UI Developer Resume Dublin, OH - Hire IT People (2024)

Ui Developer Resume

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Dublin, OH

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  • 7+Years of extensive experience as a Front - End UI Developer with solid understanding of database designing, development and installation of different modules.
  • Professional understanding of System development life cycle (SDLC) as well as various phases such as Analysis Design, Development and Testing.
  • Expert in developing User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications using JavaScript, JSP, XUL, HTML5 /DHTML, DOM, XHTML, jQuery, CSS3, and Ajax.
  • Experience applying the latest software development approaches including MVC, event - driven applications using AJAX, Object Oriented (OO) JavaScript, JSON and XML.
  • Expert in HTML5/CSS3 development and have strong experience in React.js, Require.js, node.js, angular.js, Ext.js, Responsive design.
  • Experience in designing UI patterns and UI applications with the help of Adobe products like Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator CS3.
  • Experienced in using Front End editors like Web Storm, Intelli J, TextMate, Sublime Text3 and Microsoft Expression Web.
  • Used SVN,GIT, GIT HUBfor version control and ClearQuest for bug fixing.
  • Extensive experience in creating style guides, best practices and setting UI standards for enterprise/consumer applications.
  • Experience in using various tools and IDEs for development and design like Netbeans, XAMPP, Notepad++, and Adobe Photoshop.
  • Expert in designing web applications and web contents utilizing various Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques.
  • Experience on working with CSS Background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding, CSS table, Pseudo classes, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors in CSS.
  • Good Knowledge in using Dojo Components and integrating back-end applications with AJAX driven web 2.0 front-end using OO JavaScript framework.
  • Proficient in Object Oriented Design/Development (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Model View Control (MVC) design pattern and Test Driven Development (TDD).
  • Sound knowledge in working with browsers compatibility issues with browsers like IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome.
  • Strong experience in writing and updating the technical documents on daily basis with the changes made to the existing environment on daily basis.
  • Excellent analytical, logical and programming skills, Self Motivated, Self-Starter, and Team Player, can work with minimal supervision. Effective Communication, Organizational and Time management skills.


Web Technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS2/CSS3, DHTML, XML, XHTML, XSLT, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, Apache

JavaScript Libraries: Ext JS 2.0/1.0, React.js, Node.js, Require.js, angular.js

IDE's and Tools: Eclipse IDE, NetBeans, Dreamweaver, Firebug, Developer Tools, EditPlus, JSfiddle, Webstrom, Sublimetext

Development Tools: Adobe Photoshop CS5, Google Ad Words, Yahoo Search Marketing(spring tool suite)

Publishing Tools: Adobe PageMaker, MS Office

Wire Frame Tools(wire frame): Adobe Illustrator CS3(basic idea on wire frame and visual design)

Debugging Tools: Firebug, BugZilla, (internet explorer)

