, masonry uasi (n) (n) rebellion, revolt uaskari (n) (n) army recruitement ubadhirifu (n) (n) extravagance, excessive expenditure, luxury ubaguzi (n) (n) discrimination ubaharia (n) (n) navigation ubahau (n) (n) brutality ubahili (n) ubakaji (n) ubalozi (n) ubani (n) Ubaniani, Uhindu (n)

(n) miserliness (n) raping (n) a consulate, an embassy (n) incense (n) Hinduism

ubao (n)

(n) a board (for writing ex. blackboard), a board for pinning on notices and such things, a piece of wood

ubapa (kivumishi) ubaradhuli (n) ubaridi (n) ubasha (n) ubatili (n) ubatilifu (n) ubatizo (n) ubawa (n) ubavu (n) ubaya (n) ubazazi (n) ubeberu (n) Ubelgiji (n) ubepari (n) ubeti (n)

(n) flatness (n) rudeness (n) coldness (n) sodomy (n) futility (n) cancellation (n) baptism (n) a wing (n) a chest (of living species), a by -side, ex. of an airplane (n) wickedness, mischief, a naughty behaviour, playfulness (n) dishonesty (n) imperialism (n) Belgium (n) capitalism (n) a stanza (musical), a verse (poetic)

ubia (n) ubikira (n)

(n) partnership in business (n) virginity

Ubinadamu (n)

(n) Humane

ubinafsi (n) ubinafsishaji (n)

(n) egoism, selfishness (n) privatization

ubingwa (n)

(n) 1. championship 2. an expertise, skillfulness

ubishi (n) (n) dispute, argumentation uboho (n) (n) the bone marrow (ANAT) ubongo (n) (n) brain ubora (n) (n) quality ububu (n) (n) dumbness or the inability to speak ubunifu (n) (n) guessing ubwabwa, wali (n) (n) cooked rice ubwanyenye (n) (n) middle classe (social) ubwege (n) (n) foolishness ucha, uchaji (n) (n) reverential fear (for God) uchache (n) (n) rarity uchachu (n) (n) sourness, ferment uchafu (n) (n) dirt uchafuzi (n) (n) dirtening, staining uchaguzi (n) (n) election(s) uchambuzi (n) (n) classification(s) uchangamfu (n) uchane (n) uchapishaji (n) uchawi (n) uchepechepe (n) ucheshi (n) uchezaji (n) uchi (n) uchimvi / uchuro (n) uchokozi (n) uchongaji (n) uchongeaji (n) uchongezi (n) uchoraji (n)

uchovu (n) uchoyo (n) uchu (n) uchukuzi (n) uchumba (n) uchumi (n) uchungu (n)

(n) smartness (n) a bunch of bananas (n) publishing (n) witchcraft (n) dampness, moisture (n) humour (n) playing (n) nakedness (n) a bad omen (n) aggression, provocation (n) carving wood (n) slandering (n) false accusation

(n) drawings, images, sketches, comic strips, geographical maps, etc. (n)

(n) tiresomeness (n) miserliness (n) cupidity, desire, longing, passion (n) transportation (n) courtship (n) economy (n) 1. bitterness

2. labour pains (for giving birth) uchunguzi (n) (n) an espionage, investigation, scientific research uchuuzi (n) (n) hawking udadisi (n) (n) curiosity, lʼespionage udaktari, uganga, utabibu (n) (n) medical profession udaku, umbeya (n) (n) chattering, iddle talk, gossip udalali (n) (n) brokerage, auctioneering udanganyifu (n)

(n) cheating, in all its forms, including things like duplicity by fake certificates, imitating signatures, etc.

udenda (n) (n) spittle udevu, ndevu (n) (n) beard udhaifu (n) (n) weakness udhalimu (n) (n) tyranny, oppresion udhi (ku-) (v) to annoy, upset udhika (ku-) (v) to be angry, upset udi, ubani, uvumba (n) (n) incense udogo (n) (n) a diminution, smallness (of oneʼs spirit, income, etc. udoho, udohodoho (n) (n) to nibble udongo (n) (n) soil udugu, undugu (n) (n) kinship, a family relationship indicating closeness uegeshaji (n) (n) parking a motor vehicle at parc or in a parking lot uelewano (n) (n) an agreement uenezi (n) (n) spreading ex. news by all public means, including radio, TV, newspapers,etc. ufa (n) (n) a crack, in wood, a wall or on the ground Bonde la Ufa (n) ufafanuzi (n) ufa*gio (n) ufahamu (n) ufalme (n) ufanisi (n) Ufaransa (n) ufarisi (n) ufasaha (n) ufashisti (n) ufedhuli (n) ufidhuli (n) ufinyanzi (n) ufisadi (n) ufito (n) ufizi (n)

(n) The Rift Valley (n) clarification, explanations to make things clear (n) a broom (n) general knowledge (n) kingdom (n) efficiency (n) France (n) credentials papers including identity cards, qualifications, references, etc. (n) eloquence, fluency while using a particular language (n) fascism (n) contempt (n) arrogance (n) pottery (n) corruption, adultery , debauchery (n) a pole for building (n) gum

ufugaji (n)

(n)1. leaving growing oneʼs beard «ufugaji ndevu» 2. taming or keeping animals at home 3. livestock caring as a job (agriculture and animal husbandry

ufujaji (n) uf*ckara (n) ufundi (n)

(n) squandering (n) poorness (n) craftsmanship, skilled work

ufunguo, funguo (n) (n) key(s) ufupi (n) (n) brevity ufupisho (n) (n) summary ufuta (n) (n) sesame seeds ugaidi (n) (n) terrorism ugali (n) (n) stiff porridge uganga (n) (n) medical profession ugawaji, ugavi, ugawanyaji (n) (n) distribution, supply ugeni (n) (n) strangeness ughaibuni (kielezi) (adv.) abroad , overseas Ugiriki (n) (n) Greece ugomvi (n) (n) A quarrel ugoni (n) (n) adultery ugonjwa (n) (n) sickness, disease ugua (n) (n) to become ill, sick ugumba (n) (n) sterilty ugumu (n) (n) hardness, toughness ugunduzi (n) (n) discovery, innovation uguza (ku-) (v) to nurse a sick person uhaba (n) (n) scarcity, shortage Uhai (n)

(n) Life

uhaini (n) uhakika (n) uhakiki (n) uhalifu (n)

(n) treason (n) surety (n) litterary criticism (n) crime

uhamaji (n) uhamisho (n) Uhandisi (n)

(n) Immigration (n) a transfer (n) Engineering

uhanithi (n)

(n) in general, it is a weakness and/or lack of means to do something; impotence (implying lack of means for a man to perform, sexually.

uharamia (n)

uharibifu (n) uhariri (n) uharo (n) uhasama (n) uhasibu (n) uhasidi (n) uhayawani (n) uhazigi (n) uhodari (n) Uholanzi (n) uhondo (n) uhuni (n)

(n) piracy, hijacking 1. virtual : of computer materials including programs, video, etc. 2. piracy at sea with real pirates 3. airplane hijacking, and road carjacking (n) destructiveness (n) editorial work (n) moving bowels (n) animosity, emnity, hatred (n) accountancy (n) envy, jealousy (n) beastliness (n) a therapeutic method, involving the manipulations of vertebres (n) bravery, courage (n) The Netherlands (n) sweetness (n) lawlessness, hooliganism

uhunzi (n) (n) forgery uhuru (n) (n) Independence uhusiano (n) (n) relationship uigizaji, uigaji (n) (n) comedy playing, imitation uimara (n) (n) firmness, stability Uingereza, Uingreza (n) (n) The United Kingdom uingizaji (n) (n) importation Uislamu (n)

(n) Islam religion

ujambazi, uporaji (n) ujahili (n) ujalidi (n) Ujamaa (n) ujana (n) ujane (n) ujangili (n) ujanja (n) ujasiri (n) ujasusi (n) ujauzito (n) ujazo (n) ujenzi (n) Ujerumani (n) uji (n) ujima (n) ujinga (n) ujira (n)

(n) organized crime in all of its states (n) brutality, cruelty (n) bookbinding (n) Socialism (n) youthfulness (n) widowhood, widowerhood (n) poaching (n) cleverness, craftiness, tricks (n) audacity, courage (n) espionage (n) gestation, pregnancy (n) volume (n) building, construction (n) Germany (n) porridge (n) subsistence economy (n) foolishness, ignorance, stupidity (n) salary, wages

ujirani (n) ujumbe (n) ujumi (n) ujuzi (n) ukabaila (n) ukabila (n) ukafiri (n) ukaguzi (n) ukahaba (n) ukaidi (n) ukaimu (n) ukakasi (n) ukali (n) ukame, ukavu (n) ukapera, useja (n) ukarabati (n) ukarani (n) ukarimu (n) ukatili (n) ukauleni, unafiki (n) uke, kuma (n) ukeketaji (n) ukelele (n)

(n) neighbourhood, environs, neighbourliness (n) an errand, a message (n) aesthetics (n) knowledge (n) Feudalism (n) tribalism (n) apostacy, sacrilege (n) an inspection, audit, an official check (n) prostitution (n) obstinacy, disobedience, stubborness (n) acting for (position) (n) the acidic taste (n) ferocity (n) aridity, drought (n) bachelorhood (n) rehabilitation or repairs (ex. of buildings) (n) clercʼs office work (n) generosity, hospitality (n) cruelty (n) hypocrisy (n) the genital parts of a woman (vagin*) (n) circumcision of women (n) a scream, a shout

uketo (n) uki, asali (n)

(n) popcorn (n) honey

UKIMWI, UPUNGUFU wa KINGA MWILINI(n) ukindu (n) ukingo (n) Ukoloni (n) ukoma (n) ukomea (n) ukomo (n) Ukomunisti (n) ukongwe (n) ukonyoaji (n)

(n) AIDS

(n) wild date palm leave(s) used for making baskets (n) an edge, a rim of ex. container, crater, volcano, etc. (n) Colonialism (n) leprosy (n) a corridor (n) a cessation, an end, a limit (n) Communism (n) decrepitude; weakness caused by very old age (n) plucking : a process for recolting some of fruits, by using a big stick) (ex, mangoes)

ukoo (pl.koo) (n)

(n) clan, dynasty, lineage

ukopaji (n)

(n) borrowing (ex.money) i.e asking for or taking a loan from someone

ukopeshaji (n) ukora (n) ukorofi, ujeuri (n)

(n) lending (ex.money), i.e accepting and giving a loan to someone

Ukristo / Ukristu (n)

(n) Christianity

(n) vagrancy (n) arrogance, trouble making

ukuaji (n)

(n) growing up

ukubalifu (n) ukubwa (n) ukucha (n) ukulima (n) ukumbi (n) ukumbuko (n) ukumbusho (n) ukunga (n)

(n) acceptation, consent (n) greatness, rank (n) a fingernail (n) farming (n) a conference hall, a verandah (n) memory (n) reminder (n) midwifery

ukungu, unyevu, unyevunyevu (n)

(n) fog, haze, mist

ukuni (n) ukunjufu (n) ukurasa (n) ukurugenzi (n) ukusanyaji (n) ukuta (n) ukuu (n)

(n) a piece of firewood (n) cheerfulness, openness (n) a page (n) direction (n) gathering (n) a wall (n) greatness

ukware (n) ukwasi (n)