Databases: PL/SQL(oracle), MySQL, MSSQL, SAP

Operating Systems: Windows XP/Vista/7/8, MAC OS X


Confidential, Hoffman Estates,IL

Sr. Node.js Developer


  • Designed and developed the application using Agile Methodology and followed TDD and Scrum.
  • Created proof-of-concept using responsive web design, Node js, React js.
  • Developed the Product Builder UI screens using Material Angular-JS with SAP as backend.
  • Developed Angular-JS components such as controllers, Services, filters, models and used Httpservice for rest service invocation.
  • Creating custom use modules and components, which extend the elements and modules of core Angular-JS.
  • Developed custom directives (for simultaneous file uploads) and created Angular JS services to consume in controllers.
  • Configured routing in the single page application promoting rich user experience.
  • Designed and developed the Simulator API for Amazon S3.
  • Maintained AWS infrastructure and developed back end services.
  • Used AWS SQS with JMSAPI for asynchronous communication by keeping messages in the Message queue.
  • Developed unit testing for angular components using Mocha, Chai,Gulp, Karma, Istanbul and Protractor.
  • Created custom angular filters to filter the data based on user selection in bootstrap dropdowns.
  • Implemented angular form validations and used bootstrap to show error, warning and info messages
  • Implemented AngularJS filterto make the datasearchableandsortable.
  • Used Angular JSframework for building web-apps and is highly efficient with PHP framework.
  • Developed front-end code withAjax callinAngularJSandJqueryto retrieve data asJSON Objectfrom controllers in back-endRESTfulServer, then display the well organized result in web pages by writingAngularJS controller, directives, services,androute providers.
  • Designed and developed rich front-end screens using JSF, JSP, Docker, CSS, HTML, AngularJS and JQuery.
  • Functionalities
  • Created Collections and documents and performed CRUD operations with Mongo repositories.
  • Developed API usingNode.jsto allocate access to data in SQL, MongoDB.
  • Written variety of filter queries in MongoDB to retrieve JSON data and passed to service layer.
  • Implemented AmazonWeb services by applying SOA concepts in conjunction with SOAP.
  • Used Web Services for sending and getting data from different applications using WSDL messages, such as task details from Work distribution, Getting the status on the same, etc.
  • Used Apache AXIS on Eclipse Web Tools platform for developing creating the Web Services. Integrated with Spring IOC while implementing Web services.
  • Created Node.js Express server combined with Socket.io to build MVC framework from AngularJS Front End to MongoDB Back End to provide chatting service.
  • Used Spring declarative transaction management and Spring Batch and scheduling for backend data processing.
  • ImplementedNormalization rules using regular expressions for minor parties.
  • Implemented RESTFul webservices API using HTTP and REST principles.
  • Created features including Single Sign On with existing client website and a REST API to expose manipulation functionality to external clients using AngularJS.
  • Built RESTful API server to achieve CRUD operations for posts using Jersey, JAX-RS, JSON, spring REST using MEAN stack(MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js) Technologies.
  • Works with business analysts and coordinates with them to make sure the data is being populated properly.
  • Involved in working, updating and closing the tasks created in Microsoft Team Foundation Server.
  • Involved in converting the docket conversion system is to into XML that can be loaded into the Novus system.
  • Worked with WAS admin to deploy applications on Websphere Application Server.
  • Involved in Parsing the HTML and ENCRYPTED Data in to readable format and generate XML.
  • Used Node.js for creating event driven frameworks in scalable networks.
  • Formulated template with JSON data from Rest API endpoint using AngularJS routing services and used its Cache services in it.
  • Developed a modularized application using n-tierJ2EE architecture, application server, spring framework, Hibernate.
  • Worked with AEM team to administer environments to ensure configuration is optimized as per requirements.
  • Did the application support on different environments from QA to Production.
  • Was responsible for analyzing the issues, providing technical & functional support to the users and fix them.
  • Involved in Writing and Executing SQL Scripts and responsible for fixing the issues and monitoring it to make sure it releases in time.
  • Day to Day Scrum meetings to update and discuss issues.
  • Involved in fixing the bugs biweekly iteration and publishing the Dockets to all Environments.

Environment: Angular-JS 1.3, React JS, Node.js, Angular-UI, Jersey, Mocha, Chai, Karma, Istanbul,Gulp,Ldap,Hibernate,Agile,Websphere,Oracle11g,Unix,Eclipse,Brackets,TFS,SQL,Maven,Jenkins,Mongo DB,Webservices,JUnit.