(n) lascivous love, a hyper-sexual drive, nymphomania (n) liquidity, opulence (talking about wealth)

ukwato (n) (n) a hoof ukweli (n) (n) truth ulafi (n) (n) gluttony ulalamishi (n) (n) a complaint ulanguzi (n) (n) black market ulawiti (n) (n) sodomy ulanzi (n) (n) bamboo wine Ulaya (n) (n) Europe ulegevu (n) (n) slackness ulemavu (n) (n) disability ulevi (n) (n) drunkenness, addiction ulezi, mbege (n) (n) finger millet ulimi (n) (n) a tongue Ulimwengu (n) (n) The Universe ulinganifu (n) (n) equation ulingano (n) (n) analogy, likeness ulingo (n) (n) a platform, a stage, ex. the boxing ring ulinzi / ulindaji (n) (n) defence, protection uliza (ku-) (v) to ask, inquire ulizia (ku-) (v) to inquire into something ulokole (n) (n) revivalism in faith (Christians) uma (ku-) (v) to bite, hurt uma (n) (n) a fork umaarufu , umashuhuri (n) (n) fame umahiri (n) (n) ingenuity umajimaji (n) (n) dampness umalaya (n) (n) prostitution umande (n) (n) dew umangimeza, urasimu (n) (n) bureaucracy umaskini (n) (n) poverty umati (n) (n) a crowd, many people togethe umba (ku-) umba (n) umbali (n) umbika (kivumishi) umbile, maumbile (n) umbo (n)

(v) to create (n) create, shape, ex. make pottery (n) distance (adj.) pretty (n) nature (n) shape

umbua (ku-)

(v) to disgrace or expose oneself or another person to a scandal or shame

umbuka (ku-) umeme (n) umia (ku-) umiminikaji (kivumishi)

(v) to be disgraced or exposed to a scandal or shame (n) electricity (v) to get hurt or injured physically, to have emotional pain (adj.) pouring

umio (n)

(n) the pharynx or the aero-digestive crossroads in the human body

umma (n) umiza (ku-) umoja (n)

(n) public (v) to hurt / injure (n) unity

Umoja wa Mataifa

(n) The United Nations, UN (UNO)

Umoja wa Nchi za Afrika, Umoja wa Afrika (n) Umoja wa Nchi za Ulaya, Umoja wa Ulaya (n) umri (n) umuhimu (n) umwagaji (n) unabii (n) unadhifu (n) unafuu (n) unahodha (n) unda (ku-) undani (n) unene(n)

(n) African Union, AU (n) The European Union, EU

(n) age (n) importance (n) spilling (n) prophecy (n) smartness (n) betterment (n) captaincy (v) to assemble, build, construct (n) the facts or reasons behind an event, a story, etc. (n) fatness, obesity; being overweight (for people), being thick (things)

unga (ku-)

(v) 1. to put spices in food 2. to join two or several things together

unga (n) ungama (ku-) ungamia (ku-) ungamo (n) ungana (ku-) unganisha (ku-) ungo (n) ungua (ku-) unguza (ku-) ununuaji, ununuzi (n)

(n) flour (v) to confess (v) to confess (something) to somebody (n) a confession (v) to merge, unite (v) to join or unite things together (n) a winnowing tray (v) to burn (v) to burn, set on fire (n) buying, purchasing

unyafuzi (n)

(n) kwashiokor (a word from Ghana): a severe malnutrition which affects children, caused by lack of proteins

unyago (n) unyama (n) unyangʼanyi (n) unyayo (n)

(n) an initiation rite undergone by girls at puberty (n) savagery (n) robbery (n) a footprint

unyende (n)

(n) a big shout or cry made to ask for help, when someone feels his life threatened

unyenyekevu (n) unyeti (n) unyonyaji, ukupe (n) unyoya (n) unyumba (n) unyusi (n) unywele, nywele (n) uokaji (n)

(n) humility, servility (n) confidentiality, sensitivity (n) exploitation (n) a feather (n) the practical side of married life (in all of its states) (n) hair of the eye brow (n) hair (n) baking

uokovu, wokovu (n) uonevu (n) uongo / urongo (n)

(n) the salvation (n) oppression (n) falsehood, lies, lack of truth

uongozi (n)

(n) leadership 1. a ruling group of people 2. number one in the hierarchy 3. qualities of a chief

uovu (n) uozo, uoza (n) upadri, ukuhani (n)

(n) wickedness, spite (n) decay, including that of a body, plant, tooth, building, society ... (n) priesthood

upaji (n)

(n) endowment 1. an ability acquired by learning to do things 2. a (divin) gift

upakuzi (n) upambaji (n) upana (n) upandaji wa miti (n) upande (n) upanga (n) upanuzi (n) upara, upaa, (n) upasuaji (n) upatano (n) upelelezi (n) upendano (n) upendeleo (n) upeo (n) upepo (n) upesi (n) upimaji (n)

(n) loading (n) decoration (n) width (n) afforestation (n) side (n) a machete (n) expansion (n) baldness (n) surgery, plastic or aesthetic surgery (n) concord, harmony (n) an investigation, spying (n) charity (n) a favour, (negative : favouritism) (n) climax, horizon, culmination (n) wind (n) quickly (n) measurement

upinde (n) upinde wa mvua (n) upinzani (n) upishi (n) upole (n) upoozi (n) upotevu (n) upungufu (n) upuuzi / upuzi (n) upweke (n) upya (n) urafiki (n) urahisi (n) uraia (n) urais (n) uratibu (n) urefu (n)

(n) a bow (weapon) (n) a rainbow (n) opposition (n) cooking (n) calmness, docility (n) decadence (n) a loss or wastage (n) deficiency, shortage, lack, inadequacy (n) nonsense, meaningless words, foolish ideas or behaviour (n) loneliness (n) novelty, newness (n) friendship (n) cheapness, inexpensiveness, ease (n) citizenship (n) presidency (n) coordination (n) length

urekebishaji, urekebisho (n)

(n) 1. adjustements, modifications 2. a change of someoneʼs attitude or behaviour

urembo (n) (n) beauty, fashion, decoration Ureno (n) (n) Portugal urithi, urathi (n) (n) heritage, inheritance uroho (n) (n) gluttony urujuani (kivumishi) (adj.) violet Urusi (n) (n) Russia usafi (n) (n) cleanliness usafiri, usafirishaji (n) (n) transport, transportation usafishaji (n) (n) cleansing, cleaning usaha (n) (n) pus usahibu, usuhuba (n) (n) friendship usahihi (n) (n) accuracy, precision usaidizi (n) (n) help usaili (n) (n) an interview, ex. for job or for an article in a newspaper usajili (n) (n) registration usalama (n) (n) safety usaliti (n) (n) betrayal usambazaji (n) (n) diffusion usanifu (n) (n) standardization usanii (n) (n) art usasi, uwindaji (n) (n) hunting usawa (n) (n) equality usemaji-fasaha (n) (n) eloquence usemi (n) (n) expression usengenyaji (n) (n) backbiting useremela (n) (n) carpentry ushabiki (n) (n) fanaticism ushahidi (n) (n) an evidence, a testimony ushairi (n) (n) poetry ushakii (n) (n) courage ushanga (n) ushari (n) ushauri (n) ushawishi (n) ushenzi (n) ushindani (n) ushindi (n) ushirika (n) ushirikiano (n)

(n) a necklace, made of beads, pearls, wood, glass etc. (n) provocation (n) consultancy (n) temptation (n) stupidity (n) antagonism (n) conquest, victory (n) a cooperative society, a federation (n) alliance, cooperation

ushoga (n)

(n) 1. friendship between women 2. gayness, hom*osexuality between men

ushonaji (n) ushuhuda (n) ushujaa, ushupavu (n) ushungi, veil (n)

(n) sewing (n) a corroboration or a proof for the testimony (n) bravery, firmness (n) veil

ushuru (n) (n) customs ushuzi (n) (n) a fart usichana (n) (n) girlhood usikivu (n) (n) attentiveness in listening usiku (n) (n) night usiku (kielezi) (adv.) at night usimamizi (n) (n) supervision usinga (n) (n) a flywhisk usingizi (n) (n) sleep usiri (n) (n) confidentiality, secrecy uskauti (n) (n) scoutism usitawi , ustawi (n) (n) affluence, growth, prosperity uso (n) (n) face usonara (n) (n) goldsmith, jewellerʼs work usoshalisti (n) (n) socialism ustadi (n) (n) competence, dexterity ustahimilivu, uvumilivu (n) (n) endurance, patience, perseverance usufii (n) (n) holiness usukaji / ususi (n)

(n) 1. making the african hair-dressing 2. weaving of mats baskets, etc.

usukani (n) usultani (n) usuluhishi (n) usumbufu (n) usuria (n) utaalamu (n) utabiri (n)

(n) a steering wheel (n) sultanship (n) arbitration, mediation, reconciliation (n) bother, disturbance, interruption of peace, trouble (n) concubinage (n) expertise, professionalism (n) a forecast, foretell, prophecy

utafiti (n) utaifa (n) utajiri (n) utakaso (n) utakatifu (n) utalii (n) utamaduni (n) utambo (n) utamu (n)

(n) investigation, research (n) nationalism, nationality (n) abundance, richness (n) purification (n) holiness (n) tourism (n) culture (n) duration (n) sweetness

utanashati (n)

(n) neatness, smartness of a person (dressing) or of things ex. neatness of a handwriting

utando / utandu (n) utangazaji (n) utangulizi (n) utani (n) utapiamlo (n) utaratibu (n) utasa (n) utashi (n) utata (n)

(n) a web ex. of a spider (n) broadcasting, radio, TV, advertisem*nt (n) introduction, preface (n) an amusem*nt, fun, joke, laughter, pleasure (n) malnutrition (n) an arrangement, a plan, a time-table or schedule (n) barreness, sterility (n) a strong will (n) ambiguity, complexity

utatanisho (n) Utatu Mtakatifu(n)

(n) confusion (n) The Holy Trinity (for Christians), including God The Father, Jesus Christ The Son and The Holy Spirit

utawa (n)

(n) monasticism, seclusion with a community life rythmed by a spiritual retrait, solitude and prayer

utawala (n) (n) administration, authority utazamaji (n) (n) spectatorship, having a passive role in an event ute (n) (n) mucus utekelezaji (n) (n) implementation utelezi (n) (n) slip utembo (n) (n) fibre, fiber, ex. the optical fiber utengano (n) (n) separation utengenezaji, utengezaji (n) (n) fabrication, invention, manufacture utenguo (n)

utepe (n) utetezi (n) uteuzi (n) uthibitisho (n) uti wa mgongo (n) utii / utiifu (n) utitiri (n) utoro (n)

(n) annulment 1. normal 2. judiciary (of law) (n) ribbon (n) defence (n) an appointment or selection, - to a job, position, special mission, etc. (n) a confirmation or a verification of something (n) a backbone (n) obedience (n) fleas, - very small insects which are harmful for the skin as they cause irritation with itching (n) running off or leaving without informing your beloved ones concerning your whereabouts

utoto (n) utukufu (n) utulivu (n) utumbo (n) utumiaji (n) utumishi (n) utumwa (n) utundu (n) utungaji, utungo (n) utungisho (n)

(n) childhood (n) glory (n) calmness, Serenity (n) intestine (n) usage, handling (n) service (n) slavery (n) mischief , playfulness, troublesomeness, a naughty behaviour (n) composition, writing (n) fertilization (ex. of soil)

utunzaji (n)

(n) giving attention to (somebody or something); or taking care of (people, ideas, things, feelings like love hatred, tiresomeness, etc.

utupu (n) uturi (n) Uturuki (n) uuaji (n)

(n) nakedness, nudity (n) an aroma, a flavour, perfume, scent (n) Turkey (n) killing of

uuguzi (n) (n) nursing, taking care of the sick uundaji (n) (n) construction by assembling, ex. the marine vessels uume / mboo (n) (n) penis uungano (n) (n) connection uungwana (n) (n) civility, gentiiity uuzaji (n) (n) salesmanship uvamizi (n) (n) invasion uvimbe (n) (n) swelling, tumour uvivu (n) (n) idleness, laziness uvuguvugu (n) (n) lukewarmness uvumbuaji, uvumbuzi (n) (n) a discovery uvumi (n) (n) rumour uvundo (n) (n) stench, stink uvutaji (n) (n) attraction uvutaji sigara (n) (n) smoking uvuvi (n) (n) fishing uwajibikaji (n) (n) accountability uwakilishi (n) (n) representation uwanja (n) (n) a ground, an open space, a stadium uwazi (n) (n) openness, vacuum, transparency uwaziri (n)