Confidential, Dublin, OH

Sr. Node.js Developer


  • Designed and developed the application using Agile methodology and followed TDD, Scrum, pair programming.
  • Wrote Technical design document with the class, sequence, activity diagrams in each use case.
  • React js tools are used to built server side java code script.
  • Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using Jquery, JavaScript and AngularJS.
  • Implemented J2EE design patterns such as Session Facade, Factory, DAO and DTO.
  • Worked with Angular JS MVC framework including authoring complex directives, services, controllers and filters.
  • Customized Angular JS filters in several locations to get the required output.
  • Implemented Angular Controllers to maintain each view data.
  • Utilized Angular.JS UI-bootstrap components like time picker, directives, model pop-ups, ng-grid, router, progress bar, ng-Idle, ng-Upload.
  • Implemented flexible routing and nested using Angular.JS-ui-router. Used Bootstrap and media queries to create a Responsive Webpage across different screen-sizes.
  • Integrated the service call with UI using $http and $resources which are substitutes for AJAX in angular.
  • Developed various reusable Helper and Utility classes that are used across all the modules of the application.
  • Designed and developed Business components and Integrated with Spring framework.
  • Wrote data Components for Plan Setup, wrote and called StoredProcedures using Java, HQL, Hibernate.
  • Involved in configuring and integrating Spring and Hibernate frameworks.
  • Involved in design and implementation of MVC architecture in different modules.
  • Responsible for writing utility classes, UI development using JSP, CSS3, HTML, JavaScript, Angular.
  • Integrated business layer using Hibernate with Spring DAO.
  • Used Angular JS Factories and Services to make Ajax calls or Restful Calls to get data in JSON Format.
  • Used Angular JS Directives like ng-app, ng-model, ng-initforinitialization of Angular JS application data.
  • Played key role in the design and development of application usingJ2EEand Rest web service(Jersey frameworks) for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with JSON.
  • Responsible for working on consuming and producing SOA/Web Services.
  • Designed and Developed web services using JAX-WS, SOAP, JAXB, Apache CXF. Exposing and consuming the web services to the downstream applications using Apache CXF and Apache camel.
  • Used AngularJS $http, ngResources services for accessing content from Rest web services, provided custom services to integrate database with view pages along with pagination, Sorting of data, deep linking (AngularJS route service)
  • Implemented Angular JS Service layer with utility functions to get data from back end using Rest based service calls and pass back to Angular Controllers.
  • Designing user Interface using Angular UI components such as tabs, grids, dropdowns etc and configured the routing service using Angular-JS router.
  • Developed REST service documentation using Swagger UI anddevelopedtest cases using Junit andMockitoframework.
  • Developed REST exception handling controller advices to respond to bad requests and server side exceptions.
  • BuildRESTweb service by buildingNode.jsServer in the back-end to handle requests sent from the front endjQuery Ajax calls.
  • Created RESTful APIs in Express and returned logic through AngularJS data binding.
  • Used MongoDB to import the data into and feed into web services and displayed it onto the browser.
  • Used Spring Batch to build thePOJO-based development approach of theSpring Framework.
  • Wrote the DAO’s to access the database using JDBC calls.
  • Involved in writing REST Web services in Groovy/Grails wrapped by Jersey JAX-RS.
  • Involved in using JPA (Java Persistence API) frameworks and APIs such as JDO (Java Data Objects) and Hibernate.
  • Implemented Spring Bean Factory to create proxied object using AOP framework.
  • Used AngularJS Global API to perform tasks like Comparing objects, Iterating objects and Converting data.
  • Performed document and collection mappings with Spring and MongoTemplate.
  • Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, WSDL and XML.
  • Designed & developed LDAP Authentication & Authorization Service using Java, LDAP, JNDI.
  • Involved in transforming XML data in to Java Objects using a JAXB binding tool.
  • Responsible for configuring and deploying the builds on Tomcat Web Server.
  • Involved in the Performance Tuning of the Application on client side.
  • Used Angular JS$http service to read data from remote servers.
  • Worked on JavaScript framework to augment browser based applications with MVC capability.
  • Involved in developing HTMLand JavaScript for client side presentation and, data validation within the forms.
  • Wrote notification service that executes daily, sends emails and escalations to participants.
  • Involved in Unit & Integration Testing for different Modules in the application.
  • Wrote build & deployment scripts using ANT, Maven, shell scripts and JACL on unix env.
  • Used Oracle Coherence in Java Collection API to access and modify data, and the JavaBean event model to receive data change notifications.

Environment: J2EE/J2SE, Java 7.0, Java Script, Angular JS, Node.js,Spring Frame Work, Spring Batch, Hibernate, JDBC, JMS, Apache Axis 2.0, MongoDB,Tomcat Web server, LDAP, WSDL, SOA, SOAP, XML, HTML, Log 4j,RAD 7, Oracle, SunOS (UNIX), Sub Version, Maven and Windows 7.