(n) management of ministerial global mission, within a countryʼs political system

uwele (n) uwezekano (n) uwezo (n) uwiano (n) uyoga (n)

(n) millet (n) a possibilty (n) ability, capacity, capability, skill (n) correlation, ratio (n) mushroom

uza (ku-) uzalendo (n) uzalishaji (n) uzandiki (n) uzao (n) uzazi (n) uzee (n) uzembe (n) uzi (n)

(v) to sell (n) nationalism, patriotism (n) production (n) hypocrisy (n) offspring (n) parenthood (n) old age (n) negligence (n) cord, thread

Uzima (n) uzinduzi (n) uzinifu, uzinzi (n) uzio (n) uzito (n) uziwi (n) uzoaji (n) uzoefu (n) uzuri (n) uzururaji (n)

(n) Life (n) inauguration (n) adultery, fornication (n) edge, fence (n) weight (n) deafness (n) collection (of) (n) experience (n) beauty (n) loitering, roaming, wandering



vaa (ku-) vaana (ku-) vali, valvu (n) valia (ku-)

(v) to put on clothes (v) to come to fists in a confrontation (n) a valve (v) to dress fashionably or well

vamia (ku-)

(v) to intrude or occupy a place (a country or region) without a right to do so

vamio (n) vangavanga (ku-) vanila / lavani (n) varanda (n) vazi (n)

(n) an intrusion (v) to diddle, garble (n) vanilla (n) a verandah (n) a dress, garment, clothing

Veda (n)

(n) The Veda: the most important holy texts for the Hindu religion

vema vyema (kielezi) (adv.) well vena (n) (n) a vein, for people and animals : a blood vessel vesti (n) (n) a vest , a waistcoat veto / vito (n) (n) a veto via, fifia (ku-) vibaya (kielezi) video (n)

(v) to fade away, to be stunted, ex. a paint, colours, or light, plants, flowers, sound, memory (adv.) badly, not well (n) a video 1. making a video : filming, recording 2. the machine 3. cassette

vifaa (n) (n) equipment, instruments, tools; ex. what one needs for work vifijo (n) (n) applause, cheers, joyful shouting vigumu (kivumishi) (adj.) difficult, hard vikapu (n) (n) baskets (sing. «kikapu» vikorokoro (n) (n) a bric -a - brack, various kinds of things together vilevile (kielezi) (adv.) also, likewise vimba (ku-)

vimbiwa (ku-) vingine (kivumishi)

(v) to swell 1. face, limbs ex feet 2. lungs, muscles, balloons (v) to be constipated (adj.) different, other, another

vinginevyo (kielezi) vingirika (ku-) vinjari (ku-) vipi (kielezi) vipodozi (n) viringa (ku-) virusi (n) visha, valisha (ku-) vita (n) vitamini (n) vitimbi (n) vivu (kivumishi) vivyo hivyo (kielezi) viza (n) vizia (ku-) vizuri (kielezi) vocha (n) vokali (n) voliboli (n) volkano (n) vono (n) vua (ku-) vuaza (ku-)

(adv.) otherwise, differently (v) to roll over (v.i) to loitter (adv.) How ? In which way (n) cosmetics (v) to roll something into a small ball (n) a virus (COMPUT & MED) (v) to assist isomebody n dressing or to dress him or her up (n) a war (n) a vitamin (n) odd actions or an unusual behaviour of somebody (adj.) lazy, idle (adv.) exactly (so) (n) a visa for entering other countries (v) to lay in ambush, ex. for an enemyʼs convoy (adv.) well done ! (n) a voucher (n) a vowel (n) volleyball (n) a volkano (n) a spring bed (v) to take off clothes (v) to slash : cut oneself or something; reduce prices significantly; reduce workforce, budget,charges, etc.

vugumiza, vungumiza (ku-)

vuguvugu (kivumishi) vuguvugu (kielezi) vuja (ku-)

(v) to hurl 1. to throw (something) violently 2. to shout violently

(adj.) lukewarm, tepid (adv.) tièdement (v) to leak, - give out an information which should have remained secret; dropping of a liquid in small quantities, out of its container

vuka (ku-) vuli (n) vuma (ku-) vuma (n) vumaika (ku-)

vumbi (n) vumbika (ku-) vumbua (ku-) vumilia (ku-) vumisha (ku-) vuna (ku-) vunda (ku-) vundevunde (n)

(v) to cross over (n) short rains, ex. for Tanzania itʼs around November-December. (v) to be famous or well known (n) a buzz (of a phone call, an insect, etc.) (v) to strive for something, to force oneself to do something

(n) dust (v) to force fruits to rippen (v) to invent (v) to bear, endure (v) to spread news (v) to harvest, to reap (v) to rot (n) fog, mist

vundo (n) vunga (ku-) vunja (ku-) vunjajungu (n) vuruga (ku-) vurugu, vurumai (n)

(n) a stinking, unsupportable smell (v) to cheat (v) to break, shatter, go against the law (n) a green grasshopper (v) to mess up ideas, a talk, things (n) a disorder, confusion

vusha (ku-)

(v) to help somebody to go (or take something) across a border, river, road, etc.

vuta (ku-) vutia (ku-) vuu (kielezi) vuvuzela (n)

(v) to pull (v) to attract, entice (adv.) rapidly (n) a vuvuzela

VVU Virusi Vya UKIMWI (n)


(n) The HIV virus


wa (ku-) wadhifa (n)

(v) to be (n) a rank (in army, police forces); a position in the hierarchy

wadia (ku-)

(v) full due in time by using a countdown while waiting for something, ex. a joyful event

wage (n)

(n) the little hairs on leaves of some plants, which, in coming into contact with skin they make itching, ex. the nettle

wahedi (kivumishi) (adj.) first wahi (ku-) (v) to be in time wajibika (ku-) (v) to be responsible, to answer for his or her actions; to be serious wajibisha (ku-) (v) to make someone responsible wajibu (n) (n) a duty, responsibility wajihi (n) (n) appearance, personality waka (ku-) (v) to burn, catch fire wakala (n)

(n) an agency, real estate, employment or a travel agency, matrimonial agency etc.

wakati (n) wakfu (n) wakili (n) wakilisha (ku-) wala (kielezi) walakini (n) wali (n) Wallahi (kielezi)

(n) time, period (n) a consecration (n) an advocate (v) to represent (adv.) neither... nor (n) a fault, blemish (n) cooked rice, while «mchele» is uncooked rice (adv.) in Godʼs Name

wamba (ku-)

(v) to strech over, overlay, ex. a cowhide

wando (n)

(n) 1. the www or World Wide Web 2. a spiderʼs web or a cobweb 3. argot : a web of lies

wanga (n) wango, viwango vya ubadilikaji (n)

(n) starch (n) calculus or computation (in mathematics)

wanguwangu (kielezi) (adv.) fastly, hastly, rapidly wania (ku-) (v) to fight for wanja (n) (n) an eye liner wao (kiwakilishi) (pron.) they wapi ? (kielezi) (adv.) Where ? wapi, lakini wapi (kielezi) (adv.) in vain, vainly waraka (n) (n) an epistle, a letter or a document of an important declaration waranti (n) (n) a guarantee, warranty waria (n) (n) a skilled person, somebody really good at doing something waridi (n) (n) a rose flower warsha (n) (n) a workshop wasaa (n) (n) an opportunity, a space, a chance washa (ku-) (v) to set on fire, ignite; to irritate, cause itching wasia / wosia (n) (n) a testament or will wasifu (n) (n) a biography wasili (ku-) (v) to reach destination wasiliana (ku-) (v) to communicate with wasilisha (ku-) (v) to deliver, hand over wasiwasi, wahka (n) (n) anxiety, doubts, worries wastani (n) (n) an average wavu (n) (n) a net waya (n) (n) a wire, a cable wayawaya (ku-) (v) to sway, stagger wayo / uwayo (n) (n) a foot -print wawa (ku-)

wayowayo (n) waza (ku-) wazi (kivumishi)

(v) to have the body itch after being stung by certain insects or after having touched a plant like nettle, or due to an allergy (n) worries, problems (v) to think, imagine (adj.) clear, open

wazia (ku-) wazimu, wehu (n) waziri (n) waziwazi (kielezi) wazo (n) wazua (ku-)

(v) to give thought to (somebody or something) (n) frenzy, madness (n) a minister (adv.) clearly (n) an idea, a thought (v) to think deeply

wee ! (kihisishi)

(interj.) Hey, you !

An expression for attracting attention

weka (ku-) (v) to put, ex. to put children in bed wekeza, wezesha (ku-) (v) to enable wekundu (n) (n) redness wema (n) (n) goodness, kindness wembamba (n) (n) slenderness, slimness wembe (n) (n) a razor blade wengu (n) (n) a spleen wenzi (n) (n) comradeship, friendship wenzo (n) (n) a pulley wepesi (n) (n) lightness, easiness werevu (n) (n) cleverness, cunning, intelligence weupe (n) (n) brightness, whiteness weusi (n) (n) darkness, blackness wewe (kiwakilishi) (pers. pron.sing.) you weweseka (ku-) (v) to move in bed while dreaming weza (ku-) (v) to be able to wezekana (ku-) (v) to be possible wia (ku-) (v) to owe wifi (n) (n) a sister-in-law wigi (n) (n) a wig wika (ku-) wiki (n) wikiendi (n) wilaya (n) wima (kivumishi) wimbi (n) wimbo (n) winchi / winji (n) winda (ku-)

(v) to crow, «jogoo anawika» = a co*ck crows (n) a week (n) a weekend (n) a district (adj.) upright (n) a wave (n) a hymn, song (n) a winch (v) to hunt

winga (ku-) (v) to run after or to chase by chase (someone or something) by running after wingi (n) wingu (n) wino (n) witiri / witri (n) wito (n) wivu (n) wizara (n) wizi / wivi (n) wodi (n) woga (n)

(n) plural, abundance, plenty (n) a cloud (n) ink (n) an odd number (n) a calling, a vocation (n) jealousy (n) a ministry (n) a theft, a robbery (n) a ward (in a hospital) (n) cowardice, fear

wokovu (n) wongofu (n) wororo (n)


(n) salvation (n) righteousness, virtuousness, a good quality (n) softness, tenderness, indulgence, lenience


yaani (kiunganishi) yabisi (kivumishi) yai (n) yake (kimilikishi) yakinifu (kivumishi) yaliyomo (n)

(conj.) that is to say... (adj.) dry, hard, breakable (n) an egg (poss. pron) his, hers (adj.) logical, true (n) 1.contents (of a container or a given document) 2. contents (or a guide for a book)

yamini (n) (n) an oath yamkini, yumkini (kielezi) (adv.) probably yamkinika, yumkinika (ku-) (v) to be probable yangeyange (n) (n) a white reef heron yao (kimilikishii) (poss. pron.) their, theirs yasmini (n) (n) a jasmin flower yatima (n) (n) an orphan yaya (n) (n) an ayah, a nurse yavuyavu (kivumishi) (adj.) spongy yenu (kimilikishi) (poss. pron.) yours yetu (kimilikishi) (poss. pron.) our, ours yeye (kiwakilishi) (pers. pron.) he, she yeyuka (ku-) (v) to dissolve yeyusha (ku-) (v) to make dissolved yowe (n) (n) a strident shouting yoyoma (ku-) (v) to disappear yumba (ku-) (v) to sway, to be unstable in a planned mouvement yungiyungi (n) (n) a water lily yunifomu (n) (n) a uniform



zaa (ku-) zaliana(ku-)

(v) to bear a child (v) to reproduce

zaba (ku-) zabibu (n) zaburi (n) zagaa (ku-) zahama, zahma (n) zahanati (n) zaidi (kielezi) zaituni, zeituni (n) zaka (n)

(v) to hit, slap (n) grape (n) a psalm (v) to spread fire, disease (n) a confusion, hustle (n) a dispensary, or a community clinic (adv.) more (n) olive (n) a religious offering, sacrifice

zalisha (ku-)

(v) 1. to produce products, wealth, services 2. to help to give birth

zama (ku-) zamani (kielezi) zambarau (kivumishi) zamia (ku-)