Confidential, Mountain View, CA

Front END UI Developer


  • Involved in Requirements and Analysis Understanding the requirements of the client and the flow of the application as well as the application Framework.
  • Designed and Developed User Interactive (UI) of Web pages with the help of HTML5, HTML, CSS3, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap and AJAX.
  • Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for web application, page navigation and form validation.
  • Created Master Pages, CSS Styles Sheets and Integrated to Silver light and got approval from Business Stake holders.
  • Involved in the creation of interface to manage user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using angular.js, node.js, Backbone.js, Require.js, EXTJS and JQuery.
  • Familiar with version control systems likeGITHUB.
  • Involved in developing XML, HTML, and JavaScript for client side presentation and, data validation on the client side with in the forms.
  • Used the Node.js and backbone.js MVC Frameworks in the development of the web applications.
  • Involved in Enhancement of existing application utilizing JSP, Created HTML navigation menu that is role based menu items changes dynamically, derived from the database in the form of XML.
  • Designed and developedUser Interface Web Forms using Adobe Flash, CSS, Dreamweaver, and JavaScript.
  • Implemented CSS3 and JavaScript based navigation system visually identical to previous table-based system to improve ease of maintenance and organic search engine placement.
  • Used XML Web Services using SOAP to transfer the amount to transfer application that is remote and global to different financial institutions.
  • Worked with Agile software lifecycle methodologies. Create design documents when and as required. Perform coding, debugging and testing.
  • Developed web services using SOAP, WSDL and Apache Axis which helped communicating through different modules of the application.
  • Involved in writing various SQL Queries and PL/SQL stored procedures to satisfy various business requirements of the application.
  • Responsible for cross browser compatibility and hence exposure to popular browsers.
  • Successfully executed all the test cases and fixed any bugs/issues identified during the test cycles.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, JSP, XML, Bootstrap, angular.js, Backbone.js, Require.js,GIT, GITHUB, Node.js, Ext.js, AJAX, Adobe Flash, Dreamweaver, agile, SOAP, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle, Windows.

Confidential, Houston, TX

UI Developer


  • Responsible for developing the presentation layer using JSP, HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS, AJAX, Custom Tags, Struts-Html tag library and Apache Tiles.
  • Designed and development of Web pages using PHP, HTML, CSS including Ajax controls and XML.
  • Developed data insertion forms and validated them using JavaScript.
  • Familiar with version control systems likeGITHUB.
  • Created and maintained the framework and layout of each portal with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
  • Used JavaScript and XML to update a portion of a web page thus reducing bandwidth usage and load time and add modal dialog in web pages to get user input and requests.
  • Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens and used DHTML to make dropdown menus on web pages and display part of a web page upon user request.
  • Utilized new software methodologies to be able to adapt to changes in requirements quickly.
  • Modified code in a web database in Report definition and user profile forms, Users request access to different reports on web, Developed views to display data.
  • Debugged the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM Functions using Firefox and IE Developer Tool bar for IE.
  • Validated input values to make sure that they will be accepted before they are submitted to the server.
  • Developed SQL scripts for data migration.

Environment: Java Script, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery, High charts, DOM, DHTML, XHTML, XML, XSL, SQL Server,GIT, GITHUB and Windows XP.


Web UI Developer


  • Redesigned the existing site and to create new interfaces.
  • Used Dreamweaver as Html editor for designing new pages.
  • Responsible for content and UI development.
  • Developed HTML prototypes and ready XHTML documents with CSS style sheets.
  • Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for web application, page navigation and form validation.
  • Worked closely with the programmers and graphic designers for project requirement and analysis.
  • Produced GUI prototypes for business logic presentations.
  • The new website has made it much easier for the users to access the page and check the required info.
  • Created Stored Procedure, Trigger for database access and events.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JQuery, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Javascript, XMLJavaScript, MySQL.

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UI Developer Resume Dublin, OH -  Hire IT People (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.