(v) to drown (adv.) formerly, a long time ago (adj.) purple (v) to dive, stowaway

zamu (n)

(n) 1. a shift for someone (at work, in a group shift sytem) 2. somebodyʼs turn to play in a community game

zana (n) zao (n) zatiti (ku-) zawadi (n) Zebaki / zaibaki (n) Zebaki sayari (n) zeeka (ku-)

(n) an equipment, tool (n) harvest (v) to be ready and responsive for something, ex. an event (n) a present (n) Mercury (n) The Planete Mercury (v) to become old, wear out

zege, saruji (n) zembea (ku-) zeruzeru (n) zeze (n) zezeta (n) ziada (n) ziara (n) ziba (ku-) zibua (ku-) zidi (ku-) zidisha (ku-) zidiwa (ku-) zigizaga (n) zii ! (kihisishi)

(n) concrete (v) to be irresponsable (n) Albino (n) a banjo, a fiddle (n) a person with mental problems, an idiot (n) a surplus (n) a visit (v) to fill up a hole or a crack in a wall, on the ground, etc. (v) to uncork (ex.a bottle of wine), to unstop (v) to increase, be more (v) to multiply (v) to be outpassed, overwhelmed (n) zigzag (interj.) to show a direct disapproval on a poor performance, ex. in soccer

zika (ku) zikua (ku-) zima (ku-) - zima (kivumishi) zimia, zirai (ku-) zimika (ku-)

(v) to bury someone dead or a corpse of an animal (v) to unbury (v) to extinguish (adj.) alive, whole (v) to faint or lose consciousness (v) to go out (ex.fire, light)

zimisha (ku-) zimwi (n) zinaa (n) zindika (ku-) zindua (ku-) zinduka (ku-) zingatia (ku-) zingira (ku-) zini (ku-) zinifu (kivumishi) zipu (n) ziwa (n) zizi (n) zoa (ku-) zoea (ku-) zoeza, zoesha (ku-) zoezi (n) zogo (n) Zohali / Satuni zomea (ku-) zorota (ku-) Zuhura / Venasi zuga akili (ku-) zuia (ku-) zuizi ki- (n) zuka (ku-) zulia (n) zungumza (ku-)

(v) to put out (ex. fire, light) (n) an ogre (n) adultery, fornication (v) to protect by charm (v) to inaugurate (v) to come back to oneʼs senses ( after fainting or a shock) (v) to bear in mind, to think of, observe (v) to encircle, round up (v) to practice adultery (adj.) adulterous (n) a zip (n) a lake (n) a stable, cowshed (v) to sweep up, ex. rubbish (v) to get used to (v) to accustom to (n) an exercise (n) a clamour (n) The Planet Saturn (v) to shout insults at somebody (in public) (v) to stagnate (n) the Planet Venus (v) to hypnotise (v) to prevent (n) an obstacle (v) to emerge, appear suddenly (n) a carpet (v) to talk, speak, discusse, gossip, make speeches interviews, etc.

zungusha (ku-)

zuri (kivumishi) zuru (ku-) zurura (ku-) zusha (ku-) zuzuka (ku-)

(v) 1. to surround with endless appointments 2. to turn things around and round 3. to keep someone waiting for months by telling true lies (adj.) good, nice, fine (v) to visit, to make a tour (v) to loiter or wander about aimlessly (v) to start some news without proofs or facts (v) to be confused

























Inafaa kuzingatiwa kwamba :

1. Herufi mbili Q na X hazimo kwenye abjadi ya Kiswahili. 2.

Herufi C hutamkwa kama «Ch», kwa mfano kwenye matamshi ya maneno «chai», «chakula».

3. Kujifunza Kiswahili siyo vigumu sana kwani : i. Wingi wa maneno yake hutamkwa jinsi yalivyoandikwa ii. JInsia zipo kama katika lugha nyingine duniani, bali usisitizaji wake kwenye mazungumzo au kwenye maandishi ni hafifu zaidi, kwani onyesho la jinsia hufanywa vinginevyo iii. Sarufi (grammar) ya Kiswahili ni nyepesi pia kujifunza, kwani - hakuna «articles», haina mikazo ya sauti (accents) wakati wa mazungumzo - hakuna alama za mikazo, shadda kwenye maandishi, n.k iv. Kwenye matamshi, hakuna herufi muhimu kuliko nyingine (k.mfano H «aspiré», «muet». kwenye matamshi ya Kifaransa); hakuna matamshi ya kooni, n.k v. Kutoka fonetiki ya Kiswahili, ni « ngʼ » tu inatumia pua kwenye matamshi yake. Wakati mwingine usemi huu unasikika pia kwenye matamshi ya «n», «ng»,na «ny».


4. A. Iwapo kwa bahati mbaya wakati wa mazungumzo / kuandika unabadili herufi au kuzichanganya, maana ya neno inaweza kubadilika kabisa. Mifano 1

«UA» (n) = mmea «FLEUR» na KUUA (v) = «TUER» wakati «AU» ni kiunganishi = «OU», pour indiquer une alternative, une approximation

2 «KATAKATA» (v) = émincer na «TAKATAKA» (n)

= des ordure

B. Kama unabadilisha herufi moja au zaidi kwenye matamshi yako, maana ya maneno inabadilika kabisa, na huenda usieleweke unachotaka kusema au kuuliza !

Changing a letter for another may totally change the meaning of what you intend to say to your listeners !

Mifano / examples : 1

HAJA (n) = besoins (surtout le besoin naturel (WC))


MAJI (n) = de lʼeau (n.f)

MAVI (n)

3 SIMU (n) = Un / le téléphone

HAYA (n) = la honte HAYA ! = «Dʼaccord !» = du caca, des excréments

SIMO (v) = «Je suis absent-e»


4 HATI (n) = un document 5 PILI (adv) = deuxièmement

HATIA (n) = un crime PILIPILI (n) = le poivre, (légume = le poivron)

6 TEKA (v.t) = TIRER quelque chose de ...

(n Pluriel :ma- ) mateka = des otages


ADVANSI (n) = an advance



BAISKELI = a bicycle



BENKI = a bank


BIBLIA = A Bible

AKSELERETA = an accelerator BASI = a bus


BILI A bill (or a note ot expenditure in a hotel) Also : a bill of law, - tabled before an approval as a law by a government


CHENJI = exchange


DANSI = a danse

9 11

DAKTARI = a doctor DAZANI / DAZENI = a dozen


DEPO = a deposit


DEREVA = a driver


DESIMALI = a decimal


DESILITA = a decilitre


DIGRII = a degree


DIKTETA = a dictator


DIZELI = Diesel


DRAGONI = a dragon


GITAA = a guitar

21 22 24



Democracy 23

DRILI = a drill




ERIO / ERIELI = aerial


EROPLENI = an airplane


FANICHA = furniture


FILAMU = a film


FOMU = a form



GESI = a gas


GEREJI = a garage GOLI = a goal


GOLIKIPA = a goalkeeper



HOSPITALI = a hospital



IKWETA = The Equator



ISLAMU = Islam



KEMIKALI = a chemical


KONSONANTI = a consonant


LIFTI = a lift


KWAYA = a choir

HELIKOPTA = a helicopter HOTELI = a hotel INSPEKTA = an inspector JAJI = a judge




NUSUKAPUTI = anaesthetic, ex.Chloroform. Of German origin «KAPUTT», which gives « - kaputi» in Kiswahili ...


OVATAIMU = overtime


PARACHUTI = a parachute

51 53

PENTEKOSTE = Pentecost REDIO A radio La radio

PEDALI = a pedal


POSTA = Post



SANDAWICHI = a sandwich


SAYANSI = Science



56 58


= Rail, railway

SAKRAMENTI = a sacrament sem*nTI / SIMENTI = cement

SIGARA / SIGARETI = Cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos


STATA = a starter (for a car)


SHULE = a school


TAI = a tie


Of German origin :


«Die Schule»


TRENI = a train


TIKITI = a ticket






DATA = Data




VIDEO = a video


a uniform

A disk, - hard, floppy, soft etc.


DISKETI = a diskette


DIVIDIROMU = a dvd-rom




MENYU = Menu


MEZA = a table ( in an office)


MODEMU = a modem


MONITA , SKRINI = a monitor, a screen


PRINTA = a printer


PROGRAMU = a programme, a program


PROSESA / KICHAKATO = a processor


SIDIROMU = a cd-rom



= a keyboard


FOTOKOPI = a photocopy MAUSI / KIPANYA = a mouse

The word «MEZA» is of Portuguese origin

SKENA = a scanner

5. B. MANENO YANAYORUDIA / REPEATING WORDS Ukisikiliza matamshi ya maneno haya utafikiri kwamba mzungumzaji ana kigugumizi. Siyo kigugumizi, ni Kiswahili ... En écoutant ces mots suivants, lʼauditeur peut facilement croire quʼil est en face dʼun -e bègue ! Il nʼen est rien, car ce nʼest pas un bégaiement en sens propre ou figuré, ce sont des mots en Kiswahili :


un des habits porté par des femmes Muslumanes, une araignée

CHAPUCHAPU (kielezi)

(adv.) vite




(n) un tamis


(n) des cellules dʼune toute matière vivante, - du corps humain, des animaux, des oiseaux, des plantes. etc.


près du sol ou de la surface de lʼeau (dʼun lac, mer, océan) (n) dik - dik est un très petit antelope vivant dans des broussailles en Afrique Orientale et dans le Sud du continent africain


doute (n.m)


élever un enfant sans punition, sans encadrement


(n) des feux dʼartifice

GAAGAA / GARAGARA (ku-) GOIGOI (kivumishi, n)

se tortiller à cause de douleur (sur un lit ou ailleurs)

(n et adjectif) fainéant-e, une personne faible et paresseuse

HANGAHANGA (kivumishij)

(adj.) angoissé (e)


(n.f) célébrations

ji*zOAZOA (ku-)

se lever et marcher péniblement, à cause de la maladie, vieillesse ou les deux.

JUUJUU opposite of CHINICHINI (kivumishi) JUZIJUZI (kielezij)

(adv.) récemment


émincer (adv.) beaucoup, tout plein


(adj.) sans profondeur, artificiel

la nausée face à terre ex. dormir sur le ventre


lʼululement, hululement (n.m)


clairement, net,intelligemment


la choléra

KISEBUSEBU (n, kivumishi)

(adj.) prétentieux (-use)

KISIRISIRI (kielezi)


(adv.) secrètement le torse, le tronc


une confusion causée par des malentendus


un escargot


en prison, en garde à vue

KOTEKOTE / KOTE (kielezi)

(adv.) partout


une commemoration

KUUKUU (adj)

vieux/ vieille; usagé -e



(n. m) le hoquet le hoquet


un manque dʼaffirmation de soi pour des Personnes, manque de solidité pour des choses


affligé-e au point de pleurer


un durillon

MBALIMBALI (adv) (adj)

séparément différent - e

MBUMBUMBU / ZUZU (n) un -e imbécile NUNGUNUNGU (n) OMBAOMBA (n)

un hérisson un -e mendiant -e


en désodre

PESAPESA /PEPESA (v) cligner les yeux en mouvements saccadés ou vite


doucement, lentement


au détail, (la vente au détail)


un absorbant, - ex. lʼéponge

SAWASAWA (adv) Correctly, equally

correctement, également


des festivités

SHELISHELI (n) a bread-fruit : un énorme fruit tropical, vert en couleur, consommé crû ou après avoir été pelé et cuit


un fruit tropical, de couleur rouge, que lʼon mange cru


faire quelque chose avec hésitation


un poisson de haute mer de la famille de martin-pêcheur


des ordures



un tracteur XL, utilisé pour des travaux sur les chaussées Exemple dʼun marque : «CAT, or CATAPILLER»



anxiété, doutes


clairement (voir «KINAGANAGA»)


un héron un nénuphar

ZERUZERU (n+kivumishi)

Albino (n+adj.)

Swahili to English Dictionary - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.